CHESS OLYMPICS Final Standings, Premier Section Soviet Union

CHESS OLYMPICS Final Standings, Premier Section Soviet Union

OUR MEN IN HAVANA Evans, Addison, Be nko, Fischer, Ros$olimo, R. Byrne, and Team Captain D. Byrne U.S. TEAM FINISHES AHEAD OF FIFTY COUNTRIES IN XVII CHESS OLYMPICS Final Standings, Premier Section Soviet Union .................... ..39 % Rumania .............. ................26 % United States ......... ............. 34% EillS t Germany ...... .............. 25% Hungary .............................. 33 '/2 Denmark .............................. 20 Yugoslavi a ................. ......... 33 leehlnd ................................ 18% Argentina ............................ 30 Sp"in .................................... 18 Czechosl ovaki. ... ... .............. 29% Norway ................................ 14 Bulga ria .............................. 281h Cuba .................................... 12 Special in our next issue: Detailed re port by Larry Evans Cover photo ftlTll ished by Nicolas RO$$olimo 1:< UNITED STATES ~ Volume- XXI :"' umber I I November, 1966 EDITORS: Lt. Colonel E. B. EdmondS() n and Wm. Go lchberg CHESS FEDERATION PRESIDENT Marshall Rohland VICE·PRESIDENT CONTENTS lsue Kashdan REGIONAL VICE·PRESIDENTS NEW ENGLAND Jamel Bolton Harold Dondla " Get Smart" Extended ." .. , .......... , .. , ................ , ... .. ... .... .............. .. , ..... 260 Ell Bourdon EASTERN Robert LaBene Lew\. E. Wood. Pawn Mass or Pawn Mess?, by Robert Byrne ... ... ... ...... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .... 261 Ml~h. e l Raimo MID.ATLANTIC Earl Clary Twenty Spring Events Regi stered in NTCP .. ... .. .. .. ..... .. .......................... 263 Steve CarrUlhcrt Robert Erkel SOUTHERN PhUlp LImb Chess Ufe, Here a nd There ............................................ 263·287-291-294 P<lle r Lilld. Canoll M. Crull GREAT LAK•• Could W. IIUdl ... Defending My Title, by Pol Benko .................................. .. .................. 2~ Dr. Harvel. MeClellan V . E. V an ..bur l' NORTH CI!NTItAL Dr. oeorl. Tie,. Zap! Zowie! Zuck! , by Bernard Zuckerman .. ...... .. .. .... ..................... ... 266 Robert Lerner K en Ryklr.en 1967 USCF Catolog ............................. .. ... ................................ .......... 267 SOUTHWESTIIitH W. W. Crew John A. Howell Put; Bishop Sovereigns a f the Si xty·Faur Squa res, by Ha rry Ma rkey .................... 288 PACIFIC Burrard Eddy Kennelh Jonu Col. Paul L. Webb Lorry Evans on Chess .... ..................... ............ " ...... ...... " ..... ,." ... ... ........ 292 SECRETARY Dr. Leroy Dubeck Tournament Life ..... .. ..... , .... ................. ................... ...... .. .. ....... ..... ..... ,., 295 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR E. B. Edmondson NATIONAL CHAIRMEN and OFFICERS ARMED FORCES CHIiS' .~ .~~ ........ Robert Karch COLLEGE CHiS$._.. .•__ ....... __ ...... _•. P.ul C. Jo.. INDUSTRIAL CHIiU. ._ .... .... S lanle y W. O. Kine INTERNATIONAL A"'AIR • ............ Jerr y Sp.nn Wum",'" lnter n.tlon . l. ............. Xathr)'n SI.ter JUNIOR CH.'S..... _ .. M................. MM.Robert Erke. MASTERS AFFAI RS ...... _._ ............... Robert lI ),me MEMBERSH IP ..... _........ ............... Don. ld Schliltz JOIN THE UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION NATIONAL OP.N_.... .. .............. Herman E".5lrad. USCF l.I • non-profit dem ocr.tlc Ol ••n1&at!on . the oUidal ,overnln. body Ind FIDE w:t. tor HOMIHATIONS .... H.H_.HH_.... _M_-Ftank Skoff RATINGS ....A IRING5.... ..... _. __ Arp.d E. Elo elle" in the USA. Any(lrle tnte:elted In . dvaneiD' Ame riu n cbell '"' ellAlble tor ce~ p . RATING- STATISTICIAN.M,MM.M.Wm. Cokhberr TAX DEDUCTI8ILITY,_MM.M ... M._Jl. rold DondiJI Memb.rshlp, lncllldin. CHESS lUE aubscrlptlon, ellrlbUity tor USCF-r;l U:!.&. a%Id all TOURHAMEHT AOM.",,_ .Qeor.e KoilanowlkJ prbil.... : I yr.: 5.00; 2. yn.: $$.50; S )'n.: 513.50; SUftaJllllll : " 0.00 Cbecomlq IIle l(e -= h nhlp TOURNAMENT RULI'5_."_,,J ame. She rwha after 10 pIOymenta); LIfe: ,100,00. "amll., Membennlp (two or more flllll.lIy me:::!>en ;It Ame COUNSEL .. TRIASURIR_-D.vld Uolfnl.ann K4rU;I, only ODe CHESS LIFE ...b«: ripUon): ratH u . bo,·e for nnt tlmlly :::ember. pilla U. S. CHAMPIONSHIP ... _.M.... ...uric e K.lper follo'llriq for each addlUonaJ meD'lber : 1 yr.: .,.110; 1 )'n.: S4.75; 3 yra..: 'US. U.S. OPEN _____ .M._H .... HH. __. __. W. B. Aldn WOMEN'S CHISS._.H_H.H ........... ___ Eva AronlOD CN~SS LIFE .. pubUJ;hed monthly by USCF .nd entered &1 _nck:tau lI:.Iu'r ;It &qt Dubuque, 0110011. NOD·member I .)'l'. , u blerlplion: ...00 (,5.00 outllde USA); linrle co.. ,, : 4oI)t (SOt WORLD CHESS FEDERATION outald. USA). Change of addr•• I : Allow , Ix WUQ noUce; pleue ~ve II' both the new addrUi (F.I.D.E.) .nd the old addnu, Includln, tit, number. and dllu on Ibe top line of )'our .enctl. Fred Cramer Vice·President. Zone 5 (U.S.A.) Address all communleaUoru, Ind mike all cheek. paY' ble to: ------- UNIT.D STATIiS CHESS FIDIItATION, to last 11th Strut, NEW YORK, N.Y. 100a 258 CHESS !.IFE A. BUJc~ke Since 1945 at • 80 EAST ELEVENTH STREET Specialist In NEW YORK, N.Y. 10003 CHESS LITERAT URE Telephone : AL 4-2555 since 1939 CHES S MAGAZ I NES A lekhlne M. mor lal Tourn.m.nt, MolCow ItS,. Complete liet of 16 Ru.l.!an bulletin l, un· Note: In addlUon t o the few runs of chell AVAILABLE AGAIN; bound, containing all 120 r .mea u well as maga.dnea Ust ed here. we h nve ru n ~, odd a rtlelu, cartoon., etc. ........................... _. $3 .00 voll. and odd nOI. of hundl'<!da of chua msgnlnu. bOund and u nbound, In dozens of R. SC HWARZ: DIE $IZILIANISCHE PARTIE CIOl h. (Unchanged repr h'I) __ . G e rm a n _~ $7.50 lan, ul llu; pleue leI us know what you a~ XII CHESS OLYMPICS, Moscow ItH. Com­ looklnll for . AI. o av.llable SC HWARZ's otht r Garm ln lete set of 25 Russian bu lletin" unbound, BOOKS ON OPENINGS: with all ],220 game" u well a ••r tlclel ot Ame r ican Che .. lI ulllt ln, 1945.1952. Complete SoU H.rd analyllcal and hlstorlcill Interest, cartoons, In o r iginal boun , unbound . •............ ...'15 .00 etc. ................. ..... ....................... ~ .... _. ................. $4.00 _ 194&- 1951. Comple te In o rh:lnal IMuc., uno 57 . ~ bound. ._ .. _._ ........... _. __ ._. __ ._ •. _ ....• _ .•.•.... ._ . • 17 .5 $3.00 Floh r, 5.10: Twelfth Chell T ournament of N.· $5.$0 tlons (XU Chess Olym pic., MO$cow 19$tI). SO Ch.... vol. 6 no. e8 t hrou llh v . 2.0 no. '152. &e lected games wllh nOle ...... _. __ .P_.$I.00 ()Jay 1941·Aul. 1 9 ~ ) . lacklnJ[ nos. 191 ·204 5U ' In vol. 11. Orll'n lll In ue., \In bound . .... $50.00 57.00 ON OPENINGS: Chell Amateur. yoll. 4·16 (0{ altogether U b~n !.u ~~.~~~.~.~!~._~~.~:.~~ ~.~. ~_: ._ ~~:~: _ :'~~~ $3.0• . __ .~_. ___. __ ..$2. "50 Chin " ews from RUI"". Mimeographed. Com- plete Itt (40 no•. ), unbound. No... 19 4 5 · J~1; .............. .. 53.00 Tartakow. r, Dr. S. G.: Fueh rend e MelJiter. 23 1947 . ..................................... .. ...... ........... ........... $ . SChachlndlv ldu alitacten In Ihr cm Wlrken lind Strcb<! n. Mit Euayl, Parllen und Dla· _ vol. 1 (26 nOI.) unbound .... ........... ......... $ 2.00 gramme n. Wlen 1912 I " B u~c h e r e l der Wiener _ "'01. D (12 no..) unbound ~ ... _. __ ._. ___ .$ 1.00 Sebach.Zeltu ng." Band 3), 112p. G. P .. _51 .oo Chill Review . 19U. or. ISSUu, unbound $10.00 " A m . lor contribut ion to Ame r ican ehe" T a rtakow' r, Dr. S. G.: Ne ue Sehachslerne (Der _ 1Q.t1, 1942, each missing .JunetJuly Issue.. problem Uteraturl ....." " Fue hrenden Mel.$te r" II. Tell) 30 Sehach . Or. W ues, unbooJnd . ................. _._ .. Each $ •.7 5 Indi ... lduIIH..aek fl In Illrem W lr ke n nnd £ulI/e ne AL BERT: St..., hen. Mil Essays, Partlen und am­ - IIH2 1943 1148. complele. Or. Issu es. Un. IDEAL.MATE CHESS PROBLEMS, 1964. men . Wlen 1935. (" Buecherel der WIl'nf! f bound.. ... .'... .......................... _............ Each ,, ' .15 problems. 767 of which are diag ram. Sehach-Zeltung," B.nd 4). 14-tp. G, P .-'l .00 _ 1~ 4 mU$ln1" Aur ';Sept. I nd Nov. Or. IAUU. wllh soluUon .. Unbound . __ ._..... ._ . .. _._. __ .... _... _ ... __ ........... .$ 6.00 eover (cloth): $6.5I1-Sofl co ... e r : $4.50 - 1Q4 6, 1947. Or. JUues. unbound. Each .... 5 5.00 _ 1946. 1947. Or. cloth " Annual." Each. ... • 6.15 -19~ m1ssInl" Dec.; 1951 ml,slnr Sept., 19 52 (May lsaue defect). Unbou nd. Each __ ' 5.00 Dr. H . KEIDANZ; W ic hmann, H. ns an" SII,frlld : CHESS. The - 1960, 1961. Or. lnun. unbound . Each .. _$ Slor y of Chel8plcce. t rom Antiqu ity to M od· '.00 THE COMPOSI T IO NS OF E. B. COOK, 1927. er n Time •. New YoM!. (liSt ). FoUO 328p. 196 - 1962 mlS$lnl" Ml f Ch . Or. In. unM.. ... $ 5.DO Only • few coplel left. Clotll: ' 7.50 platel, .orne color ed. Or l.(l nal price .fl5.00; Loose sh eetl, unbound: $5 ,00 FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY: ............ $9.95 L' lE eh lqule r (S rouel.; French). 19'28·1934. (IU 2, 1934 Of. I.. u u unnound, .-e. t bound; una need. rep. Ir). _.... _. ..... __ . __ ....... _...... ~ __ .. _1.. U .H W inte r, WIIII.m. , nd Wa" t , R. G.: The W orld Chess Ch ampionship ]95] Botvlnnlk v. Bron· steIn. (London, 1951). .._._ ........ _...... _$1 050 Sehech-Ma, adn (Vienna. Genna n). 1941.M.y 1 3~ P 1950; orieln. l \.uUes, unbound .........._. $ 7.50 For tha discriminat ing Colilcto r- luxur. loul ly printe d O .... rbrook PNIU book: U.S. CHESS FEDERATION YEAR BOOKS Shakhmaty u 1. 55 loci (Russian Ch ell Year- Com ins MAN S~' I ELD : 1'36·"46 book). 1955. Or. hillf d oth. .. ...... R. .•.....$ 2.50 ADVENTURES IN COMPOSITION_ (before 1939: American Ches, Federation - M IG .... all. ble RulSi.n Chul Year book, THE ART OF THE TWO·MO VE CHESS Ye.r 8 00n) fOf 1951)52 (doubl<! vol.), o r. hllf cloth. $ $.00 PRO BLE M, 1944 . Original h alf cloth. Limited edition lUll on W &. A n~ paper). 9 vob. 1935-1936. ]illl·19f O, 1941143. ]944·1946. - 1954: • $,00; 1956: 5 3.50; 1958/59 (double (OrlllnaUy 515.00) ...........

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