2390 THE LONDON GAZETTE, APRIL 5, 1878. should be named 'The Consolidated Chapelry of road and then north-eastward and then eastward] Saint Peter Prickwillow.' along the middle of the same road for a distance- " We therefore Lumbly pray that your Majesty off ourteen chains or thereabouts to a point opposite- will be graciously pleased to take the premises to a boundary .stone inscribed f P. St. P. C. C. into your Royal consideration and to make such 1878, .No. 4,' and placed near to the house called Order in respect thereto as to your Majesty in your or "known as Mags Mount on the southern side of Royal wisdom shall seem meet. the said road at the northern end of the drain or watercourse dividing the close numbered 926 upon? " The SCHEDULE to which the foregoing the said maps from the .house and garden called or Representation has reference. known as Mags Mount as aforesaid and numbered "The Consolidated Chapelry of Saint Peter, 930 and from the closes numbered respectively Prickwillow being :— 929 and 927 upon the same maps and extending- " All those several contiguous portions of the thence that is, from the last-described point in the parish or parochial chapelry of the Holy Trinity, .middle of the said last-mentioned road, southward Ely, and of the parish of Littleport, both in the to the last-described boundary stone and along the county of Cambridge and in the diocese of Ely, middle of the last-mentioned drain or watercourse* of the new parish of Saint John, Little Ouse, for a distance of fifteen chains or thereabouts to situate partly in the county of Norfolk and partly its junction with the old course of the River Ouse- in the said county of Cambridge, and wholly in and continuing thence still in the same direction the diocese of Ely aforesaid, and of the parishes and in a straight line across the said old course of of Mildenhali and of Lakcnheath both in the county the same river, .and across the old road leading of Suffolk > and in the diocese of Ely aforesaid from Ely to Prickwillow for a further distance of which said portions of such respective cures are three chains or thereabouts to a boundary stone- comprised \vithin and are bounded by an imaginary inscribed «P. St. P. C. C. 1878, No. 5,' and placed line commencing upon the boundary which divides on the southern side of the same old road upon the said parish of Littleport from the parish or the boundaiy which divides the said parish or parochial chapelry of the Holy Trinity Ely afore- parochial chapelry of the Holy Trinity Ely from said at a point in the middle of the River Ouse the chapelry of fetuntney in the same parish or at or near to its junction with the River Lark parochial • chapelry and extending thence first opposite to the houses called or known as the eastward and then southward along the last-men- Branch and extending thence south-eastward tioned boundary for a distance of fifty-four chains- along the middle of the last-named river for a or thereabouts to its j unction with the boundary distance of fifty-two chains or thereabouts to a which divides the said parish or parochial chapelry poihl opposite to the middle of the road called or of the Holy Trinity Ely from the parish of Sohanv known as Third Drove and extending thence in the said county of Cam bridge and in the .diocese south-westward to and along the middle of the of Ely aforesaid, and extending thence first east- said road for a distance of thirty-eight chains or ward then north-eastward and then south-eastward thereabouts to a point opposite to a boundary stone along the last-mentioned boundary for a distance inscribed 'P. St. P. C. C. 1878, No. 1,' and of about two miles (thereby following in the last- placed on the south-eastern side of the same named direction the course of the River Lark afore- road at the northern end of the drain or water- said) to the point where the same boundary joins the course dividing the closes numbered respectively boundary which divides the said county of Cam- 965 and 966 upon the lithe commutation map bridge from the county of Suffolk which said county • of the said parish or parochial chapelry of boundary at this point divides the said parish of the Holy Trinity, Ely, and upon the map Soham from the parish of Mildenhali aforesaid and hereunto annexed from the closes numbered continuing thence still south-eastward fur a distance respectively 964 and 963 upon, the same of three quarters of a mile or thereabouts along maps and extending thence southward to such the last-mentioned parish and county boundary boundary stone and along the middle of 'the said thereby continuing to follow the course of drain or watercourse for a distance of twenty-one the River Lark aforesaid to a point in the chains or thereabouts to the southern end of the middle of the same river opposite to the 'same drain or watercourse on the. northern side of western end of the roadway called or known as the road called or known as Second Drove, and ex- Cross Bank on the eastern side of the same river, tending thence south-eastward and in a direct line and extending thence, that is, from the last- diagonally across the last-named road to a boun- described point on the county boundary in the dary stone inscribed ' P. St. P. C. C. 1878, No. 2,' middle of the said river eastward and in a direct and placed on the southern side of the said last- line to the point at the middle of the western end named road at the northern end. of the drain or of the last-named roadway where it joins the- •watercourse dividing the close numbered 937 upon roadway leading from Prickwillow along the the said maps from the closes numbered respectively north-eastern bank of the said river to Milden- 936 and 923 upon the same maps and extending hall and extending thence that is from the last- thence first southward and then westward along* described point of junction first generally eastward the middle of the last-mentioned drain or water- and then south-eastward along the middle of the course to its junction with the drain or watercourse roadway called or known as Cross Bank aforesaid: which divides the close numbered 922 upon the for a distance of one mile and sixty-seven chains' said maps from the close numbered 923 as afore- or thereabouts to its junction with the road called said and extending thence southward along the or known as Friesland Drove and extending- middle of the last-mentioned drain or watercourse thence eastward along the middle of the last- to the southern end of the same drain or water- named road for a distance of forty-four chains or course on the northern side of the line of the thereabouts to the point at or near to the house Great Eastern Railway and .continuing thence still and buildings called or known as Friesland Farm southward and in a direct line across the said line where the same road joins the turnpike road lead- of railway to a boundary stone inscribed 'P. St. ing from Littleport to Mildenhall and called or P. C. C. 1878, No. 3,' and placed on the northern known as Mildenhall-road, and extending thence side of the road leading from Ely to Prickwillow south-eastward along the middle of the last-named and called or known as First Drove, and extend- turnpike-road for a distance of nineteen chains or ing thence first southward to the middle of such thereabouts to its junction with the road.
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