General and Chapter 1 – Introduction Core Strategy - Further Consultation ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Paragraph 1.1 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 164 Paragraph 1.2 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 164 Paragraph 1.5 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 166 For responses to the SA/SEA question, please see the latest Sustainability Appraisal Report accompanying the Draft Strategy Document. Consultee/Agent ID Nature Of Response Officer Comments Response: Core Strategy - Further Consultation Mr Pete Sulley, Barton CSFC/821 Observations 1.0 INTRODUCTION Comments noted. The Draft Strategy Willmore on behalf of The Document reflects the changes made Kingswood Parks 1.1 These representations have been prepared by Barton to national policy and the National Development Company Ltd Willmore on behalf of The Kingswood Parks Development Planning Framework (NPPF). Company Limited (KPDC), who has land interests within the East Riding at North Kingswood, which adjoins the Policy S1 of the Draft Strategy existing Kingswood development in Hull. Document is modelled on the approach taken in the NPPF. 1.2 These representations are in relation to the ‘East Riding Local Development Framework – Core Strategy See also comments to specific Further Consultation’ (October 2011) (hereafter referred responses made by the consultee to as the ‘Further Consultation’). The aim of this report is elsewhere in the reports. to assist the Council in formulating their Local Development Framework, having particular regard to the situation at North Kingswood and the continuation of the existing Kingswood development. 1.3 The site is attached at Appendix 1 (see attached file) and is wholly owned and controlled by KPDC. The site is referred to in the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA); it also has further reference numbers allocated to submitted Land Bids. There is no Consultee/Agent ID Nature Of Response Officer Comments Response: corresponding Site Allocations DPD reference. The site therefore has several reference numbers and these are set out below for completeness. Site: North Kingswood SHLAA ID Reference-:Hull2 Site Allocations DPD Reference:- Land Bid and Reference: 1505 and 1605 1.4 Barton Willmore has previously made representations on the ‘Core Strategy – Issues and Options’ document in June 2008, the ‘Preferred Approach Core Strategy’ in July 2010 and the ‘Site Allocations Development Plan Document’ in July 2010. 1.5 As stated in paragraphs 1.3 – 1.6 of the Further Consultation, the responses that East Riding received in relation to the Preferred Approach Core Strategy identified the need to consider some important amendments to certain policies; these are contained in the Further Consultation. These representations are a response to those changes and questions addressed in the Further Consultation document. 1.6 In summary, the representations refer to the following sections of the Further Consultation: • Place Statements – Question 1: Whilst Kingswood is not a Major Haltemprice Settlement it performs a similar role and function as the Major Haltemprice Settlements. North Kingswood, being an extension to Kingswood, should Consultee/Agent ID Nature Of Response Officer Comments Response: therefore be treated in the same regard and with the same policy framework as an extension to one of the Major Haltemprice Settlements, recognising that it is a unique situation. 1.7 Where Barton Willmore has made comments in previous Core Strategy consultation documents that have not resulted in subsequent revisions in this Further Consultation then our original representations still prevail, although they have largely not been repeated in this document for reasons of brevity. Draft National Planning Policy Framework 1.8 Since the Preferred Approach Core Strategy consultation period between May and July 2010, the Government has published the Draft National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Once adopted, this will supersede all Planning Policy Statements and Planning Policy Guidance Notes. 1.9 The Draft NPPF has a more positive approach to growth, with the Rt Hon Greg Clark MP, Minister for Planning, stating in his foreword that ‘…sustainable development is about positive growth – making economic, environmental and social progress for this and future generations’. This positive approach is continued throughout the whole draft document. 1.10 The Draft NPPF also reintroduces the concept of ‘a presumption in favour of sustainable development’ as opposed to the maxim of recent years which has been ‘development in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise’. Whilst Consultee/Agent ID Nature Of Response Officer Comments Response: these two strategies go hand in hand in terms of aiming to achieve sustainable development there is a clear shift in emphasis in the Draft NPPF to a more positive and proactive planning system. 1.11 Advice issued by The Planning Inspectorate states that ‘It is capable of being a material consideration, although the weight to be given to it will be a matter for the decision maker in each particular case’. 1.12 Firstly, this therefore significantly strengthens the case for not only drafting positive Visions, objectives and policies but also for a positive interpretation of these Visions, objectives and policies. Consequently, the representations made in relation to the Preferred Approach Core Strategy in July 2010 carry extra resonance. 1.13 Secondly, it is concerning that the Draft National Planning Policy Framework is not mentioned once in the Further Consultation document. In addition, there are no indications of the more positive emphasis on development contained in the Draft NPPF being taken forward into the Further Consultation. Therefore it is not evident that this important document has been considered appropriately in this Further Consultation. Mrs Julie Hobson, Health & CSFC/1 Object Dear Sirs Comments noted Safety Executive LOCAL PLAN/LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK: The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) does not comment on individual Local Development Plans. Local planning authorities are required by: Consultee/Agent ID Nature Of Response Officer Comments Response: • Regulation 20 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Plan) (England) Regulations 1999 * • Regulation 25 of the Town and Country Planning (Structure and Local Plans) (Scotland) Regulations 1983 * • Regulation 13 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development Plan) (Wales) Regulations 2005* * delete as applicable to have regard to the objectives of Article 12.1 of the Seveso II Directive in formulating their general policies in Part 1 of a unitary development plan. These objectives are: • to prevent major accidents and limit the consequences of such accidents for man and the environment; • the need; i. in the long term, to maintain appropriate distances between establishments and residential areas, areas of public use and areas of particular sensitivity or interest; and ii. in the case of existing establishments, for additional technical measures in accordance with Article 5 of the Directive so as not to increase the risks to people. The HSE extranet system, to which all planning authorities have access, contains lists of all major hazard sites and major hazard pipelines, along with consultation zone maps Consultee/Agent ID Nature Of Response Officer Comments Response: where available. This information, in conjunction with “PADHI - HSE’s Land Use Planning Methodology”, which is available on the HSE website (http://www.hse.gov.uk/landuseplanning/padhi.pdf), will allow you to identify incompatible developments within each consultation zone. If there are any major hazard sites and pipelines, or associated consultation zones, within the Local Development Plan area, it would be helpful to indicate to potential developers the constraints likely to be imposed by their presence. The paragraphs in the attached annex could form the basis of a policy statement for inclusion in the plan, which may subsequently avoid the submission of planning applications containing inappropriate proposals. In addition, we suggest that the proposal maps be marked to show the location of any major hazard sites. We particularly recommend marking the routes of any major hazard pipelines as, in our experience, most incidents involving damage to buried pipelines occur because third parties are not aware of their presence HSE will advise you should there be any changes in how HSE provides land use planning advice as a result of recommendations on the integration of societal risk into the planning system around major hazard sites made by the Major Incident Investigation Board into the fire and explosions at the
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