2 Bethesda Transportation Management District Montgomery County, Maryland Biennial Report FY06 – FY07 Completed: March 2008 Prepared by: Bethesda Transportation Solutions Request additional copies from: Bethesda Transportation Solutions 7700 Old Georgetown Road Bethesda, MD 20814 Telephone: (301) 656-0868 Fax: (243) 223-0200 Email: [email protected] www.bethesdatransit.org www.bethesda.org Bethesda Transportation Solutions Biennial Report FY2006 - FY2007 3 Table of Contents I. Executive Summary .......................................................................................................... 7 II. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 11 III. TMD Operations, Programs & Services....................................................................... 13 A. TMD Objectives ....................................................................................................13 B. TMD Operations ...................................................................................................13 TMD Staffi ng TMD Funding TMD Advisory Committee C. TMD Marketing Programs .................................................................................15 Super Fare Share Fare Share Commuter Information Days Newsletters Banners D. TMD Events ............................................................................................................20 Walk & Ride Challenge Bike to Work Day BTS Participation in BUP Events Employer Recognition Events E. County Legislation 32-02 – Traffi c Mitigation Plans .....................................24 IV. TMD Commuting Profi le ...............................................................................................25 A. Response Rate .........................................................................................................26 B. Mode Choice ...........................................................................................................27 C. Average Vehicle Occupancy .................................................................................28 D. Transit Usage & Pooling .......................................................................................29 E. Other Modes: Biking & Walking ........................................................................30 Biking Walking F. Other Work Schedules ......................................................................................... 33 Bethesda Transportation Solutions Biennial Report FY2006 - FY2007 4 G. Home Origins ........................................................................................................ 34 V. Tr a ffi c, Parking, and Ridership Trends .........................................................................35 A. Traffi c Conditions .................................................................................................35 Methodology Results B. Ridership Trends ...................................................................................................39 Metrorail & Metrobus RideOn Bethesda Circulator C. Parking Supply & Usage .......................................................................................42 Public Parking Private Parking VI. Conclusions, Trends & Recommendations ..................................................................45 Tables Table 3.1 Bethesda TMD Advisory Committee ..............................................................14 Table 3.2 Enhanced Super Fare Share Program ..............................................................17 Table 4.1 Peak Hour FY2006 .............................................................................................25 Table 4.2 Peak Hour FY2007 .............................................................................................26 Table 4.3 Survey Participation 2000 - 2007 .....................................................................26 Table 4.4 Average Auto Occupancy ..................................................................................28 Table 4.5 Sector Plan Objectives & 2006 Survey Results ...............................................28 Table 4.6 Sector Plan Objectives & 2007 Survey Results ...............................................28 Table 4.7 Biking in Bethesda at a Glance .........................................................................32 Table 4.8 Residential Origins of Surveyed Commuters .................................................34 Table 5.1 Intersection Level of Service 2006 ................................................................... 36 Table 5.2 Vehicle Turning Movements 2006 ................................................................... 37 Table 5.3 Critical Lane Volume & Level of Service 2007 ...............................................38 Table 5.4 Vehicle Turning Movements 2007 ................................................................... 39 Table 5.5 Metrorail Ridership FY06 & FY07 ...................................................................40 Bethesda Transportation Solutions Biennial Report FY2006 - FY2007 5 Table 5.6 Metrobus Boarding & Alighting FY02 - FY07 ...............................................40 Table 5.7 Mode of Access for Metrorail Riders ...............................................................41 Table 5.8 Ride On Bus Boarding & Alighting .................................................................41 Table 5.9 Bethesda Circulator Ridership ......................................................................... 42 Table 5.10 Long-term Public Parking Supply & Usage ....................................................43 Figures Figure i.1 Map: Bethesda Transportation Management District .....................................6 Figure 3.1 Super Fare Share Companies FY01 - FY07 .....................................................17 Figure 3.2 Sample CID Flyer ...............................................................................................19 Figure 3.3 Bike to Work Day Registration 2001 - 2007 ................................................... 21 Figure 4.1 Non-Auto Driver Mode Share 2000 - 2007 .................................................... 27 Figure 4.2 Location of Countdown Pedestrian Signals ................................................... 33 Appendices Appendix A Super Fare Share Companies ................................................................50 Appendix B Traffi c Mitigation Plans & Annual Reports ........................................52 Appendix C Bethesda Companies with Bicycle Amenities ....................................56 Appendix D Annual Commuter Surveys - FY2006 & FY2007 ..............................58 Appendix E BTS Newsletters .....................................................................................84 Appendix F Glossary of Terms ............................................................................... 100 Appendix G Map: Location of Countdown Pedestrian Signals ......................... 101 Appendix H Map: Bethesda Bike Rack Locations .................................................102 Bethesda Transportation Solutions Biennial Report FY2006 - FY2007 6 Figure i.1 Map of Bethesda Transportation Management District :LVFRQVLQ$YH $YH %HWKHVGD'U &KHOVHD 6&KHOVHD/D /D 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ0DQDJHPHQW'LVWULFW 3URSHUW\/LQH &KH /XFDV/D &KHVWQXW6W VWQXW &KHVWQXW6W DFUHV D ' / U N R R U 5RVHGDOH$YH 5R VHG % U\/D D %DWWH . 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