TARIFFS and TRADE ; Asfihszs

TARIFFS and TRADE ; Asfihszs

RESTRICTED GENERAL AGREEMENT ON L/3363 ; TARIFFS AND TRADE aSfiHSZSLimited Distributio. n 'TARIFF rJTORMATION ATiJLABLE IN THE SECRETARIAT' The secretariat receives, in the course of its normal work, numerous requests for information on existing tariff -rates for particular products in different countries. Unfortunately, the secretariat is not always kept informed by contracting parties of changes in their tariffs. In relation to this, attention is drawn to the provisions of Article X of the General Agreement. „:. Annexed to this paper is a list of tariffs and their latest modifications available in the secretariat. The information, as noted there, is drawn mainly from three sources : national editions of the customs tariffs, the publications of the International Customs Tariff Bureau in Brussels and the Deutsches Handels- Archiv. Contracting parties are hereby invited to submit as soon as possible to the secretariat information on changes in their tariffs. L/3363 Page 2 ANNEX Tariff Information Available in the Secretariat SOURCE Country handels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff AFGHANISTAN - 1955 - 3 ALGERIA - - 1969 ARGENTINA1 1966 1968 1968 modif. up to 1969 Suppl » Aug . 1969 AUSTRALIA1 - 1967 1970 (loose-leaf) - Papua 1957 - - New Guinea • - 1957 AUSTRIA1 1968 1968 1969 mod if. up to 1970 (loose-leaf) BARBADOS1 1958 1955 1966 BELGIUM1 1965 (Benelux) 1969 1969 modif. up to 1967 (Benelux) (loose-leaf) (Benelux) BOLIVIA - 1962 - BRAZIL1 1969 1966 19G7 modif. up to 1970 BULGARIA 1962 1965 - modif, up to 1965 BURMA1 1962 1948 1967 modif. up to 1963 BURUNDI1 1965 1968 - modif. up to 1968 3 CAMBODIA 1963 1959 modif. up to 1964 (up to date 1967) CAMEROON1 1967 (UDEAC 1tariff ) 1966 1962 (UDEAC) L/3363 Page 3 Country Ilandels-Archiv Brussels 'Bureau National Tariff CANADA 1968 1969 1969 modif. up to 1969 (loose-leaf) CENTRAL AFRICAN 1967 (UDEAC tariff) 1966 REPUBLIC1 modif. up to 1968 CENTRAL AMERICAN 1967 1969 COMMON MARKET CEYLON1 1964 1969 1968 modif. up to 1965 CHAD1 1967 (UDEAC tariff) 1966 CHILE1 1969 1967 1967 modif, up to 1970 CHINA, REP. OF 1961 1960 1965 (TAIWAN) modif. up to 1969 CHINA, PEOPLE'S 1953 REP. OF modif. up to 1956 - COLOMBIA4 1965 1969 modif, up to 1967 CONGO (Brazzaville) 1967 (UDEAC tariff) 1966 CONGO (DEM.REP.OF) - 1968 1968 COSTA RICA 1967 1969 1965 (CACOM) CUBA 1953 1958 Suppl. Decv 1956 CYPRUS1 1969 1963 1963 modif. up to 1970 CZECHOSLOVAKIA1 1956 1955 1954 modif. up to 1964 Suppl. 1960 DAHOMEY1 1966 (West African 1957 Customs Union) Suppl. August 1958 modif. up to 1968 L/3363 Pago 4 Country .-.,- Handels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff DENMARK1 1968 1969 1968 modif. up to 1969 (loose-leaf) - Faroe Is. 1957 1954 - - Greenland 1965 • 1964 - ;' DOMINICAN REP.1 1953 1962 1960 modif. up to 1969 modif. up to March 1967 EAST AFRICAN COMMUNirr - 1968 1966 ECUADOR 1969 1966 _ EUR0EEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY (Common 1968 1968 196& External Tariff) (loose-leaf) EL SALVADOR '1967 1969 1965 {CACOM) ETHIOPIA 1964 1967 modif. up to 1969 FINLAND1 1968 1969 1968 modif. up to 1969 (loose-leaf) FRANCE1 1967 1969 1970 modif, up to 1970 (loose-leaf^ - Comoro Islands 1966 1968 -. Corsica - 1946 1966 (loose-leaf) - French Oceania 1961 1958 modif. up to 1965 - French Polynesia 1961 1969 modif. up to 1965 ~ French Somali- landr - 1933 - French Guiana - 1957 1966 (loose-leaf) - Guadeloupe - 1956 1966 (loose-leaf) - Martinique ' - 1933 1966 (loose-leaf) - New Caledonia 1961 modif. up to 1967 - m. :k L/3363 Page 5 Country Handels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff New Hebrides 1957 1956 modif, up to 1962 Réunion - 1958 Suppl. 1960 St,Pierre and Miquelon . • 1963 1961 Wallis and Futuna - 1954 GAB> 1967 (UDEAC tariff) 1966 1.. GAMBIA" 1966 GERMANY, FED.REP. 0F1 1965 1970 (loose-leaf) GHANA 1968 1967 * modif. up to 1969 GREECE 1963 1961 1964 modif. up to 1968 Suppl. January 1970 Suppl, Sept, 1965 1965 : Alignment TEC-EEC GUYANA - 1967 - GUATEMALA 1967 1969 1965 (CACOM) GUINEA 1962 - - modif. up to 1964 HAITI1 1963 1952 , modif. up to 1969 Suppl. 1954 - HONDURAS 1967 1969 1965 (CACOM) i HUNGARY4 1968 - ICELAND1 1966 1964 1966 INDIA 1965 1967 INDONESIA 1965 1954 1965 modif. up to 1969 L/3363 Page 6 Country Handels-Archiv Brussels Bureau Nat ional Tariff IRAK 1957 1957 - modif. up to 1970 IRAN 1959 1960 1969 modif. up to 1966 IRELAND1 1969 1967 1969 ISRAEL1 - 1967 1967 ITALY1 1967 1962 19~70 • modif. up to 1969 (loose-leaf) IVORY COAST1 1966 (West African 1967 1361 / Customs Union) JAMAICA1 - 1962 1054 modif. up to 1967 Suppl . Nov. 1960 1967 JAPAN1 1968 1969 • 1968 JORDAN 1964 modif. up to 1970, 1964 KENYA1 1968 (East African 1966 (Common Community) Services Organization) KOREA 1966 1970 1968 KUWAIT 1953 1966 LAOS 1961 modif. up to 1963 - - LEBANON 1966 1966 1967 modif, up to 1969 Suppl. Dec. 1967 Suppl. 1968 LIBERIA 1967 1956 1940 LIBYA 1963 1969 i 1966 modif. up to 1969 LUXEMBURG1 1965 (Benelux) 1969 1969 modif. up to ly69 (Benelux) (Benelux) (loose-leaf) m ', L/3363 Page 7 Country Handels-Arçhiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff MADAGASCAR 1962 1966 1960 modif. up to 196.5 Suppl. Jan. 1967. MALAWI 1967 1967 MALAYSIA 1968 1969 1969 MALDIVE ISLANDS 1967 - - MALI3 1966 (West African 1969 1968 Customs Union) MALTA1 1965 1967 1964 modif. up to 1967 MAURITANIA1 , 1966 (West African Customs Union) - - MAURITIUS3 1958 1955 - modif. up to 1960 Suppl. May 1957 MEXICO 1969 1962 1965 MOROCCO 1968 1968 1966 modif. up to 1969 MUSCAT AND OMAN 1961 - 1967 NEPAL 1961 - - modif. up to 1963 NETHERLANDS1 1965 (Benelux) 1969 :' . 1969 modif. up to 1969 (Benelux) (Benelux) (loose-leaf) - Antilles 1957 1967 modif. up to 1965 - Surinam 1958 1967 - modif. up to 1967 NEW ZEALAND1 - 1968 1962 Suppl. July 1969 (loose-leaf) NICARAGUA1 1967 1968 1965 (CACOM) NIGER 1966 (West African Customs Union) L/3363 Page 8 Country Handels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff NIGERIA 1966 1965 1962 modif. up to 1970 Suppl. June 1966 Suppl. Nov. 1967 NORWAY1 '•'•"•'' 1967 1969 1969 modif. up to 1969 PAKISTAN1 1969 1967 1969 PANAMA 1959 1958 modif. up to 1963 Suppl. April 1962 PARAGUAY 1955 1949 modif. up to 1966 1969 1969 1967 (loose-leaf) PHILIPPINES 1958 1958 1956 modif. up to 1969 Suppl. March 1967 POLAND"1 1961 modif. up to 1969 PORTUGAL* 1969 1967 1968 Suppl. June 1968. - Angola 1965 1966 modif. up to 1968 « Port. Guinea - Cape Verde -t Mozambique 1965 1967 modif. up to 1968 - Sao Tome and ,, Principe Islands - Timor 1956 1967 RHODESIA1 1967 ROMANIA4" 1966 ' ' 1965 1966 1 RWANDA modif. up to 1967 Suppl. Aug. 1966 SAUDI ARABIA 1970 1955 ||;t<;V' * J L/3363 Page 9 4 • Country Handels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff SENEGAL1 1966 (West African - - Customs Tariff) SIERRA LEONE1 - 1968 - 3 SINGAPORE ._. :••-• 1967 - SOMALIA ' "' " - 1969 1966 SOUTH AFRICA1 1966 1965 1964 modif. up to 1969 Suppl. Oct. 1967 (loose-leaf) SPAIN1 1967 modif. up tS 1970 1966 1960 - Fernando Po and 1961 Rio Muni modif. up to 1966 1960 .. !•••• - Ceuta 1961 - Ifni and Sahara 1961 modif. up^to 1968 SUDAN - .. ..... 1956 Suppl. Sept. 1960 SWEDEN 1968 1969 - 1970 modif. up to 1969 Suppl. Jan. 1970 .. (loose-leaf) SWITZERLAND1 1968 . 1968 1970 (loose-leaf) ..; SYRIA 1964. 1966 1963 modif. up to 1967 < •> TANZANIA1 - Zanzibar _ 1966 - Tanganyika 1968 (East African (Common Community) Services Organization) THAILAND 1970 1961 TOGO1 1961 modif. up to 1969 TRINIDAD and 1965 1962 TOBAGO modif. up to 1966 1956 Suppl. April 1964 1 L/3363 Page 10 Country Haniels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff TUNISIA2 1960 1961 1959 modif. up to 1964 TURKEY1 1964 1969 1968 modif. up .to 1969 UGANDA1 1968 (East African 1966 Community) (Common Services Organization) UNITED ARAB 1963 1964 1962 REPUBLIC'2 modif, up to 1967 UNITED 1968 1968 1970 KINGDOIT modif. up to 1969 (loose-leaf) - Antigua 1955 1954 modif, up to 1967 - Bahama Islands • 1961 1966 - Bahrein 1954 - - Bermuda - 1966 - Cayman Islands 1954 - Dominica 1959 modifT up to 1967 1954 - Falkland Islands - 1966 - Fiji - 1961 - Gibraltar 1955 modif. up to 1957 1966 - Gilbert and Ellice - 1957 - Grenada - 1966 - Guiana — 1954 - Honduras 1953 i (British) modif. up to 1957 1953 - Hong Kong 1966 modif. up to 1969 1960 - Man (Isle of) - 1955 - Monserrat - 1953 - New Hebrides 1957 modif, up to 1962 1966 - Qatar 1958 — :,fWJp«J L/3363 Page 11 Country Handels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff - Solomon Islands 1960 1967 - St. Helena 1962 1954 - St. Lucia - 1954 - St. Vincent 1959 1955 modif. up to 1967 - Seychelles - 1952 1966 modif. up to 1960 — Tonga or Friendly Islands - 1957 - Turks and Caicos Islands 1959 1953 - Virgin Islands 1967 1966 UNITED STATES 1968 1968 1969 OF AMERICA1 modif, up to 1969 (loose-leaf) - Virgin Islands of the - 1953 United States UPPER VOLTA1 1966 (West African 1968 Customs Tariff) USSR 1965 1962 1961 URUGUAY1 1965 1953 VATICAN STATE 1930 VENEZUELA 1959 1969 modif, up to 1970 YEMEN 1965 modif, up to 1966 i L/3363 Page 12 Country Handels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff YUGOSLAVIA1 1966 1966 1966 modif. up to 1968 ZAMBIA3 - 1965 1970 Contracting parties to GATT, 2- Countries which have provisionally acceded to GATT. 3 Countries to whose territories the GATT has been applied and which now, as independent States, maintain a de facto application of the GATT pending final decision as to their future commercial policy. 4 Countries which are negotiating for accession to GATT. .

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