HERITAGE STATEMENT HERITAGE STATEMENT AND LO- CAL GREEN SPACE ASSESSMENT Land at Iden Green Road, Benenden JCH00637 Land at Iden Green Road, Benenden MILLWOOD DESIGN HOMES November 2019 www.rpsgroup.com CONTENTS CONTENTS Pages 1.0 Introduction 2 Prepared by: 2.0 Legislative and Planning Policy Framework Jo Evans BSc (Hons) MRTPI IHBC 2.1 Legislation and National Planning Policy 3 Eleanor Grace BA (Hons) MSc 2.2 National Planning Guidance 4 2.3 Local Planning Policy and Guidance 6 3.0 Architectural and Historical Appraisal 8 4.0 Assessment of Significance 4.1 Site Assessment 10 4.2 Identification of Built Heritage Assets 11 4.3 Benenden Conservation Area 12 4.4 Statutorily Listed Buildings 14 Report Status: 4.5 Benenden Registered Park 18 4.6 Non-designated heritage assets 20 FINAL 5.0 Proposals and Assessment of Impact 5.1 Development Proposals 21 5.2 Assessment of Impact 22 CgMs Ref: 6.0 Proposed Designation of Local Green Spaces JCH00637 6.1 The Proposed Designation 23 6.2 An Assessment of the Proposed Designations in Benenden (Including the Site at Iden Green Road) As a Local Green Space 24 Issue Date: November 2019 6.0 Conclusions 27 © Copyright RPS Group Plc. All rights reserved. Appendices The report has been prepared for the exclusive use of our client and unless otherwise agreed in writing by RPS Group Plc, any of its subsidiaries, or a related entity (collectively 'RPS'), no other party Appendix A: Map of Built Heritage Assets may use, make use of, or rely on the contents of this report. The report has been compiled using the Appendix B: Statutory List Description resources agreed with the client and in accordance with the scope of work agreed with the client. No liability is accepted by RPS for any use of this report, other than the purpose for which it was pre- Appendix C: References pared. The report does not account for any changes relating to the subject matter of the report, or any legislative or regulatory changes that have occurred since the report was produced and that may affect the report. RPS does not accept any responsibility or liability for loss whatsoever to any third party caused by, related to or arising out of any use or reliance on the report. RPS accepts no responsibility for any documents or information supplied to RPS by others and no legal liability arising from the use by others of opinions or data contained in this report. It is expressly stated that no independent verification of any documents or information supplied by others has been made. RPS has used reasonable skill, care and diligence in compiling this report and no warranty is provided as to the report’s accuracy. No part of this report may be copied or reproduced, by any means, with- out the prior written consent of RPS. 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION This Built Heritage Statement has been produced by RPS Consulting on behalf of Millwood Designer Homes Ltd to assess the potential impact of proposed development at land to the west of Iden Green Road, Benenden on the historic built environment. This Statement has been prepared in support of the ongoing promotion of the site through the emerging Local plan process, in support of its allocation for housing development The site comprises a number of fields located to the west of the historic core of the village of Benenden, Kent. The northern part of the site is located within the Benenden Conservation Area and there are a number of other designated and non-designated built heritage assets within 1km of the site boundary. These are listed and marked on the map in the Appendices of this report along with their National Heritage List for England (NHLE) list description. This report also considers the proposed designation of the northern section of the site as a Local Green Space as part of the preparation of the Tunbridge Wells Local Plan. These areas are defined in the National Figure 1: OS map showing the Site location. Planning Policy Guidance (NPPG) in paragraph 5 of the guidance, which relates to Open space, sports and recreation facilities, public rights of way and local green space. These areas are defined as, a way to provide special protection against development for green areas of particular importance to local communities. The northern section of the site which abuts the main A2086 through the village and Iden Green Road is proposed as a Local Green Space. The remaining section of the site, to the south, is not proposed for inclusion in the designation. The area which is proposed for designation corresponds to that which is included within the conservation area. The area of the site proposed for designation as a Local Green Space (LGS) is show at Figure 2. This report meets the requirements of Paragraph 189 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF, 2019). This report identifies those built heritage assets with the potential to be affected by development on the Site and describes their significance, including any contribution made by their setting. The impact of outline development proposals upon the significance of the identified heritage assets will also be considered. This Built Heritage Statement includes a review of legislation as well as national and local planning policy and guidance relevant to built heritage. This report also includes an historical appraisal of the site and its surroundings. All photographs are the author’s own unless otherwise stated. The findings of this report remain current for three years from date of issue. Figure 2: The area in green, marked AS_45 is the proposed designation as a Local Green Space. The site boundary is shown overlaid, in red (source; Tunbridge Wells BC Draft Local Green Space Assessment July 2019) 2.0 LEGISLATIVE & PLANNING POLICY FRAMEWORK 2.1 LEGISLATION & NATIONAL PLANNING POLICY The statutory requirements and national and local policy provide a clear (Section 69 of the PLBCA) Designation provides the basis for policies Within the section titled Considering potential impacts, the NPPF framework for the consideration of development proposal that affect the designed to preserve or enhance all the aspects of character and emphasises that great weight should be given to the conservation of historic built environment. The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation appearance that define an area’s special interest. Section 72 of the 1990 designated heritage assets, irrespective of whether any potential impact Areas) Act 1990 (PLBCA), provides the overarching statutory requirements Act requires that when planning authorities determine applications for equates to total loss, substantial harm or less than substantial harm to the in the determination and assessment of development proposals in the development within conservation area, significance of the heritage assets. historic environment. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets special attention shall be paid to the desirability of preserving or enhancing Paragraph 195 states that where a development would result in substantial out the Government’s policies and requirements at a national level and the the character or appearance of that area. harm to, or total loss of, the significance of a designated heritage asset, Planning Practice Guidance reflects the Secretary of State’s views on the permission should be refused, unless this harm is necessary to achieve way policy should be applied. It is acknowledged that matters of legal This provision means that proposals for development should at least leave substantial public benefits, or a number of criteria are met. Where less than interpretation are determined in the Courts but the NPPF and the Practice the character or appearance of an area unharmed. substantial harm is identified, paragraph 196 requires this harm to be Guidance set out clearly the Government’s priorities and aspirations for weighed against the public benefits of the proposed development. planning nationally. The Historic England documents provide technical National Policy advice that is designed to explain and assist in the implementation of National Planning Policy Framework (Ministry of Housing, Paragraph 200 notes that local planning authorities should look for legislation and national policy. Therefore there is a clear hierarchy of opportunities for new development within Conservation Areas and World statutory duty, policy and best practice and this has been used to inform Communities and Local Government, February 2019) Heritage Sites and within the setting of heritage assets to enhance or the assessment of the application proposals that is included in this The NPPF is the principal document that sets out the Government’s better reveal their significance. Proposals that preserve those elements of statement. planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. It the setting that make a positive contribution to, or better reveal the explains that the purpose of the planning system is support and deliver significance of, the asset should be treated favourably. Legislation sustainable development. The Framework describes this as meeting the Furthermore, paragraph 201 states that not all elements of a Conservation The relevant legislation that relates to the setting of heritage assets is needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations Area or World Heritage Site will necessarily contribute to its significance. contained in the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act to meet their own needs. In order to achieve this, the planning system has When determining the impact that may arise from the loss of a building or 1990. Section 66(1) sets out the duty of the planning authority with regard three overarching objectives. These are an economic objective, to help element that does contribute positively to the conservation area, to the determination of applications for development that may affect the build a strong and competitive economy, a social objective to support consideration should be given to the relative significance of that building setting of a listed building.
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