PROPAGANDATHE FORMATION OF MEN S ATTITUDES JACQUES ELLUL AUTHOR OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY PROPAGANDA The Formation o f M ens Attitudes BY JACQUES ELLUL TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH BY KONRAD KELLEN AND JEAN LERNER WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY KONRAD KELLEN VINTAGE BOOKS A DIVISION OF RANDOM HOUSE NEW YORK Introduction Jacques Ellul’s view of propaganda and his approach to the study of propaganda are new. The principal difference between his thought edifice and most other literature on propaganda is that Ellul regards propaganda as a sociological phenomenon rather than as somethingmade by certain people for certain purposes. Propaganda exists and thrives; it is the Siamese twin of our tech­ nological society. Only in the technological society can there be anything of the type and order of magnitude of modem propa­ ganda, which is with us forever; and only with the all-pervading effects that flow from propaganda can the technological society hold itself together and further expand. Most people are easy prey for propaganda, Ellul says, because of their firm but entirely erroneous conviction that it is composed only of lies and "tall stories” and that, conversely, what is true cannot be propaganda. But modem propaganda has long dis­ dained the ridiculous lies of past and outmoded forms of propa­ ganda. It operates instead with many different lands of truth— half truth, limited truth, truth out of context. Even Goebbels always insisted that Wehrmacht communiques be as accurate as possible. A second basic misconception that makes people vulnerable to propaganda is the notion that it serves only to change opinions. o i) That is one of its aims, but a limited, subordinate one. Much more importantly, it aims to intensify existing trends, to sharpen and focus them, and, above all, to lead men toaction (or, when it is directed at immovable opponents, to non-action through terror or discouragement, to prevent them from interfering). Therefore Ellul distinguishes various forms of propaganda and calls his book Propagandas—that plural is one of the keys to his concept. The most trenchant distinction made by Ellul is betweenagitation propaganda andintegration propaganda. The former leads men from mere resentment to rebellion; the latter aims at making them adjust themselves to desired patterns. The two types rely on en­ tirely different means. Both exist all over the world. Integration propaganda is needed especially for the technological society to flourish, and its technological means—mass media among them ^-in turn make such integration propaganda possible. A related point, central in Ellul's thesis, is that modem propa­ ganda cannot work without “education"; he thus reverses the widespread notion that education is the best prophylactic against propaganda. On the contrary* he says, education, or what usually goes by that word in the modem world, is the absolute prerequisite for propaganda. In fact, education is largely identical with what Ellul calls “pre-propaganda”—the conditioning of minds with vast amounts of incoherent information, already dispensed for ulterior purposes and posing as “facts” and as “education.” Ellul follows through by designating intellectuals as virtually the most vul­ nerable of all to modem propaganda, for three reasons: (1) they absorb the largest amount of secondhand, unverifiable informa­ tion; (2) they feel a compelling need to have an opinion on every important question of our time, and thus easily succumb to opin­ ions offered to them by propaganda on all such indigestible pieces of information; (3) they consider themselves capable of “judging for themselves.” They literally need propaganda. In fact, the need for propaganda on the part of the “propa- gandee” is one of the most powerful elements of Elluls thesis. Cast out of the disintegrating microgroups of the past, such as family, church, or village, the individual is plunged into mass society and thrown back upon his own inadequate resources, his isolation, his loneliness, his ineffectuality. Propaganda then hands him in veritable abundance what he needs:raison a cFStre, per­ sonal involvement and participation in important events, an outlet Introduction (vii and excuse for some of his more doubtful impulses, righteousness —all factitious, to be sure, all more or less spurious; but he drinks it all in and asks for more. Without this intense collaboration by the propagandee the propagandist would be helpless. Thus propaganda, by first creating pseudo-needs through "pre-propaganda" and then providing pseudo-satisfactions for them, is pernicious. Can wholesome propaganda be made for a wholesome cause? Can Democracy, Christianity, Humanism be propagated by modem propaganda techniques? Ellul traces the similarities among all propaganda efforts—Communist, Nazi, Democratic. He thinks that no one can use this intrinsically un­ democratic weapon—or, rather, abandon himself to it—unscathed or without undergoing deep transformations in the process. He shows the inevitable, unwilled propaganda effects of which the "good" propagandist is unaware, die "fallout" from any major propaganda activity and all its pernicious consequences. Most pernicious of all: the process, once fully launched, tends to become irreversible. Ellul critically reviews what most American authors have writ­ ten on the subject of propaganda and mass media, having studied the literature from Lasswell to Riesman with great thoroughness. Accepting some of their findings, he rejects others, particularly the efforts to gauge the effects of propaganda. Ellul believes that, on the whole, propaganda is much more effective, and effective in many more ways, than most American analysis shows. Particu­ larly, he rejects as unrealistic and meaningless all experiments that have been conducted with small groups; propaganda is a unique phenomenon that results from the totality of forces pressing in upon an individual in his society, and therefore cannot be dupli­ cated in a test tube. To make his many original points, Ellul never relies on statistics or quantification, which he heartily disdains, but on observation and logic. His treatise is a fully integrated structure of thought in which every piece fits in with all the others—be they a hundred pages apart. In this respect his work resembles Schopenhauer s The World as Will and Idea, of which the philosopher said that the reader, really to understand the book, must read it twice because no page in the book could be fully understood without knowledge of die whole. This procedure can hardly be suggested to the reader in our busy days. But he ought to be warned that to via) leaf through this book will not suffice. Paul Pickrel, in Harpers Magazine, said of Ellul's The Technological Society that Ellul— “a great man"—had written with “monumental calm and madden­ ing thoroughness . a magnificent book." EllulsPropaganda is no less maddening, monumental, and thorough. What, in Ellul's view, can mankind do? At the end of this book, Ellul reaches neither a pessimistic nor an optimistic conclusion with regard to the future. He merely states that, in his view, propaganda is today a greaterdanger to mankind than any of the other more grandly advertised threats hanging over the human race. His super-analysis ends with a warning, not a prophecy. K o n ra d K e l l e n February 1965 Preface Propaganda, by whatever name we may call it, has become a very general phenomenon in the modem world. Differences in political regimes matter little; differences in social levels are more impor­ tant; and most important is national self-awareness. In the world today there are three great propaganda blocs: the U.S.S.R., China, and the United States. These are the most important propaganda systems in terms of scope, depth, and coherence. Incidentally, they represent three entirely different types and methods of propa­ ganda. Next are the propaganda systems—in various stages of develop­ ment and effectiveness, but less advanced than in the “Three”— of a whole group of countries. These are the socialist republics of Europe and Asia: Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, East Germany, North Vietnam; they model their propaganda on that of the U.S.S.R., albeit with some gaps, some lack of under­ standing, and without adequate resources. Then there are West Germany, France, Spain, Egypt, South Vietnam, and Korea, with less elaborate and rather diffuse forms of propaganda. Countries such as Italy and Argentina, which once had powerful propaganda systems, no longer use this weapon. Whatever the diversity of countries and methods, they have one *) characteristic in common: concern with effectiveness.1 Propa­ ganda is made, first of all, because of a will to action, for the purpose of effectively arming policy and giving irresistible power to its decisions.2 Whoever handles this instrument can be con­ cerned solely with effectiveness. This is the supreme law, which must never be forgotten when the phenomenon of propagandais analyzed. Ineffective propaganda is no propaganda. This instru­ ment belongs to the technological universe, shares its characteris­ tics, and is indissolubly linked to it. Not only is propaganda itself a technique, it is also an indis­ pensable condition for the development of technical progress and the establishment of a technological civilization. And, as with all techniques, propaganda is subject to the law of efficiency. But whereas it is relatively easy to study a precise technique, whose scope can be defined, a study of propaganda runs into some ex­ traordinary obstacles. From the outset it is obvious that there is great uncertainty about the phenomenon itself, arising first of all from a priori moral or political concepts. Propaganda is usually regarded as an evil; this in itself makes a study difficult. To study anything prop­ erly, one must put aside ethical judgments. Perhaps an objective study will lead us back to them, but only later, and with full cognizance of the facts. A second source of confusion is the general conviction, derived from past experience, that propaganda consists mainly of utall stories” disseminated by means of lies.
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