April 29, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H2517 EXPRESSING SENSE OF CONGRESS (B) commends the faith community, non- b 1230 REGARDING SOCIAL PROBLEM profit organizations, State and local officials A child that was abused to the extent OF CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT involved in prevention of child abuse and ne- glect, and volunteers throughout America that they were comatose. I think, why Mr. FLETCHER. Madam Speaker, I for their efforts on behalf of abused and ne- should this happen in this great United ask unanimous consent that the Com- glected children everywhere. States. I look at the impact that this mittee on Education and the Workforce The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- has on the events that have occurred, and the Committee on the Judiciary be tleman from Kentucky (Mr. FLETCHER) and not only that, but we look at what discharged from further consideration is recognized for 1 hour. has happened recently as to how much of the concurrent resolution (H. Con. Mr. FLETCHER. Madam Speaker, for do we really care about our children. Res. 93) expressing the sense of the purposes of debate only, I yield the cus- Certainly I am honored to speak on Congress regarding the social problem tomary 30 minutes to the gentleman this, the resolution of the gentlewoman of child abuse and neglect and sup- from Virginia (Mr. SCOTT) pending from Ohio (Ms. JONES), and I certainly porting efforts to enhance public which I yield myself such time as I commend her on this. As we are ad- awareness of this problem, and ask for may consume. dressing and focusing more attention its immediate consideration in the Mr. SCOTT. Madam Speaker, I ask on this issue, I hope that we can reduce House. unanimous consent that the gentle- the number of abused children in this The Clerk read the title of the con- woman from Ohio (Mrs. JONES) be al- tragedy in the United States and cer- current resolution. lowed to manage the time and yield de- tainly continue to work. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there bate time on this side. This concurrent resolution will ex- objection to the request of the gen- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there press the growing problem of child tleman from Kentucky? objection to the request of the gen- abuse and neglect. It also focuses on There was no objection. tleman from Virginia? enhancing public awareness. We believe The Clerk read the concurrent reso- There was no objection. that the faith community, nonprofit lution, as follows: Mr. FLETCHER. Madam Speaker, I organizations, State and local officials H. CON. RES. 93 am here today to recognize the contin- involved in abuse and neglect, and vol- Whereas each year more than 3,000,000 chil- ued and very good efforts by the gen- unteers across America must recommit dren in the United States are reported as tlewoman from Ohio (Ms. PRYCE) who themselves to ending this alarming suspected victims of child abuse and neglect; Whereas more than 500,000 American chil- has offered this resolution, and I stand trend. dren are currently unable to live safely with honored to speak on this very impor- Federal dollars should be used in a their families and have been placed in foster tant resolution. constructive manner to maximize the homes and institutions; This resolution calls for a greater prevention of child abuse in our local Whereas it is estimated that more than commitment toward recognizing the communities. It is time for this Nation 1,000 children in the United States, 78 per- problem of child abuse and neglect and to focus more attention and resources cent of whom are less than 5 years of age and encourages more to be done for its pre- on the disturbing problem of child 38 percent of whom are less than 1 year of vention. Specifically it promotes great- age, lose their lives each year as a direct re- abuse. We need to encourage individ- sult of abuse and neglect; er coordination between child protec- uals to take actions in their commu- Whereas the tragic social problem of child tive services agencies, law enforcement nities to ensure a happy, healthy envi- abuse and neglect results in human and eco- agencies and the judicial system in ronment for our children. nomic costs due to its relationship to crime working to prevent such abuse and ne- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of and delinquency, drug and alcohol abuse, do- glect. Additionally, it commends the my time. mestic violence, and welfare dependency; and work of those who keep children safe, Whereas April has been designated by the Mrs. JONES of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I President as Child Abuse Prevention Month including those in the faith commu- yield myself such time as I may con- to focus public awareness on this social ill: nity, nonprofit organizations, State sume. Now, therefore, be it and local agencies and volunteer orga- It gives me great pause as I stand in Resolved by the House of Representatives (the nizations. this Chamber this afternoon to bring to Senate concurring), ThatÐ Madam Speaker, as you know, April the floor this resolution with regard to (1) it is the sense of the Congress thatÐ is Child Abuse Prevention Month. The child abuse in America. The statistics (A) the faith community, nonprofit organi- estimated number of children seriously are numbing. In 1997 over 3 million zations, State and local officials involved in prevention of child abuse and neglect, and injured by all forms of maltreatment children were reported for child abuse volunteers throughout the United States quadrupled between 1986 and 1997. The and neglect to child protective agen- should recommit themselves and mobilize estimated number of sexually abused cies. Between 1988 and 1997, child abuse their resources to assist children in danger children increased by 83 percent, the reporting levels increased by 41 per- of abuse or neglect; number of physically neglected chil- cent. Currently, 47 out of every 1,000 (B) Federal resources should be marshalled dren rose 102 percent, there was a 333 children are reported as victims of in a manner that maximizes their impact on percent increase in the estimated num- child mistreatment. In 1997, 1,054,000 the prevention of child abuse and neglect; ber of emotionally neglected children, children were victims of child abuse, or (C) because abuse and neglect of children increases the likelihood that they will later and the estimated number of phys- in other numbers, 15 out of every 1,000 engage in criminal activity, State and local ically abused children rose 42 percent. U.S. children. officials should be provided with increased Now 500,000 American children are cur- A child in the United States is twice flexibility that allows them to use Federal rently unable to live safely with their as likely to be reported as abused or law enforcement resources in the fight to families and have been placed in foster neglected as to be enrolled in Head prevent child abuse and neglect if they con- homes and institutions. Start. Mr. Speaker, 37 percent of Amer- sider that use appropriate; and During Child Abuse Prevention ican parents reported insulting or (D) child protective services agencies, law Month, we should focus the Nation's swearing at their children within the enforcement agencies, and the judicial sys- attention on this national tragedy and tem should coordinate their efforts to the last 12 months. One of three of all maximum extent possible to prevent child demonstrate gratitude to the people in Americans have witnessed an adult abuse and neglect; and the United States who work to keep physically abuse a child, and two out of (2) the CongressÐ our children safe. Moreover, Congress three have seen an adult emotionally (A) supports efforts in the United States should continue working to help State abuse a child. toÐ and local officials in their effort to pre- In 1996, 1,185 child abuse fatalities (i) focus the attention of the Nation on the vent child abuse. were reported. Between 1995 and 1997, 78 disturbing problem of child abuse; With my personal experience I have percent of these children were less than (ii) demonstrate gratitude to the people in witnessed this firsthand, and in my 5 years old at the time of their death. the United States who work to keep children practice in caring for patients, I am safe; and Mr. Speaker, 38 percent were under the (iii) encourage individuals to take action thinking back of one patient in par- age of 1 year old. in their own communities to make them ticular, one small child that we cared It is time that we as a Congress and healthier places in which children can grow for at the University of Kentucky Med- we as a Nation wake up and understand and thrive; and ical Center. the impact that child abuse has not H2518 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE April 29, 1999 only on the child, but the child who In addition, dollars could be allo- jails or sleep on the streets strung out witnesses the abuse; not only on the cated to provide for child protection on drugs, or abuse their own spouse and child as a child, but when he or she be- workers to have access to various children. We can make a difference if comes a juvenile or becomes an adult criminal records, so that when they are we stop the abuse now. We can reduce and again, on their own become a child making a determination with regard to these problems in our future. abuser. It is time that we figure out where young people are assigned or We must recognize that our children how we can prevent child abuse in our what families they are assigned to, are our Nation's most precious re- country, and how we can marshal the they would take that information into source and redouble our efforts to fight necessary assets for it, in light of the consideration.
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