ff •" . Distribution Today tU» mitftt, Hjbut tempera- 17,600 ture N lgt«[ but lower «t (b« beaches. Moatly cloudy tonight, low, SS4t, Tomorrow cloudy, SH I-0010 highest temperature ta the Th. 35c PER WEEK VOL. 83, NO. 248 uioto Amur, iiiuutu tnroum maw. e*«nii dm po<u» REbBANK, N. J., TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1»61 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE JPtiJ « K»fl Bank iu at AMiuuuil. IKtUaf otHeu. BY CARRIER Raritan Valley USA Zoning Case Tractors Deadline Appeal Slated Presented to Castro RARITAN TOWNSHIP - The taken the position that since re- Raritan Valley USA zone decision zoning was enacted after subdivi- will be appealed, William R. sion approval was granted, the Blair, Jr., Red Bark, attorney for zone change was illegal and ar- the palintiffs, informed The Reg-bitrary, and subverted the vested Decision ister yesterday. rights of the developers. The verdict, handed down by Table Renewal Plan Superior Court Judge J- Edward Population Explosion Knight May 12, upheld the town- The town, citing the "popula- Wanted ship's rezoning of a 157-acre tract tion explosion" in Raritan in re- In Hazlet, adjacent to the Garden cent years and the resultant CouncilWants Warren Gives State Parkway, from residential shortage in educational facilites to Industrial, after the township and township services, invoked a More Study Reasons Friday had granted subdivsion approval municipality's right to enact for the major portion of the tract. legislation at any time for the RED BANK — Borough Coun- had decided an area east of the general welfare. cil last night put off for further stores on Broad St. to Washing DETROIT (AP) — Cuba's The plaintiffs, Raritan Associ- idel Castro has until noon ates and Mestal Estates, Pater- Mr. Blair said yesterday that study an application for $67,540 ton Ave., and From Hudson Ave. there will be several facets to in federal funds, asked last to the Navesink River—an area ;EST) Friday to decide *on, own 135 acres of the property whether he'll accept 500 end had planned an $8 million, the appeal, including a restate- month by the Redevelopment of 29.5 acres be placed under 569-unlt housing project on the ment of the plaintiffs' conten- Agency for preliminary studies consideration for urban renewal. farm-type tractors as full site, tion that "use of the zoning in connection with a possible He ventured the opinion tha ransom for 1,214 invasion- power as a solution for school urban renewal project. "$2,300 an acre for a study seems captured prisoners. FAT BUT HT — Paul L. Ellcins ttandi beside 1,600. File In Few Day* problems is not proper." Council President John War- pretty expensive to me." Otherwise any deal is off. Mr. Blair reported his clients Judge Knight ruled that the pound stump which he dug out of backyard in 10 hours ren, Jr., acting in the absence of Council members repeated That was the Tractors for have instructed him to file an use is proper, providng it is Mayor George A. Gray, told L. points that were suggested las 'reedom Committee's answer otherwise consistent with a com- Mr. Elkint says employers these days hesitate to hire appeal in the Appellate Divis6n W. Lancaster, 64 West Front St., month by Joseph DeChiara ol Vast night to the Cuban premier's of Superior Court. He said the prehensive community master "fat" paople because they have been brainwashed into that council felt "mortf study Urban Planning Associates, New revised demand for $28 million appeal will be filed within a few plan. thinking they have no drive or energy. was necessary on this matter." York, in an appearance before worth of tractors, if he doesn't days. Nix Vested Rights He said it may come up for action the Redevelopment Agency h As to the vested rights of the get the 500 heavy-<iuty types he Daniel Liablich, partner in at a meeting being postponed — that the $67,540 preliminary says he had in mind originally. Raritan Associates, has referred developers, the judge declared: rom July J to July 5. grant for the study would becom In a take-it-or-leave-it cable, to the case as "one of the most Since reliance upon ultra vires One Pound Over 300 Mr. Lancaster recalled that part of the federal government', he committee told Castro it was celebrated zoning suits in New acts can not serve as a basis about a 'year ago $5,000 was JOHN WARREN JR. share of the program only if th Jersey." for gaining vested rights, plain- >repared to ship only agricut, appropriated for urban renewal project is actually undertaken, ural tractors and only 500 of He and his associates have (See ZONING. Page 2) had been used but that the plan and that later $25,000 was put up and that if there is no project them "for the two-fold humani- for a borough master plan. He has not been completed. Mr. War- Yes, He's Fat — the $67,540 would not have to tarian purpose" of freeing pris- asked how much of this money ren said that the urban renewal paid back. oners and helping Cubans win had been spent. program temporarily had been Mr. Warren also referred ti higher living standards. Decision Held Want to 'Learn More' taken off the council agenda "so the statement by Mr. DeChiar And Proud of It Councilman Lawrence Burdge we could learn more about it." that the total redevelopment cost Castro broached a tractors-fot- explained that perhaps half of Mr. Lancaster noted reports had been estimated at $2.6 mi prisoners deal in a television speech to Cuba's National Asso- By FRANK HARBOUR helped the situation any,. the money for the master plan that the Redevelopment Agency (See URBAN, Page 2) ciation of Smalt Farmers May 17. WEST KEANSBURG - Ever It was a "Guess Who , On Day Camp news cartoon which prompted With at least White House ap- know a fat man who's proud him to seek an interview with Vote Is Thursday proval, Dr. Milton Eisenhower, Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt and Wal- of it? this reporter (who—unhappily— MIDDLETOWN - The Zoning performing a "much needed serv- Set Vote ter P. Reuther formed as co- is on a sustained diet). Board of Adjustment last night ice" to the township. Such a man is Paul L. Ellcins, chairmen the Tractors for Free- reserved decision on a variance The board denied a variance to 1 Compton Ave.—who weighs in The cartoon showed a fat and dom Committee to raise motpy for a proposed camp on Taylor Dr. Peter Kudyba, a Hillside at 301 pounds. a skinny man, and asked for a School Proposal publicly for 500 tractors. La. dentist, to include a dental office On Wing Mr. Elkins has what appears guess as to "Who got the job?" Dr. Eisenhower is an educator Briefs submitted by attorneys in his proposed home in Lincrott. to be a legitimate beef. (The skinny man was smiling.) and a brother of former Presi- for and against the project will Bar Gas He says that within the last dent Dwignt D. Eisenhower. Mrs. be studied. The board also denied a vari- Mr. Elkins says TV ii even few years, the mother-in-law To School Gets State Okay Roosevelt is the widow of for- The day camp, if approved, ance to build a multi-pump serv- worse. joke and the jokes about women mer President Franklin D. Roose- • "win" b operated by Joseph T. ice station at Everett and Sunny- "Television commercials," he velt. Reutlher is presidsnt M the e drivers have "gone out of style, FREEHOLD — The borough Oxley at his home and will con- side Rds., Lincroft. declares, "have brainwashed the TRENTON — The slate Divi- school at the high school site, adc Unjted Auto Workers Union. and what with the human psy- Board of Education last night tain a 40x50-foot pool. Earlier this year, the board public—and the public includes, sion of Local Government yester- six rooms to Middle Road School chological need to pick on some- set Aug. 8 as a referendum date Invasion Fiasco had approved an application by a unfortunately, the employer." and four to the Cove Road. School Neighbors of Mr. Oxley had ob- one, the 'fat man' has become for an addition to the interme- day approved an application for Trie April invasion aimed at previous owner of the one-pump Target date for completion jected through their attorney, he brunt of society." Commercials diate school. Raritan Township to exceed its Castro's overthrow was a fiasco. William R. Blair, Jr., Red Bank, station to rebuild on the property debt limit for construction of 26 construction is September of nex "I resent it and I think a lot The proposed 9-11 room $277,- At least some elements of the on the basis of noise and a drain- However, it was indicated the He cited one "physical fitness" new school classrooms, to be paid year. of other happy, fat people who 000 addition to the rear of the U.S.: government had given al- age problem. latest application by the new own- commercial which shows an em- for through a 10-year bond issue At yesterday's hearing, th are just too timid to speak out present school on Park Ave. is vice and support to the Cuban Frederic Baar, also a Red Bank er was denied because of "the ployer refusing to award a pro- . , , board pointed out that unless th resent it," he declared with the lanned use f r A referendum on the proposa' invaders.
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