SA ARID LANDS REGIONAL NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PLAN South Australian Arid Lands Natural Resources Management Board RegioNAL NAtuRAL ReSouRceS MANAgeMeNt PLAN for the SA Arid Lands Natural Resources Management Region VoLuMe 1 teN-yeAR StRAtegic PLAN SA ARID LANDS REGIONAL NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PLAN It should be noted that, the Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation and the Department for Environment and Heritage ceased to exist as of 1 July 2010. The functions of the defunct agencies have been transferred to the new Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the Department for Water (DFW) which were established on 1 July 2010, and the existing Primary Industries and Resources SA. The Board is working closely with these agencies on the development of arrangements that will help to achieve the best possible natural resources management outcomes for the region. II SA ARID LANDS REGIONAL NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PLAN I, Paul Caica, Minister for Environment and Conservation, after taking into account and in accordance with the requirements of section 80(3) of the Natural Resources Management Act 2004 hereby adopt the South Australian Arid Lands Regional Natural Resources Management Plan. Paul Caica Minister for Environment and Conservation Date: 25/05/2010 III SA ARID LANDS REGIONAL NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PLAN Foreword The South Australian Arid Lands (SAAL) Natural Resources Management (NRM) Board (the Board) has responsibility under the Natural Resources Management Act 2004 to develop and maintain an NRM plan for the region. The SAAL Regional NRM Plan provides the Board, State Government agencies and other stakeholders with a coordinated and integrated basis for maintaining and enhancing the region’s natural resources over the next ten years. The natural systems and human activities in the SAAL NRM Region make it fundamentally different from other NRM regions in South Australia. The region covers more than 50% of South Australia and contains a greater percentage of intact ecosystems and natural biological diversity than any other region in the State. The SAAL Regional NRM Plan provides a range of programs to protect valuable ground and surface waters; ensure sustainable industries; help pastoral land management; conserve natural ecosystems; and encourage community participation. The SAAL Regional NRM Plan consists of two volumes which will be reviewed as a whole at least every five years. Volume 1 details the state of the region assessment and the policy and regulatory framework. It also contains a ten-year Strategic Plan, which includes an integrated framework of long and short term targets to guide natural resources management in the region. Volume 2 describes the three-year Business Plan that will contribute towards achieving the region’s vision for NRM through the Board’s actions and investments. The Business Plan identifies expected sources of investment funds and provides an implementation plan that assists in the delivery of the region’s goals. This volume will be reviewed annually. The Board acknowledges those who have contributed to the SAAL Regional NRM Plan, particularly the authors Hadyn Hanna and Simon Lewis. The SAAL Regional NRM Plan also draws upon existing management plans, developed for specific areas and assets of the region (eg Arid Areas Catchment Water Management Plan, district soil conservation plans). In addition, the Board commissioned the Water Allocation Plan for the Far Northern Wells Prescribed Area, which was adopted early in 2009 and which, in legal terms, forms part of this Regional NRM Plan. This suite of plans will guide planning and investment in the region for the Board, government agencies and the community. Community ownership and contribution to the SAAL Regional NRM Plan is essential for its successful implementation. The SAAL NRM Board therefore looks forward to ongoing collaboration with the regional community and a range of other stakeholders in the implementation of the SAAL Regional NRM Plan. Chris Reed Presiding Member IV SA ARID LANDS REGIONAL NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PLAN Contents Part 1 Setting the Scene 1 1. Introduction 1 2. The Purpose of this Regional NRM Plan 3 3. Guiding Principles 5 4. Vision for Natural Resources Management in the SAAL NRM Region 6 5. Goals for Natural Resources Management 7 6. The Structure of this NRM Plan 8 7. Linkages of this NRM Plan with the State NRM Plan 9 8. Acronyms used in this Document 11 9. Glossary of Terms used in this Document 12 Part 2 State of the SA Arid Lands NRM Region 19 1. Introduction 19 2. Overview of the Interrelationship of Natural Resources in the SAAL NRM Region 20 3. Climate of the SAAL NRM Region 22 4. Current Land Use 26 5. Cultural, Social and Economic Profile 29 6. Status and Condition of Natural Resources in the SAAL NRM Region 42 7. Summary of Key Regional Assets and Risk Factors 101 identified through State of Region Assessment Part 3 Ten-Year Strategic Plan for the SA Arid Lands NRM Region 103 1. Introduction: the Purpose of this Section of the Plan 103 2. Setting the Scene for the Ten-Year Strategic Plan 104 3. NRM Strategies and Management Action Targets Towards 2020 112 4. Ensuring Aboriginal Engagement in NRM 143 5. Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Improvement 147 6. Summary of Cross NRM Boundary Arrangements 159 7. Summary of Management Action Targets 162 8. Establishing Priorities for Actions 169 Part 4 The Regulations and Policies to Help Us 171 1. Introduction 171 2. General Statutory Duty 172 3. The Board’s Approach 172 4. Water Affecting Activities 173 5. Management and Protection of Land 184 6. Control of Pest Animals and Plants 186 7 Management of Native Vegetation under the Native Vegetation Act 1991 193 8. Development 194 References 196 V SA ARID LANDS REGIONAL NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PLAN Lake Gairdner in the Gawler Ranges; when it is flooded it is Australia’s fourth largest lake VI SA ARID LANDS REGIONAL NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PLAN List of Tables 1 Townships and Populations – SAAL NRM Region (2006 Census, 2001 figures in brackets) 34 2 Stream Flow Data (megalitres per year) from DWLBC Data (from AACWMB 2006) 75 3 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 Listed (threatened) Species and Ecological Communities for which Conservation Advices Exist for SAAL NRM Region 85 4 Conservation Priorities for the Channel Country 91 5 Conservation Priorities for the Flinders and Olary Ranges 92 6 Conservation Priorities for the Gawler Bioregion 93 7 Conservation Priorities for the Sandy Deserts 94 8 Conservation Priorities for the Stony Plains 96 9 Risk Assessment Matrix for Major NRM Assets in the SAAL NRM Region 106 10 Resource Condition Targets for the SAAL NRM Region 109 11 Summary of Cross-Boundary Linkages for Management Action Targets and Resource Condition Targets 160 12 Summary of Management Action Targets, Indicators and Potential Partners for the SAAL NRM Region 162 13 Water Affecting Activities, SAAL NRM Region 177 List of fiGures 1 SAAL NRM Region VIII 2 Framework for the SAAL Regional NRM Plan 4 3 NRM Policy Relationships 9 4 Interrelationship Between Natural Resources in the SAAL NRM Region 21 5 Average Annual Rainfall for the SAAL NRM Region and Average Monthly Maximum and Minimum Temperatures for Selected Centres 23 6 Land Tenure in the SAAL NRM Region 27 7 Land Use in the SAAL NRM Region 28 8 Status of Native Title Claims in SAAL NRM Region at March 2009 31 9 Indigenous Land Use Agreement Areas in the SAAL NRM Region at March 2009 32 10 Land Systems, Marla-Oodnadatta NRM Group Area 45 11 Land Systems, Marree-Innamincka NRM Group Area 46 12 Land Systems, North Flinders NRM Group and North East Pastoral NRM Group Area 47 13 Land Systems, Kingoonya NRM Group and Gawler Ranges NRM Group Area 48 14 Major Groundwater Aquifers of the SAAL NRM Region 62 15 Extent of the Great Artesian Basin 64 16 Components of the Water Balance for the SA Portion of the Great Artesian Basin 65 17 Major Surface Water Drainage Divisions of Australia 73 18 Major Rivers and Wetlands, SAAL NRM Region 74 19 Waterholes and Springs, SAAL NRM Region 77 20 IBRA Bioregions in the SAAL NRM Region 87 21 Floristic Vegetation of the SAAL NRM Region 88 22 Rare & Threatened Fauna Sites, SAAL NRM Region 89 23 Rare and Threatened Flora Sites, SAAL NRM Region 90 VII SA ARID LANDS REGIONAL NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PLAN figure 1: SAAL NRM Region VIII SA ARID LANDS REGIONAL NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PLAN Setting the Scene Part 1 Part 1. IntRoduCtion The South Australian Arid Lands (SAAL) Natural Resources Management (NRM) Region is one of eight NRM regions established in South Australia under the Natural Resources Management Act 2004 (NRM Act 2004). It is the largest of the NRM regions, comprising approximately 520,000 square kilometres – over 50% of South Australia. The SAAL NRM Region is shown in figure 1. The South Australian Arid Lands Natural Resources Management Board (the Board) was established on 9 December 2004 pursuant to section 23 (1) of the NRM Act 2004 and became operationally responsible for its region on 1 July 2005. The Board consists of a governing body of community members appointed on a skills basis and has active representatives from key State Government departments. While all community members’ appointments are based on their skills, many work in key industries (pastoralism, mining etc), while others have specific expertise and/or work in relevant bodies. the changeable, colourful landscape of the flinders Ranges 1 SA ARID LANDS REGIONAL NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PLAN The Board is supported in its role by regional NRM Groups and is actively developing their capacity to support local input into the Board’s planning and delivery.
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