The Pennsylvania Vector Control Association The Pennsylvania Vector Spreading News to the Vector Control Community Volume 4, Issue 3 Nov 15, 2006 Inside this issue: Aircraft Complaints: Betty Aleck Submitted by Ben Russell What’s Up: Region 1 2 The following story was The chemical used by the Dis- What’s Up: Region 5 2 tion and that the aerial spray- first reported in The Reno trict is not harmful to fish, ing depends on the ambient China 2 (NV) Gazette-Journal animals, plants or humans. temperature which must be 7/20/2006 Spraying in the District typi- at 75-degrees with calm What’s Up: Region 2 3 cally begins in the evening winds. She added the Dis- What’s Up: Region 3 3 SILVER SPRINGS - Central hours from 7:30-9 p.m. trict would call for aerial Lyon County Vector Control Anderson does not want resi- spraying whenever it is nec- What’s Up: Region 4 4 District board members have dents to call the NHP or the essary as there is no sched- You Dirty Rat 4 been receiving complaints airport. Instead, citizens uled date or time. from residents that say the should call Board members at SAFETY 4 aircraft the District contracts 577-9284 and in Stagecoach at Pestmasters sprayed the What’s up: Region 6 5 with is disrupting their lives 629-0736 or 629-9705, and in downtown area of Silver because the plane flies during Dayton at 246-4628. Springs several weeks ago Health Benefits Peroxide 5 the evening and night hours. and has been treating the It’s downright Canadian 6 CLCVD Board member Toni She further encourages resi- river and camp areas at Fort Anderson reported she has dents to attend District Board Churchill State Park. New York: A new tick 6 received complaints from resi- meetings, which are held on Glowing Gonads 7 dents that say the plane ap- the second Tuesday of each In June the District con- BTI & Non-Targets 7 pears to be "dive bombing" month at 5 p.m. at the Stage- ducted six or seven flights, homes. coach Community Center. Tick Removal 8 reported Anderson. Anderson noted the mosquito "In the streets of Badger, Up-coming Events 8 She recalled one resident who and black fly season is in full Catfish and Tamarack as The Buzz at the Shore 9 said he was a Vietnam veteran swing and it is "necessary to well as along the edges of Beware the Pestilent Pest 10 that said he suffers from Post use aerial spraying to rid the the Lake Lahontan, it's really Traumatic Stress Syndrome areas of these pests." She con- bad," she said. Amplification Strategy 11 and it was not acceptable for tinued of the aerial spraying, And the Winner is 12 the District to fly at night and "This is conducted by low- Anderson said there have that he would shoot the plane flying aircraft and extreme Advertising 13-17 been no reports of mosqui- down with a shotgun. Further, caution is used at all times. toes infected with West Nile President /Editor’s corner 18 residents in the mosquito These pilots are professional Virus reported in the Silver abatement district have called and have many hours in the Special points of interest: Springs area. the Nevada Highway Patrol air." • International Updates and also the local airport to report the low-flying plane. She emphasized that the pilots • PVCA Award Winner do not "swoop or dive in a From Mosquito The District contracts with careless manner," and she said, Editors note: “At the start of the twentieth Pestmasters of Fallon for vec- "They do, however, come in Isn’t it nice to see other folks century, with the mosquito tor control service and aerial very low and it can seem as getting complaints for trying firmly implicated in other tropi- larvicide spraying to eradicate though they're flying care- to do something helpful? I cal diseases, scientists began to the area of mosquitoes, espe- lessly. They're not." especially liked the guy who consider mosquito transmission cially those carrying the West in the case of dengue. Aedes wants to shoot them down aegypti was conclusively identi- Nile Virus, as well as black Anderson noted it is necessary with a shotgun. Get’r done! fied as a vector in 1906. Other fly. to treat areas that have high We can’t please them all. species would earn their place of mosquito or black fly infesta- Thanks Ben. blame later. ” VOLUME 4, ISSUE 3 PAGE 2 What’s Happening in Region 1 Submitted by Ben Russell Black fly work conducted in the season moved along. Flood water mos- the City this season. Throughout the re- Delaware/Schuylkill drainage this sea- quito numbers increased after numerous gion, there were approximately 45 ULV son was very successful at keeping rain and flooding events across the re- adulticiding events conducted across the adult Simulid levels below pest gion. Clarke Mosquito control con- five counties. level. No complaints were received ducted several hundred wastewater treat- from Pennsylvania residents regarding ment plant inspections in Montgomery PDPH is also currently working with problems with black flies in southeast- County and treated over 28,000 catch the Philadelphia Zoo on preparedness ern PA. Black fly control in the Dela- basins in Montgomery and Delaware planning in the event of an Avian Flu ware/Schuylkill drainage spans across Counties. outbreak and is in the planning stages of portions of Regions 1, 2, and 3. There conducting a tick and tularemia transmis- were a total of eight aerial spraying The Philadelphia Department of Pub- sion study in conjunction with the CDC. operations between April 21, 2006 and lic Health (PDPH) remained busy in August 23, 2006. Pennsylvania DEP 2006 and once again utilized it's partner- used 8,963 gallons of Vectobac 12AS ship with the Philadelphia Police Depart- for this project in 2006. ment Aviation Unit to nab 300 negligent pool owners. PDPH conducted random West Nile Virus activity in south- sampling of catch basins early in the sea- eastern PA remained relatively benign son and found mosquito larvae present in throughout 2006. Mosquitoes, on the every zip code within the City. Over other hand, became a problem as the 76,000 catch basins were treated within What’s Happening in Region 5 Submitted By Bill Todaro Allegheny County got reports of 7 positive WNV mosquito pools, only one positive bird and no positive human cases. We had some good PR in late June on our catch basin program, which treated about 60,000 catch basins in the greater Pittsburgh area. Only a handful of nuisance mosquito complaints came in and so very little adulticiding was required. The new truck and a full time staff person have been a great asset to the program. Hey Dude, where’d you go? CHINA Submitted By Andy Kyle Hong Kong's rat population drops, There have been five confirmed and was taken away in 2005, far less than the but rodent-related infections rise five suspected cases in 2006. ``We be- 16 percent in 2000, a government study outside city lieve the number of scrub typhus cases said. Fri July 7, 2006 05:43 EDT may continue to increase this year. Citi- zens should take precautionary measures “We are satisfied with our effort to HONG KONG (AP) _ The rat popu- when they go hiking,'' said Dr. Ho Yuk- eliminate rodents in urban areas, but the lation seems to be shrinking in Hong yin, a consultant with the Food and Envi- hazard lies in rural areas,'' Ho said. The Kong's urban areas, but cases of rodent- ronmental Hygiene Department. government did not give any figures for related diseases are increasing outside the rodent population in rural areas. the city, the government said Friday. Scrub typhus symptoms include fever and headache. The number of people infected with scrub typhus _ a potentially fatal dis- In urban areas, the number of rats “I think it’s time ease caused by mites that live on ro- seems to be declining, the government credit is given dents _ grew to 30 last year from 13 in said. Officials gauge the rat population where credit is 2003 in rural areas, the government by setting out food and noting how much due.” said. has been taken away. Only 4.4 percent Meow C. Tongue VOLUME 4, ISSUE 3 PAGE 3 What’sWhat’s HappeningHappening inin RegionRegion 5:2 Submitted by CliffBill TodaroPristas The Northeast Region reported its miscellaneous artificial containers larva was found in one of these contain- first confirmed human death as a result throughout the neighborhood breeding ers. Several adult mosquito traps were of West Nile Virus. A 73 year old mosquitoes. These containers were either also set in the area. None of these traps Scranton City woman died in the be- treated with bacterial larvicides or emp- had a collection count over 10, and all of ginning of the month from the virus. tied when possible. the adult samples tested were negative DOH informed this Department that the for the presence of WNV, therefore no victim had no travel history outside the Catch basins in this area were also follow-up adult control work was Scranton area. investigated by lifting off manhole cov- deemed necessary. ers to determine breeding status. The Extensive surveillance was con- majority of the basins checked in this This is the first confirmed WNV hu- ducted by Lackawanna County and section of the city was not breeding. man death in the Northeast Region since DEP WNV staff in the immediate vi- Catch basins in the adjoining flatter sec- the inception of the State's WNV Control cinity (0-.5 miles) of the victims resi- tion of the city were either treated or re- and Surveillance Program in 2000.
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