Masters Corner Authentic Liturgy, Authentic Chant by Paul F. Ford ASKED TO REFLECT ON THE “MISSAL OF POPE BENEDICT XVI” IN light of the “musical reform of the musical reform” move- 111. Among all who are involved with regard to MENT, I BEGIN BY QUESTIONING IF THERE IS SUCH A THING AS THE the rites, pastoral aspects, and music there should be missal of Benedict XVI. harmony and diligence in the effective preparation of Nothing in the Holy Father’s official teaching1 ought to each liturgical celebration in accord with the Mis- be construed as anything other than (1) affirmations of the sal and other liturgical books. This should take place essential truth and goodness of the postconciliar liturgical under the direction of the rector of the church and reforms and (2) reminders about some dimensions of this after the consultation with the faithful about things reform that need more attention (particularly, sacrality and that directly pertain to them. The priest who presides beauty). at the celebration, however, always retains the right As Father Anthony Ruff, OSB, reminded us in a previ- of arranging those things that are his own responsi- ous Masters Corner essay [vol. 22, no. 1]: bility.2 Pope Benedict’s goal is to put the reformed liturgy And why should there be harmony and diligence in the in a different light—not as something completely preparation of any liturgy? The answer is found in para- different from the old liturgy, but as something that graph 352 of the General Instruction. stands within the entire preceding history of the liturgy. In his mind, he is not simply “going back” to The pastoral effectiveness of a celebration will be pre-Vatican II practices; rather, he is applying to the greatly increased if the texts of the readings, the reformed liturgy a hermeneutic of continuity. prayers, and the liturgical songs correspond as closely as possible to the needs, spiritual preparation, and Even when Pope Benedict, on his own initiative (the culture of those taking part. This is achieved by ap- meaning of the term motu proprio), “grant[ed] any priest the propriate use of the wide options described below. right to use the pre-Vatican II form of the Mass or other sacraments,” Father Ruff says: The priest, therefore, in planning the celebration of Mass, should have in mind the common spiritual good of the In his letter [Pope Benedict] states that “the two people of God, rather than his own inclinations. He Forms of the usage of the Roman Rite can be mutu- should, moreover, remember that the selection of ally enriching.” He claims that “the celebration of different parts is to be made in agreement with those the Mass according to the Missal of Paul VI will be who have some role in the celebration, including able to demonstrate, more powerfully than has been the faithful, in regard to the parts that more directly the case hitherto, the sacrality which attracts many pertain to each. (emphasis added)3 people to the former usage.” There is a liturgical and ministerial spirituality here, and The ordinary missal of the Roman rite is the missal of not just for the ordained: Having in mind the common Pope Paul VI. The General Instruction (GIRM) of this mis- spiritual good of the people of God, rather than one’s own sal has been in force since 1970. The personal preferences of inclinations, so that the use of the wide options might cor- the present Holy Father are just that: personal preferences. respond as closely as possible to the needs, spiritual prepa- He knows well that these preferences are circumscribed by ration, and culture of those taking part, all of us musicians his duty to keep in mind the common spiritual good of the must abstain from tyrannizing the assembly with our likes people of God, rather than his own inclinations, so that the and dislikes. use of the wide options might correspond as closely as pos- (Revisiting the wide options described in the General sible to the needs, spiritual preparation, and culture of those Instruction can be very instructive.4 Those calling for a “mu- taking part. sical reform of the musical reform” would find there every 16 GIAQ 22.3.indd 16 6/21/11 9:53:29 AM reasonable use of the traditional music theme of fruitful-participation-by-en- Church faithfully adheres to of the Roman rite. Many of us are livened-dispositions—are echoed over the way Christ himself read and still singing only modifications of the 120 times in the General Instruction!6 explained the Sacred Scriptures, four-hymn sandwich of the late 1950s, Remove them and we are in the world beginning with the “today” of singing at Mass rather than singing of the Extraordinary Form, the missal his coming forward in the syna- the Mass.) of Pope Saint Pius V, the “Rubricae gogue and urging all to search Emphasizing the common spiritual Generales Missalis Romani,” and the the Scriptures. good of the people of God represents “Ritus Servandus in Celebratione the seismic shifts in sacramental Missae” (“the general rubrics of the 4. In the celebration of the theology that began in 1903 along Roman missal” and “the rites to be Liturgy the word of God is three (happy-)fault lines: the active observed in the celebration of Mass”). not announced in only one participation of all the priestly people The entire Extraordinary Form way nor does it always stir the of God, the primacy of the word of missal mentions the assembly/con- hearts of the hearers with the God, and liturgy as the work of the gregation/faithful/people some thirty same efficacy. Always, however, Holy Spirit. times (only thrice in the Order of Christ is present in his word, Mass) but only to orient the gestures as he carries out the mystery of The Active Participation of All the and postures of the celebrant, to men- salvation, he sanctifies human- Priestly People of God tion that a homily may be preached to ity and offers the Father perfect Gordon Truitt underscored the first them, that a special Lenten prayer be worship. of these in his Masters Corner essay, prayed over them, or that they should Moreover, the word of God “The Rolling Revolution” [vol. 21, no. receive ashes, palms, candles, and be unceasingly calls to mind and 4]. It bears repeating that Pope Saint allowed to venerate the cross on Good extends the economy of salva- Pius X balanced the church’s previous Friday. tion, which achieves its fullest stress on the fact of sacraments with By contrast, the General Instruction expression in the Liturgy. The a new awareness of the fruitfulness to the Ordinary Form—all by itself— liturgical celebration becomes of sacraments—while the fact of the mentions the assembly/congregation/ therefore the continuing, com- sacrament depends on the proper mat- faithful/people over 500 times! The plete, and effective presentation ter, form, and intention, the fruitful- Order of Mass mentions them almost of God’s word. ness of the sacrament depends on the eighty times! And these are differences The word of God constantly enlivened dispositions of the recipi- not just in degree but in kind. proclaimed in the Liturgy is ent.5 Pius X reintroduces the factor of How the Ordinary Form can be always, then, a living and effec- dispositions into our calculus, a theme enriched by the Extraordinary Form in tive word through the power of taken up by Pius XI, Pius XII, Paul the matter of ecclesiology escapes me. the Holy Spirit. It expresses the VI and the Second Vatican Council, Father’s love that never fails in John Paul II, and Benedict XVI. This The Primacy of the Word its effectiveness toward us. emphasis on enlivened dispositions Arguably even more important is found in the very first words of the is the recovery of the primacy of the Nothing like this document exists in General Instruction: word of God in all sacraments and the Extraordinary Form!7 How many sacramentals. Key to understanding Catholics still behave as if all they When he was about to celebrate this theme is the Lectionary for Mass: have to be present for at Mass is the with his disciples the Passover Introduction (1981), especially articles offertory, the consecration, and the meal in which he instituted the 3 and 4. priest’s communion (Baltimore Cat- sacrifice of his Body and Blood, echism No. 3, question 932)? Christ the Lord gave instruc- 3. The many riches contained Possible musical consequence of tions that a large, furnished in the one word of God are this theology of the word may be that upper room should be prepared admirably brought out in the users of the Graduale Romanum may (Lk 22:12). The Church has different kinds of liturgical keep the introit in Latin as a call to always regarded this command celebration and in the differ- worship. But they ought to consider as applying also to herself when ent gatherings of the faithful surrendering all the graduals, alleluias, she gives directions about the who take part in those celebra- tracts, offertories (except when the preparation of people’s hearts and tions. For then the liturgical assembly is well prepared to appreci- minds and of the places, rites, celebration, founded primar- ate them), and the communions of and texts for the celebration ily on the word of God and Ordinary Time that evidence no of the Most Holy Eucharist. sustained by it, becomes a new connection to the gospel or any of the [emphasis added] event and enriches the word readings proclaimed.
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