BYLAWS OF XI RHO CHAPTER ZETA PHI BETA SORORITY, INC Preamble We, a group of college women, organized as the sister Greek letter Sorority to Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, do hereby bind ourselves together for the purposes of promoting the cause of education by encouraging the highest standards of scholarship through scientific, literary, cultural, and educational programs; promoting charitable projects on college campuses and within the community; fostering the spirit of sisterly love and promoting the ideal of Finer Womanhood. Ten women were members of this Illustrious Sorority with a more enlightened vision for Miami University. They sought and were granted a charter to Miami University of Ohio. The First Anti-Basileus, Dr. Shirley th th Bowles, granted this charter on the 28 day of April 2001 at the 67 Great Lakes Regional Conference of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. ARTICLE I Name, Motto, Colors & Emblem Section 1: Name The name of this organization shall bethe Xi Rho Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated at Miami University. Section 2: Motto The motto of this chapter shall be “A Force To Be Reckoned With.” Section 3: Colors The colors shall be Royal Blue and White Section 4: Emblem The Emblem shall be a shield, two flaming torches, the dove of peace and five stars to represent the Founders. Section 5: Badge The official badge of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, shall be the pverbar of the Greek Letter Monogram; and, is to be worn only by initiated sorors. ARTICLE II Last Updated April 22, 2019 Governance and Authority Section 1: Corporate Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. shall maintain a non-profit corporate status with perpetual terms to pursue its educational and charitable puproses. Section 2: Parliamentary The organization shall be governed by these By-Laws, and where these By-Laws do not address a specific issue, Robert’s Rules of Order will be the prevailing authority. The National Constitution of the Sorority and the National Phylacter and Baselius will be consulted for a ruling in any disputes. ARTICLE III Objectives Section 1: Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated shall have tas its objectives: The fostering of ideals of Service, Charity, Scholarship, Civil and Cultural Endeavors, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood. Section 2: The implementation of these objective shall be reflected in national programs that provide training, scholarships, counseling services, and project the image of finer womanhood through community action. To further the objectives of providing scholarships, services and charity, the organization shall serve in an advocacy role to enhance the service of community programs by way of volunteer task groups and provide financial assistance to vocational and college students. Section 3: To assist in carrying out its objectives, the organization may establish one or more foundations separate and apart from its other funds, exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, literary, cultural and educational purposes, and/or for the prevention of cruelty to animals. These separate foundations shall be established by guidlines that will qualify the organization for exemption under the Internal Revenue Code and contributions to such entities will be tax deductible. The objective of this organization is to operate in accordance with the programs of the National Administrative Body and its mission. These programs include, but are not limited to Finer Womanhood, Sisterhood, Community Movements and Cultural Awareness. We are further proposed to increase membership through reclamation, to develop programs for Miami University’s students, staff, and faculty, to Last Updated April 22, 2019 sustain our Constitutional bond to members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., to embrace non-college woman, and most of all, to better ourselves internally as women of color. ARTICLE IV Membership Section 1: Definition of Membership Membership shall include Undergraduates from Miami University in pursuit of a Bachelor’s Degree. Qualifications for the various forms of membership available to individuals are outlined in these subsequent sections of this article. All Sorors must designate at the beginning of the Sororial year the level of membership they seek to obtain for that year. Section 2: Full Undergraduate Membership Any member who has paid the full assessment, is enrolled in at least 12 credit hours, and has a cumulative grade point average of a 2.5 is a full undergraduate member. All officers must maintain Full Undergraduate Membership status. The level of membership includes voting privileges on all motions and eligibility to hold any office one is qualified for. Section 3: Inactive Membership th A member who does not meet her financial obligations by October 15 o r by the time in conjunction with the chapters set date for payment of each calendar year, who is not enrolled in at least 12 credit hours, and who does not have a cumulative grade point average of a 2.5 for two consecutive semesters shall become an inactive member. Inactive members shall not have the privileges of voting or holding office in this chapter, but may indeed serve on any committees. A) Financially inactive Membership th Any member who does not meet her financial obligations by October 15 or by the time in conjunction with the chapters set date for payment of each calendar year shall become an inactive member. Financially inactive members do not have the right or privilege to vote *The chapter will discuss any extenuating circumstances when the need arises Section 4: Transfer of Membership Upon earning the Bachelor’s Degree, an Undergraduate Member must transfer to a Graduate Chapter within one (1) year in order to maintain active status. She cannot remain a member of an Undergraduate Chapter after the Bachelor’s Degree is earned. She must present a transfer card and a copy of degree to the Membership Chairman of the Graduate Chapter into which she is transferred. Last Updated April 22, 2019 A transfer will be issued to a Soror upon written request for to a current chapter. Presentation of a Transfer Reference Card from that chapter and the required fee(s) should be mailed to the Office of the Excutive Director by the chapter where she seeks affiliation. If a Soror’s chapter is inactive or if she is unknown to that chapter because of a long absence, she must go before a notary public and swear that she was in good standing at the time she left said chapter. This notarized statement, along with written approval from the State (where applicable) and Regional Directors where said chapter was located, may be used in liue of a Transfer Reference Card. A Soror must be financial with the National, Regional, State (where applicable) and local levels of the Sorority before she can be transferred to another chapter. If unfinacial, she must reinstate with the national office and pay all financial obligations, including transfer fees, before she can transfer. Section 5: Application for Membership Any woman seeking membership into this chapter shall have a 2.5 cumulative grade point average, obtain three written Letters of Recommendation, including one from a Full Undergraduate Member, and submit a current resume. Anyone seeking membership must also adhere to the criteria outlined in the National Constitution. These criteria include demonstrating community leadership, acceptable personal involvement in community programs, academically proficient, financial capability, and association to the Zeta Family. In the result that the current active membership status is below six members, all active members must come to a unanimous decision as to which candidates they will accept into the formal intake process. If the current active members status is six and above, all active members must come to a 3/4 agreement to which candidates they will accept into the formal intake process. ARTICLE V Section 1: Graduate Chapters There shall be chapters in cities and communities known as Graduate Chapters. They shall be comprised of college and university graduates. Section 2: Military Graduate Chapters Chapters may be formed in a province, territory, country or non-contiguous state. They shall be comprised of college and university graduates and undergraduates as associate members if no undergraduate chapter is in the immediate area. Section 3: Undergraduate Chapters There shall be chapters located on college campuses. They shall be comprised of currently matriculating undergraduates. These chapters shall be known as Undergraduate Chapters and shall have a graduate advisor within close proximity of the campus for counseling. Their Bylaws must not conflict with campus rules or Sorority guidlines. Section 4: Metropolitan Undergraduate Chapters Last Updated April 22, 2019 A metropolitan chapter of undergraduate status may be authorized upon request of a Graduate Chapter in a city where one or more colleges are in operation, but where stipulations prevent the establishment of campus chapters. Applicants must be currently matriculating undergraduates. Section 5: Regions The national constituency shall be divided into eight regions comprised of the representative states and countries. Section 6: Bylaws Each region, state (where applicable), and local chapter shall adopt Bylaws that are consistent with National Constitution and Bylaws and shall not have constitutions. ARTICLE VI Officers and Elections Section 1: General Rules No member may serve concurrently in more than one of the following offices unless extenuating circumstances have been discussed, (i.e. only 3 people in the chapter). No member may chair more than one standing committee at a time, unless specifically stated in officer duties. Each officer shall keep a record of her duties, activities, and responsibilities while in office. These records are the property of this chapter and shall be transferred to the newly inducted officer Section 2: Office of the Basileus Qualifications A. Full undergraduate membership status B. Attendance to Regional Conferences as financial and remain all day Saturday a. Chapter is required to financially support attendance of Basileus to regional conference through chapter dues b.
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