August 16, 2021 BSE Limited National Stock Exchange of India Limited Department of Corporate Services Listing Department Floor 25, P. J. Towers, Registered Office: “Exchange Plaza”, Dalal Street, C-1, Block G, Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai-400 001. Bandra (E), Mumbai – 400 051. Scrip Code: 532051 Scrip Code: SWELECTES Dear Sir / Madam, Sub: Submission of Clippings of Newspaper publication of financial results As required under Regulation 33 read with Regulation 47 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015, the Unaudited Standalone and Consolidated Financial Results of the Company for the Quarter ended 30.6.2021 were approved at the Board Meeting held on 13.8.2021 and published in all editions of Business Line and The Hindu Tamil Thisai (Vernacular) on 14.08.2021. The copies of the above newspaper publications are being enclosed. We request you to kindly take on record the above compliance. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For SWELECT ENERGY SYSTEMS LIMITED Digitally signed by RAJAMANICKA RAJAMANICKAM M SATHISHKUMAR SATHISHKUMAR Date: 2021.08.16 18:10:38 +05'30' R.Sathishkumar Company Secretary & Compliance Officer Encl.: as above BusinessLine Saturday August 14, 2021 Page No.4 " . ,ese players have com­ hers in our sector, public segrnent leve'I across all three to 94.2 per cent a year ago. ded these valuations as policy, technology and busi­ segments and has seen a rev~ The combined ratio was have shown us a new way ness will provide an added enue growth (CAGR) of 37 per 12336 per cent for the first Jproaching the customer thrust to MobiKwik's strategic cent in the last two years quarter of the fiscal versus ,ether it is about deliver­ direction." It maybe recalled (FYl9-21). 112.16 per cent a year ago. mmething that resonates the new age consumer or Jt delivering a traditional ice in a new and direct \ \ ;~;;;;Jlc:~~RGY SYSTEMS LIMITED ion to the customer. I S'\NE Ie ct Reglsterud & Ccrpor,ate Office: 'SWELECT HOUSE', No.5 Sir PS s;vasamy Sa!ai. Mrlapwe. Chermai - 600 004! Tel. +91 44 24ft932S6 Fa,:_ +9144 24995179 Emn I . cg.,[email protected] Wt!b5il!l . www.sv,ele~1es.com ParticuJars Unaudlt!ld Unaudited Unaudited Audited Revenue from o eralions 5,228.75 7,855.20 6,324.48 25,253.61 Other Income 593.96 369.22 1,054.66 2,985.18 mded Year ended 3 Total Income 1+2) 5,822.71 8,224.42 7,379.14 28.238.79 l-06-2020 31-03-2021 4 Ne! Profit I (Loss) for the period {before tax., lnaudlled Audited Except!onal and/or Extraordlna items} (324.24) 348.67 1,187.49 3,441.98 5233.48 117737,77 5 Net Profit I (Loss) for the period before tax after Exceplional Md/or Extraordinary items 324.24) (342,33 1,187.49 2,750.98 5211.95 29011.43 Net Prorrt I (Loss) for the period after tax (after Exceptional and/or Extraordinary itoms) (358.29) {446.84) t 144,50 2,60:'t59 211.95 24011.43 Total Cornpn)henslvo Income for the period [Comprlslng Profltl{Lm~s) for the period {after tax) and other Com rehenslve Income after tax 256.21 647.22 1,158.67 2,428.22 188.00 17663.07 8 E uit Share Ca ·ta! 1,515.88 1,515.88 1,515.88 1,515.88 9 Reserves (Other Equity) (exe!udlng tevalualion reserve) 72,372.42 488.52 18704.84 10 Earnings Per Sham (of Rs. 10/~ each): for continuing operations Basic; (2.36) (2.95) 7,55 17.18 :3732.79 23732.79 Diluted: (2.36) (2.95) 755 17.18 Nohn~: + (1) The Standalone and Consolidated unaudite-0 financial tesu!ts for the quarter ended 30 June 2021 have been reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting held on 13Augusl 2021, The Slalutory audfton; 0.08 7.44 of the Company have conducted a '"Limited Review' of the unaudited Standalone. and Consolidated financial resu!ls for the 0.08 7.44 Quarte,ended 30Juno 2021 (2) Th• ngurH fot th• Q\4 ■ rt•r ♦nded 31 M1rch 2021 •r• the bal1ncing lig\.1,-.1 b•l'lll'H-n In• audil•d Mgufu io rHpecl of t1eyHr , t•ntlH.131 Men-:h 2021 and !h~ p,eh:Jd \o d-iltlil ::1\.ii:r;;rl•d fiqwe,; u;:!,J l+-:w, '.m• 1nnn\f"t!! ~~G~:1 3- ~ O"l:<:~lt"l'1i:>'e' 7G'.?f) me ~uard ol Directors In Its ' {3) Key numbers of the Standalone results, ditors of the company. This Year anded 1ting Standards) Rules, 2015 Particulars 1tller recognised accounting Unaudited Unaud ted Audited 1 Revenue from Operations 8,670.27 4,854.02 18,453.22 2) Other lncome · ended 30" June, 2021 filed (3) Total Income (1 + (2) nd Disclosure Requirements) (4) ProfiU(Loss) before tax ebsites of Stock Exchanges 5 ProfiV Loss after tax vww.moil.nic.in). {4) The anove ts an extract of \he Standalone and Consol/dated Financial Results forthit q>Jarter ended 30_06.2021, flied with rto make them comparable. lhe Stock Exchanges under Regulahon 33 of the SEBI \Us!ing Obligations and Disclosure Requiremenls) RegulatiOns, 2015. The fullforrnatofF1nanc•al Results are available on !he Stock Exchange wabSJtes; www.nselndia.com, www.bsalndia.com For MOIL LIMITED Sd/- and on tha Company"s w-ebsitewww.swelectes,cQm. For and on behalf of the Board M. P. Chaudharl ·man-cum-Managing Director R Chellappan DIN · 05339308 Pi•c• · Coimbatore Managing Director O•t• 13August 2021 DIN: 00016958 "ED COFFEE DAV ENTERPRISES LTD. DOFFII Registered and Corporate Office: Coffee Day Square, : 0422-2245461 2312, l'l!IU \1;0 .. t fi~_,11,,,. o,..,.,. o,,.~--1,,..,, ;:;,:,;r, rH,~ v ... ~ ..... , .... 1,,., 1.... ,4:,.. RAJAMANICKA Digitally signed by M RAJAMANICKAM SATHISHKUMAR SATHISHKUM Date: 2021.08.16 AR 18:12:03 +05'30' Hindu Tamil (vernacular) Saturday August 14, 2021 Page No.10 8'LLLD l.9LDg)2JLD UIGITTGITTIJ, oT~//Jffi ffiUFltb fb61Jl6lJ6lllJ \.9ffi.UIJ)6ITTI ~UFIUJ/61) V>lf!jlTL/liJlii/11.J ~/LL/liJffi61Jl6TTf!jf!jlT6ITT Gltv1T@uLJa;a;6ir 8'!Tu51 Gl8'tl.i~UJIT6TT['ra;roLw IFn.[D/UJtvlT6ll,l}jl= CBtv,j @611,j a;ro w.m(Elw GltvlTLffilfil61JJ6lJffifil6UT£DGITT,j. T,jtt,61Jltb (Y)6lJLD tv.616UTC8u1T,l}jl 505-i@jLD CBw[iJuLL, !JiWL(_!J)@£DU @621611/T [J)l (Ba;. U/:f)~8'/Tu5) IFn.[D/GITTIT,j. Gltv1TyS)6MIT,j JLL {b16l)ffi18j61J)6'fT UJ6UTU(Eift,,l}j16ll,l}jl (jft) 616116l}6jL 6T 60I .nffll dl m>LIDm> 6Ulu5161LL "'1\ CIN: L93090TN1994PLC028578 LI'Qj & ,1;19,s ~fPtQJ'1:151.b : 'GfuQfilJG\lffit.'... ,@OO'iUIO', Grcir.5, s:Jj- P.S. i1fil.18'1TuSl 6fT6f)G\), 1nuSlG1HTLik!,lJ, swelect Q"'"'"'"' - 600 004. QIO""'"'<:uai : +91 44 24993266 QIO""'"'JD~oSI : +91 44 24995179 Staypoworfulwhensunshlnos Andthornafler ... uS16fl'ar@)a=QJ : [email protected] ,@rnmrUJ~GJTLO : www.swelectes.com 30 mi>m- 2021-6\) (Y>lq.J6$!j 8jlf6\)lf61R1Tlq.!i)5rr6111' $!jlill1lf'l5611>5 Qe:wwuuL-lf$!j Q$!jlr(!>55UUL...L- ~,~611)6\) .~u6la;ma; (Y>lq.6lj56fflm- fflrlJ'U> (er,. 6\JL<Fii;~ru - ursJGiffirr6"T!!)Jffi@i FCLifW G11arr""a; 1arulrr) ~4oor(il ~"""'"◄ 6ll161Jl)Wffi6tf 30 !ll'®iir 2021 31 Ulmju 2021 30 !Q'®<ir 2020 31 umtu 2021 J take note ~w:Pffilia16.Wfl6,J!~§ ~&5M]8jgilhUJffffilT~~ ~6Mflffi60lBilUfJ8,IT~~ ~mfl6,rno,1U1Jm~ n exclusive 1 Gluw6Uurr@ffi6IT (Yl6UUl 61J(.!961JITU.1 5,228.75 7,855.20 6,324.48 25,253.61 :! all means 593.96 369.22 1,054.66 2,985.18 3 QLDITibla 6lJ(l,LDIT6l!fUJ (1+2) 5,822.71 8,224.42 al, internet, 7,379.14 28,238.79 4 /f;lffiIT 6\JITUUJ/(jJ;ei,,.LUJ) @ffiffiIT6\JffiLLib~"' (rur/1, rul~rui6\JffiffiIT6l!f :atch up TV LD)D{IJJUJ/~6\J6\J1"] ~lfITlaITIT6l!lff @Ol!fffiJffi@!'iffi@i (ljl6"T) (324.24) 348.67 1,187.49 3,441.98 >ther rights 5 /f;lffiIT 6\JITUUJ/(jJ;ei,,.LUJ) @ffiffiIT6\JffiLLib~6\J rur/lffi@j (ljl6"T (rui~rui6\JffiffiIT6l!f LD)D{IJJUJ/~6\J6\J@ ~lfITlaITIT6l!lff @Ol!fffiJffi@!'iffi@j ul6"T) (324.24) (342.33) 1,187.49 'or multiple 2,750.98 6 /f;la;rr 6\JITUUJ/(jJ;ei,,.LUJ) @ffiffiIT6\JffiLLib~"' rur/lffi@j u).., ncing from (rul~rul6\Jo;a;rr6l!f LDJD/!)JUJl~6\J6\J@ ~""la"IT6l!lff @Ol!frsJffi@!'iffi@i ul6"T) (358.29) (446.94) 1,144.50 2,603.59 7 Q""~~ mlr/lwrr"" '"®U11T"""' l@osa;rr..,,.,:_L~., [@osa;rrru~/f,ji)'"""" OJnuw/(p;oi?,Lw) (rur/lffi@iuul'"') ~ @~rr rulr/lrurr...­ "'®'""""ib'"'~ (rurfla;@'.nl16"T) ,uinmLos<tlw@J (256.21) (647.22) 1,158.67 2,428.22 rerm 8 B'LDUIT>l@j (1Jl6\Jla6111Ul 1,515.88 1,515.88 1,515.88 1,515.88 9 72,372.42 10 UffiJGioorn{l)Jffi@j ffL'1W 6ll(!!,UIT"""' (er,.10I- ~J: 1 August ~@D ~ '021 - ~ifUU6lllL: (2.36) (2.95) 7.55 17.18 ·petuity @6"TJDl1u: (2.36) (2.95) 7.55 17.18 @JJllLI4a;,ir: (1) 30 ~"El6irr 2021-00 (YJL¥-J!i!b [email protected] $!16lRlftffi6lflffi Qmi.J1ul.luLrrgi !!J6lffl~$bJ6lT6Tf wJDwUl Q{brr@ffia,LluLL !fil~@6lfl6\l (Y'l'9-6llffi6IT girnrflffililllffi rvhatsoever. @~Q6llrrlill ~1iJ1i1~ Qmi.J1uLluL_@ UJjD[JlJLll .@1wi-,(Q;i.ffi1j @@rurr6U 13 ~ffi6TU@ 2021 ,4lj6irr!))l J!i611lLGu!!J!D ffiLL~L~~6U 1ln@lill JJJ6TfM,11,1·J1n·tft)J JO h.i0~i, 2021 )_b;w,wei~JtiJll U,HtxJi1Mffii41-Ji;&li"'11 ¢cmi\1&6i'!"ieh!UfEOm~ ~t,tifit!Jg;,iai1ol1 Wjl.l!J,lll.!l \tl!~lltg)t>H'hUULL !},l~lll,1~)1,\) tY:ll.p6~8,6fr jhlfil]fuJ6{1T any of the ![.t6"11lfflffirnffi1urrmrjffimrr6\J ''@rn!!J!fi$fi uLsc" ~tiJlil~ffi@ ~Lu@![lff,tjul..@6TTm~.
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