August 4, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1743 abortions in the United States. However, bar- REAUTHORIZATION OF UNDER- for freedom, and the restoration of human dig- riers to information and access hinder this pre- GROUND RAILROAD EDU- nity. As with the National Underground Rail- ventative contraceptive method from reaching CATIONAL AND CULTURAL PRO- road Freedom Center, each of these institu- its full potential. We can and we must do more GRAM tions remind us that even the darkest hours of to protect women’s reproductive health by in- our Nation’s history can ultimately provide the creasing knowledge of emergency contracep- HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO tools for change. tion and expanding access to this critical pre- OF CONNECTICUT f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ventative solution. STENNIS CONGRESSIONAL INTERN Friday, August 3, 2007 Madam Speaker, I urge Members to co- PROGRAM Ms. DELAURO. Madam Speaker, I rise in sponsor my bill today. support of H.R. 2707 reauthorizing the activi- HON. BART GORDON ties of the Underground Railroad Educational f OF TENNESSEE and Cultural Program through FY 2012. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Passed in 1998, the original amendment to COMMENDING THE PLACER COUN- the Higher Education Act of 1965 authorized Friday, August 3, 2007 TY WATER AGENCY FOR FIFTY the Secretary of Education, in consultation and YEARS OF VISIONARY SERVICE Mr. GORDON of Tennessee. Madam cooperation with the Secretary of the Interior, Speaker, for 5 years now, the John C. Stennis AND STEWARDSHIP to make grants to nonprofit educational organi- Center for Public Service has conducted a zations established to research, display, inter- program for summer interns working in con- pret, and collect artifacts related to the history gressional offices. This 6-week program is de- HON. JOHN T. DOOLITTLE of the Underground Railroad. signed to enhance their internship experience OF CALIFORNIA I commend my colleague Representative by giving them an inside view of how Con- KUCINICH for his hard work on this issue and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gress really works. It also provides an oppor- this legislation. tunity for them to meet with senior staff and Since its passage, the program’s center- Friday, August 3, 2007 other experts to discuss issues ranging from piece in Cincinnati—the National Underground the influence of the media and lobbyists on Railroad Freedom Center—has become a na- Mr. DOOLITTLE. Madam Speaker, I rise Congress to Congress’s power of the purse. today to commend the Placer County Water tionally important cultural center and valuable The program is a joint effort of the Stennis education resource center, reaching more than Agency (PCWA) of Auburn, California in cele- Center and a collection of current and former 160,000 school-age children and their teach- senior congressional staff leaders who are bration of 50 years of outstanding public serv- ers who have toured the Freedom Center. The serving as Senior Stennis Fellows. These fel- ice. Founded in 1957 as a result of the com- changing exhibitions as well as the pre- and lows use their experience and expertise to de- mitment of community leaders with an unusual post- visit teaching curriculum have offered sign the program and to participate in each of sense of vision to develop and protect water valuable opportunities for our children to learn the interactive sessions and panel discus- resources within the County, the Agency has from and be inspired by the lessons of the his- sions. maintained the vision to address water re- tory of the Underground Railroad. I am also proud of Amistad America, an ini- Interns are selected for this program based source needs across the 1,500 square miles on their college record, community service of Placer County. tiative based in New Haven, Ct., which has been able to receive funding from the Depart- background, and interest in a career in public PCWA obtained federal and state licenses ment of Education through The Underground service. This year, 29 outstanding interns, and permits and developed its Middle Fork Railroad Educational and Cultural Program. By most of them juniors and seniors in college, American River Project which consists of two bringing together local organization advocates, who are working for Democrats and Repub- main reservoirs, a series of hydroelectric educators, and historians, the Amistad Amer- licans in both personal and committee offices in the House and Senate participated. power plants and 24 miles of tunnels. The ica recognizes and honors the historical and Mr. President, I congratulate the interns for project, which was financed by the sale of educational significance of the Freedom Schooner Amistad Ship. their participation in this valuable program and electricity, today produces approximately one I thank the Stennis Center and the Senior billion kilowatt hours of clean, green electricity In 1839, 53 Africans were illegally kid- napped from Sierra Leone and sold into the Stennis Fellows for providing such a unique annually. transatlantic slave trade. The captives were experience for these interns and for encour- The Agency has assisted water districts, cit- brought to Havana, Cuba, aboard the Por- aging them to consider a future career in pub- ies and acquired and upgraded previously ex- tuguese vessel Tecora, where they were lic service. isting and antiquated water systems in Placer fraudulently classified as native-born Cuban I ask unanimous consent that a list of 2007 Stennis congressional interns and the offices County, enabling it to provide retail and whole- slaves then sold to Spaniards Jose Ruiz and Pedro Montez, who transferred them to the in which they work be printed in the RECORD. sale water to needy areas within the County; Yaser Ali of the University of Florida intern- provided financial assistance to water districts coastal cargo schooner, La Amistad. ing in the Office of Senator Bill Nelson While being transferred from Havana, Cuba, within the County for the conservation and de- Sue Banerjee of Northwestern University in- up the coast in the Amistad, the African cap- velopment of water supplies and facilities; and terning in the Office of Representative tives revolted after 3 days and ordered the Nick Lampson continues to focus on preserving water quality schooner to head east back to their native Af- David Bodner of Virginia Tech University in- and enacting water use efficiencies that en- rica. On the evening of the rebellion, the terning in the Office of Representative sure a safe and reliable water supply for the Amistad was secretly directed back west and Howard Berman region. up the coast of North America, where after 2 Andrew Briggs of Knox College interning in months the Africans were seized and arrested the Office of Senator Herb Kohl PCWA understands its role as an environ- Jeff Burdette of the University of Maryland mental steward to the watersheds of the in New London, Ct. interning in the House Veterans’ Com- The captives were jailed and awaited trial in County and continues to work in good faith mittee New Haven, Ct. The case became historic with federal, state and local community stake- Sarah Coppersmith of Washington Univer- when former President John Quincy Adams sity interning in the Office of Represent- holders. argued on behalf of the enslaved Africans be- ative Harry Mitchell Madam Speaker, I commend and congratu- fore the U.S. Supreme Court, winning their Sarah Cummings of Bucknell University in- late the Board of Directors, management and freedom. terning in the Office of Representative This summer the Freedom Schooner Phil English employees of the Placer County Water Agen- Dominic Day of Vanderbilt University in- cy for 50 successful years of vision, steward- Amistad, a recreation of the original Amistad embarked from New Haven on its first trans- terning in the Office of Representative ship and dedicated service to the people of Donna Christensen atlantic voyage to celebrate the 200th anniver- Placer County and for working to preserve the Marsha Dixon of the University of Florida sary of the abolition of the transatlantic slave Law School interning in the House Ways County’s rich water resources while also work- trade. and Means Committee ing to provide clean, renewable energy for the The journey is an opportunity to call to pub- Sean Evins of Rhodes College interning in benefit of future generations in Placer County. lic attention the evils of slavery, the struggle the Office of Senator Jim DeMint VerDate Aug 31 2005 00:20 Aug 06, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03AU8.046 E04AUPT1 hmoore on PRODPC68 with HMREMARKS E1744 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 4, 2007 Jason Ferguson of the University of Florida Jaime is a true national hero who dedicated teammates and opponents. While never one interning with the House Homeland Se- her life to helping and serving others. Beloved to be driven by statistics, his passion for the curity Committee daughter of Susan and Larry, Jaime served as game has surely led to a spot in Cooperstown. Jim Goldenstein of the University of Illinois Earlier this summer, he joined the fraternity interning with the Office of Representa- an emergency medical technician in Ellsworth, tive John Shimkus WI, before answering the call to serve in Iraq. of select players to accumulate 3,000 career Jason Griffith of the University of Colorado As a medic for her unit, Jaime will be remem- hits. He has collected four Gold Glove awards, interning with the Office of Representa- bered by her comrades as a generous and been selected to seven All-Star teams and tive Ed Perlmutter compassionate individual. Friends and family amassed enough career doubles to rank in the James Holcombe of the University of North will remember and cherish her caring and con- top 10 all-time.
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