Dec./Jan. 2006 BUSINESS TPI MANAGEMENT Turfgrass Producers International Savannah, Georgia—February 14-17, 2006 ISSUE HIGHLIGHTS Taking Care of Business.................... Page 2 TPI Midwinter Conference Business Leadership Happens at the $AVE on Early Registration—Ends December 15, 2005! Intersection of Proper Behaviors and Great Business Results In addition to visiting with friends and Exhibits Marketing Tip..................................... Page 3 peers from all over the world, the TPI The Exhibit sessions provide atten­ Midwinter Conference provides members dees with numerous opportunities to How to Avoid the Biggest Business with a wealth of valuable “take-home” meet with representatives from the turf Marketing Mistakes information through Education Sessions, industry’s top equipment and parts manu­ Roundtable Forum, Exhibits and lots facturers, suppliers and service providers. Shrewder Computing...........................Page 3 more. “These events are one of the best To help attendees make the most of their Computer Tune-Ups investments of our time and money, con­ one-on-one time with the various repre­ sidering what we gain,” is the description sentatives, lunch will be available at no NFL Players Opinion Survey Excerpt: Page 4 many TPI members use to describe their charge, as part of the package price. “Do you believe you have had one or participation in TPI Conferences and ITPF Banquet, Awards & Conventions. more injuries on artificial turf that Fundraiser There is a way to further increase this Attendees begin with a cocktail recep­ would not have occurred on grass?” already great bargain, if you haven’t tion before heading to the dining area for already done so! Just be sure to register TPI Action ..........................................Page 4 a memorable low-country seafood boil for the TPI Midwinter Conference by (non-seafood options available). — Redesigned TPI Website to Launch at Thursday, December 15, 2005 to receive Entertainment by the talented “Blue TPI Midwinter Conference! the $50 discount for each person fully Dogs” is loosely described as “bluegrass” registered by that date! — Member Survey Results in Warm- but covers a wide range of enjoyable And that’s not all! Book your hotel music taste; a regional favorite of the Season Vegetative Stock reservation at the TPI host hotel (Westin southern U.S. Roundtable in Savannah Savannah Harbor Golf Resort & Spa) by Wednesday, January 11, 2006 (space The prestigious TPI Honors & Awards available) and you’re guaranteed the TPI program portion of the evening will rec­ room rate of $145! TPI Meetings & ognize special individuals for their dedi­ TPI Honors & Award Education Manager Kelly Butler advises cation and selfless giving to TPI and the Recipients to be Named not waiting until that date because the overall turf industry. at TPI Midwinter TPI “room block” might fill up sooner. The ITPF Silent Auction will progress Conference! Now for a preview of the Conference. unobtrusively throughout the evening toward the goal of raising money for Register for the ITPF Banquet Education turfgrass education and research efforts. Awards & Fundraiser program to sup­ From the Pre-Conference Seminar, to Be sure to check out the various boards port to these deserving recipients. Education Sessions #1 and #2, attendees listing the many auction items and keep This special TPI program is con­ can learn from some of the best experts in mind this is an opportunity to give ducted only once a year at the TPI and professionals. Topics include a moti­ back to the industry that has given so Midwinter Conference. To maintain vational expert’s methods of “Bringing much to all members. the integrity of these prestigious Customers Back”; a “Show and Tell” awards for each category, they are pre­ panel of turf producers describing their Roundtable Forum sented only if the judges agree there operations; a highly successful landscap­ Attendees of past Roundtable Forums are worthy candidates. Don’t miss this event to find out er’s sales techniques; a panel of turfgrass are seeing many of their ideas and sug­ extension specialists whose presentations gestions implemented by the TPI Board. who the recipients will be for the TPI will cover “Angry Dogs & Irate cus­ If you want to share your ideas, express Honorary Member(s), Distinguished tomers,” “Recycled Water Use on Turf,” concerns or just exchange information Service, and Innovator awards of the and “Marketing via Public TV” with peers, this is the place to be. year. By Dan Coughlin [Taking Care of Business The Coughlin Company www.thecoughlincompany.com Business Leadership Happens at the Intersection of Proper Behaviors and Great Business Results Leadership means influencing how such. So what makes one person a great Even though business leadership is other people think in ways that generate leader and another equally competent invisible and your influence will often go better sustainable results for the organi­ person merely a tactician or strategist? unnoticed and unappreciated, please trust zation and the people in it. If they are Why is one person able to effectively me when I say that it is THE most impor­ adding more value to customers, then influence other people to cause the all- tant characteristic of a successful organi­ they have decided to invest energy into important intersection of proper behav­ zation. The leader, regardless of title, the act of adding value. Consequently, iors and desired results, while another provides the magic that moves results leadership means influencing people to person merely does what he is told to do? forward in a sustainable manner. invest their energy in doing the right Are some people just born leaders and I found out that several business things that will achieve better sustainable others can never hope to lead successful- groups use my monthly electronic business results. ly? newsletter as the basis for discussions on Classic example: Martin Luther King, Here are the answers in reverse order. how they can accelerate the achievement Jr. said that the desired outcome was No, people are not born to lead. True of their most important business out­ equal rights for all Americans, and the leaders step off the train of daily tasks, comes. What a neat idea! Maybe these right way to get there was through non­ and they ask themselves, groups could be called, ’’Business violent resistance. He caused the inter­ 1- What result are we trying to Acceleration Teams." Toward that end, section that generated one of the greatest achieve? I’m going to add a new section each social changes in the shortest periods of 2- What behaviors do people need to month called, "Questions For Business time in the history of the world. demonstrate in order to achieve those Acceleration Teams." The approach will So what are proper behaviors and results in a sustainable manner? be to take that month’s topic and add a great business results? Consider any 3- How can I influence people to few open-ended discussion questions that painfully boring session your organiza­ think in ways that will generate both the your team could use to move the ideas tion might have gone through to establish desired behaviors and the desired into action in a practical manner. Here your corporate values. That's where it all results?" are this month’s questions: starts. Values are beliefs that determine Once the business leader determines 1. What are the two most important busi­ behaviors. If your corporate values say the answers to those questions, he or she ness outcomes we are working to things like "integrity, honesty, teamwork, moves into action. This is the sandbox I achieve in the next six months? open communication, creativity, cus­ play in everyday as an executive coach. 2. What behaviors will be necessary in tomers first, dignity, respect, etc.,’’ then My goal is to figure out the proper order to increase the chances we will you know what the desired behaviors are behaviors for people in a particular achieve those desired business out­ for the people in your organization. organization, the desired business results comes? You know the desired behaviors and for the organization and the influence I 3. Whom do we need to influence in you know the desired business results. need to provide to a specific individual to order to get both the desired behaviors The missing link is that elusive charac­ generate the intersection of the desired and the desired business results? teristic known as leadership. A business behaviors and business results. Any 4. How will we influence these people? leader influences the people in the organ­ leadership approach I use can be imple­ 5. Who will specifically provide the ization to behave in a way that demon­ mented by any person at any level in any influence to the various individuals? strates the desired values AND achieves organization in any industry. The hard the desired business results. Please part is convincing yourself to take the If you want everyone on your team to remember this next statement: “Labels or time to step off of the train long enough have my free newsletter, go to the web­ titles don't make the leader.” Any person to answer the three questions above, and site below and sign up. Then, you’re in your organization can influence the then having the courage to put your plan welcome to print it out and distribute it way others think in ways that cause them into action. to everyone in your office. to behave properly, in alignment with the The “tweedle-dees and tweedle-dums” stated business values, AND achieve the who ruined Enron, WorldComm, Have a great holidays! desired results. Parmalat, Adelphi Communications and Dan Coughlin can be reached at Tel: Here’s the challenge: Leadership is Arthur Andersen were not business lead­ 636/825-6611 or invisible work.
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