ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT Molonglo Stage 3 132KV Transmission Line Relocation FINAL March 2019 ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT Molonglo Stage 3 132KV Transmission Line Relocation FINAL Prepared by Umwelt (Australia) Pty Limited on behalf of Calibre Consulting (ACT) Project Director: Karina Carwardine Project Manager: Amanda Mulherin Technical Director: David Moore Report No. 8139B_R02_V2 Date: March 2019 Canberra PO Box 6135 2/99 Northbourne Avenue Turner ACT 2612 Ph. 1300 793 267 www.umwelt.com.au This report was prepared using Umwelt’s ISO 9001 certified Quality Management System. Disclaimer This document has been prepared for the sole use of the authorised recipient and this document may not be used, copied or reproduced in whole or part for any purpose other than that for which it was supplied by Umwelt (Australia) Pty Ltd (Umwelt). No other party should rely on this document without the prior written consent of Umwelt. Umwelt undertakes no duty, nor accepts any responsibility, to any third party who may rely upon or use this document. Umwelt assumes no liability to a third party for any inaccuracies in or omissions to that information. Where this document indicates that information has been provided by third parties, Umwelt has made no independent verification of this information except as expressly stated. ©Umwelt (Australia) Pty Ltd Document Status Rev No. Reviewer Approved for Issue Name Date Name Date FINAL Karina Carwardine 14 March 2019 Karina Carwardine 14 March 2019 ecological assessment Introduction 8139b_R02_V2.docx 4 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Project Description 1 1.2 Project Area 2 2.0 Methods 4 2.1 Literature Review 4 2.2 Field Assessment 4 2.2.1 Meandering Transects 4 2.2.2 Rapid Vegetation Assessments 4 2.2.3 Habitat Tree and Fauna Habitat Features Survey 5 2.2.4 Opportunistic Fauna Survey 5 3.0 Results 6 3.1 Literature Review 6 3.1.1 ACTmapi Significant Plants and Animals 6 3.1.2 Protected Matters Search Tool Results 6 3.1.3 Existing Reports 7 3.1.4 Summary of Literature Review 8 3.2 Field Assessment 10 3.2.1 Vegetation Communities 10 3.2.2 Fauna Habitat Features 15 3.2.3 Opportunistic Observations 16 4.0 Threatened Species and Ecological Communities 18 4.1 Threatened Ecological Communities 18 4.1.1 EPBC Act Listed Ecological Communities 19 4.1.2 NC Act Listed Ecological Communities 20 4.2 Threatened Flora 22 4.3 Threatened and Migratory Fauna 22 4.3.1 Reptiles and Amphibians 22 4.3.2 Birds 22 4.3.3 Mammals 23 4.3.4 Invertebrates 23 5.0 Conclusion 24 6.0 References 25 ecological assessment 8139b_R02_V2.docx Figures Figure 1.1 Project Area 3 Figure 3.1 Previously Identified Threatened Ecological Communities and Threatened Species Habitat 9 Figure 3.2 Vegetation Communities Identified in Field Survey 11 Figure 3.3 Key Fauna Habitat Features 17 Figure 4.1 Zones that Potentially Support EPBC Act or NC Act Box-gum Woodland 21 Tables Table 3.1 PMST Report Summary 6 Table 4.1 Vegetation Communities with the Potential to Meet EPBC Act Box-Gum Woodland Criteria 18 Table 4.2 EPBC Act Box-gum Woodland Condition Criteria Assessment 19 Table 4.3 NC Act Box-gum Woodland Condition Criteria Assessment 20 Appendices Appendix A Likelihood of Occurrence Assessment 27 Appendix B PMST Report 47 ecological assessment 8139b_R02_V2.docx 1.0 Introduction Umwelt (Australia) Pty Limited (Umwelt) were engaged to prepare an ecological assessment to support the environmental approvals for the proposed relocation of 132kV transmission lines currently located within the Molonglo Valley of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), and construction of a new 132kV sub-station (the Project, described in Section 1.1). This assessment will form the basis for the following processes: A request for an exemption from requiring an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) under Section 211 of the Planning and Development Act 2007 (PD Act). This will be submitted to the ACT Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate (EPSDD) seeking EIS exemption for the Project on all Territory Land outside of existing approval boundaries (see Figure 1.1); and An application for Works Approval for the components of the Project that occur on Designated Land (see Figure 1.1). This will be submitted to the National Capital Authority (NCA) for assessment. A large proportion of the Project occurs within the boundary of an existing EIS exemption approval, thus does not require further assessment under the Impact Track of the PD Act. The Molonglo Stage 3 EIS exemption was approved by the Minister for Planning and Land Management on 8 May 2018. This existing EIS exemption approval is for the residential development of Molonglo Stage 3 and includes the decommissioning of the existing transmission lines and sub-station and the construction of the new transmission lines within the boundary of the Molonglo Stage 3 Future Urban Area (FUA) (Figure 1.1). The objectives of this report are to: Verify existing vegetation and/or habitat mapping where available and provide vegetation mapping in any unmapped areas; Determine whether any matters protected under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Commonwealth) (EPBC Act) or the Nature Conservation Act 2014 (ACT) (NC Act) occur or are likely to occur; Identify potential nesting and habitat trees; and Record any opportunistic fauna observations made during field survey. 1.1 Project Description The existing overhead 132kV transmission lines and proposed location of the new Molonglo zone sub- station (sub-station) are currently located within the Molonglo Stage 3 FUA (hereafter referred to as Molonglo Stage 3), proposed for residential development over the next 25 years (Umwelt, 2017). The aim of the Project is to relocate existing overhead 132kV transmission lines and proposed location of the sub- station to a new position that is conducive to the future residential use of the land. The existing transmission lines are above ground, supported by steel towers. The new transmission lines will consist entirely of underground cabling, emerging in three locations to connect to the existing overhead lines and into the sub-station. Connection to existing transmission lines will occur to the east of Kama Nature Reserve (within Molonglo Stage 3), at the north-eastern end of the alignment (north of William Hovell Drive), and at the south-eastern end of the alignment. Where the proposed alignment crosses William Hovell Drive and the Tuggeranong Parkway, existing underpasses or culverts will be used. If this is not possible, under-boring will occur to limit traffic disruptions and damage to road surfaces. ecological assessment Introduction 8139b_R02_V2.docx 1 Following completion of construction of the new underground transmission lines, the existing overhead lines will be decommissioned and demolished. 1.2 Project Area The Project Area for this ecological assessment is shown in Figure 1.1. The Project Area excludes Molonglo Stage 3 and includes the following elements: Two versions of the proposed new alignment with a 40 metre assessment buffer; The proposed new location of the sub-station, including the 130 square metre fenced compound; and The existing electricity easement. It is noted that the Project will not impact the entirety of these areas, rather that this ecological assessment will provide information regarding the environmental context for the Project to support assessment. ecological assessment Introduction 8139b_R02_V2.docx 2 683704 685204 686704 688204 689704 5 5 e n o Z A G M 4 ° 9 ! 9 E 1 V I A R D D G L L E BE V LCO O NNE H N WA M Y A E I V L I L R I 1 D 4 W 6 R 6 E 9 T 0 L 6 U O C COOK ARANDA C A S W 1 E 4 L 1 L 5 9 D 0 6 R I V E 1 4 6 3 9 0 6 PARKES WAY 1 4 1 2 9 0 6 YARRALUMLA 1 4 6 0 M 9 P 0 6 1 2 : 3 1 U : RI 1 A R 8 RA 1 R 0 O 2 A / D T 8 E U U 0 VEN / A G IDE 0 LA G E 2 D A E 1 R 0 AD 0 O A R _ R N TE B T O O 9 C N 3 1 G 8 - P 2 N A 0 E R R L : K G e W A m WRIGHT A a R N Y R CURTIN e A l Y i F COOMBES 1 4 1 9 8 0 6 km 1:40000 at A4 0 0.425 0.85 1.7 Legend Project Area Designated Land Territory Land FIGURE 1.1 Roads Project Area Watercourse Image Source: Environment and Planning Directorate, ACT Government (2016) Data source: Umwelt (Australia) (2018) 2.0 Methods This ecological assessment was undertaken in two stages: 1. Literature review of available databases and existing reports; and 2. Field survey. The methods for these stages are described in detail in the following sections. 2.1 Literature Review A literature review and database search was undertaken to identify the range of threatened and migratory species, endangered populations, and threatened ecological communities (TECs) that could potentially occur within the Project Area. The following databases were searched based on a ten kilometre radius encompassing the Project Area: ACT Government (2018) ACTmapi ‘Significant Species, Vegetation Communities and Registered Trees’ layer; and Department of the Environment and Energy (DoEE) (2018) ‘Protected Matters Search Tool’. Existing reports and available mapping for the Project Area and adjacent areas were reviewed to identify additional records of threatened species and ecological communities nearby. 2.2 Field Assessment A field assessment was conducted to verify existing mapping, provide vegetation mapping in any unmapped areas, identify whether any areas meet classification criteria as threatened ecological communities under the EPBC Act or NC Act, identify potential nesting and habitat trees, and record any opportunistic fauna observations within the Project Area.
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