THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL. ENGINEERS 345 E. 47th St, New York, N.Y. 10017 The Society shall not be responsible for statements or opinions advanced in papers or discussion at meetings of the Society or of its Divisions or Sections, or printed in its publications. Discussion is printed only if the paper is published -G- in an ASME Journal. Authorization to photocopy material for internal or personal use under circumstance not falling within the fair use provisions of the Copyright Act is granted by ASME to libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) Transactional Reporting Service provided that the base fee of $0.30 per page is paid directly to the CCC, 27 Congress Street Salem MA 01970. Requests for special permission or bulk reproduction should be addressed to the ASME Technical Publishing Deoartme t Copyright b 1995 by ASME Ali Rights Reserved Printed i U.S.A. The Application of Thin Film Gauges on Flexible Downloaded from http://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/GT/proceedings-pdf/GT1995/78811/V004T09A049/2406402/v004t09a049-95-gt-357.pdf by guest on 24 September 2021 Plastic Substrates to the Gas Turbine Situation S. M. Guo, M. C. Spencer, G. D. Lock and T. V. Jones Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, United Kingdom N. W. Harvey Rolls-Royce plc., Derby, United Kingdom Abstract Nomenclature Thin film heat transfer gauges have been instru- a Depth of insulating layer mented onto flexible plastic substrates which can be ad- b Finite depth of model hesively bonded to plastic or metal models. These new gauges employ standard analysis techniques to yield c Specific heat the heat flux to the model surface and have significant cp Skin friction coefficient advantages over gauges fired onto machinable glass or h Heat transfer coefficient those used with metal models coated with enamel. The k Thermal conductivity main advantage is that the construction of the gauges is predictable and uniform, and thus calibration for thick- q Heat flux ness and geometric properties is not required. r Recovery factor The new gauges have been used to measure the heat R Restistance transfer to an annular turbine nozzle guide vane in the s Laplace Transform variable Oxford University Cold Heat Transfer Tunnel. Engine- t Time representative Mach and Reynolds numbers were em- ployed and the free-stream turbulence intensity at NGV T Temperature inlet was 13%. u Velocity x The vanes were either precooled or preheated to cre- Distance into the substrate ate a range of different thermal boundary conditions. y+ Roughness Reynolds number The gauges were mounted on both perspex and alu- a Temperature coefficient of resistance minium NGVs and the heat transfer coefficient was ob- ,3 Thermal diffusivity tained from the surface temperature history using ei- ther a single layer analysis (for perspex) or double layer v Viscosity (for aluminium) analysis. The surface temperature and p Density heat transfer levels were also measured using rough and T Data time interval polished liquid crystals under similar conditions. The measurements have been compared with computational 1 Introduction predictions. Changes in the resistance of thin film metal layers can be related to their temperature. When placed on a substrate of known thermal properties, measurements Presented at the International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition Houston, Texas - June 5-8,1995 of the temperature history of such metal films, coupled over the model (usually made of metal) which has dif- with the appropriate analytical model, can lead to the ferent thermal properties (Doorly and Oldfield 1986, calculation of the surface heat flux history (Schultz and Ainsworth et al 1989). For the purposes of data anal- Jones 1973, Doorly and Oldfield 1987). ysis, these layered gauges may be considered to have a semi-infinite metal substrate (figure lb) or a finite- q, Thin Film Insulating 9. Thin Film depth metal substrate (figure lc) and techniques to G lr G analyse the gauge response have been reported (Doorly x I o_ Downloaded from http://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/GT/proceedings-pdf/GT1995/78811/V004T09A049/2406402/v004t09a049-95-gt-357.pdf by guest on 24 September 2021 and Oldfield 1987). Coating a metal blade with enamel i-ea1 Iy S" ^ ittp er requires careful matching of metal with enamel and in- Figure Ia : Semi-infinite Figure lb : Layered gauge volves heating the assembly. Furthermore, the accuracy gauge with semi-infinite metal btrt of the data obtained with these layered gauges depends upon a knowledge of the thickness of the enamel layer Insulating y, Thin Film Insulating 4. Thin Film aye Gauge aye Gauge which can vary around the model surface. _ \ a \ Epstein et al (1985) have made extensive use of thin _ \ film gauges at MIT. In addition to using single-layer Figure Ic : Layered gauge Figure Id Twn-layered gauges, they have developed two-layered gauges where with finite-depth metal gauge susae the temperature difference across a thermal resistance of accurately known properties and dimensions is mea- sured (figure 1d). The thermal resistance layer (e. g. kapton) is adhesively bonded to the model. The ac- Platinum 0.04µm Copper leads 0.5µm curacy of the measurements from two-layered gauges depends upon the temperature difference across the in- Upilex 50µm sulating layer and they have limited use in situations Glue 20µm where the difference in temperature between the model and gas is small. Kapton-mounted gauges have previ- ` V - \"\ "`^ ^\ P xersPe or \' \' Aluminium ously been used (Epstein et al 1985) on metal blades. These employed serpentine nickel films on either side of the plastic. Holes penetrated the plastic to give electri- cal access to the lower film. In another reported study Figure 2 : Schematic diagram of thin film gauge (Cook et al 1991) a kapton layer was achieved by im- mersing a blade in a liquid solution which dried to give the desired layer. The thin films were subsequently The use of such gauges for measuring heat transfer sputtered on the assembly. rates to turbine blades in short-duration transient cas- cade facilities is well documented (Schultz and Jones This paper describes the use of a new type of thin 1973, Oldfield et al 1978, Jones et al 1993). As well as film heat transfer gauge which has been developed at measuring the surface heat transfer rates, the interpre- the Osney Laboratory at Oxford (Jones 1988) by Jones tation of these signals can yield much useful information and others. The thin film gauges have been instru- about the gas flow and boundary layers. mented onto flexible, upilex plastic sheets (50 pm thick) which are easily adhesively bonded to perspex or metal Three general types of surface thin film gauges have models. These gauges avoid the difficulties involved been reported. The first type are mounted on a sub- with enamel coatings, have an insulating layer of uni- strate which is considered semi-infinite, as shown in form thickness and known thermal properties and di- figure la. A typical example of this type would be mensions, and can accommodate models with highly a thin film nickel or platinum resistance thermometer curved surfaces. The well known semi-infinite or lay- fired onto a macor, quartz or glass substrate (Shultz and ered gauge analysis techniques can be employed to yield Jones 1973, Oldfield et al 1978, Oldfield et al 1981). The the heat flux in the normal manner. The application use of machinable glass is expensive and, for structural of these gauges to the gas turbine situation is demon- reasons, limited to stationary cascade facilities. strated and the measurements are compared with heat Thin film gauges can be utilised on metal turbine transfer levels obtained using the transient liquid crys- blades. This second type are layered gauges where a tal technique. thin insulating layer such as vitreous enamel is sprayed 2 Thin Film Gauges erties (e.g., metal), the system has to be analysed as a layered gauge (figure lb or lc). Calibration tests were The Osney Laboratory at Oxford has developed a used to establish the thickness of the upilex/glue in- facility which specialises in manufacturing large arrays sulating layer (dimension a in figure lb and lc) which of thin films. In the past, thin film gauges have been had a uniform value arouhd the model. This was done employed extensively where the platinum films were by comparing the heat flux signals from the layered deposited on pyrex, machineable glass or enamel and gauges with those simultaneously measured from the Downloaded from http://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/GT/proceedings-pdf/GT1995/78811/V004T09A049/2406402/v004t09a049-95-gt-357.pdf by guest on 24 September 2021 in some cases using kapton substrates, either as thin fast-response thermocouple mounted on perspex. sheets or using dipped models. All of the above meth- ods were time consuming and required complex man- For the application of these gauges to measure heat ufacture. More importantly, very careful calibration transfer to gas turbine blades, the flexible sheet of up- using pulsed techniques were required at each gauge ilex was wrapped around and glued to either perspex position. The great advantage of the new gauges is or aluminium nozzle guide vanes (NGVs). There is no that the construction is predictable and uniform. Thus difficulty in making the glue layer a uniform thickness. the gauges do not need calibration for their thickness The thickness of the glue is < 20µm and so most of the and geometric properties, only for their temperature gauge thickness is the upilex ( —j 50µm). This glue is a coefficient of resistance. The latter calibration is eas- premanufactured adhesive layer of predictable, uniform ily performed. Furthermore, the gauges used in the thickness.
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