lntvrnatlonal Tractors Limited 14•• rf Offit ~ ,. Pl-111 Viii~• I l1;i• (,'lffllfl P I ) 1'1jtl11n N1tlll M•1•"1ing ()ffll.• I, I l 11> ,,-,,.,~ I l'll~r,.lhqr fJnfld 11•"'~ rru• fJ't,) l dr.11// 11·"'1" ;,1,1 Yll J'hnnn , 01 IPII/ 'Vl))]f) \fl7IJI J ,., "ll tAA/ ',I.JIil;, l'I"" • ' I I I '> 4'ff',J',I/J r ,n:H V)f"l:,• 1, , a-h n:'lhl,;,, t]fn IT/,/// R/21117-1 H/STCL/366 24-Mur-lH TO H'/-IO!'vlSOEVER IT ~IA Y CONCERN T/11s is to cert((y that Mr. Har11wndeep Singh Saini student of MBA (/Warketin1:) from Acharya Institute of Technology, B""Kalore has succe.,·.~fully completed his Industrial TraininR ji·om Jan-2018 to Apr-20 I H in Our Company. JI ·e wish him all the best in his future ende(lvors. For ~7 wtio11a/ Tractors ltd. BA' Si11Kh Sr. G,\/- H11111a11 Resources , '9 ~··.l 1'--tl liMll'A h I fJ. t 01}1( t l'W[' I N! I 1~\hl[fl~\ l\ l~ I.., • JJ •-.,• J_ )• IAllGEST ,1 2 lMOt IN Ovl ~ .. µ ' 11 AJ rlJl( f ~, .. ,, .. ,.,.._ ,,, 6Lh~lt 100 COUNIRII S 1 ll\h1MI ~, .' '""' ACHARYA INSTITUTE OF TECH NOLOGY (Af1iliated to Visvesvaraya Te chnological University, Bela{)<lVI, Approve cl by AICTE, New Delhi ancJ Accredited by NBA and NAAC) Date: 25/05/2018 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr. Harmandccp Singh Saini bearing USN 1AZ16MBA85 is a bonafide student of Master of Business Administration course of the Institute 2016-18 batch, affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi. Project report on "A Study on Customer Satisfaction Towards Sonalika Tractors, Hoshiarpur" is prepared by him under the guidance of Prof. Rakcsh Nagaraj in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Business Administration, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, Karnataka. :,;;;----- < ' ~r~ Signature of Internal Guide H~kgJ1~\l\We°6~ment @epar-tment of MBA Acharya lnstitute of Teohno\om. " • • >~~jhHi, Qa,,,galore-560 10 ' ~~- -.:- Signature of Principal ACHARY/\ !~,:~:-:: · '. <· J.' ;·EL,rn'1uLOGY ~oldeva110,,& , ·:.i ~.,1:,:·, urn- 560 107 ·/\r.hary:i Dr S;irvepall, R:idhak r1 shn;m Road, Solaclevanahall1 /\charya PO . 8,ingalore 560 107 Karnataka Ind J • VI\'. v ach,irya JC 111 /a t/ • Ph ,<Jl AO 275 5')5 55 Extn 7102 Fax 191 -80 237 002 42 • E m,111 princ,pali!lt i1lachdrya ac 111 DECLARATION I IIARMANDEEP SIN<;II SAINI, herd,y ded ,ire that the internship report t:ntitlcd " J\ STllDY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION TOWARDS SONALIKA TRACTORS'' ,.,,ith the reference to INTERNATIONAL TRACTORS LIMITED, HOSIIIARPUR prepared by me under the guiJance of Prof. RAKESH NAGARA.l. Faculty of MB/\ Department. /\charya Institute of Technology and External guidance by Mr. NA VDEEP SI NG 1-1 . Assistant Manager in Logistic Department, ITL. I al so declared that thi s internship work is the partial fulfilment of the university regulation for the award of degree of Master of 13usine ·s Administration by Visvcsaraya Technological Uni versity. Belgaum . I ha ve undergone a summer project internship for a period of ten we<.:k s. I further declare th at this project is based on the original study undertaken by me and has not been suhrnined for the award or an y degree diploma from any other uni ve rsity/ institut ion . ~ PLACE: - BANGALORE SIGNATllRE DATE: - O-t/OS/2018 IIARMAI\IHT.P SINCII S.-\li\l ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The1successful1accomplishment1of1any1task1is1incomplete1without1acknowledging1the contributing1personalities1 who1assisted, 1inspired1and1lead us1to visualize the1things that turn them1into successful1stories for1our success. I sincerely express my thanks and gratefulness Dr. S.S. Pillai, 1Principal of1Acharya1Institute of1Technology, Bangalore, and1Prof. Nijaguna,1Head of1MBA1Department, Acharya Institute of Technology, Bangalore, for1their support for successful completion of the project. I acknowledge the keen interest1shown in my internship and constant1encouragement given by my Internal guide Prof. Rakesh Nagaraj, Faculty1of MBA Department, Acharya1Institute of Technology, 1Bangalore. I also express1my gratitude to1my external1guide, Mr. NAVDEEP SINGH, Assistant Manager, Logistic1Department, International1Tractor1Limited, Hoshiarpur, Punjab1for giving the opportunity1to undertake1the project1work and1sharing valuable1knowledge during1internship period. I1am1also very1thankful to the employees of1ITL1who1directly or1indirectly1helped me during1internship1period. I1would1also like to1thank1all the1faculty members of1MBA Department, Acharya1Institute of Technology, Bangalore, for1their critical advice1and guidance without1which this project would not have been1completed. Last1but not1least I would1whole heartedly thank1my family members and1friends for their valuable1suggestions and motivation1for completing this project successfully. HARMANDEEP SINGH SAINI 1AZ16MBA85 TABLE OF CONTENT S. No CONTENT Page No. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Chapter -1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Internship Introduction 1 1.2 Industry profile 2 1.3 Company profile 7 1.4 Promoters 12 1.5 Vision, mission & quality policy 12 1.6 Product/ services profile areas of operation 13 1.7 Area of Operations 14 1.8 Infrastructure facilities 15 1.9 Competitor information 17 1.10 Swot analysis 18 1.11 Future growth and prospects 20 1.12 Financial statement 21 Chapter-2 CONCEPTUAL BACKGROUND AND LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Theoretical background of the study 23 2.2 Literature review 24 Chapter-3 RESEARCH DESIGN 3.1 Statement of the problem 28 3.2 Need for the study 28 3.3 Objectives 28 3.4 Scope of the study 28 3.5 Research Methodology 29 3.6 Hypothesis 32 3.7 Limitations 33 3.8 Chapter scheme 33 Chapter -4 DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION 34-69 Data Data analysis Graphical representation Interpretation of Data Statistical Test 69 chapter -5 FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND INTERPRETATION 5.1 Findings 70 5.2 Conclusion 71 5.3 Suggestions 72 Bibliography 73 Annexure 75 LIST OF TABLES TABLE PARTICULAR PAGE NO. NO. 4.1 Table1showing qualification of respondents. 35 4.2 Table1showing occupation of respondents. 36 4.3 Table1showing whether it’s first tractors of respondents or not. 37 4.4 Table1showing which tractor they are using. 38 4.5 Table1showing purpose of purchasing tractor. 39 4.6 Table1showing annual Income of respondents 40 4.7 Table1showing price range do respondents prefer 41 4.8 Table1showing horsepower preference by customers 42 4.9 Table1showing if sonlika tractor is superior or not. 43 4.10 Table1showing satisfaction level based on Pricing. 44 4.11 Table1showing whether Sonalika has good brand image 45 4.12 Table1showing awareness of Sonalika dealers in market 46 4.13 Table1showing customers awareness towards dealers 47 4.14 Table1showing behaviour and response of firm's staff 48 4.15 Table1showing satisfaction based on service provided by dealers 49 4.16 Table1showing mode of purchase 50 4.17 Table1showing sources of credit purchase of tractors 51 4.18 Table1showing satisfaction towards financial institutes 52 4.19 Table1showing brand aware among customers 53 4.20 Table1showing brand prefer among customers 54 4.21 Table1showing differentiation factors of Sonalika tractors 55 4.22 Table1showing promotional methods 56 4.23 Table1showing influencing factor before purchase of tractor 57 Table1showing major consideration during purchase of Sonalika 58 4.24 tractors 4.25 Table1showing availability of after sale service in market 59 4.26 Table1showing rating on after sale service 60 4.27 Table1showing does Sonalika dealers provide proper assistance 61 during breakdown 4.28 Table1showing company’s response on customer's complaints 62 4.29 Table1showing availability of spare parts in your market 63 4.30 Table1showing which tractor would respondent buy other than 64 Sonalika 4.31 Table1showing rating on1resale1value1of1Sonalika tractors 65 4.32 Table1showing rating on performance of1Sonalika tractors 66 4.33 Table1showing rating on feature1of Sonalika tractors 67 4.34 Table1showing improvement1for upcoming models 68 LIST OF FIGURES AND CHARTS GRAPH PARTICULAR PAGE NO. NO. 4.1 Graph1showing qualification of respondents. 35 4.2 Graph1showing occupation of respondents. 36 4.3 Graph1showing whether it’s first tractors of respondents or not. 37 4.4 Graph1showing which tractor they are using. 38 4.5 Graph1showing purpose of purchasing tractor. 39 4.6 Graph1showing annual Income of respondents 40 4.7 Graph1showing price range do respondents prefer 41 4.8 Graph1showing horsepower preference by customers 42 4.9 Graph1showing if sonlika tractor is superior or not. 43 4.10 Graph1showing satisfaction level based on Pricing. 44 4.11 Graph1showing whether Sonalika has good brand image 45 4.12 Graph1showing awareness of Sonalika dealers in market 46 4.13 Graph1showing customers awareness towards dealers 47 4.14 Graph1showing behaviour and response of firm's staff 48 4.15 Graph1showing satisfaction based on service provided by dealers 49 4.16 Graph1showing mode of purchase 50 4.17 Graph1showing sources of credit purchase of tractors 51 4.18 Graph1showing satisfaction towards financial institutes 52 4.19 Graph1showing brand aware among customers 53 4.20 Graph1showing brand prefer among customers 54 4.21 Graph1showing differentiation factors of Sonalika tractors 55 4.22 Graph1showing promotional methods 56 4.23 Graph1showing influencing factor before purchase of tractor 57 4.24 Graph1showing major consideration during purchase of Sonalika 58 tractors 4.25 Graph1showing availability of after sale service in market 59 4.26 Graph1showing rating on after sale service 60 Graph1showing does Sonalika dealers provide proper assistance 61 4.27 during breakdown 4.28 Graph1showing company’s
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