LEADERETTE fa wartime we are a country that mom rariftlr coor- »*eously, impersonally toward a goal Within tto rr-oroJu after —they had donned their uniforms some of uw* marched into battle and death. la other ttory, however. Twenty-four months after the end of AN* THE SOUTH BKRCEN REVIEW the war we have made no important progress toward solution of the major problem facing the veteran ' housing VOL. 49 I V!NDW'«ST. N. J. MAY 28. I«M7 tuli'HMI «utH«i««a > •§• ShtrWoo<l Sam Caputo Honored At Dinner Heyf Surprise! Parking Lo'"t There's Vote Says He Will tfcek Attract Thousands Where Parkers Can Leave Car. County Has Room For Over Herwlgls Next Tuesday Municipal parking lots to re- lieve congested streets and to 1.300.000 New fttttdents Committee I maintain* quiet on residential | streets are being planned by Little Interest Indicated In Bergen County has 111 square It .. imtortant at this lone." i Commissioner Clarence Sher milet if bad suitable for rfoer declared >•«» thai rumpunreil Township Which Has No wood. ' urban ejtpaaaton or enough t» eiuea, boruugha and i..wnahip> .-i The cammiationer, who it direc house I MO.OOt prrtont in single Ihr , ntjait) 1.. pi, pared I., direct ftre.lin Will I* tor of the Department of Publit family dwellings on • foot It. impending growth so Ihr i*autt> Featured Speaker Contests In Election Works, said that he It aurveying This la one ef the highlights will tie itnpi.ivemmu in reality township sites with the though in of a J' pagr repnit on "Future ralhrr than . «|.l. Mali- i. Ol The Day j mind ol setting up one or more Latat Development in Bergm LyndburM will go to the poll* Tuesday wit* litllr or no centrally located parking lott in County" made publir rarmtl) i> tolfai direct interest in the ejection. recognition of many complaints Ihr Bergen Uwnty Planning Unitti.m will |M» Irtbtilr I i- • ,...1 .'.KtenUkl i.o.td...g. ,., H. +.,4 inermrmw Neither party In fa.r.l with a romrsl. riiber lur theand protests from residents on Board Mlewlng a I rear stud) vur thr site streets of the township, <KI highlt unauilar.lv larkl rllrti at ia. » . ,. The report, which is supplement B county committer or for any local office- aiaer l.\miluir-i who declare that tince the adop- j ed by 11 maps and a nummary »«ami» ... I... land auufert i» *" terttre* that will attrari operate* under comniirwion t«rin of government. tton recently of ordinance chart of recommended uae« con uamidii i.\nftn, ili.m.aml. ill |Mrtn i|>ani* 1 b gin to lh e banning parking ill night 1 Prewi v. U,e beat .| .ultmai ami aim lal.ir. Il will he lite J^ ! «° '" H'» Tur«Uy they will parking causes main streets, late ; *!"' -•. ..n.1 Memorial l*a» • •«••• l-fashioned ballot bobo**- — " - their sleep to be disturbed. es an hand again. These will be for ibr mil «l lite war, with for ballots that are going to pi- All-night parking was banned J vvlopmMit with »u<Bri.ii..,.« I... "*r '*' ! •"*' Miss Wilson on Ridge road. Valley Brook and S cast on the question of holding a ;fWure denuttaa i\.p.r» erf the '-^ •«••«• I"* *» lom James llrrwig. mimnantlrr Stuyvesant avenues by thr ordi- constitutional convention and for \ report are «vailBN*' at the ..ftii-e. dri»*lie» nf \mi, i. ihr »nlt alMee- nance. Those who make the com- representatives to the convention. ; »( ih«* Planning B-HII.I Court * I»H*I«H( - --i. t * , , t>, nr Is Installed plaints say that automobile own- # i.iitl Warts! Var «rtrran ,.i The voting machines will also j HtHHw. HadtenMch Muumf >*Uit\.iy 1*1-,* .1.1. u !_!• L . e> I T~*». • • i"ers" "«•*'"<observe• Mwthey mwletterr "oIf thmee ordi- be present. On these voters will I drive The (Ian of futurr .te-n! „•-••; nominate the Republican and Migh School Girl New nance, but that'they merely tnrnl prraeniad in th«j rrport %»I . I £*>« >t*,r ag* ttovrbtpmrfit m IB «nafff lUlt* !••* an im- around a corner and leave their Undrr«h-i Iff Joseph Melilla, toastrnast ningmtulw Democratic candidates for gener- Hi-Y Leader At niRht «i St n<l! • romP<I*rt» •* h<r»' P'"" "*r*** Un M '"* • *•«•»<> •• »•"* f»rr.*ik«> prvfram bata h*r* al assembly. No higher office is can against the curb. Members of ins P" aputo at a dinner in his hon«< Satuirfa the police department regularly Michael s Hall. Lyndhurst. involved in this election. Hackensack the study •< tonaaltant u> th» T Cnntitlr, ih» check the township to see that the Mi Cdpulo is honorary presxlcnl of tl t'fvility Labor arid •*•< Ttw ,.-.*..<»• wt'1 lUrt .a* flu* The constitutional convention, hoard for the Rachmal Plan land '--I ' fuluir parka About 500 Hi-Y and Tri-Hi-Y law is obeyed, but there ***m* Political SCH let) arid was its secretary since IU mtorp.it 4«*n f ih. T.-wn Hal. <t It am which will be held in New Bruns- to be no redress so long as the nun 1 ning Aaatiriation "It la. a count> I Dtatouraav < • the . .u,.i pas wick, is expected to be voted into members and their parents at- b to l latt#7 tended the annual >oint council automobile drivers keep within Over 400 I; LMIII- p«4 tubule to Me i' ,i..n. at thr being at the rjaatlon. No oppo- the law. sition hat beeri directed against meeting of the two groups at 3 Ami.nt thr speakers were the members of tin Lvmlhutyt Board o CommisisionelN. it. However, some confusion re- p. m. Sunday in the Y-for-all. Under consideration It a plan • t. i.ilc-.l «iuit> lh«1 9mti> mn • Htud> ' «t *• 1 in« to •* • «' • Hot** H..M .r. •• -I *01 bm sulted in the Bergen County Both units insulted new council to lay out a 23-foot road in the I p*h|y ih.-uid matt* •> • t.«.<*.• <" -i i.f .1...-: **••-. UMT .... ,,.»,.*..»,, thai*, raw n delegation that will be selected officers, and the Rev. Dr. Harry vacant ground between Livings- j tor applying thr innimlt ov*r .1. 10 v». .,• -'• --•••! »rth •) ton and Stuyvetant avenues, •• pUnapd t.- inie-w th* H..O... to attend the convention when W. Lr-unch of Englewood. dia- .rloptnvnt *hi>d th» muivriiiah 1 Ut.i.. u »t ..:.>!. tnaMtng »•' leading from Court avenue in Hull M »••* '•>•; Mivfl ila pa** Judge J. Wallace Leyden announ- cuaaed "Leadership and Service." Alexander Park Issue ty ..l.iiu . «n afrpty Drtuutkm i.*.k- i« "•- best implement , - *» Certificate* were awarded to rear of the Lyndhurst Recreal puwr I ' t .ph. wilt »- talMHft ced he -will not serve unless a Mifcif»l«-d att- rnmn-um «nd in ruth * i.L>i U (HI r*«ntii>IUnjj all 49 Hi-Y and Tri-Hi-Y clubs Canter. A portion of this area • i.i 1 . •- v«| f .. nv,-i law change is voted by the Legis- via>« nf turptutf- of suttabW Uiul 1«<M n«r *tui u . !«.- . • lature. of Bergen County YMCA. *iac* has been used for public parking Points Need Debate Due was ranked tor service aa ?Are." but in order to make the new plan >ht»uM If matt* hMi whan r*a» In wAddMtn it> Claw, nthr- •***•* Al tne Leyden't withdrawal sterna HHI "I lh,. aM * •Advanced," "Satisfactory" or practicable, some clearing of the (*«Mrt m ih. aaraaw from the law which don not"Begiatered " land would For Hospital Monday P.M• t Hurtnlpn Oau FlaimMMi Bo*r4 't«> K •' • •> J I- » -1 ... CUM fcjfcf— permit members of the judiciary Officera at tot i elective office. LyndnurttTl l Clark, Closter. aaH'the wiU select his replacement Virginia Meatenbrok. to make a complete Job of clean . The other members are Statr secretary: Joan Jay. Enciewood. _ during the hours nf early Senator Van AUtyne, Prosecutor morning when traffic it .at its [ iu v > u will mtnr day be the The linr rorms to fie fight for; treasurer: JotepMuir Nigrone. : Winne, Myra C. Hacker. Milton Fort Lee, chaplain, and Diane larire»i ciiuntv in the Stale and tlir cimmbeionerV ntrrling on lm.lati.tfia ha%r IMMMI «**«* '-• C. Lifhtner, J. Spencer Smith Chaw. Bogota. Tri-Hi-Y News Rcnidcnts along UvingJiton avc w.ll need gfvatti • 'i .M,n.-,i IM..11 Monday all ih« i.mnaiMat fra«»'«»al. «tva-. and LeUnd F. Ferry. Editor nut? have been moat iraii at thi- cal la*ilittrr« U* takr rare of the Ttiat'il the se«»joil al whi|-ri the Reeves lotten Local Thefts partraatti t»m«.i aaa atkw ••• The polls will open at 8 a.m. i of their str««t for patrktnK ' They succeed Rhoda Zorn. UM .n 11 . • 1 population, 11' Samuel $40,000 uuention will I « d»batr«l ••**a»i**t*. wm*wt itMi »«. II and close at » p.m. Daylight Sav- purposes- The street is not «M* , Closter. president. Helen H. Al.'Xundei ui tin- County II....11I it Lyn-ihoi .1 y. n,. u, -(.n I thai j - . i ••Jarsje a n »i a—utattao . ing time will prevail !TJT j enough to permit prufni'M uous Given Jewel man, BeVgenfield. of Frwholdem la»t week t.jtr] ihr much ni»nev on tht- i rcptiaed .vet ' " parking- Then? have U-en n»tn- 1 parking. There have been com- Central I .. • c n VIMIIOK Nurse rrant park. 01 unl i 4 II.. nette Stayer. Lvndhurst. treas- plainU <>f damage U> newly st-ed- Al ,...i urer; Motile Villano.
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