i IN AN EMERGENCY YOUR HOSPITAL DOES NOT HESITATE--HELP IT NOW ATEBAOE DAILY CIRCULATION WEATHER for tbe Month of April, 1988 Forecast of U. 8. Weather Burcao, Hartford 6,124 IV ia liillP JB IF r lu u P u in n W F ra lil F*ir tonight and ’Toeeday; allglitly Member of tb* Audit Bnnoii of dreolatloa* wanner tonight. MANCHESTER - A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM VOL. LVn., NO. 193 (CUanIfled Advertkrtng oo Pago 10) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MAY 16, 1938 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS LABOR BOARD WINS A Very, Very Hot “Hot Spot” TWENTY-FIVE KILLED SUPREME COURT WHEN FLAMES SWEEP m MACKAY DISPUTE Highest Tribunal Decides! HOTEL IN ATLANTA Workers Are Entitled To | LATE NEWS Thirteen Injured And Unde- Protection If They Strike JAPSENORCLE RIVALS DEMAND FLASHES! termined Number Mis^ ^ Becanse Of Unfairness. SUCHOW; READY SPECIAL POUCE MEXICAN STUDENTS BIOT Mexico City, May 16—(AP)— ing; Hotel Officials Say At Waahingten, May 19.—(API— Several persona were wounded to- day In a clash between stodeots FOR W DRIVE FOR P m R I E S At Least Fifty Personi The Supreme Court ruled today that and several hundred memben of an working men, who atrlke as a result organisation known as "Socialist of an unfair labor practice by their Youth” who had occupied bnUdings Annoance It Will Only Be Charges, Counter-Charges Were Registered At The employer, are entitled to protection of the University of Mexioo. of the National Labor Relations A ct This decision was given In up- The "Socialist Youth" force, arm- Time The Fire Broke OiL holding an order by the National ed with pistols and knlt-ee, aetsed Matter Of Honrs Before Heard In Pennsylvania On Labor Relations Board directing the buildings of the university and Ita Mackay Radio and Telegraph com- preparatory school early this morn- ing and resisted efforts of police and City Fill Be Attacked; Eve Of Vote—Expect Atlanta, May 16.—(AP)— pany to reinstate five employes who had gone on strike In San Fran- firemen to eject them. Flames which started in a • • • cisco. Thousands Are Trapped. Trouble In Several Cities. basement kitchen killed 25 Justice Roberta, who delivered the SWITCH IN CABINET persons at the Terminal hotat decision, asserted that the strikers On the day the Chateau Monterey, North Wildwood, N. 3., night club, whs to have opened It was de- London, May 16—(AP)—Prime atroyed by fire causing a *200,000 loss. One hundred firemen from two towns fought the blare In vain. early today, left 13 injured a ^ remained employes under the Labor Minister Chamberlain today an- Shanghal. Mny 16.—(AP)—Jap- Philadelphia, May 16.—(AP) — Act "and were protected against the noiueed a recUignment of bis Cabi- an undetermined number of unfair labor practices denounced bv anese dispatches declared today that Extraordinary police pbecautlons net, sending Sir Kingsley Wood, Suchow had been completely sur- others missing. It" minister of health, to replace Vis- were prepared today against Irre- More than a dozen persona Roberts announced no dissent rounded and Japanese troops wore gularities when Pennsylvania votes Justices Cardoso and Reed did not count Swlnton, secretary of state CROP CURB PLAN were rescued or leaped to safe* for air, target of charges by all CROSS CONSIDERS PLANS closing in from all sides on thou- tomorrow after a alam-bang prim- participate. sands of C3iinese trapped In the ty. parties that Britain's aerial rearm- ary campaign that may foreabadow The court ament waa tagging, area around the vital central Chins Reports to firemen and po- the Ninth Circuit Court oi Appeals NOW UNDER TEST rail junction city. events to come In the Presidential refusing to approve reinstatement Swlnton resigned from the Cabi- TO CUT EXPENDITURES The Japanese asserted it would election of 1940. lice indicated from 50 to 65 of the five men on the ground that net aa a result of last week’s upris- be only a matter of hours before At least two voices were raised persons were registered in the they had severed their employment ing In the House of Commons In they actually assault the strategic In an appeal for observers from the 62-room, B-story brick and by striking. which critics charged that Britain’s city for which they have been fight- U. S. Senate to join the police at frame building. Roberts said the board's findings air defense program was being far State’s Chief Executive De- Next Three Or Four Weeks ing for months. polls In Philadelphia. State police as to diacriminatlon were "supported ont-paced by Germany. FIRST “BLACK-OUT’ Ehiclrclement of Suchow was ac- were ordered “ready to aid local A high wind from the weat by evidence." • • • complished, the Japanese said, by fanned the flames. Roberts continued: Will Determine Whether authorities In preaeiylng order." SUPREME COURT RULING nies That Pay Of Employ- closing the last gap to the west, Mayor S. Davis Wilson of Phila- City sanitary crewa were sat "The board found, and we can- just below the Lunghail railway 50 not say that its finding Is unsup- Washington, May 16.—(AP) — AIR TEST TONIGHT delphia, himself a candidate for the to work in mid-moming re- Farmers Will Co-operate. miles west of Suchow. Democratic Senatorial nomination, ported, that in taking back six of The Supreme Court, at the request es Will Be Rednced; Holds Troops fighting toward the rail- moving the debris. With trie- eleven men and excluding five, who of the government, ordered the iSBuea a statement "guaranteeing to way from the north and south con- all citizens that their rights (to tor power barred because of were active imlon men. the respond- Third Circuit Court of Appeals at verged near Tangshan, the Japanese ent’s officials discriminated against Philadelphia today to show cause Further Interviews Today Long Island Village To Ex- Washington, Mny 16.—(AP) — reported, and then fought their way vote without coercion or interfer- the danger of pulling down tha the latter on account of their union why It sbonhl not permit the The next three or four weeks will ence) will be protected." walls, engineers estimated two eastward along the railway to Meanwhile, candidates went at it activities and that the excuse given National Labor Retattona Hoard to ------- ! determine the extent to which tha Hwangkow, only 30 miles from Bu- days would be required to clear that they did not apply until after Hartford, May 18—(AP)—Gov-] tinguish All Lights For In eleveoUi-bour charges aod coun- recall its order against the Repub- Agricultural Adjustment AdralnlS' ehow. out the wreckage. the quota was full was an after- lic Steel Corporation. emor Cross "very soon” win vpake' The Japanese said troops which ter ehargeo—^wlth a debate ever thought and not the true reason for tratlon has been able' tor win farmer yesterday cut the Lunghai line near whether Labor Leader John L, Many of the dead were fouad the discrimination against them.” After the Circuit Court had re- public a plan for cutting aUte ex- | Half Hour During ‘Kaid.’* co-operation with the new crop con Lewis Is a major Isaiie—dominating fused last Friday to authorize with- trol program. SInanchen. In Klangsu province 67 in the charred timbers and Further Conclnslona. penses in the next fiscal year be- steel which dropped from the Roberts further said the board's drawal of the litigation, Sollrttor ginning July 1. By the end of that period the (Uontinoed on Page fwa) (Uoattmed on Page Two) order did not violate the Fifth General Robert H. Jackson and "It will be neceaaary to cut ex- New York. May 16.—A quiet lit- 1938 cotton, tobacco, com and other roof, carrying away the burn- Amendment to the Constitution. Oiaries Fahy, general counsel ol the penBes during the next fiscal year,” tle community, within an hour's spring crops will have been planted. ing floors. 'The respondent insists that the labor board, asked the Supreme the governor said In a statement Because the nation's cotton and Police Chief M. A. Homaby relation of employer and employee Court for a writ of mandamus to following Saturday's diarloeure of drive of New York’s most congest- tobacco warehouses and com cribs eeas^ at the Inception of the compel the desired action. Budget Director Benjamin P. Whit- ed districts win experience an air are bulging as a result of last expressed belief “10 or 16 strike.” Roberts continued. 'The * • * aker that a *5,500,000 deficit faced raid tonight—a mock one, of course year’s record production, AAA offi- REORGANIZATION BILL more” bodies would be found — to dramatize the necessity of plain meaning of the act Is that if EXPECT 'BREAK' THIS WEEK the state In 1938-39 unless present cials Insist smaller crops must be in the mass of debris piled up men strike in connection with a "blacking out” vulnerable big cities grown this year if they are to deal Waterbary, May IIL—(AP)— conditions Improve. on the street level. current labor dispute their action is The governor denied reports in In wartime. effectively with price-depressing sot to be construed aa a renuncia- Outwardly at least, the Grand Jury A squadron of bombing airplanes surpluses. TO BE GIVEN NEW TEST Speed with which the flames Investigation Into Waterbury muni- Sunday newspapers that the econ- tion of the employment relation omy plan he is working out includes will sweep over the village of Farro- They blame the surpluaea along gained headway amazed wit- and they remain employes for the cipal affairs was marked by com- Ingdale, Long Island, dropping a pay cut for the 8,000 state em- with the business setback for a nesses.
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