Reds Extend Lead Partly Cloudy Win E:dra-Innln.. Batt.le From 10WA-Cloud.y aDd wanner to­ Brooklyn Dodl'ertI B,. Score clay; fair and warmer In west, Of 4 to z 100&1 lIbowen In eIIII' porUoa. (See Stor,.: p ..e 4) J I 0 III a Cit.y', NeM'paper FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1939 VOLUME XXXVIII NUMBER 153 • • • • WPA Strike Settlement Seen In Minneapolis Declares New _European ~risis I Would NeceSSitate Gathermg ------------------_..-----_......:.._-------- - - ---------_. --- - ------------------------- - ---- - _ . - ,. Modern Major Events in All Departments To Highlight ~35,OOO Blaze Workers Will F. R, Invites 'Distinct Possibility' Razes Barns Near F ' Off" 1 Of Trouble Abroad Full Program Today in Fine Arts Festival °Rrelfgn plela S Voiced by Officials Morality If est Liberty Vote on Plan To e ugee arl ey WASHINGTON, July 19 (AP Four events• •highlight • today's and will be* presented* * tomorrow Muenzer and Prof. Philip G. Michigan Governor * ... * Two of the largest barns in fine arts festival program, all de- evening and Saturday morning by Clapp will be tonight's soloists Of Governor LONDON, July 19 (AP)- Presi­ - The Roosevelt administration, eastern Iowa were destroyed by Follows up Recent partmellts of the Iowa school ot the internationally famous arch i­ and the aocomparust will be Rich­ dent Roosevelt, in a new ettor't to balked in its attempts to revise ard Re:1fro. fire of undetermined origin at 5 solve Europe's refugee problem, Attack on High Life fine arts being represented In tect, Frank Lloyd Wright. the neutrality law at this session Also on the day's program will p.m. yestErday afternoon. Damage New Developments today invited o!licers of the Inter­ of congress, virtually served no the important events. The second major event of the governmental Committee on Refu­ be the daily radio broadcast at 2 was estimated at $35,000. Clhnax Warnings tice on the legislators today to LANSING, Mich., July 19 (AP) First is the third fine arts lunch- day, that pTesented by the graphic o'clock b)" Professor Clapp from gees to meet him in a two·day con­ sland ready to respond to a spe - Governor Luren D. Dickinson cheon in the river room of Iowa and plastic art department, will his classroom where he instructs Seventy tons of bay and oats Of New Violence ference at the White House the cial session call it Europe's trou tonight followed up his recent Union this noon at which Law- be a lecture at 3:30 this alternoon in "The History and Appreciation and 1,000 bushels of corn were first week in September. bles again grow acute. condemnation of "high life" at the rence 'rlbbett, famous baritone by Jean Charlot, famous painter of Music." lost in the blaze. MINNEAPOLIS. July 19 (AP) The invitation was conveyed to A new crisis, it was said at the 1939 national conference of gov- who presented his only public and visiting lecturer at the Uni­ The five festival art exhibitions The property, landmarks located - Possible settlement of the WPA representatives ot Britain, France, White House, would most certain ernors with a general attack on recital in the United States this versity ot Iowa during the sum­ will continue on display in the art 4 1-2 miles northeast of West strike thllt led to riots, death and Bl'azil, Argentina and The Neth­ Iy result in such a call. And, It present day manners and morals. summer in the Iowa fieldhouse mer session, In the auditorium of building nnd the main lounge and erlands by Myron C. Taylor, the was added, the administration', women's lounge of Iowa Union. By Liberty, formerly belonged to bloodshed here was sighted to- American delegate, at a meeting The occasion was the 80-year- last night, will speak. the art building. Charlot's topic advlces from the foreign service old executive's first radio broad- Tibbett will discuss the Ameri- will be "Mexican Murals." special arrangement for out-of- ex-Senator Amos Kimberly. It is night when a committee repre­ of the committee in the Locarno room of the foreign office. indicated that such a crisis was cast, but hi.s failure to supply can scene of American art, partic- At 8 o'clock this evening will town visitors wishing to see the rented at present by Vance Deal. senting strikers and labor unions a distinct possibility. art exhibitions after the concert agreed to put Gov. Harold Stas- advance copies to stations of the ularly about the development of be the opening performance of "Pra,. as Never Before" Michigan radio network kept aU American music. He will talk of I Paul Green's "House of Connelly" or othe ~ evening activities, the sen's live-point peace plan to a "I'm certain of one thing," Ste but one station fJ'om canying his the present development of music In Univelsity theater. The play art building will Temaln open each F D R Agr vote of the workers. New Orleans phen Early, presidential secretary odd·, ess. and Its possibilities in the future. will run tomorrow, Saturday af- evening during the week until ees The developments came late in Re spoke from the studios of Also, according to Tibbett, he will ternoon and evening and Monday 10 :30. • • • a day studded with warnings of told reporters. "From the time congress adjourns until it recon from his the Lansing member of the chain express his likes and dislikes evening. Highllghts ot the three re- T E - new violence and threats of fed- Business. Men the d\vi. and his words were relayed to about American music. Predictions are that it will be a maining days ot the festival will 0 XpanSlOn era I prosecution. venes in January, the president the exad the "key" statibn in Detroit, but Tickets for this luncheon meet- popular play because the author be the Frank Lloyd Wright open- Mayor George E. Leach asked will pray as never before in all it did not send the program to ing were limited to 300 and had Is personally on the Iowa campus all' lecture tomorrow, the round Of Lending Bill for state troops to quell new riots Demand Probe his life. that there will be no new the othee stations because of a been aU sold by la st Monday af- aiding in production of the play, table leU by Wright Saturday which he said were "imminent." crisis in Europe." network rule prohibiting the ternoon. In the same series of which is directed by Prof. Vance morning and the presentation of Governor Stassen replied with a Meanwhile several senators pre­ bro;ldcasting of talks unless the meetings Grant Wood spoke Mon- Morton, and tickets for the open­ the Ve','di "Requiem" by the unl- request that the mayor "publicly Ask Authorization dicted much public discussion of manuscript has been approved in day representing art and painting ing night are all gone. versity summer session symphony 0, K.'s Senators' Plan assume your legal res90nsibllities" Of tate hlVestigation lhe Question in the months ahead advance. The LanSing station was and Paul G,'een spoke Tuesday Also at 8 o'clock in the main orchestra and the university sum- T Pr 'd E ' for protection ot non-strikers. While no one apparently expected the only one to V,-oadcast his talk. tor drama. • lounge of Iowa Union will be the mer session chorus Sunday night o OVl e ~panslon S ummons J ur,. By Volwltary Group President Roosevelt to make his The governor read from his' The entire program was ar- fourth fine arts festival free ad­ at 8 o'clock. Of RIFe Loan Fund Federal Judge Robert. C. Bell fight in the way in which Wood script and said it was the first ranged to bring before the public mission· concert. Tonight's per­ The Sunday night concert wlll Isummoned the grand Jury for NEW ORLEANS, July 19 (AP) row Wilso n went on tour in sup time In his IHe that he had read a representative of each depart- formance will be given by the all­ officially close the first line arts WASHINGTON, July 19 (AP)- Mofonday morning, at the request -One hundred New Orleans busi­ port of the League of Nations, 't d h Attorney General Frank Mur· an address. ment to discuss the relation of the state high school orchestra and festival. Capaci y au lences ave Senators Wagner and Mead, New phy in Washington, and United ness men organizing here today as Senator Pittman (D-Nev) said fine arts to human lite. Another the aU-state high school chorus attended a1\ events so far dur- York democrats announced after the "voluntary committee of citi­ it would be "quite natural" tOt depa-rtment, of the school of fine with Prof. Charles B. Righter, ing the weel< and tickets are aU a White House ' conference today :~:~so~i~~~~n~!~::~um~~t~ zens in Louisiana" requested Gov. the chiet executive to "express Miners, C 0 arts, though not represented on Modeste Alloo and Thompson gone lor the concert tonight and .thnt President Roosevelt had violations" ot the law against in' Earl K. Long to authorize an inde­ his position with regard to neu the Iowa campus, Is architecture Stone conducting. Esther Payne pendent and sweeping investiga­ lrality legislation" in any speeches Sunday night. agreed to expansion of his lending timidating WPA workers had been tion of all Louisiana governmental program to provide broadened established. Federal bureau of in­ he might make "on the general Make Peace a [foirs along the lines of that ca~­ welfare." Secretary Early passed Service Contpany authority for the Reconstruction vesligation agents have bee n rled out in New York City by word, however, that the president Marion Talley Wins Fie:ht Finance corporation to insure studying reported viol(1tions of the Samuel Seabury in 1932.
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