Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 7-27-1955 The Ledger and Times, July 27, 1955 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, July 27, 1955" (1955). The Ledger & Times. 2417. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/2417 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1955 Mrs E t . Stone, Mrs. J , Cairo, I 26, 1955 Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky Community Newspipet s Largest Largest Circulation In The Circulation In The City; Largest City; Largest NC Circulation In Circulation In The County The County _ 711-1 United Press IN OUR hth. YEAR Murray, Ky., Wednesday AfternooniLuly 27, 1955 MURRAY POPULATION 8,000 Vol. LXXVI No. 177, 1RIFIC Forrest Pogue Large Passenger Plane Is "e COST $1,000 TO TAKE THIS ONE JET-TO-JET PHOTO Visiting Farmers From Russia HOT Will Deliver Shot Down Behind Iron Curtain Express Opinions On Stars OF Address lby ELIAV SIMON near the Greek villages of Suban- HOLSTEIN, Iowa, July 27 IP — ,perfrarniance in -The Seven Year United Press Staff Correspondent ovo :and Serres. They were unable The visiting Russian farm experts Itch." The Russian took in the TEL AVIV, Israel Hi —Com- to aid the vratims or investigate were tightlipped today about Amer- movie at Spencer, lov.o, Tundair. Dr. Forrest C. Pogue, author of munist Bulgarian anti - aircraft the crash, because the plane fell ica's agriculture and -militar) rnighl ni3ht and implied that girls of her the "Supreme Command" the of- guns today were reported to have inside Red territory. But they had positive oprnions type would be welcomed behind ficial history 0/ General Eisen- snot down an El Al Israel airliner Officials of El Al airline: said about the. nation's movie qaeeng, 'run Curtain. R R Y! "lowers unIfied European com- carrying among 57 persons, including at the Americans aboard were Marilyn Monroe won' enthusiastic A. Z. Tutupnikov, th.? Only Eng- mand, will deliver the commence- least five Americaa tourists, a Mrs. Sisheinbaum and a Mrs. Kate praise. One of the Russians echoed lish-soaaking member of the group. ment address at Murray State Reports from London said at and her- daughter, who boarded the sentiments of many American had already examined Jane Russell College's summer commencement least four Americans the plane at boarded the London. men by proclaiming -every man in the movie "Fuxfire." He decided I. exercises. The commencement pro- plane there and one American Reports said Brit- received here should have one like that" the shapely star was "a _very un- gram will be held in the Recital woman was reported to have gone ish diplumats in Sofia were at- The first night flash But Jane Russell doesn't appeal. pleasant woman." Hall of the Fine Arts building aboard at Vienna. tempting to get information on picture ever taken of a jet plane firing rockets In flighL It was taken from another jet, to the Soviets. "The only thing she Gesturing graphically, Tuluprl- Friday. August 5 at 4 pm. Reports from Greek frionter the fate of the passengers from at 330 uiph. One flashbulb, the Ma. eas used for this photo. • has is a bust," one of them said. kov told newsmen, "She has a guards said the plane was seen go- Bulgarian officials. Dr. Ralph H. Woods, The Russians took Lime out from hard face, voice is tinny and president ing down in a forced landing in- 'Med Crash Landing at the their tour of hot Iowa farmlands she stalks with a *Lorca." of the college. wall preside side Red Bulgarian territory. The In Tel Aviv, an El Al spokes- and will confer to ,,lip into air-cooled mavie.thea- "In fact, all she has re a bust." commencement plane was smoking and aflame man said the airline had received iers and inspect America's most Tulupnikov's hand made a Yap. degrees upon the 93 candidates. after being it by antiaircraft reports indicating the plot tried Ernest Clevenger Jr., minister of publicized girls. curve to show newsmen what he to make a crash landing. but i N. M. Gareev based his judg- the College Church of Christ, Will There was no immediate report „there was no way of knowing the meant. and benedic- Marilyn Monroe on her offer the invocation of the fate of the 50 passengers and !vault ment of Although the Rusians were free tion. proces•ional will be The seven crew members aboard the El Al said three or four Ameri- with their opinions or the tier played by Prof. John C. Winters four-engined. American-built Con: cans boarded the plane at Landon actresses, they were still tacititra Chopin's and special music will be stellation. and one American woman boarded about American industay and farm- "Prelude" by Tom Hurley and Combs Meets ing as they resumed their taw Inside Red Territory at Vienna. Other Americans were •-• Fhure's "Autornnea will be sung Greek authorities said they believed to have been among the today. by Chariotte fleagan. rushed investigators to the border 28 persons who boarded tlig plane Eight of the 12 Seviets got tbelk first good look at scientific conur Dr.,Pogue was commissioned by at Paris. Housewives; farming as practiced in Ame President Eteenhower to compile It was announced at the airport when the visited the 2.40-acee a complete re_ord of his command city of Lydda.- between Tel Aviv Elvie Dreeszen farm near Holstein. aurins World War IL The author Talbott To and Jeruselern, that the plane was Hits Happy Dreeszen's farm is nagarded as a received his A.B. degree from fired upon from Bulgarian terri- example of the contour plant- • Murrey State in 1931. his M.A. tory while. flying near the Bulga- toil LEXINGTON.. July 27 IP —Bert ing is designee to take ad- from the University of Kentucky. Halt Business rian-Greek frontier, and was forc- which T Combs met a lot of Democratic and prevent and the Ph. D. from Clark ed dawn. vantage of terrain The plot flaohed an SOS which housewives and drank an awful erosion. versity of Paris in 19341-39. He is S 'Sgt. Donald R. Bower readies the re- Reflector assembly installed In cut-oat T-33 was heard in Athens and Rome. oingtip by lot of coffee today in his cam- Tonight, the main bad/ of tagg II now Professor of History at Mur- flector assembly unit. Wiring of this (from kit) GE technicians John B. Lewis Relations Yawn the plane was fired upon and and Robert S. paign for the Democratic guber- Russians will throw a party at tk ray State College. was connected to cockpit and camera. Sheppard, and Sergeant Bower, reported he was being forced natorial nomination. Hotel Phrt Des Maples in Des Ms a combat tastorion. he VAN down Moines, Iowa They praraieed It Br HERBERT FOSTER The administration candidate with the First Army from Omaha report received here said woul be even brewer then a caviar- United Press Staff Correspondent was scheduled td appear for 'cif- Beach to PtIzen. Czerhosiavakia. The plane was fired upon by anti- and-vedka reception dan belo Sun- WASHINGTON, July 27 — fee how: with Lexington house- He also was assigned to the U.S. aircraft guns day night. Air Force Secretary Harold wives at 11 homes here today He Theater Headtruar•ers n Gersoany E. Paseengen tale Unknown The four other Ruatians were on Talbott cold Senate investigators also will campaign at Georgetown from 1946-48, and to the Depart- Urgent ef.orte were begun at side-trips Two of them took _off today he is out this evening, after making a _tele: ment of the Array As a rneiniber pulling of etatate,y Israeli authorities to leapt to - Vieiv the Sioux—tity. Iowa, •slidibleseregner prientt Vision --appearance on il/L-E3- (-TV. of the Operations Resetarth Of- belbeenall WY- stocksards. Two more wound ap ^ ind appear at a Negro party ridgy floe. he wale an esx.fiet-taese feattainni, including an undis- -re- 541 at 730 pm. their tour of the big Caterpillar 't..! analyst with Johns Hopkins Uni- closed number of American tour- EL.-11b- Meanwhile, President Eisenhower Ttacter Co. plant at Peoria, versity attached to the U.S Army ists. said he personally will study the Speaking at Warsaw Tuesday and then planned to hop to East Theater Heardquarters from 1952- The plane had left London at John record in the Talbott case and and at Owenton Tuesday night, Moline. Ill, for a look at the 54. 9:15 pin_ 4715 pm. EDT. Tues- decide whether the air secretary Combs accused his opponent. A.B. •eere & Co. tractor plant there. day. It touched down at Paro at Chandler, of hypocrisy in connec- The Murray graduate was award- has violated ethics of government. 10:22 and left Vienna's Schwechat tion with the old age assistanre ed the Bronze Star and the Croix The President said at his news Airport at 5 a.m.. 11 pm Tues- laws. de Guerre with Bronze Star for Sockets. They leave the plane at 2,000 mph (top photo), requiring split second timing for photo. conference he will make the day EDT, on its next-to-the-last Hottest Part 2.48 combat hietory by the First Army.
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