/f ZONING ORDINANCE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ORDINANCE NO. 348 AS AMENDED SEPTEMBER 22, 1960 ""Kg? TABLE OF CONTENTS Article Page I Intent and Purposes 1 II (Reserved for future legislation) 1 III M-3 Zone (Regulated Industrial) 1 IV Zoning Districts - Official Zoning Plans 4 V Zone Districts 5 VI R-l Zone (One Family Dwellings) - 6 Via R-l A Zone (One Family Dwellings - Mountain Resort) 7 VII R-2 Zone (Multiple Family Dwellings) 7 Vila R-2A Zone (Limited Multiple Family Dwellings) 7 VIII R-3 Zone (General Residential) 8 Villa R-3A Zone (General Residential - Mountain Resort) - 8 IX C-l Zone (General Commercial) - 8 IXa C-2 Zone (Limited Commercial) - 9 X C-P Zone (Restricted Commercial) 9 Xa I-P Zone (Industrial Park) - 10 XI M-l Zone (Light Manufacturing) 13 XIa M-4 Zone (Limited Industrial) 14 XII M-2 Zone (Heavy Industrial) 14 XIII A-l Zone (Light Agriculture) 15 XIV A-2 Zone (Heavy Agriculture) 17 XV W Zones - (Watercourse, Watershed, Conservation, and Recreational Areas). W-l Zone (Watercourse Areas). W-2 Zone (Watershed, Conservation, and Recreational Areas) 18 XVI I Zone (Interim) 19 XVII Public Functions or Uses 21 XVIII General Provisions 21 XIX Variances - 24 XX Amendments and Change of Zone 26 XXI Definitions 26 XXII Enforcement, Legal Procedure and 30 Penalties - 31 XXIII Validity 31 XXIV Authentication - ORDINANCE NO. 348 An Ordinance providing for the creation and establishment of zones In the unincorporated area of the County of Riverside, defining, classifying, restricting and regulating land uses and pre­ scribing area requirements and classes of uses of buildings, structures, improvements and premises in the several zones; repealing Ordinances No. 341 and No. 341-A. The Beard of Supervisors of the County of Riverside, State of California, does ordain ns fol­ lows: ARTICLE 1 and No. 341-a are hereby expressly repealed; pro­ vided, however, that sucn substitution and. repeal In order to classify, restrict, regulate and en­ shall not be deemed to ratify or legalize any viola­ courage the orderly use of land in the County of tion of any provision of said Ordinances No. 341 Riverside and to conserve and promote public or No. 341-a, nor to affect nor prevent the prose­ health, peace, safety, comfort, convenience, and cution or punishment of any person, firm, or general welfare, there is hereby adopted and es­ corporation for any act done or committed in viola­ tablished an official land use plan for the said tion of any provision of said ordinances prior to the Coun ty of Riverside. This plan is adopted as a taking effect of this ordinance, and shall not af­ part o5t the Master Plan of Land Use (pursuant fect aniy prosecution which may be pending in any to the "iConservation and Planning Act of the court for the violation of any provision of said State of California) for the unincorporated area ordinances; and further ed that as to any of the County of Riverside. such violation of said ordinances and as to any SECTION 1.1. LAND USE ORDINANCE. such prosecution and punishment and as to any This ordinance shall be known and cited as the such pending prosecution, said ordinances shall be Riverside County Zoning Ordinance. deemed to continue and be in full force and ef­ fect. SECTION 1.2. It is further declared that the progressive adoption by ordinances of offi­ ARTICLE II cial plans under this Master Plan of Land Use shall place various portions of the unincorporated U ZONE (UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES) territory of Riverside County into the respective Repealed by Ordinance No. 348-g. zones applicable thereto as soon as the due and careful consideration by the Planning Commission ARTICLE III and by the Board of Supervisors will permit; and that said Planning Commission shall work in con­ M-3 ZONE (REGULATED INDUSTRIAL) junction with ana at the request of property own­ All the unincorporated territory of the County ers in the portions affected. It is intended that which is not included under the terms of this eventually comprehensive and well-considered ordinance in any other zone is hereby designated plans shall be created and adopted for the entire and classified as M-3 Zone. unincorporated area of the County , of Riverside. Where a structure is erected or a use is made SECTION 1.3. That prior to and pending which is expressly and specifically permitted in the adoption by ordinance of official plans for one or more other zones under this ordinance, such comprehensive and detailed zone classifications structure or use shall he subject to the most re throughout the County of Riverside, the entire strictive requirements and regulations of any zone unincorporated area of said County shall be and in which such structure or use is expressly and is hereby placed into Zone M-3 (Regulated In­ specifically permitted. dustrial), as hereinafter defined in Article III of this ordinance, with the exception of that specific SECTION 3.1. USES FOR WHICH A area which, is hereinafter designated and described PERMIT IS REQUIRED IN ZONE M-3: Uses in Article IV. permitted: Without a permit, any use permitted SECTION 1.4. If any provision of this or­ in Zones M-4, A-2 and W-2 ana any other use dinance or the application thereof to any person except the uses listed in this paragraph requiring or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of use permits, but not including outdoor advertis­ the ordinance and the application of such pro­ ing signs and structures which are not appurtenant vision to other persons or circumstances shall not to any permitted use. The Commission shall not be affected thereby. recommend that a permit under this Article be granted unless it finds that the proposed use will SECTION 1.5. That this ordinance be and not endanger the public health or safety or con­ the same is hereby substituted for Ordinances No. flict with or be adverse to the general welfare. A 341 and No. 341-a, and said Ordinances No. 341 person shall not, without first having obtained a permit therefor, use anv premises or erect any (33) Rubber building in Zone M-3 wnich is designed, occupied (34) Sauerkraut or used or intended to be occupied or used for any (35) Soap, except by cold process of die following businesses, occupation or pur­ (36) Tar or aspnalt roofingI poses: (37) Turpentine 1. Abattoir (slaughterhouse). (38) Vinepr 2. Airport or landing field. 18. Meat packing plant 3. Auto wrecking yard. 19. Oil reclaiming plant 4. Blast furnace. 20. Ore reduction plant 5. Borrow pit, commercial. 21. Petroleum refinery. 6. Boiler shop or works. 23. Race track, except for contests between hu­ 7. Commercial cattle feeding yard or sales or man beings only. auction yard. This does not include cattle 24. Rifle range, including pistol range. feeding in conjunction with farming opera­ 25. Rock crush er or quarry. tions nor community auction and sales yards. 26. Rock, sand or gravel pit. 8. Cemetery, pet or human. 27. Rolling mill. 9. Coke ovens. 28. Rubber reclaiming plant. 10. Drive-in theater. 29. Salt works. 11. Fat rendering. 30. Sand blasting plant. 12. Fish cannery. 31. Sewer farm or sewage disposal. 13. Gas, storage of, in excess of one thousand 32. Smelting. (1,000) cubic feet. 33. Stockyards, commercial, except in conjunction 14. Incineration, reduction or dumping of offal, with fanning. rbage or refuse on a commercial scale. 34. Storage of petroleum products above ground 15. Junk yard. in excess ot one thousand (1000) barrels. 16. Lumber mill. 35. Storage or baling of rags or paper, except 17. Manufacture of: wholly within a building or behind a compact (1) Acetylene gas. wall not less than six (6) feet in height. (2) Acid 36. Tannery. (3) Ammonia 37. Trailer park. (4) Asphalt or products 38. Wool pulling or scouring plant. (5) Ashes tos 39. Wood or bone distillation. (6) Brick tile or terra ootta 40. Dog kennels. (7) Babbit metal 41. Hog ranches which are not required to ob- (8) Bleaching powder tain ai permit under the provision of Ordin- (9) Carbon, lampblack or graphite ance No. 431 and in which more than 300 (10) Cement hogs are kept, fed, or maintained. (11) Celluhod 42. Trap and skeet shooting facilities. (12) Chlorine gas 43. Camp grounds. (13) Coal tar or products That this section shall not be interpreted or (14) Creosote or products construed to require a permit in the carrying on (15) Explosives of any of the aforementioned businesses, occupa­ (16) Fireworks tions or purposes where such businesses, occupa­ (17) Fertilizer, including open storage on a tions or purposes are merely incidental or acces­ commercial scale. sory to a fanning or domestic operation. (18) Gas, illuminating (19) Gelatine SECTION 3.2. PERMIT PROCEDURE. (20) Glucose Any person desiring a permit to establish any use (21) Glue or size referred to in this Article shall make written ap­ (22) Guncotton or products plication therefor to the Commission on forms (23) Gypsum which shall be provided by the County for this (24) Insulating material (such as "Rock purpose. Such application snail state the name and Wool" and similar products) address of the applicant therefore; evidence that (25) Lime or products he is the owner of the premises involved or that (26) Matches he has the permission of the owner to make such (27) Phenol application; the address, if any, together with the (28) Pickles general location and legal description of the prem­ (29) Plaster of Paris ises upon which such business, occupation or pur­ (30) Poison pose is to be established; the nature of the busi­ (31) Potash ness, occupation or purpose for which such build­ (32) Pulp, paper and strawboard ing or premises is to be erected or used.
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