THE LONDON GAZETTE, DECEMBER 8, 1857. 4361 Coffee-house, No. 99, High-street, Whitechapel, both in Owen Evans, formerly of Westbourne-park, Paddington, Middlesex, Fish Seller (his wife residing at Friar-street then of No. 69, Connaueht-terrace, Edgware-road, and afo'resaid). next and late of No. 107, Glo'ster-terrace, Hyde-park, all Samuel Cunningham, the elder (commonly known and in Middlesex, Surgeon ai;d Apothecary, and Doctor of detained as Samuel' Cunningham), late of the Victoria Medicine, having a stable attached to his house, No. 69, •Saw Mills, No. 31, Minerva-street, Hackney-road, Mid- Conuaught-terrcce aforesaid, and for about a fortnight in dlesex, formerly Steam Sawyer and Timber Merchant, June, 1857, a Prisoner for Debt in the Queen's Prison, but latterly Steam Sawyer only. Surrey, a Prisoner in the Queen's Prison, Surrey. Charles Benjamin Stockley (known, sued, committed, and detained as Charles Stockley), late of No. 60, East-street, On Tuesday the 22nd December, 1857, at Eleven Manchester-square, Middlesex, Baker and Lodging-house, o'Clock, before Mr. Commissioner Phillips. Keeper. Joseph Trigwell, formerly of No. 33, St. GeorgeVroad, New Robert Chester, late of No. 23, Upper King-street, Blooms- Kent-road, Surrey, then of Emmerson's-road, Islington, bury, Middlesex, Oilman and Grocer, and also letting then of No. 12, Thiberton - square, New North-road, lodgings. Islington, Builder, then of the Odell Arms, Park-walk, Georgn William Day (sued and known as George Day, and Chelsea, and then and late of No. 4, Gloucester-terrace, also known as George Davis), formerly of No. 10, Wood- Cambridge-heath-gate, Hackney-road, all in Middlesex, street, Clerkenwell, Middlesex, and also of No. 10, Artil- out of business. lery-street, Bishopgate-street, London, and renting part John Widdecombe, formerly of No. 7, New Palace-yard, of Stone-lodge Farm, Dartforrl, Kent, Cattle Dealer and Westminster, then of No. 5, Mornington-crescent, Dairyman, then of No. 2, John-street, Clcrkenwcll, and Regent's-park, Middlesex, and late of No. ISA, Great also of No. 57, Goswell-street, Clerkenwell, both in Mid- George-street, Westminster, Parliamentary Agent. dlesex, and renting part of Stone-lodge Farm aforesaid, Abraham Kelley, formerly of No. 89, Borough-road, Cattle Dealer, Commission Agent for the Sale of Cattle, Wholesale Boot and Shoe Maker, and then and late of and Dealer in Coals, Corn, and Potatoes, then of No. 6, No. 71, Blackman-street, Southwark, all in Surrey, King-street, Clerkenwell, Middlesex, and renting part of General Dealer in Leather, Woollens, Carpets, Damasks, Stone-lodge Farm aforesaid, Cattle Dealer, Commission Hosiery, and other Goods. Agent for the Sale of Cattle, and Dealer in Farm Produce, Robert Hartley Wass, formerly of No. 51, King William- then of No. 6, King-street aforesaid, and renting part of street, London, Assistant to a Perfumer and Soap Manu- Rochester-wharf, Agar Town, Saint Pancras, Cattle facturer, next and late of same place, Perfumer and Soap Dealer, Commission Agent for the Sale of Cattle, and Manufacturer, and part of the time, during the years Dealer in Farm Produce, then of No. 7,Goldington-street, 1856 and 1857, residing at Brook-green, Hammersmith, Saint Pancras, and renting part of Rochester-wharf afore- and at Elm-place, Brompton, all in Middlesex. said, then of No. 7, Goldington-street aforesaid, Cattle Wolfe Ansell, formerly of Commercial-street, Pontypool, Dealer, Flour Dealer, Dealer in Cattle Feed and Farm Monmouthshire, Tailor, Woollen Draper, Furniture Produce, and Commission Agent for the Purchase and Broker, Jeweller, General Dealer, and Proprietor of Sale of Cattle, and then and late of No. 12, Merlin's- Outfitting Stores, having two slore-rooms in Commercial- place, Upper Rosoman-street, Clerkenwell, all in the street aforesaid, and from the month of January, 1857, county of Middlesex, out of business (during the whole of to the 28th day of March following, residing and carry- the said period letting lodgings). ing on same business in Bute-road, Cardiff, Glamorgan- Stephen William Burridge (sued as J. IT, Burridge, as shire, and next and late of No. 9, Arlington-square, New Stephen W. Burridge, as S. W. Burridge, and as Bur- North-road, Islington, in the county of Middlesex, out of ridge, and committed as S. B. Burridge), formerly of No. 69, Union-road, Horsemonger-lane, Newington, and of business and employ, for part of the years 1855 and 18£6 No. 68, Union-street, Southwark, then of No. 69, Union- Agent to the People's Provident Life Assurance Com- road aforesaid, then of No. 99, Blackmail-street, South- pany, said Company having offices at No. 2, Waterloo- wark, and then and late of No. 1, Abbey-street, Star- place, Pall-Mall, and for part of the years 1856 and 1857 corner, Bermondsey, Tailor, Undertaker, and Funeral Agent for the Government Emigration Commissioners, Contractor, trading at all the above places as Burridge said Commissioners having an office at No. 28, Park- and Company, but having no partner, whilst of the above street, Westminster, and Agent to the Lancashire Fire places also having a shop at No. 2, Snowfields, Bermond- Office, of Manchester, Lancashire, also during the above sey, and statics at Trinity-street, Newington, and No. period having Furniture, Clothes, and Watch Clubs, 12, Norfolk-street, Southwark Bridge-road, all in Surrey. which were held at the British Lion Inn. Abersychan, Thomas Whitebead, formerly of Booth-sfreet-hill, then of the Castle Inn, Abertillery, and the Golynos Inn, at High-street-hill, both near Oldham, Lancashire, Beamer Garn, all near Pontypool, Monmouthshire. in a Cotton Factory, and part of the time letting lodgings, Edward Philip Fletcher, formerly of Howard-street, Strand, then of No. 7, Gray's-ino-lane, and next and late of No. Middlesex, then stationed at Kertch, in the Crimea, then 4, Somer's-place West, New-road, (now called Euston- at Constantinople, Turkey, Deputy Assistant-Commis- road), both in Middlesex, out of employ, his wife during sary, Ordnance Field Train, Turkish Contingent, then the above period occasionally working as a Laundress. of No. 7, Howard-street aforesaid, then of No. 15, Rue James Norris Chapman (sued and detained as James N. Pol d'Etain, Boulogne, France, then of No. 2, Lee's- Chapman), formerly of the Cornhill, Bridgewater, Linen phice, Park-street, Grosvenor-square, and late of No. 29, Draper, then of Queen-square, Bristol, both in Somerset- Upper King-street, Bloomsbury, both in Middlesex, not shire, out of business, then of New Compton-street, Soho, following any business or profession, for a short time in Coffee-house Keeper, then of No. 14, Gee-street, Claren- 1857, lodging at No. 7, Mars-terrace, Crescent-road, don-square, Somers Town, Tea Dealer, then of No. 1, PlumsU'ad-common, .Kent. Hyde-street, Bloornsbury, and having an office at No. 1, Little Queen-street, Lincoln's-inn-fields, then of No. 1, Adjourned Case. Little Queen-street aforesaid, then of No. 196, High On Tuesday the 22nd December, 1857, at Eleven Holborn, Proprietor of the Metropolitan Servants' Insti- o'Clock, before Mr. Commissioner Phillips. tution and Home, then of same place, in copartnership with Henry James Potter, as Proprietors of the said In- James William Griffiths, of Weymouth, Dorsetshire, then of stitution, then a Prisoner for Debt in the Debtors' Prison Brackley, Northamptonshire, Managing Clerk to Attor- for London and Middlesex, in the city of London, and neys-at-Law, and Agent to the Accidental Insurance late of No. 196, High Holborn, all in Middlesex, in co- Company, Lothbury, London, and also to the County partnership with Henry James Potter, as Proprietors of Hail Storm Insurance Company, Hertford, Hertfordshire, the Institution aforesaid. then of No. 25, Holies-street, Cavendish-square, then of Charlotte-street, Portland-place, and late of No. 4, Cres- cent-place, Burton-street, St. Pancras, all in Middlesex, On Tuesday the 22nd December, 1857, at Ten out of employment. o'Clock, before Mr. Commissioner Murphy. Henry Drew, formerly of the White Horse, Peckham-rye, TAKE NOTICE. Licensed Victualler, part of the time having stables at No. 84, Westminster-bridge-road, Lambeth, and also part 1. If any Creditor intends to oppose a Pri- of the time at the York Stables, York-road, Lambeth, soner's discharge, notice of such intention must Cab Proprietor, and late of No. 2, Albert-grove, Peck- be given, by entry thereof in the proper page and ham-rye, all in Surrey, out of business. George Stapleton, of No. 93, Waterloo-road, Lambeth, columns of the book kept for that purpose at the Surrey, Printer, letting lodgings. Office of the Court, between the hours of Eleven in Thomas Bishop, late of No. 36, Cow per-street, City-road, the Forenoon and Three in the Afternoon, two Plumber and Builder, previously of No. 110, Curtain- clear days before the day of hearing above men- road, Shoreclitcb, Baker and Builder, before then of No. 9, Cowper-street aforesaid, Plumber, and formerly of No. 56, tioned, exclusive of Sunday, and exclusive both of Princess-street, Kmgsland-road, all in Middlesex, Plum- the day of entering such notice and of the said ber and Builder, day of hearing j but in the case of a Prisoner, for.
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