0107rcp_cover.v2 12/6/06 2:43 PM Page 1 RCPmag.com ✱ January 2007 Allison Watson and her team are intensely focused on your profitability. What’s in it for Microsoft, and which new partner resources are most valuable to you? 14 Project1 12/6/06 9:48 AM Page 1 ÌÌÀiÞÊLÞÊÃÃÃ¶Ê -ivi`ÕV>Ìi`ÊÃÕÀ}i¶ vÊ«ÀÊÜÌ ÕÌÊiÃÃö / iÊÜ ÞÊ`ÛiÊÌÊ >>}i`Ê-iÀÛViÃÊÜÌ ÕÌÊ ÃiÊ}Õ`>ViÊvÀÊiÝ«iÀÌö i>ÀÊvÀÊÌ iÊiÝ«iÀÌð Ê>ÞÊÃÕVViÃÃvÕÊV«>iÃÊÜ Ê >ÛiÊÌ>iÊÌ iÀÊi>`ÊvÀÊ>>}i`Ê -iÀÛViÃÊ*ÀÛ`iÀÊ1ÛiÀÃÌÞ°ÊÊÊ-*1ÊëÀ}L>À`ÃÊÞÕÀÊ`ÛiÊÌÊ>>}i`Ê -iÀÛViÃÊÜÌ ÊiÝ«iÀÌÊ>`ÊÕL>Ãi`Ê>`ÛViÊÊ`iÛi«}]ÊLÕ`}]Ê>`Ê >Ì>}Ê>Ê«ÀvÌ>LiÊ>>}i`Ê-iÀÛViÃÊ*À>VÌVi°Ê ÀÜÊÞÕÀÊ>>}i`Ê-iÀÛViÃÊ*À>VÌVi°Ê Ê-*1ÊvÀÊ>ÊvÀ>ÌÛiÊÜiL>ÀÊ>`ÊÀiViÛiÊ >ÊV«iÌ>ÀÞÊV«ÞÊvÊÕÀÊL\ÊÊ ¸/ iÊÕ`iÊÌÊ>Ê-ÕVViÃÃvÕÊ>>}i`Ê-iÀÛViÃÊ*À>VÌViÊÊ 7 >ÌÊ ÛiÀÞÊ- Ê/Ê-iÀÛViÊ*ÀÛ`iÀÊ- Õ`ÊÜ°°°¸ >iÊLiÌÌiÀÊi`ÕV>Ìi`Ê`iVÃð 7iÊÜÀÌiÊÌ iÊLÊÊ>>}i`Ê-iÀÛViðÊÊ >ÊÕÃÊÌ`>Þ° nnnÓ{nÈ{ 0DQDJHG6HUYLFHV3URYLGHU8QLYHUVLW\ <RXU&RPSUHKHQVLYH2QOLQH 0DQDJHG6HUYLFHV7UDLQLQJ3URJUDP ,17(//,*(17 (17(535,6( ÜÜܰëհÕà 0107rcp_TOC_1.v5 12/8/06 12:06 PM Page 1 Contents JANUARY 2007• VOLUME 2• NUMBER 1 FEATURES 14 DEPARTMENTS 7 Channel Report COOPETITION: Linux Deal: Too Good to Last? . 5 PARTNER PERKS: Seeking Solutions for the Skills Shortage . 8 MICROSOFT PARTNER CALENDAR . 10 TRAINING: 24 Learning from Afar—at Your Own Pace . 10 14 Partnering for Profitability 45 Solution Spotlight Allison Watson and her team at Microsoft are intensely focused on your Vista: You’ve read about it, seen it and tested it—now it’s profitability. What’s in it for Microsoft, and which new partner resources time to sell it. are most valuable to you? CHANNEL CALL: Keith Lubner Making the Partner-Vendor Marriage Last . 49 24 Vendor Consolidation With a few key strategies, partners can maximize profitability by COLUMNS leveraging the constant and sometimes disruptive force of consolidation. PARTNER ADVOCATE: Scott Bekker New Campaigns Signal a Shift in Gears . 2 31 Vertical Markets: Go Pro! PARTNER VIEW: Michael Proper Technology spending in the professional services industry is on the rise. Steering SMBs Toward Managed Services . 12 Find out how Microsoft partners can get in on the action. SELLING MICROSOFT: Ken Thoreson Playing to Win: Using Sales Contests to Hit Your Goals . 53 37 Best Practices: Internal Politics DIRECTIONS: Paul DeGroot Fed up with your client’s in-house turf wars? This advice from the What Industry Builder Says About Microsoft . 56 trenches will help you survive even the toughest of battles. Vista is here! RCPmag.com 45 Reader Survey Results: In our November reader survey, we FindIT Codes asked whether readers’ businesses were more profitable with 100 percent of their revenues coming from Redmond or with You’ll see FindIT codes participation from third parties, among other questions. Find embedded throughout out what respondents said. FindIT code: ProfitSurvey Redmond Channel Partner. Simply type these into the Seen & Heard: “... Finally we just got sick of the waiting game FindIT code box on any and morphed from wide-eyed ragamuffins into bitter, surly RCPmag.com page and teens, sneering at all the callous hype surrounding the ‘big you’ll jump directly to the desired information. (Note day.’” —Unwrapping gifts this holiday season? Nope, it’s Lee that all FindIT codes are Pender blogging on the anticlimatic and long-time-coming one word, and they are not Vista launch. Don’t miss a word—subscribe to his twice-weekly case-sensitive.) RCP Update newsletter. FindIT code: Newsletter COVER PHOTO BY BRIAN SMALE RCPmag.com JANUARY 2007 Redmond Channel Partner 1 0107rcp_Advocate_2.v5 12/8/06 11:47 AM Page 2 ChannelRedmond Partner RCPmag.com PartnerAdvocate January 2007 + Volume 2 + Number 1 Editor in Chief Scott Bekker [email protected] Executive Editor Anne Stuart [email protected] Senior Editor Lee Pender [email protected] Managing Editor Wendy Gonchar [email protected] Solution Spotlight Editor Lafe Low [email protected] NEW CAMPAIGNS Editors, RCPmag.com Becky Nagel [email protected] Michael Domingo [email protected] SIGNAL A SHIFT Associate Managing Editor Katrina Carrasco [email protected] IN GEARS Art Director Scott Shultz [email protected] Contributing Designer Helen Zhai BY SCOTT BEKKER s a company that drives its business Customers test Office as a free trial. Group Publisher Henry Allain through its partners, Microsoft’s prod- Those who like what they see can pur- [email protected] Editorial Director Doug Barney uct groups and its partner team should chase product keys from their resellers. [email protected] Group Associate Publisher Matt N. Morollo be working hand-in-hand during prod- The OEMs and resellers get commissions. [email protected] Director of Marketing Michele Imgrund uct development to make sure all new Microsoft says the momentum around [email protected] Senior Marketing Manager Tracy S. Cook A offerings clearly align with partner busi- the new products, already immense, is [email protected] ness opportunities. building for partners. For example, the Creative Director Scott Shultz [email protected] There was plenty of evidence that company says more than 4,500 systems Senior Web Developer Rita Zurcher [email protected] Microsoft had its partners’ success in integrators are trained on Windows Vista Marketing Programs Videssa Djucich Manager [email protected] mind during the simultaneous “busi- so that they’re ready to perform massive Editor, ENTmag.com Scott Bekker ness launch” on Nov. 30 of Windows upgrades at launch. But some partners [email protected] Editor, MCPmag.com Michael Domingo Vista, Microsoft Office 2007 System have told me they’re not feeling that [email protected] Editor, Redmondmag.com Becky Nagel and Exchange Server 2007. (Broad momentum given the delays and the way CertCities.com [email protected] Associate Editor, Web Gladys Rama availability for consumers and non- Vista is dribbling out in a two-part [email protected] Intern Michelle Rutledge volume business customers is set for launch. Analyst studies predict a bump in [email protected] later this month.) sales, but they also indicate that much When it comes to making a business Vista and Office business will be driven President & CEO Neal Vitale case for Vista, the argument boils down to by system replacements. [email protected] emphasizing greater security and easier, In some ways, the disconnect CFO Richard Vitale [email protected] cheaper deployment and management. between Microsoft’s view and some Executive Vice President Michael J. Valenti To get partners prepared and to help them partners’ perceptions may just be a dif- [email protected] take advantage of opportunities in desk- ferent style of customer marketing that Director of IT Erik Lindgren [email protected] top rollouts, Microsoft created a new coincides with this generation of prod- Director of Circulation and Abraham Langer Data Services [email protected] Windows Desktop Deployment uct releases. Many of Microsoft’s newer Director of Web Operations Marlin Mowatt competency specialization. campaigns for partners, most notably [email protected] Director, Print Production Mary Ann Paniccia Another encouraging partner pro- “People Ready,” are built around con- [email protected] Controller Janice Ryan gram is a new Office incentive exploit- versations with customers that focus on [email protected] ing the massive hard-drive capacity in business solutions rather than on partic- Director of Finance Paul Weinberger [email protected] new systems for partner—and ular versions of Microsoft products. Chairman of the Board Jeffrey S. Klein Microsoft—benefit. Have customers What do you think? Is Microsoft put- [email protected] who don’t realize they’re interested in ting the right kinds of programs and Redmond Channel Partner Office? No problem. Under Microsoft’s marketing out there for you to get your The opinions expressed within the articles and other contents hereindo not necessarily express those of the publisher. new program, OEMs and channel business going on the new wave of soft- resellers can load Office onto the new ware? E-mail me your thoughts at PC anyway at no cost to themselves: [email protected]. • BPA Worldwide Membership Applied for March 2006 2 Redmond Channel Partner JANUARY 2007 RCPmag.com Project1 12/7/06 10:27 AM Page 1 Keeping pace, smart. Setting it, Here’s another way for our partners to take the lead. Gain an edge over the competition with the comprehensive new set of Microsoft® ForefrontTM security products—and we’ll pay you up to 30%* back in advisor fees when you join our free Security Software Advisor program, which now includes additional license levels. Stay ahead of the competition. https://partner.microsoft.com/secureopportunity/ *To qualify for up to a 30% software advisor fee on our Forefront security solutions you must be a registered member of the Microsoft Partner Program and sign the advisor fee addendum. See Web site for full details: https://partner.microsoft.com/securitysoftwareadvisor RCPPprofile.v4 12/7/06 12:13 PM Page 1 ADVERTISEMENT Q How do your users respond to the software? A Very enthusiastically! Sometimes we’re embarrassed by the praise.Check out the testimonials on our website. Q Sounds great! You should sell tens of thousands of copies if it’s that good. RCPP A Already have – across 70 countries. REDMOND CHANNEL PARTNER PROFILE Q Tell our readers how you’d support them as a VAR partner. A We have reseller programs with margins, technical forums and free email support with one business day TAILOR-MADE SMB turnaround.These programs are straightforward – like our software – and it’s easy to get started.Our Reseller Center BACKUP SOLUTION provides lots of best-practice techniques,marketing collateral and even business development ideas.
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