·:s;::::::;=. R,1, JEWISH HISTORICAL ASSOC : :1,~0 Jl!li!ll:tQ!l,11!1 l!l?l- . PROVIDENCE, RI 02906 .. _..... _ ~ ., ~ •' ~ ...l .Peres Would Be ·Member Of. Rabin's Government JERUSALEM: Defense Minister approximately 3000 which were cast Shimon Peres, political rival of . by Labor delegates. The heated. Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, will contest marked the first time in the THE ONLY ENGLI SH-JEWI SH WEEKLY IN R. /. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. be included in the Rabin Cabinet if, Labor Party's history that an in­ as expected, he is returned· to office cumbent Prime Minister ~eeking in the mid-May general elections, reelection was challenged from VOLUME LIX, NUMBER 51 -FRIDAY, MARCH·4, 1977 20¢ PER COPY Mi\: Rabin announced. within the party's ranks. Mr, Rabin's remarks, pragmatic Party Unity Center To Hold rather than philanthropic, came Asked whether Mr. Peres would · shortly after he ·beat Mr. Peres for be included in a new Rabi'n Purim Celebratio.n the ruling Labor Party's nomina­ government, the Prime Minister tion for the No. I post. The Prime replied: "He'll be a member of the The Jewish Community Center . · Minister requires the party strength Cabinet. There's no doubt that he'll of Rhode Island will hold a Purim . which can be marshalled by Mr. play ·a major role in the new celebration on Sunday, March 6, Peres in the coming weeks of cain- Cabinet because his effort is needed at the Center. Called "Purim in paigniag, . in the campaign for the coming Jerusalem," it will commemorate Mr. Rabin, who personally dis­ elections," - .. the 10th anniversary of the reimifi- likes Mr, Peres, beat him by a The balloting on the nomination cation of Jerusalem. • narrow margin of 41 votes out of Continued on Page 9 , , ~ A swim-a-tbon and jog-a-thon "will begin the • y at 12 noon to ~ ra-ise money •tor be 'Cen!ir in Hof Appoint .Harvey Cohen To Serve f Ashkelon, lsr~el.,Additional i~for- !) mation may lfo btained by calling Elliott Goldstein at the Center, As Israel Bond Director In RI 861-8800. The appointment of Harvey Co­ At 2 p.m. a s~ries of worksh·ops hen-!15- tsrael Bond director for - including hamentashen baking, Rhode Island and the Massachu­ songs of Jerusalem, tales of Je0 setts communities of the South rusalem, greggor . and mask mak­ Shore has been announced by Mi­ ing and learning to' chant the Me-. chael Amon, president and chief gillah will be open to family executive. officer of the Israel g.roups and interested individuals. Bond Organization. Joan Nathan, author ·of the Mr. Cohen was a field profes­ cookbook, "The Flavor of Jerusa­ sional for Israel Bonds in Greater lem," will speak about her ex­ Desecration 'At Lincoln Park Miami, Florida, pri or to assuming periences as special assistant to his present post. He had served in Mayor Teddy Kollek of Jerusalem 'Still Under 'Investigation' a similar capacity in the tri-state at 3:30 p'm. office iq Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, , Carnival like booths, games During the late night, early .mor- ground. It is assumed that the act covering Western • Pennsylvania, and races 'in the gym for all ages, ning, hours of February 27-28, was Cl!fried out by young vandals Eastern Ohio ,an'd West Virginia. a- bake sale and a low cost kosher some 25 monuments at the Lincoln who apparently came over the low A native of Pittsburgh, Mr. snack bar will run concurrently Park Cemetery were toppled ·over in · portion of the fence in the area . Cohen was graduated from Du­ with the workshops. the area on t~e Westerly side of where the concentration of damage qu$'sne University S~hool of Edu­ A C 4 p.m., the Hebrew Day . F~erri_ Avenue. Si~ of. t!!,e _ 2.~ W!',S fou11d ~ _....., • cation with a BS degree in educa School Chorus wm perform songs ,., h_\'adstones; Ml erected prior to According to Ben Rabinowitz-, tion. l -of J.e_rusalem. The community -is · {953, were 5roken, as well, either as executive director of the Chesed Before joining the Israel Bond ,._". ii invited to spend- the afternoon at the result of falling against other Shel Emess Association which Organization in Pittsburgh · in HARVEY COHEN the Center for the Purim celebra- stones or from the natural impact maintains the cemetery, the 1974, be was employed as thedire­ tion. against the still partially-frozen desecration was not carried out by ctor of the South Park Opportun- ment of and services for the men­ any apparent pattern of selection. ity Center in Pennsylv ania for tally retarded in Pennsylvania pri s- Arthur Robbins Named To Head The older stones were the ones mentally retarded adults. He has ons. · damaged, he said, because they are also played a role as a 'voJ unteer A charter member of the Met­ more easily knocked over .. in communal endeavors to benefit .ropolitan Jewish Singles Club of 1977 RI Israel ·Bond Canpaign A "conservative estimate'' of the the mentally retarded. · Pittsburgh, Mr. Cohen was a Arthur S. Robbins, well-known damage is in the range of $5000, he Mr. Cohen was cochairman of board_ member of Mitzvah 'Lodge, businessman and community and said, citing this as the cost to place the Bi ~e-Hike for Mentally Re­ B':nai B'rith, of South Florida, and civic leader, -has accepted the gen­ some type of marker on the defaced tarded· in the Squirrel Hili area of a member of the Young Adult Di­ eral chairmanship of the 1977 graves. "The cost, if we were to ac­ Pittsburgh and a member of the vision of the Greater Miami Jew­ Rhode Island Israel Bond cam­ tually try and replace these old, task force inyestigating the treat- ish Federation. paign for Israel's economic devel­ individually-styled stones would be opment. somewhere close to$ I000 per stone. He stated that a major aspect In other words, we can't replace ·or this year's drive will be the cel­ them," he further commented. ebraion of the tenth anniversary The damage was discov~r~d of the reunification of Jerusalem, ·around 10:30 a .m . Monday, whose development has been fi- February 28, and reported· to the . nanced with the aid of Bonds. Wari:vick Police Department by Mr. Robbins is president of noon. "If the police anq detectives Robbins Sales Company and is a had treated this as though it were a general partner in the . Providence murder," Mr. Rabinowitz said, Marriott. Inn. He is on the board "checking fcrr footprints and tliat · of directors of the Jewish ·Feder­ sort of thing, they would probably ation of Rhode Island, the Bureau find who did it.". I-le indicated that of Jewish Education and th'e he believed the search would be United Arts of Rhode Island. He dead-ended. is a past president of the Woon­ · · Police lnnsd1adon socket Lodge, B'nai B'rith, and a ARTllUR S. ROBBINS :- Lt.- Edwin Gardiner of the past vice president of the Provi­ Warwick Police showed reporters dence Hebrew Day School. Big Brothers of Rhode Island .and the initial report filed with the On the board of directors of was the recipient of the latter or­ department by patrolmen. Prlor to the Greater Providence Chamber ganization's Big Brother of the press time on Wednesday, the of Commerce, Mr. Robbins is Year Award in 1975. Detective Division disclosed that president of, the Greater Provi­ Mr: Robbins is chairman of the the ·matter .- was "srill und0er dence Convention and Visitors Bu­ Business and Finance Section of in-.:estigatiorl" and that they had reau · and a member of the Old Cerebral· Palsy and the l,Jni'versity contacted residents on New York Stone Bank. Business Development · of Pennsylvania Secondary School and Michigan Avenues, adjacent to 'Council. ' Committee of Rhode Island. He is the cemetery, to inquire if they had .P\ANS GALA AFTERNOON: The Sisterhood of Temple Bath B wil hold o He is a member of 1- Provi­ on the advisory council of Johnson seen any suspicious activity ,in the golo afternoon on Monday, Morch 7, in the temple mffting hol. "Ech- dence · Rotary Cliib 11114 and the & W,ales Culinary Division. area of late. The Division said they . - of Enchantment" wiff hotuN Janet Upson Friaclmon, o Sisterhood had put out word for people to member. Mrs. Friaclmon la o profanional. ah, .., oncl her program wil Grave DcingerJ Threaten Unless watch the area. inducla o aalactlon of orloa from faYBrita OfMlrGI. In ful coatum .. and Mr. Rabin,owitz said he did not various wlp, oncl occomponiacl by 8allo Halpert, th- wll be on ala- expect the damage, would be manf of aurpriM in this afternoon of Mn9. · ME Talks Re.sume: Waldheim covered by insurance, but that, they The Donor Evant wll lnduda o 9ourmat lunchaen p--.lacl by o UNITED NATioNS, NY: The He ,aid that the most immediate would draw .up a letter seeking con­ aharry hour oncl hon d' oauvras. Fvncla ralaacl wll be uaacl to Nfurbiah Unlted Nation• Security Council obstacle to the reconvenins of the tril>utions to restore or replace the oncl Nploff equipment oncl furnlthinp thN1U9hout the temple bulldin9. w11 warned of .,ave danpn unlaa Geneva conference on the Middle monuments, Asked if families were Donor c«halrw- ON Ullo.n DraNlar, Kaylo lllomar oncl Nancy qn,ement is raclMd on 1W11111in1 Eat coatin- to be the question of ever contacted directly to help ab­ .......,_ Other cammltfff members ON MIiia lhentiadt, -tlon•; Ar­ nqotiatlOfll for a .uim-a la the participation by th PalNtlne sorb this coat, be said that on the dean lotvtn, M.n.o Meister and Mn.
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