Front Matter

Front Matter

TKANSACTIONS OF THE HISTORIC SOCIETY OF LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE VOL. LXXIII. HORSES CHANGING : COACH MAIL THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE HISTORIC SOCIETY OF TLancaabire anfc £besbire FOR THE YEAR 1921 VOLUME LXXIII NEW SERIES VOLUME XXXVII LIVERPOOL PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY 1922 All rights reserved -V CONTENTS AND ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE COUNCIL AND OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1922 .... ix. OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY SINCE COMMENCEMENT .... LIST OF HONORARY LOCAL SECRETARIES EDITORIAL NOTES Xll. LIST OF MEMBERS xiii. LIST OF SOCIETIES WITH WHICH TRANSACTIONS ARE EXCHANGED .... .... .... xxm. PAPERS READ. EARLY LIVERPOOL COACHING. BY A. H. ARKLE, O.B.E. .... .... .... .... .... .... 1 The Mail Coach : Changing Horses .... Frontispiece Early Coach Advertisements (five) .... To face 8, 9 Variations of the Coach Road into Birkenhead To face 11 Dale Street (North Side), showing a Fly Waggon To face 13 London Mail Coach Advertisement .... ,, 16 " Golden Lion " Inn, Dale Street 17 Liverpool " Umpire" Coach .... 21 Tranmere Ferry Steamer, 1817 .... ,, 26 " King's Arms " Inn, Water Street (Parish Offices, 1829) .... .... .... To face 27 THREE LOCAL WINDMILLS. BY CHARLES R. HAND 33 I. THE GALLOWS MILL 33 View of the Mill, looking West ... To face 33 II. TOXTETH WINDMILL, HARRINGTON 41 Harrington Mill To face 41 Otterspool Fall 41 III. THE KING'S MILL AT WEST DERBY 42 View of the Mill .... .... .... To face 43 vi. Contents and Illustrations PAGE THE KIRKBY FONT. BY F. CHARLES LARKIN, F.R.C.S. .... .... .... .... .... .... 44 STORY AND DESCRIPTION .... .... .... 44 View of the Font .... .... .... To face 44 THE ARCADE, with Outline Drawing .... .... 51 THE FALL, with plate ..:. .... To face 53 The Cherub and St. Michael .... 55 Outline drawings of the Figures .... 56, 57 St. Michael and the Dragon .... To face 56 THE SEVEN " PRIESTS " .... .... .... 60 The Ancient Chasuble .... .... .... 61 ST. PETER AND HIS KEY, with plate To face 69 THE MITRE .... .... .... .... .... 73 Drawings showing its Evolution .... .... 75 THE STAFF .... .... .... .... .... 79 Various forms of the Ray .... .... 85 The figures P. 6 and 5 .... .... To face 88 RELIQUARIES .... .... .... .... .... 90 The figures P. 7 and 6 .... .... To face 92 P. 7 .... .... .... .... 93 ST. CHAD .... .... .... .... .... 96 CARVINGS OF MEDIEVAL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS IN MANCHESTER CATHEDRAL. BY THE REV. H. A. HUDSON, M.A., F.S.A. .... .... .... .... 100 1. TABOR (fig.) .... .... .... .... 104 Exeter Misericord, showing Pipe and Tabor .... .... .... .... To face 105 Worcester Misericord, showing Nakers and Clarion .... .... .... .... To face 105 2. RECORDER (fig.) .... .... .... .... 106 Angel playing a Recorder .... To face 107 3. BAGPIPE (Irish) (fig.) .... .... .... 108 4. BAGPIPE (Scottish) (fig.) .... .... .... 109 5. SHAWM (fig.) .... .... .... .... .... 110 Double Recorder. From Beverley To face 110 Bagpiper. From Beverley .... ,, 110 'ill liURATA. Page 106. The figures on p. 106 and p. 110 should be transposed. Page 110. See above. Page 117, 1. 20. For "PI. V.2 " read "See illustration opposite p. 118." Plate VI. This should be placed opposite p. 123 ; and what is now the left side of the picture should appear at the top. Contents and Illustrations vn. PAGE 6. TRUMPET, or CLARION (fig.) .... .... 112 7. CLAVICVMBAL (fig.) .... .... .... .... 113 Angel playing a.Clavicymbal .... To face 113 8. PORTATIVE ORGAN (front and side views) 114 Psaltery, Portative Organ and Harp. From Beverley .... .... .... To face 116 Positive Organ. From Boston .... ,, 116 9. HARP (side and front views) .... .... 117 10. PSALTERY (fig.) ' .... .... .... .... 118 Viol. From Beverley .... .... To face 118 Harp and Bagpipe. From Manchester To face 118 11. DULCIMER (fig.) 119 12. LUTE (fig.) .... .... .... .... .... 121 13. FITHELE (fig.) .... .... .... .... 123 14. SYMPHONY (fig.) .... .... .... .... 124 Organistrum. From a sculptured group in the Rouen Museum, formerly belonging to the Cloister of St. Georges de Boscherville (12th Century) .... 124 LEASOWE CASTLE : ITS OWNERS AND HISTORY. BY E. CUTHBERT WOODS, L.D.S. .... .... .... 127 Leasowe Tower, 1593 : as reconstructed by Mr. Hopps .... .... .... .... To face 127 Leasowe in 1800 : from a sketch by Lysons To face 132 The Star Chamber Room as it was .... 138 Doorway of 1593 (outline sketch) .... .... 139 The Dated Stone .... .... .... To face 139 Plan of Tower, etc. ; first and third floors .... 142 APPENDIX I. A List of Facetious Book Titles on the Dummy Bookcase .... .... 145 APPENDIX II. The Oxgangs in Wallasey, 1768 146 viii. Contents and Illustrations PAOE A FOURTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH ALABASTER OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN. BY PHILIP NELSON, M.D., F.S.A. .... .... .... .... .... .... 149 The Statuette .... .... .... .... To face 149 The Flawford Virgin (Nottingham Museum) To face 151 The Cadillac Sculpture .... .... .... 152 COMMUNICATIONS. THE CROSSE FAMILY OF WIGAN, CHORLEY AND LIVERPOOL. BY R. STEWART-BROWN, M.A., F.S.A., AND F. C. BEAZLEY, F.S.A. .... .... 153 TOCKHOLES CHAPEL. BY JOHN LIVESEY .... .... 187 LANCASTER JOTTINGS. V. THE NEW HALL, LANCASTER, AND ITS OWNERS 189 BULK MILL .... .... .... .... .... 210 SOUTHWORTH OF HlGHFIELD .... .... 212 VICARS OF LANCASTER DURING THE CIVIL WAR TIME .... .... .... .... .... 212 ABSTRACTS OF DEEDS RELATING TO THE SALE OF PEWS IN ST. NICHOLAS'S CHURCH, LIVERPOOL. BY HENRY PEET, M.A., F.S.A. .... .... 215 THE LOST MANOR OF THIRNBY IN LONSDALE. BY W. H. CHIPPINDALL .... .... .... .... 225 STRAY NOTES .... .... .... .... .... .... 228 Harrington Estate in Liverpool. Slitting Mills at Birkacre. Curates of Hale Chapel, 1560 (?) to 1633. Blundell of Little Crosby. The Kirkby Font. Wigan Church c. 1580. Long worth of Ormskirk. Rochdale Glebe. Dr. Kuer- den. Hambleton Chapel. Philip Bennet of Cartmel. Early Rectors of Wood- church. Cheshire Men in the Expedition of 1544. Sporting Rights in Minshull, 1583. REPORTS AND TREASURER'S ACCOUNT .... .... 234 INDEX .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 241 COUNCIL AND OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1922 President. THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF DERBY, K.G., G.C.V.O., P.C. Vice-Presidents. JOHN PAUL RYLANDS, F.S.A. WM. FERGUSSON IRVINE, M.A., F.S.A. F. C. BEAZLEY, F.S.A. HENRY PEET, M.A., F.S.A. A. H. ARKLE, O.B.E. F. C. LARKIN, F.R.C.S. R. STEWART-BROWN, M.A., F.S.A. Member* of Council. TO SERVE TO END OF 1922. F. W. BAILEY, D.S.O., M.R.C.S., GEORGE T. SHAW. L.R.C.P. FRANCIS J. WELD. R. CATON, M.D., F.R.C.P. E. CUTHBERT WOODS, L.D.S. WALTER PEEL, C.B.E. TO SERVE TO END OF 1923. R. GLADSTONE, B.C.L., M.A. J. A. TWEMLOW, B.A. HAROLD LEE, J.P. W. FORSHAW WILSON. TO SERVE TO END OF 1924. F. E. AUBREY, L.D.S. S. W. PHIPPS. F. H. CROSSLEY, F.S.A. E. H. RIDEOUT, B.SC., A.I.C. Hon. Treasurer, P. C. BROWN, 20 PENKETT ROAD, WALLASEY, CHESHIRE. Hon. Librarian. Hon. Aniitant Librarian R. T. BAILEY, M.B.E., M.R.C.S., E. H. RIDEOUT, B.SC., A.I.C. L.R.C.P. Hon. Secretary. Hon. Assiltant Secretary. PHILIP NELSON, M.D., F.S.A. JAMES A. WAITE. " BEECHWOOD," CALDERSTONES, LIVERPOOL. Hon. Editor. JOHN BROWNBILL, M.A. Excursion Committee. V. E. AUBREY, L.D.S. F. W. BAILEY, D.S.O., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Photoffrapbic Committee. R. T. BAILEY, M.B.E., M.R.C.S., JAMES A. WAITE. L.R.C.P. Officers of the- ^ocietp since Commencement. Presidents. 1. Right Hon. Francis, 1st Earl of Ellcsmere, Lord-Lieutenant of Lancashire .... 1848 2. Right Hon. Charles William, 3rd Earl of Sefton, Lord-Lieutenant of Lancashire 1854 3. General the Hon. Sir Edward Cust, K.C.H., D.C.L. .... .... .... .... 1855 4. Right Hon. William Ewart Gladstone, M.P. .... .... .... .... .... 1863 5. Joseph Mayer, F.S.A., &c. .... ... .... .... .... .... .... 1866 6. Rev. Canon Hume, D.C.L., LL.D., &c..... .... .... .... .... .... 1869 7. The Very Rev. J. S. Howson, D.D., Dean of Chester .... .... .... 1875 8. Thomas Glazebrook Rylands, F.S.A., &c. .... .... .... .... .... 1879 9. Right Rev. The Lord Bishop of Oxford, F.S.A. .... .... .... .... 1885 10. Right Rev. The Lord Bishop of Chester, D.D. .... .... .... .... 1889 11. Right Hon. Arthur, 16th Earl of Derby, K.G., G.C.B., Lord-Lieutenant of Lancashire .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 1903 12. RIGHT HON. EDWARD, 17ra EARL OF DERBY, K. G., G.C.V.O., C.B..... .... 1908 Secretaries. 1848. Rev. A. Hume, LL.D., and H. C Pidgeon. 1851. Rev. A. Hume, LL.D., and Rev. Thomas Moore, M.A. 1854. Rev. A. Hume, LL.D. Assistant Secretaries. 1855. Rev. A. Hume, LL.D. Thomas G. Wedgwood. 1856. Rev. A. Hume, LL.D. W. W. Rundell. 1857. Rev. A. Hume, LL.D. J. H. Genn. 1864. Nicholas Waterhouse. J. H. Genn, 1867. David Buxton. Charles Dyall. 1875. David Buxton. Arthur Wakefield. 1876. David Buxton. Eugenio Londini. 1877. C. T. Gatty, F.S.A. Eugenio Londini. 1882. C. T. Gatty, F.S.A. T. N. Morton. [E. M. Hance, LL.B. 1 1884. [ R. D. Radcliffe, M.A. f T. N. Morton. 1888- R. D. Radclifle, M.A., F.S.A. T. N. Morton. 1892. R. D. Radcliffe, M.A., F.S.A. T. N. Morton, W. F. Irvine. 1898- R. D. Radclifle, M.A., F.S.A. W. F. Irvine, Jas. A. Waite. 1903. W. F. Irvine, M.A., F.S.A. Jas. A. Waite. 1910. F. C. Beazley, F.S.A. Jas. A. Waite. 1914. PHILIP NELSON, M.D., F.S.A. JAS. A. WAITE. Editor. 1911. John Brownbill, M.A.1 Treaiuren. 1848. Thomas Avison, F.S.A. 1898. W. E. Gregson. 1860. William Burke. 1905. F. C. Beazley, F.S.A. 1867. John G. Jacob. 1911.- S. W. Phipps. 1886. H. D. Eshelby, F.S.A. 1922. P. C. BROWN. Librarians. Curators. 1848. Joseph Mayer, F.S.A. Joseph Mayer, F.S.A. 1851. Rev. Thomas Moore, M.A. Joseph Mayer, F.S.A. 1859. David Buxton. A. C. Gibson, F.S.A. 1867. Nicholas Waterhouse. A. C. Gibson, F.S.A. 1869. Nicholas Waterhouse. H. Ecroyd Smith. 1871. John R. Hughes. H. Ecroyd Smith. 1875. John R. Hughes. J.

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