1 i TZZJJ PAOiriO THE FAOiriO tamcrrial gbbcrfiscr Commercial gMcriiscr PUBLISHED AT t Id PCBLI3UEU Honolulu, Hawaiian Inlands. I Kvcry Saturday Morning. Hates or AclvortlsslxiB. Non Spaee measured In 1 1 1 m 2 m. 3 ro. 0 m. 12 m. BLACK &AULD. pareil type. w. " $ $ s 1 M 1 t Kt fafh n t i II El Lines ( Inch) 00 3 00 3 00 4 00 e oo 10 00 ."" .4 Lines (1 inch).. ... bo 3 00 4 00 ft 00 a oo 12 00 TV Xines ('2 inches).. oo 4 00 0 00 7 60 io oo 1ft 00 Lines (3 Inches).. oo! 6 00 7 W) 10 00 14 00 18 00 PI Lines (4 Inches)... 00 0 00 io oo o oo 18 00 26 00 10 (JO 14 O0 IU 00' no 00 40 00 , V Kar.,p- -. port, wl.l b chars. t Column. ......... 00 . U, ! 00 2 00 36 00 ro oo .Tp!,' ,r..... .c the -- h,ch va-n- from t Column 00 00 Id J Column... ....... 12 O0 1R 00 24 00 H0 00 46 00 7ft 00 P- -' .,afllil.'l' Whole Column in 00 110 00. 45 00 75 00 100 00 160 00 w.ll ;..-n- ihc Pac.De JSVS Advertisers residing In the Eauteru United States, san 5 mi .ct.. fr..oi all Prt .f XT r pay for their cards by enclosing Greenbacks or United t Hut. can Slates Postage Stamps, for such amount as they wish to pay, e" i- ' r.-r- paper - and their cards will be inserted as per above table, kt the time thi. laid fur. l arr Business Cards, when pre paid for m year, are allowed " PLIN AND FANCT a discount from these rates, which are for transient advertise JOB PRINTING. ISLANDS, OCTOBER 1, 1870. WHOLE NO. 719. ments when paid or charged quarterly. ;7?aL UK" lriNl.Bl-S!- AND ADDRESS VOL. XV NO. 14. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN gtcrjaniral. snranrt Caris. ninth, and last, thing in this right line is business (Carts. 1 THE PACiriO the tower at the top ot the work, wherein is a chime, which goes three, seven and ALEX. CART WRIGHT, ML M . W. F1SCREI5, F. A. SCHAEFER, at Mel NT IT RE St BROTHER, J. S A DEL CAKTER, Bresnea Hoard of Uaderwrllerw. different ; II. E. Commission Merchant and General Shipping Agent, AGENT (Commercial gbbcriiscr. eleven o'clock, each time a tune Grocery, Feed Stare and Bakery, COOPER AND C AUGER, Cabinet Maker and French Polisher II rrail a. n Ilant-- of I'ndrrwrllers 739 Oahu. ly IIOTKL STREET, and at Christmas, Kaster, and Whitsuntide, Corner of King nd Fort Streets, Honolulu, H. I. 73 ? Houolulu. ESPLANADE, A Kent VIeaaa Donrd of I'adrrwrller-- . 727 Drug Store of E. Strths Co. ly Companies within the jurisdiction a thanksgiving; and when this chime has . ABOVE L. TORBERTS. Near the Claims sirainst Insurance TIIOS. G. THRUM. GEO. T. SHIPLEY, M. D NEXT DOOR L. of the above DoarJs of Undervriters, will have to be emitted Weary. done, cock (which stands on the top of 715 ly valiiL TIP ly the Stencil Cotter, Engraver, CopUt and Caligrapher. Chase's Building, Fort Street. to by the Agent to make them ,ht t,iri, main and Chaplain Sts. ly WILLIAIVl CLARK, I. thT D" pee ' the tower, and the north side of the 740 Front Room over Ue Post Office, Honolulu. ly 731) Residence, Makai corner of Fort IV h-- arl m- - t? II IIAltlllUKCni-nilE- M hi.-f- r having his neck, JO AYLETT, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. EN ln work), stretched out J. S. WALK KR. S. O. ALLEN a M m. S1I V af wilh-Ki- t V. L. GREEN, n All n joy shakes his comb, claps his wings, and crows WALKER St ALliK., v2j IYlLiinMn i i Hikwn, NO. 44 FORT ST., (.LOWER DOOR) FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Wh. n ", po"!? General Commission Agent and Broker, ' Merchants, a HOTEL STREET, h A 716 ly Opposite Lewers & Dickson's. c..ii:itI twice." Our Otnn Fireside. Shipping and Commission if Williams. HAVINU llKKn lif- - wiuLUnce QUEEN STREET, 741 lyl HOXOLVLU. T 712 ly Opposite C. E. JJL UNDERSIGNED. I all ff 735 HONOLULU, H. I. ly TUIE A sen is of the above Company, are prepared T mr oth-r- r .tale we ALEX. CAMPBELL, to insure risks against Fire on Stone ami ttrtrk BulMlnga, ' Playing A.F.JUDD, on Merchandise stored therein, ou most favorable terms. Vh--r- r we aii ii" pu About Cards. HUMPHREYS, BENNETT, and (r and Counsellor at W. W. office or hotow T Attorney Lair, TAILOR, For particulars apply at the oar worH 4V Tban to Athcn-ceui-n Fort street, three doors below Merchant Streets. 702 ly Importer and Wholesale Dealer in Wines, Spirits, MAKER, 74aly F. A. BCUAl(KR CO. A correspondent to the London BOOT AND SHOE C. Williams' 1 1FORT STREET, opposite E. Cabinet t:l ever Ale rorter, etc.. Are we ttiu !o gr : and eic, Vestry. 728 trare-roo- says A. SCIIAEFER Jt CO. 11. King Street, next to Bethel ij AND MERCANTILE u Ihe wearj th of Ul':, F. 729 MERCHANT STREET, HONOLULU, I. ly NORTH BRITISH To the collection of ana on playing Importers and Commission Merchants, Honolulu, II. I. 727 ly HONOLULU, 733 ly HAW. ISLANDS. St CO., INSURANCE CO., ? WILLIAMS, down ami.) it. lrif-:- cards you "may add the following relacion M. PHILLIPS C. E. t;at 1MHORTKK3 AND Importer and Dealer In Furniture OF LONDON AND EDINUUllCII. w " r' UI a"6 'em, from a Spanish source. My copy is called JOHN TIIOS. WATKRIIOCJSE, DUKCA1V & CROCKETT, Kannfactarer, .!, Wholesale Dealers in Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Oats, ,k r " in General Every Description. 1800. l nie lltlncion ile la liantja, a rhyme upon a Importer and Dealer merchandise, - A f I W J Of ESTABLISHED, Men's inrnisuing anu rnurj uoous, BLACKSMITHS, Than tUc lh il oft i..ri o, jack cards, which were taken by a 729 Queen Street, Honolulu. ly Furniture Ware Room on Fort street ; Workshop at the old rt . of Cm) h'.-- J ? 5 No. 11 KAAHUMANU ST.. (727 HONOLULU. SHOP ON THE ESPLANADE, stand. Hotel street, near Fort. CAPITA li ....iZ.IMMMMMl whirh tur y On a mis- Si. where all work from Ship or Shore will be attended to N. B. Orders from other islands promptly attended to. 742-l- iilid, 3e,NJB,lia French soldier to mass instead of FISCHER ROTH, 7u9 ly Accataalotrd and lavenlrd r neVr r''a'' "'e ri,l',le Ai JOHNSON, in a manner to warraut satisfaction. M l ",,r '' sal, and how he, being reprimanded, gave Merchant Tailors. McCOLGAN riMIR UNDERSIGNED HAVE IIKKIN Al'-- 1 his reasons for doing so." It is somewhat Fort Street, opposite Odd Fellow's Hall. Honolulu, II. I. Merchant Tailors, Hard Bread Bakery & Coffee Saloon. PuINTKU AUa'NTS lor the Sandwich Islands, and are Thai time writing Jown, 724 ly HONOLULU, H. I., J. H. WICKE, authorised to Insure against Fire upon favorable terms. cerle FORT STREET, in any part of on Wuoilun liullilinga, w wul-- l unroll? lengthy, but I will endeavor to simmer it Kinks taken the Islands Ami Mil O. HALL. 4i SON, 724 Opposite Theud. C Ileack's ly UNDERS1GNEU WILL CONTINUE stored Dwelling Houses and Furul -, E. MAKER, TMIE old stand, near the boat Lauding in Hilo. the busi and Merchandise therciu, Ii auU Hop- Ambition, to an essence. It opens with an appeal to Dry CABINET ture, Timber, Coals, Ships in harbor with or without cargoes or Importers and Dealers In Hardware, Goods, B P ADAMS. S. G. WILDKR. STREKT BKLOW THB THKATRB. ness lately conducted by Sebastian V Kaiser. AulerTuri s "nt llame, for celestial fire. I am afraid ana ALASKA under repair. lyl ED. 11JFFC11LAKUKU It CO the Virgin Faint, Oij, Uenerai nitrenanai$e. ADAMS St WILDER, repaired reasonable prices. 728 ly description Daily, I7l gr-w- fruition, 700 Corner Fort and King Sts. ly Furniture made and at Fresh Brtad and Cakes of every Tfut wlien we i the supplr will be found to be very limit- Anetion and Commission Merchants, h lied on notice. K.-- .roTn an einj.ty nam? And orders 4 shortest BOSTON BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS. ed : C. S. BARTOW, FIRE PROOF STORE, ROBERT LETT, COFFEE FROM 4 A. M., UNTIL lO P. M. Are our holy ai.irali"0 Ob, Holy Mary, dwelling 'mid the stars, Auctioneer, In Robinson Building, Queen Street, riMIE UNDERSIGNED. AGENTS OF THE y of Hard rrunihliiig duiit? 742-l- Arrangements are being made for the manufacture JL UoHton Hoard of Underwriters, notify Musteis of Venn' Is Kut thiht. of Help me to burst my earthly prison bars; Sale ill en Queen Street, one from Bread. (744 6m) V. KAISKU. 733 Re Kaahumauu street. lor Boot and Shoe Maker. and others that all hills for Repairs on Ves 1. and all bills ' r'rJLr celestial flame, ly Ah, do," "'e Fire my poor lay with thy & CO Manufacturing and ilepainng done in a w orkmaulike for General Average purposes, must be approved by the Agent "!- M. S. GR1NBAUM V"a u hirh all - hal That I in word and deed may glorify thy Manner. of the Boston Underwriters, who must also be represeolod oo WM. NEW COMB. and Wholesale Dealers in Fashionable 8 Cook Shop be allowtsl. the that rnlen alove u. name. Importers Scotch Bakery and Pastry all surveys, or such bills will uot n.l Dentist, Clothins. Hats, Caps. Boots and Shoes, f Hotel st, opposite the Bell Tower, ly 6U8 ly C.
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