Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 26 OCTOBER 1965 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Questions [26 OCTOBER] Questions 1075 TUESDAY, 26 OCTOBER, 1965 (2) If so, how many such operators were (a) owner-drivers and (b) employee drivers? Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. D. E. Nicholson, Murrumba) read prayers and took the chair (3) What was the maximum term of at 11 a.m. imprisonment imposed? ADDRESS IN REPLY Answers:- HER MAJESTY's ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF (1 and 2) "Upon conviction by a Court AssURANCES OF LOYALTY. for a breach of "The State Transport Mr. SPEAKER: I have to inform the Facilities Acts, 1946 to 1959," or "The House that I have received the following State Transport Act of 1960," the pro­ letter from the Deputy Governor­ cedure for recovery of the amounts imposed by way of penalty, or in the "Government House, event of non-payment, for the issue of a "Brisbane, October 25, 1965. warrant for the imprisonment of the _"Sir, . offender if default imprisonment has been "I have the honour to mform you that ordered by the Court is one for the Clerk the Message of Loyalty from the Legis­ of the Court where the case was heard, lative Assembly of Queensland, dated as provided by the Justices Acts. I am September 7, 1965, has been laid before aware of only two transport operators The Queen. having been jailed for offences under the "I have it in command from The Queen above Acts in the last twelve ( 12) months. to convey to the Members of the Legis­ Both these operators were owner drivers. lative Assembly an expression of Her It is not the policy of the Transport Majesty's sincere thanks for their loyal Department to prosecute employee drivers greetings. except in exceptional circumstances." "I have the honour to be, (3) "I have no knowledge of this. If "Sir, the Honourable Member desires more "Your most obedient Servant, detailed information it would be a matter "ALA:N J. MANSFIELD, for the Honourable the Minister for "Deputy Governor. Justice and, assuming that staff was avail­ "The Honourable able, sufficient time would be required to "The Speaker of the Legislative check the records of the Clerks of the Assembly, Courts throughout Queensland wherever "Parliament of Queensland, prosecution under the above Acts have "Brisbane." been determined." QUESTIONS MORATORIUM FOR PRIMARY PRODUCERS IN UsE OF FuEL OIL AT TowNsVILLE PowER DROUGHT-AFFECTED AREAS STATION Mr. Rae, pursuant to notice, asked The Mr. Aikens, pursuant to notice, asked The Premier,- Minister for Industrial Development,- In view of the crippling effect of the ( 1) Does the Northern Electric present drought on the finances of many Authority propose to follow the lead estab­ primary producers in Queensland, will the lished by other big industrial undertakings Government declare a moratorium to pro­ in Townsville and use fuel oil instead of tect any producer so affected from fore­ coal for steam generation at its powerhouse closure by banks and/ or other financial on Murder Island, Townsville? institutions? (2) If so, will adequate precautionary measures be taken to ensure that houses Answer:- and buildings in the area are not bespat­ "I appreciate the Honourable Member's tered and befouled by the emission of oil concern over the difficulties which flow soot from the chimneys? from the effects of drought. The Govern­ ment's view is that the declaration of a Answer:- moratorium would, whilst easing the (1 and 2) "I am informed that there problems of some, in the total do a deep are no plans for the conversion of boiler injury to primary producers as a whole. plant at the Townsville Power Station to These are days when primary production oil firing." has steadily become more capital demand­ ing. Clearing costs, high priced equip­ IMPRISONMENT OF OPERATORS FOR TRANS­ ment, water facilities, all mount a con­ PORT BREACHES siderable total. The price of quality stock Mr. Duggan, pursuant to notice, asked is also high. The result is that to equip a The Minister for Transport,- new property or to acquire an existing ( 1) During the twelve months ended property involves a lot of money. Support September 30, 1965, have any transport from banks and financial institutions is operators served terms of imprisonment thus more necessary than ever. The arising out of breaches of the State declaration of a moratorium would bring Transport Facilities Acts or the State primary development to a halt and my Transport Act of 1960? Government does not propose to make any 1076 Questions [ASSEMBLY] Questions such declaration. But having said that, City Council for improvements to the the plight of some settlers cannot and southern approaches to the Indooroopilly should not be ignored. Banks and pastoral Bridge? houses are facing up to a tremendous drain (2) If so, why has the Reddiffe City on resources that, in the case of banks, Council not received the samt considera­ are confined within the limits and policies tion to meet the cost of th0 approaches set by the Reserve Bank. My Government to the Hornibrook Highway from the will always be open to receive evidence of Redcliffe end? difficulty and will be prepared to make submissions to the Reserve Bank with Answers:­ a view to relief. It is one of the sad com­ (1) "Yes." mentaries of our times that, even in a boom year, there is still a number of (2) "When the contract has been fully commercial failures. In consequence, it performed and the toll franchise granted would be too much to expect that there the Company controlling the Hornibrook would be no case of difficulty in a drought Highway expires, and should the structure year. However, I feel that the resources pass into the hands of the Redcliffe City of the banking system, with sympathetic Council, consideration can then be given easing by the Reserve Bank, should meet to any approach by the Redcliffe City the great bulk of worthy cases. I repeat Council on the question of a special sub­ that I will be ,prepared to assist with sidy on any works required to be carried appropriate representations if cases of out in connection with the bridge by that difficulty are put before me." Local Authority." TAXI-CAB LICENCES ELECTRICITY TARIFF, REDCLIFFE AREA Mr. Davies for Mr. Sherrington, pursuant Mr. Houghton, pursuant to notice, asked to notice, asked The Minister for Transport,- The Minister for Industrial Development,- Do consumers of electric power supplied ( 1) What is the current number of taxi by the Southern Electric Authority of licenses and how many are held by (a) Queensland, pay in the Redcliffe area the owner-drivers and (b) persons who are not same rates of tariff as people in the metro­ owner-drivers? politan area? If not, why is such a (2) What is the number of licensed taxi discrimination made? drivers, apart from owner-drivers? Answer:- (3) Of the number of current taxi licenses, how many licensees own (a) one "Electricity consumers in the Redcliffe cab and (b) two or more cabs? area pay tariffs applicable to all con­ sumers in the area of sup,ply of the ( 4) Are licenses held by persons who Southern Electric Authority of Queens­ have interests other than cab-ownership land. Electricity consumers in the City of and, if so, what is the number and how Brisbane are supplied by the Brisbane City many cabs are involved? Council and pay tariffs applicable through­ Answers:- out the Brisbane City Council's area of supply. As the respective consumers are (1) "(a) 2,185, (b) 33; total, 2,218." supplied by separate undertakings under (2) "1,681." separate tariffs determined on the basis (3) "(a) 1,715, (b) 215." of each undertaking's cost of supply, the question of discrimination does not arise." (4) "Yes. 108 licensees involving 141 taxi cabs in the metropolitan area and the provincial cities are permitted, with the PATIENTS REFUSED ADMISSION TO REDCLIFFE consent of the Commissioner for Trans­ HOSPITAL port, to engage or be employed in a Mr. MeHoy, pursuant to notice, asked The business, trade or occupation other than as Minister for Health,- operators of their licensed taxi cabs. These Have any residents of the Redcliffe statistics are not kept for taxi cabs Hospital area, who have sought admission operating in country towns or other areas. to that hospital, been refused for any In addition, licensees may receive interest reason and referred to other hospitals? or other income from capital investments which they are not required to disclose Answer:- to the Transport Department." "The Redcliffe Hospitals Board has advised that no patient has been refused admission to that hospital. Within the SUBSIDY TO REDCLIFFE CITY COUNCIL, first six weeks of the opening of the hos­ HORNIBROOK HIGHWAY APPROACHES pital complicated cases were referred to Mr. Houghton, pursuant to notice, asked the Brisbane base hospitals for specialist The Premier,- treatment or because of shortage of ( 1) Has his attention been drawn to a medical staff. Following an increase in statement in The Courier-Mail of October the medical strength only those cases which 22, that the Government had made a grant required specialist treatment not available and subsidy of £75,000 each to Brisbane at Redcliffe Hospital are referred to the Ministerial Statement [26 OCTOBER] Ministerial Statement 1077 Brisbane base hospitals. During the Honourable Alex Dewar, the Lord Mayor, absence of one of the medical officers it Alderman Clem J ones, and himself with a has been necessary on occasions to refer view to trying to come to some workable emergent cases to the Brisbane base arrangement which would ensure that not hospitals for attention." only the Government, which has State-wide commitments, but also the Brisbane City Council would participate financially and .AIR-CONDITIONING SYSTEMS AND FANS IN practicably in a manner befitting such an STATE SCHOOLS instrumentality.
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