V’»^ •/ — *V-r»4 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1968 Aveiegie Delly Net P n m Raa The Weather PAC0 TEaBTir>SIX ;Yor The Week Ended Snow tonight. About ttirea ManrtifPBt^r Earning Hffralin February 17, 1$$$ InchM expeeted. Low toi SOe. To­ lEuptittm morrow mostly cloudy, chance A 1:. ■ > rfl All KplHcopal g^rl scouU wlsh- Convention Delegates 15,534 of mow fhaniee. Low in 90s. /% llO llt lo w n Inff to attend a breakfast on iiiiliiillilliiliiiiilliiii! Oirl Scout Sunday, March 10, Mmiehetter-^A City of VUlage Charm Mls« Mary Betb Ooytn, daugh- 8 a.m. In NelU Hall at St. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Mary-g Episcopal Church are VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 127 ('TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTTBR, (X)NN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1968 A d m iW B g «M Pnge 17) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Oavin of 108 Autumn St., was reminded to make reservations No McCarthy Backers THURS. eloctod to the Queen’s Cotnt at Mts. Charles 'Covey, 5 HOUSE the Jtmior prom held recently Francis Df., or Mrs. Richard at the Avon Country Caub by Harris, M Green Rd. After Picked by Democrats a | / F the Junior olaaa of St. Joseph breakfast, the girls will attend College, West Hartford. the 9 ajn. service as a group. The Democratic Town Oommittee, by voice vote and with no opposition candidates developing last nigrht, Morning WUUam J. H ll^ son of committee for the reunion elected 13 party-endorsed delegates to each of three Radar Guides Jets a^ ACi^ JosepbHlhnskl ^ Manchester High School Romney Quits as Candidate; conventions— the State Convention, June 21-22 at the .” o t 1M3 wUi m « t BushneU Auditorium, H a rtford ;------------------------------------------------ to the dean’s list at the Univer­ at 8 at 'the home of Mrs. Harry HALE sity of Rochester, Rochester, the First Congressional Dis­ ^ V « ’ Eggleston, 143 Hollister St. ’Ihe In the slate,’’ he said. "The exe­ N.T., fbr the fall semester of ^ trict Convention, June 29 at the cutive board should have named Hartford Hilton; and the Fourth /'Y x I • g xb 1 i* 11 1967. of the class wishing to serve on one or two or throe McCarthy Clearance! To H ciftoi TcMP^ots Senatorial District Convention, I Iliililis s j lijliilii the committee. supporters and should have rec­ ’The Rev. Dr. Daiwrence Al­ June 18 at the Buckboard R es­ ognized to some extent the Mc­ SAIGON (AP) —Guided by an army barracks hit for the Chuc Son army barracke 12 mond, a former pastor of South taurant, Glastonbury. Carthy support In the communi­ radar, U.S. Air Force fighter- first time In the war. But the mUeamllee eouthweet of Hanoi. Air ^ ^ ™ " WMS m. .M. Mothodlat Church, will be the Ashes will be distributed at ty .’ ’ bombers flew through overcast U.S. Command announced!cd Com- Force F4 Phantoms raked „It ixUr LookingC. V to Kocketeller a service of Bitter Ijamentatlone Hhe congrreeslonal and sena­ feS featured speaker at the "Ref- torial convention delegates Plepler said after the meet­ skies today to attack targets In munlst gunners shot down a big during 70 miaslons flown tonight at 7 at St. John’s Polish ONE DAY ONLYI WASHINGTON (A P ) — ilge” in WilUngton this month; were elected unanimously. ing that his McCarthy chapter the Hanoi area for the aecond four-engine C130 transport plane Wednesday, but overcast akiee day In a row. and three helicopters over South spawned by the northeast m<m- he is now execuUve director National Catholic Church, District Leader However, when the vote was will determine within 10 days G eorge Rom ney >ias quit the “Wo have no operational re- Vietnam, and an P106 Thimder- soons prevented asseaement of of the Masaechusette Bible So- taken for state convention dele­ whether to offer an opposition Republican presidential race clety ’The Rev. Dr. Almond The March 6 regular meeUng 2 -100% Wool, rad. ports yet,’’ a U.B. epokeeman chief fighter-bomber over the damage, Mrs. Steven Yencha of 180 gatee, several “nays’’ were slate o f delegates to Uie state without a boUct cast—and tite said. North. Navy A6 all-weather Intruder wiU condurt a lay speakers °' “'® rtIteallv^^cS^'"'”fOT Wetherell St. was recenUy elect- Recognized w ere the convention. 1-ElECTRIO KNIFE White House draft that New tee, originally scheduled for ’The North Vietnamese news One of the helicopters was a made the third attack in four course for those attending. ed and Installed president of Dls- voices of Atty. Sanford Plep An opposition slate would WINTER COATS York’s Gov. Ndoon A. RoOkefel- the Municipal Building, will be Orig. 19.95. NOW 2 2 2 sigency said U.S. planes raided big U.8. Marine CH43 Sea days on the railroad yard 1.7 trict 8, State of Connecticut, of Robert Vater and Jack force an April 9 primary. The ler has promised to answer held instead in the Board Room Sized 8-10. Hanoi and Its suburbs and one Knight that was downed 11 miles northwest of the center of the Polish Women’s Alliance of <joi<jberg, all meonbers of the McCarthy backers would be re­ could be taking shape now. of Bennet Junior High School. Orig. 39.95. NOW ^ American Jet was shot own. miles northeast of the Marine Haiphong as well oa a repeat America at a conference at the Manchester Chapiter of the Mc- quired to obtain the signatures Rockefeller, most prominent It will be at 7:30 p.m. Tass, the Soviet news agency, fortress at Khe Sanh, in the raid on a radio communications Polish National Home, Hartford. oarthy-flor-Preeldent Club. of five per cent (about 440) of 4 - LADY GARNER cheerleader In Romney’s hectic, First Class reported that residential quar- northwest comer of South Vlet- receiver station 10 miles south Mrs. Yencha is president of Rlepler, chairman of the Manchester's registered Demo- fruitless 101-day quest for the Shoe Repairing ters in the center of Hanoi were nam. All 19 servicemen aboard of Hanoi. Again woaithar pre- OOP presidential nomination, I Of The Better Khid! Group 518 of the Manchester chapter, charged that the txwn crats. BATHROOM SHELVES 2-PEGNO IRS hit. the Sea Knight were killed ,the vented a survey o t the damage. 7 Girls Enter Women’s Alliance, and has been oofnmittee's executive board, The petition, plus $15 for each said the wishes of his fellow Re­ Black with gold trim. White. Sizes medium and large. The radar-guided American U.S. Command said, The Haiphong railroad yard Is publican governors would be a QUALITY WORK active with the group for many which had submlitted the slate delegate candidate, would have warplanes attacked three vital The latest North Vietnamese VFW Queen Test yfiars- of party-endoraed candidates, to be filed In the town clerk’s Orig. 14.99. NOW ^ on the main Halphong-Hanoi major influence on his future at Orig. 16.95. NOW 1 2 2 targets around Hanoi and Hat- target to come off the Penta- line, and much of the war sup- -------------------------------------------- --- “hes Ignored a reaJllstlc fact of office no later than March 19. course. Seven Memchester area girls phong on Wednesday, including gon’s restricted list was the pllea from Red China and other REASONABLE Me—that Sen. McCarthy has, Town Chadrman Ted Cum­ (SoUed) Many of those governors are have entered the VFW Loyalty Bolton, Miss Sharon Lee Goet- Communist countries funnel PRICES! at a minimum, the support of mings, when he read the slates in Washington today and Rom­ Day Queen contest to be held chins of Lebanon, and Miss 10 - FAMOUS NAME through It ney in withdrawing challenged “ Waiting Jobs Are Saturday, March 9, at the post Noreen Weber of RockvUle. 20 i>or cen t o f th e Dem ocrats of party-endorsed delegates, said that they were chosen on The Hanoi communications them to forge a consensus Our Specialty!” home according to Roland WU- Applications for the contest country. 2-9x12 BRAIDED RUG the basis of party involvement, station is believed to be a key around some other candidate. son, commander of the post. will close ’Thursday, March 7, 'He praised the slate as “a (Tom in spots)to) BATHING SUITS as elected or appointed officials Half Million Deducted link In North Vietnam's air de­ The Michigan governor ac­ S A M YUYLES They are Miss Sandra Auden, and girls wishing to enter may good one, with good people on Orig. 39.99. NOW Sizes: Small and medium. 23 OAH STOEET and as dedicated workers. fense network and was attacked knowledged he has not won rank Miss Gilda Dumas and Miss contact the post home, or John lit,” buit oompilained thait it In- Orig. 15.99. NOW 2 for the first time in the war V i and file RepuUican support. He A lew a t^ from Main Julle Springer, all of Manches- Lynn, chairman; Mrs. Charles eluded no declared supporters ofNobody was elected delegate 12.22 Eatobllrted 1911! Feb .10. suggested the governors look for ter; Miss Claudia Boucher of Hlrth, co-chairman, or any Sen. McCarthy. to more than one convention, Military sources say the sta­ another contender who might. Vernon, Miss Gall Chessey of member of the committee. "There Is something lacking making 39 different delegates. MISCELLANEOUS Net Grand List All are members of the Demo­ 30 GREEN SHADES tion likely la an assembly point Romney tiius admitted he had cratic Town Committee. Each for information on Incoming no hope of defeating front-run­ delegate will choose his or her Orig.
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