I n d e p e n d e n t . .it The Weekly Newspaper ☆ * ☆ Vol. 3, No. 18 Wednesday, March 7. 1973 Malawan. N.J. 15 Cents Hazlet tax rate to rise 8 cents, committee says Bv David Thaler adopted the 1973 municipal Mayor Herbert Kupfer said, taxation is $774,052, an H A Z L E T budget. but the school portion will increase of approximately The township tax rate will The municipal portion of rise one cent and the county $13,000. But appropriation’s rise from $5.09 to $5.17, the the tax rate will remain at rate is expected to increase for municipal purposes total Township Committee esti­ the 1972 level of 64 cents per seven cents. $1,756,243, an increase of mated last night after it $100 of assessed valuation. The amount to be raised bv $218,935.33 over the 1972 figure. Most of the increase— Council blasts busing policy change $187,306—■will be financed with federal revenue sharing funds. Tlie use of revenue sharing funds to offset recurring Edward Wilson, owner of Strand Theater, posts sign expenditures was questioned announcing cancellation of movie. (Staff Photo) Board to appeal cuts by former M ayor Joseph A. Morales. By David Thaler meeting “ a great waste of adopted an identical reso­ “ I think i t ’s a bad But Strand Theater to reopen MATAWAN tim e.” lution last night. practice," Morales said, The Board of Education The budget submitted to adding that the funds should The board’s offer, said tonight will ask the state voters last month provided be used for "new item s" or Lumia, "was ridiculous in commissioner of education $5,385,168 for current expens­ capital improvements. view of the vote against the to restore $150,000 to the es and $14,500 for capital “ One of the purposes of budget.” 1973-74 school budget. outlays. The councils have no revenue sharing,” said Kup­ Police grab The budget, defeated at the The board has called a control over the $813,338 fer, “ is to stabilize taxes. I polls Feb. 6 by almost a 2-1 special meeting for 8 tonight appropriated for debt think we've done that.” margin, was cut this week by at Ravine Drive School to service. Morales also challenged the borough and township vote on a resolution appeal­ Tlie councils cannot dic­ the increases in appropria­ councils. ing the cuts. tate where the cuts are to be tions for insurance. When the 'Deep Throat’ township changed insurance The councils and the board The Township Council made, and Councilman Hans brokers in 1971, he said, it met Thursday night in an Monday night approved a Froehiich charged Monday KEYPORT cutor, said Groome was in was assured it would save effort to negotiate an resolution setting the current that the board used the 'Hie Strand Theater will be Florida. $5,000 in premiums. acceptable budget figure. expense portion of the busing issue “ as a blackjack open for business tonight The councils asked the board over the heads of the Instead, said Morales, the Iwo days after il was closed Carton indicated that ad­ budget at $5,240,161 and the ditional charges would be to cut a total of $204,000—and councils.” committee went $17,000 over down by county and local capital outlay portion at fded against Wilson if the to restore $20,000 for busing. $9,500. The Borough Council (Continued on Page 4) (Continued 011 Page 3) police on obscenity charges. The board offered to cut a (heater continued to exhibit The theater had been total of $50,500 and to apply x-rated films. showing the controversial $30,000 from its surplus to "We have a search x-rated film "Deep Throat" current expenses, reducing warrant," Carton said. “ If lo near-capacity crowds the amount to be raised by they get another film, we'll Police weigh pay offer twice a night. ’Hie film, ruled taxation by $80,500. grab that, too.” obscene by a New York court The $20,000 needed to MATAWAN BOROUGH said, but he predicted that a made its final oiler. last week, was confiscated. Although the prosecutor's continue busing all students Police are still weighing a salary settlement would be Off-duty P B A members Also confiscated was the office "might take action” now riding to school, the second contract offer made reached before the next picketed Borough Hall “ lo let co-feature, “ Love for Sale.” against other theaters, he board told the councils, by the Borough Council last council meeting (March 20). the public know" about what said, “ we're not going to go would reduce the total cuts to week, according to John There is a "b o n e of they felt was unfair treat- Edward Wilson, theater around and shut down every $60,500. Stockel, attorney for the contention,” he said, about menl by Ihe council. owner, was charged with x-rated film ." “ They were not cuts we Patrolm en’s Benevolent the salary guide for 1974. The At a last meeting Feb. "1, causing the exposure of nude Asked if he considered the liked,” said Board President Assn. proposed contract would the council agreed to re-open pictures and maintaining a charges against Wilson a test Stephen Levine, “ but they Tlie offer was made at a cover three years. negotiations, and the P B A nuisance. Tlie misdemean­ case, Carton said, "I don’t were cuts we could live negotiating session Feb. 27, Tlie PBA contract expired agreed to halt the demon­ ors carry a maximum think so. There’s not much w ith.” and the P B A was to have met Dec. 31, but police have been strations. penally of three years question about what’s going “ They gave us a number Monday night to vote on the working since then. Last Since that time, the council imprisonment and r. $1,000 to happen when this gets in and said take it or leave it,” proposal. month, however, an impasse came up with a new contract fine. front of a judge.” said Township Councilman No decision was reached at was reached when it appear­ offer, which it submitted to A warrant was also issued Wilson, who was acquitted Peter Lum ia, who called the the Monday meeting, Stockel ed the Borough Council had the PBA. Tlie association for James Groome, manager of similar charges in 1970, was to have met Monday of the theater. Malcolm called the arrest Monday night to vote on the contract. Carlon, first assistant prose­ (Continued 011 Page 17) Marlboro tax rate to remain at $4.30 Budget hearing tomorrow MARLBORO remain unchanged, Gross­ between Route 79 and the The Township Council will man said, (here will still be Penn-Central Railroad meet tomorrow night to hold “ a substantial amount” of tracks. public hearings on its surplus for future use. Tlie A 100-acre semi-circular proposed $1.7 million budget, budget will also provide, he commercial zone at the an amendment to the zoning said, for increased pro­ intersection of Route 18 and ordinance, and an amend­ grams, including the areas Tennent Road would be ment to the tow nship’s of health and police, new doubled in size, and the administrati ■ code. park sites, a new municipal m u n icip al zone on the The budget reflects a building and a new library. southeast corner of the Route 38-cent decrease in the The amendment lo the 520 and Wyncrest Road municipal portion of the Zoning ordinance would intersection would be ex­ local tax rate, offsetting eliminate half-acre zoning in tended to include an additio­ increases in other areas, and Morganville, introducing the nal 48 acres on the southwest' resulting in a property tax supercluslerization concept. side of the intersection. rate of $4.30 per $100 of Tlie present half-acre and The proposed amendment assessed valuation, un­ P 2-acre requirement would to the adm inistrative code changed from last year. be changed to provide for would add municipal engi­ The decrease was made two-acre density, allowing neering, all inspections, the Truck loses brakes, strikes 3 cars possible, according to developers to build on divisions of streets and roads Lawrence Grossman, council half-acre lots if they donated and buildings and grounds to South Matawan first aid volunteers comfort John Scarpenti, 32, of Maywood, driver of president, by an increase in the remaining half-acre to the Department of Public propane gas truck which struck a car and another truck and traveled through Burger ratables of nearly $10 the township. Works. Chef parking lot. Route 34, before coming to rest against a third vehicle. Hie truck million, and by the collection Also changed will be the The public hearing will be reportedly lost its brakes as it traveled north on Route 34 Saturday. Scarpenti and of 96 percent of the (axes in commercial zone in Morgan­ held at 8:30 p.m. at the Alargaret Kudish. 43, of 39 Galewood Drive. Hazlet. driver of the first vehicle struck, 1972. ville, which will extend 1,200 Marlboro Elementary were taken to Bayshore Hospital, treated, and released. (Photo by Arnold D. Herman) Although the tax rate will feet south to include the area School. Page 2 THE INDEPENDENT March 7, 1973 Antiques are Fun M atawan Zoning Board reserves decision to Live W ith!! Goodyear seeks variance for store MATAWAN TOWNSHIP brake work and tune-ups should be zoned highway The subdivision, which made at the board's March The Zoning B o ard of would be performed.
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