01/15/2021 CITY OF MANKATO WARRANT LIST UPDATED WEEKLY Page 1 of 38 Warrants on this list are current as of the date listed above. Warrants are served on a regular basis and a warrant on this list may already have been served. If you know the whereabouts of someone on this list, please call (507)387-8780. Do not attempt to arrest someone yourself. Abarca Bonilla, David Wilfrdo Age: 40 SEX: M RACE: W Minneapolis, MN 55417 Charge: FTA/ Speeding/ Driving Without A Valid License/ No Proof Of Insurance Abdi, Mohamed Aden Age: 25 SEX: M RACE: B Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: 5012/OVS SIMPLE ROBBERY / TERRORISTIC THREATS Abdi, Mohamed Yusef Age: 31 SEX: M RACE: U Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: FTA/NO MN DRIVERS LICENSE Abdo, Frank Lee Age: 61 SEX: M RACE: W Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: 5012/OVS POSSESS AMMO/ANY FIREARM-CONVICTION OR ADJUDCIATED DELINQUENT FOR CRIME OF VIOLENCE Abdo, Frank Lee Age: 61 SEX: M RACE: W Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: 5012/OVS THREATS OF VIOLENCE Abdulle, Mohamed Ali Age: 19 SEX: M RACE: B Hopkins, MN 55343 Charge: 5015/FTA 5TH DEGREE ASSAULT Abner, Jason William Age: 35 SEX: M RACE: W Granite Falls, MN 562411132 Charge: FTA/5TH DEGREE POSSESSION CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE Ademole Sadipe, Crystal Marie Age: 36 SEX: F RACE: W Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: FTA/ Theft Aden, Ahmed Sharif Age: 42 SEX: M RACE: B Minneapolis, MN Charge: 5015/FTA TAMPERING WITH A WITNESS / STALKING / THREATS OF VIOLENCE Aden, Ahmed Sharif Age: 42 SEX: M RACE: B Minneapolis, MN Charge: 5015/FTA 2ND DEGREE ASSAULT / DOMESTIC ASSAULT Ahmed, Ahmed Mohamed Age: 27 SEX: M RACE: B St Peter, MN 56082 Charge: FTA/5TH DEGREE ASSAULT/DISORDERLY CONDUCT Ahmed, Farhan Ali Age: 37 SEX: M RACE: B Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: 5015/FTA OBSTRUCT LEGAL PROCESS - INTERFERRE WITH PEACE OFFICER Ahmed, Farhan Ali Age: 37 SEX: M RACE: B Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: 5015/FTA FLEE PEACE OFFICER IN MV / DWI / OPEN BOTTLE Ahmed, Lina Fatuma Gambo Age: 31 SEX: F RACE: B Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: FTA/THEFT Ahrendt, William Edmundt Age: 60 SEX: M RACE: W Bradford, ME 04410 Charge: Fail To Register Change Of Address Akway, Ochaung Gora Age: 29 SEX: M RACE: B Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: 5015/FTA OBSTRUCT LEGAL PROCESS / DISORDERLY CONDUCT Al Qahtani, Saud Rashid A Age: 29 SEX: M RACE: B Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: FTA/2nd Degree Assault/3rd Degree Assault/5th Degree Assault Al Qahtani, Saud Rashid A Age: 29 SEX: M RACE: B Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: FTA/Obstruct Legal Process Alexander, Dejah Lonae Age: 21 SEX: F RACE: B Windom, MN 56101 Charge: 5015/FTA THEFT Alfalahi, Naufal Suleiman Mohammed Age: 45 SEX: M RACE: A Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: OVS/DWI Alhajri, Nader Hamed Age: 28 SEX: M RACE: A Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: FTA/Theft 01/15/2021 CITY OF MANKATO WARRANT LIST UPDATED WEEKLY Page 2 of 38 Warrants on this list are current as of the date listed above. Warrants are served on a regular basis and a warrant on this list may already have been served. If you know the whereabouts of someone on this list, please call (507)387-8780. Do not attempt to arrest someone yourself. Alharby, Khalid Ali Age: 31 SEX: M RACE: W Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: FTA/DAC Aljurayyan, Saad Nasser S Age: 25 SEX: M RACE: U Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: 5015/FTA DISORDERLY CONDUCT Allen, Anthony Maurice Age: 25 SEX: M RACE: B Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: FTA/5th Degree Assault/Disorderly Conduct Allhands, Hutchenson Neil Age: 39 SEX: M RACE: W St Peter, MN 56082 Charge: FTA/DWI Allmotawaa, Abdulaziz Huseen M Age: 25 SEX: M RACE: U Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: FTA/No Insurance/Improper Lane Change Almeda, Domingo Trujillo Age: 63 SEX: M RACE: W Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: FTA/ 1st Degree Burglary/4th Degree Crim Sex Conduct/ False Imprisionment Almunajjim, Fawaz Hamad Age: 30 SEX: M RACE: W Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: FTA/2nd Degree Assault Almunajjim, Fawaz Hamad Age: 30 SEX: M RACE: W Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: FTA/Fleeing Police On Foot/5th Degree Assault/Disorderly Conduct/Under Age Consumption Almutairi, Mansour Ayidh M Age: 31 SEX: M RACE: W Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: FTA/5th Degree Assault/Disorderly Conduct/Disruptive Intoxication Alqahtani, Abdullah Ali S Age: 36 SEX: M RACE: U St Paul, MN 55108 Charge: FTA/DAC/Speed Alsagoor, Hassan Saeh Age: 32 SEX: M RACE: B Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: FTA/Disorderly Copnduct Alsgoor, Ibrahim Hamad S Age: 29 SEX: M RACE: A Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: FTA/Obstruct Legal Process Alshammri, Khaled Mohammed M Age: 32 SEX: M RACE: B Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: FTA/1ST DEG CRIMINAL SEXUAL CONDUCT Alshareife, Zaid Age: 56 SEX: M RACE: W Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: FTA/Crim Sex Conduct Alshihry, Faisal Mulfi Age: 36 SEX: M RACE: W Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: FTA/1st Degree Property Damage Alsulaiman, Abdullah Mohammed Age: 25 SEX: M RACE: B Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: 5015/FTA 5TH DEGREE ASSAULT / DISORDERLY CONDUCT Alyami, Abdullah Salem H Age: 36 SEX: M RACE: W Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: FTA/Indecent Exposure Alyami, Abdullah Salem H Age: 36 SEX: M RACE: B Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: FTA/Indecent Exposure/Fail To Comply With Court Ordered Fingerprinting Alyami, Saleh Hamad H Age: 31 SEX: M RACE: B Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: FTA/5TH DEGREE ASSAULT/FLEE OFFICER ON FOOT/DISORDERLY CONDUCT Alzaidan, Majed Abdulaziz M Age: 38 SEX: M RACE: W Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: FTA/DWI/No Valid License Anderson, Chad Charles Age: 40 SEX: M RACE: W , Charge: 5015/FTA STALKING INTENT TO INJURE Anderson, David Allen Age: 48 SEX: M RACE: W Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: 5015/FTA 5TH DEGREE CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 01/15/2021 CITY OF MANKATO WARRANT LIST UPDATED WEEKLY Page 3 of 38 Warrants on this list are current as of the date listed above. Warrants are served on a regular basis and a warrant on this list may already have been served. If you know the whereabouts of someone on this list, please call (507)387-8780. Do not attempt to arrest someone yourself. Anderson, John Paul Age: 49 SEX: M RACE: W Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: 5015/FTA 5TH DEGREE ASSAULT / DISORDERLY CONDUCT Anderson, Ricardo Levi Age: 30 SEX: M RACE: B Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: 5015/FTA DWI, OPEN BOTTLE, NO PROOF INSURANCE, SPEEDING Andrews, Anthony Charles Age: 24 SEX: M RACE: B Rochester, MN 55901 Charge: 5015/FTA 3RD DEGREE ASSAULT / DOMESTIC ASSAULT Andrews, Anthony Charles Age: 24 SEX: M RACE: B North Mankato, MN 56003 Charge: 5015/FTA 4TH DEGREE ASSAULT / OBSTRUCT LEGAL PROCESS / UNDERAGE CONSUMPTION / Ansari, Md Humaid Age: 23 SEX: M RACE: A Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: 5015/FTA PROSTITUTION Anshutz, Jason Wayne Age: 49 SEX: M RACE: W Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: OVS/Domestic Assault Aranda, Julian Francisco Age: 29 SEX: M RACE: W , Charge: FTA/RECEIVING STOLEN PROPERTY Aranda, Julian Francisco Age: 29 SEX: M RACE: W , Charge: FTA/ Receiving Stolen Property / Fail To Comply With Court Ordered Fingerprinting Argy, Devin Ray Age: 28 SEX: M RACE: W , Charge: 5015/FTA DOMESTIC ASSAULT / DISORDERLY CONDUCT Arneson, Aron Harold Age: 44 SEX: M RACE: W Phoenix, AZ 85015 Charge: Check Forgery Arroyo, Juan Angel Age: 23 SEX: M RACE: W Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: 5015/FTA 4TH DEGREE PROPERTY DAMAGE Arroyos, Luis Anthony Age: 27 SEX: M RACE: W ST JAMES, MN 56081 Charge: 5015/FTA 5TH DEGREE CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE Asencio, Michelle Gloria Age: 34 SEX: F RACE: W Le Sueur, MN 56058 Charge: FTA/THEFT BY SHOPLIFTING Asencio, Michelle Gloria Age: 34 SEX: F RACE: W Le Sueur, MN 56058 Charge: FTA/THEFT BY SHOPLIFTING Atkins, Margaret Leigh Age: 32 SEX: F RACE: W Fairmont, MN 56031 Charge: 5015/FTA THEFT Austin, Edward Isaiah Age: 27 SEX: M RACE: B Duluth, MN 55806 Charge: 5012/OVS SIMPLE ROBBERY Avila, Jose Adan Age: 28 SEX: M RACE: W Mountain Lake, MN 56159 Charge: 5015/FTA DWI / DAR / NO INSURANCE Avila, July Antonio Age: 44 SEX: M RACE: W Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: 5015/FTA FINANCIAL TRANSACTION CARD FRAUD Babb, Dawn Marie Age: 43 SEX: F RACE: W Greenwood, AK 72936 Charge: FTA/ Obstruct Legal Process/ Careless Driving/ Give False Info/ No MN DL Bae, Banghun Age: 43 SEX: M RACE: A Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: FTA/Trespassing Balderas, Diana Diojhani Age: 19 SEX: F RACE: B Waterville, MN 56096 Charge: 5015/FTA TRAFFIC COLLISION FAIL TO STOP FOR COLLISION Bales, Tommy Wayne Age: 72 SEX: M RACE: W Hoyt Lakes, MN 55750 Charge: FTA/Violate Order For Protection With In 10 Years 01/15/2021 CITY OF MANKATO WARRANT LIST UPDATED WEEKLY Page 4 of 38 Warrants on this list are current as of the date listed above. Warrants are served on a regular basis and a warrant on this list may already have been served. If you know the whereabouts of someone on this list, please call (507)387-8780. Do not attempt to arrest someone yourself. Balk, Michael Jay Age: 43 SEX: M RACE: W Eagle Lake, MN 56024 Charge: FTA/State Lottery Fraud And Theft Barnes, David Donte Age: 31 SEX: M RACE: B Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: 5015/FTA OBSTRUCT LEGAL PROCESS / FLEE PEACE OFFICER BY MEANS OTHER THAN MV Barnett, Nicole Lee Age: 33 SEX: F RACE: W Le Center, MN 560571217 Charge: 5015/FTA FINANCE TRANS CARD FRAUD-ALTER SIGN WRITTEN DOC / 5TH DEGREE CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE Barrerasotelo, Erick Age: 27 SEX: M RACE: W Albuquerque, NM 87121 Charge: FTA/DWI Barry, Darien Dean Leon Age: 31 SEX: M RACE: B Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: FTA/ No Proof Of Insurance Batakliev, Peter Ivanov Age: 40 SEX: M RACE: W Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: Fta/dwi Bearhill, Misty Marie Age: 52 SEX: F RACE: W North Mankato, MN 56001 Charge: FTA/Make Emergency Call For No Emergency (5 Counts) Beckom, Michael Andre Age: 31 SEX: M RACE: B Milwaukee, WI 53218 Charge: FTA/ Underage Consumption Beckom, Michael Andre Age: 31 SEX: M RACE: B Milwaukee, WI 53218 Charge: FTA/ 4th Degree Assault/ Obstructing
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