Wilson Bull., 100(4), 1988, pp. 728-751 INDEX TO VOLUME 100, 1988 BY KATHY G. BEAL This index includes references to genera, species,authors, and key words or terms. In addition to avian species, references are made to the scientific names of all vertebrates mentioned within the volume and other taxa mentioned prominently in the text. Common names are as they appear in the volume unless otherwise specified. Referencesis made to books reviewed, and announcementsas they appear in the volume. abundance discors, 462, 508 of Dendrocygna bicolor in southwestern platyrhynchos, 293-294, 326-327, 508 Louisiana, 488-494 spp., 298 of Larus sp. at landfills, 43 l-442 strepera, 326 Accipiter bicolor, 23 1 anatomy cooperii, 302, 506-507 techniquefor studyofavian syringes,289- gentilis, 302 293 spp., 673 anhinga, see Anhinga spp. striatus, 138, 139 Anhinga spp., 141 Actitis hypoleucos,548 announcement macularia, 297-302, 548, 549, 554-566, invitation to publish in “Current Omi- 671 thology,” 59 activity patterns annual report, 709-727 of nesting Asio otus, 204-2 13 Anser cygnoides,293 Aegolius acadicus,690-694 Aphelocoma coerulescensinsularis, 140 Aerodramus spodiopygius,76 Ara nobilis, 673 Aethia cristatella, 325 Aracari, Collared, See Pteroglossustorqua- pusilla, 325 tus Agelaiusphoeniceus,184,297-302,305-306, Archilochus colubris, 256-271, 482-488 598,600, 601, 664, 689 Ardea herodias, 50-59 Aimophila aestivalis, 247-255 Aix sponsa,686 Arenaria interpres, 139 Albert, Richard O., see Johnson, Kenneth Arnold, Keith A., review by, 165-166 W., Joye E. Johnson, -, and Arremon aurantiirostris, 534 Thomas R. Albert Arremonops conirostris, 534 Albert, Thomas R., see Johnson, Kenneth Asio otus, 204-2 13 W., Joye E. Johnson, Richard 0. Al- Attila spadiceus,534 bert, and - Auklet, Crested, see Aethia cristatella Alca torda, 65 1 Least, see Aethia pusilla Alcedo atthis, 499 avifauna Alexander, Mike, see Boag, David, and changesin Great Smoky Mountains, 256- 271 Alouatta seniculus,6 12 Avocet, American, see Recurvirostra amer- Amazilia saucerrottei,534 icana tzacatl, 534 awards and grants Ammodramus henslowii, 17-24 Hawk Mountain researchaward, 2 13 Amphispiza quinquestriata, 597 North American Bluebird Society re- Anas ameticana, 326 searchgrants, 528 clypeata, 463, 508 North American Bluebird Society re- crecca, 326 searchgrant awards, 527-528 728 INDEX TO VOLUME 100 729 Aythya affinis, 326 Davian americana, 87 by Anas platyrhynchos, 293-294 Baldassarre,Guy A., seeJohnson, Catherine display M., and - of the shoulder spot by Perdix perdix, Baltz, Michael E., and CharlesF. Thompson, 677-679 Successfulincubation of experimen- head scratching tally enlarged clutches by House methods in swallows, 679-682 Wrens, 70-79 home range use Bananaquit, see Coereba flaveola by Asio otus, 204-213 Bancroft, G. Thomas, John C. Ogden, and incubation Barbara W. Patty, Wading bird col- of experimentally enlarged clutches by ony formation and turnover relative Troglodytes aedon, 70-79 to rainfall in the Corkscrew Swamp behavior of Falco sparverius, 3 17-3 19 area of Florida during 1982 through infanticide 1985, 50-59 at the nest of Accipiter cooperii, 506- Bancroft, G. Thomas, review by, 705 507 Banks, Richard C., Roy McDiarmid, and interaction Alfred L. Gardner, Checklist of ver- of Falco columbarius and Calidris al- tebratesof the United States,the U.S. pina, 108-l 18 territories,and Canada,reviewed, 343 of Actitis macularia with other species, Barbet, Acacia Pied, see Lybius leucomelas 297-302 Black-collared, see Lybius torquatus intraspecifickilling Barlow, Jon C., see Hardy, John William, in Chen caerulescenscaerulescens, 665- -, and Ben B. Coffey, Jr. 666 Barrowclough, George F., review by, 167- juvenile 169 of Phalacrocoraxgaimardi, 535-544 Bartramia longicauda, 554-566 kleptoparasitism Baryphthengusruficapillus, 534 by Phoeniculuspurpureus, 499-50 1 Basileuternssp., 9 mate replacement Beardsall, C. M., see Emison, W. B., in Haliaeetus leucocephalus,302-305 -, F. I. Norman, and R. H. Loyn mate retention Bechard, Marc J., review by, 336 in Charadrius melodus, 545-553 Bee-eater, Carmine, see Merops nubicus philopatry White-fronted, see Merops bullockoides in Calidris pusilla, 660-663 behavior piracy adoption in Larus argentatus,424-430 by a replacement mate in Haliaeetus predatory, see predation leucocephalus,302-305 social agonistic colony formation in Florida wading in a Coereba flaveola, 503-504 birds, 50-59 breeding spatial pattern of Aimophila aestivalis, 247-255 of ground-foragingbirds in a hardwood of Charadrius wilsonia, 3649 forest, 377-394 brood parasitism strangerthan fiction in Tachycineta bicolor, 126-l 28 Davian behavior in Anas platyrhyn- cuckholdry chos, 293-294 in Stumus vulgaris, 60-69 territory cultural transmission useby Dendrogapusobscums, 3 10-3 12 of songin Carpodacusmexicanus, 667- vocal 670 of Cardinalis cardinalis. 583-603 730 THE WILSON BULLETIN l Vol. 100, No. 4, December1988 wing-spreading Boag, David, and Mike Alexander, The At- in Phalacrocoraxatriceps, 140-l 44 lantic Puffin, reviewed, 52 l-522 Behle, Willaim H., Utah birds: geographic Bobolink, see Dolichonyx oryzivorus distribution and systematics, re- Bobwhite, Northern, seeColinus virginianus viewed, 332-333 Bombycilla cedrorum, 128-130, 256-271 Beissinger,Steven R., Betsy Trent Thomas, Bonasaumbellus, 256-27 1, 508 and Stuart D. Strahl, Vocalizations, Bos taurus, 689 food habits, and nestingbiology ofthe Bosque,Carlos, and Rudyard Ramirez, Post- Slender-billed Kite with comparisons breeding migration of Oilbirds, 675- to the Snail Kite, 604-616 677 Belles-Isles, Jean-Claude, see Picman, Ja- Botauruslentiginosus, 496 roslav, and - Bowman, Robert I., review by, 160-163 Berger, Andrew, review by 153-l 54 Boyer, Trevor, see Gooders, John, and Berger, Daniel D., review by, 169-l 70 Branta canadensis,326 Bergstrom, Peter W., Breeding biology of canadensismoffitti, 505 Wilson’s Plovers, 25-35 Brazda, A. R., seeNovara, A. N., J. F. Voel- Bergstrom, Peter W., Breeding displays and zer, and - vocalizations of Wilson’s Plovers, breeding biology 36-49 age at first breeding for Calidris pusilla, Bergstrom, Peter W., review by, 155-l 56 660-663 Bildstein, Keith L., Behavioral ecology of of Aimophila aestivalis, 247-255 Red-tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicen- of Charadrius wilsonia, 25-35 sis), Rough-leggedHawks (Buteo la- of Phalaropustricolor, 567-582 gopus),Northern Harriers (Circus cy- Brennan, Leonard A., see Buchanan,Joseph aneus),and American Kestrels (Falco B., Charles T. Schick, -, and sparverius)in south central Ohio, re- Steven G. Herman viewed, 336 Bristle-Tyrant, Antioquia, see Phylloscartes Bildstein, Keith L., review by, 522-523 lanyoni Bitterbaum, Erik J., see Burtt, Edward H., Brooke, M. De L., Sexualdimorphism in the Jr., -, and Jack P. Hailman voice of the Greater Shearwater,3 19- Bittern, American, seeBotaurus lentiginosus 323 Least, see Ixobrychus exilis Brooke, Richard K., see Mathews, Nigel J. Streaked, see Ixobrychus involucris C., and - Blackbird, Red-winged, see Agelaius phoe- Brosset, A., and C. Erard, Les oiseaux des niceus regionsforestieres du nord-est du Ga- Yellow-headed, see Xanthocephalus xan- bon. Vol. 1. Ecologic et comporte- thocephalus ment des especes,reviewed, 157-l 58 Bledsoe, Anthony H., A hybrid Oporomis Brown, Richard G. B., review by, 5 16-5 17 Philadelphia x Geothlypis trichas, Brunton, Dianne H., Sequential polyandry with comments on the taxonomic in- by a female Killdeer, 670-672 terpretation and evolutionary signif- Bubo virginianus, 42 icance of intergeneric hybridization, Bubulcusibis, 50-59 1-8 Bucephalaclangula, 87 Bledsoe, Anthony H., review by, 149-150 Buchanan, Joseph B., Charles T. Schick, Blem, Charles R., reviews by, 339-340, 341 Leonard A. Brennan, and Steven G. Blue, Roberta J., see Walters, Jeffrey R., Su- Herman, Merlin predation on win- sanK. Hansen,J. H. Carter, III, Philip tering Dunlins: hunting successand D. Manor, and - Dunlin escapetactics, 108-l 18 Bluebird, Eastern, see Sialia sialis Buden,Donald W., The birds of the southern Bluethroat, see Luscinia svecica Bahamas,reviewed, 335-336 INDEX TO VOLUME 100 731 Bunting, Indigo, see Passerina cyanea Carroll, John P., The shoulder spot in Gray Burger, Joanna, and Michael Gochfeld, Hab- Partridge, 671-679 itat selection in Mew Gulls: small col- Carruth, Gorton, see Reilly, Edgar M., and onies and site plasticity, 395-4 10 Burger, Joanna, see Hackl, Elizabeth, and Carter, J. H., III, see Walters, Jeffrey R., Su- san K. Hansen, -, Philip D. Burtt, Edward H., Jr., Erik J. Bitterbaum, Manor, and Roberta J. Blue and Jack P. Hailman, Head-scratch- Gary, John R., see Temple, Stanley A., and ing method in swallows depends on behavioral context, 679-682 Casmerodius albus, 50-59 Busby, William H., see Winnett-Murray, Cataptrophorussemiplamatus, 42,549,550, Kathy, K. Greg Murray, and - 554-566, 671 Buteo magnirostris, 450 Catbird, Gray, see Dumetella carolinensis spp., 674 Catharacta antarctica, 322 Butorides virescens, 496 lonnbergi, 345-356 Cacicus cela, 224-235 maccormicki, 345-356 cela cela, 225 maccormicki x Catharacta lonnbergi, 345- Cacique, Yellow-rumped, see Cacicus cela 356 (Frontispiece) call for papers Catharopeza spp., 288 symposium, Kirtlands’ Warbler at the Cathartes aura, 608 crossroads-extinction or survival, Catharus fuscescens, 256-271, 377-394 475 guttatus, 377-394 Calidris alba, 554-566 ustulatus, 268, 377-394 alpina, 108-l 18, 549, 550, 554-566, 662 Cepphus carbo, 136 bairdii, 554-566 columba, 136 canutus, 554-566 spp., 136 fuscicollis, 554-566 Cercomacra tyrannina,
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