^tMT0^ U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 451 Seventh Street, SW Washington, DC 20410 <""> www.hud.gov espanol. hud. gov Broad-Level Tiered Environmental Review for Activity/Project that is Categorically Excluded Subject to Section 58.5 Pursuant to 24 CFR Part 58.35(a) Pro'ect Information Project Name: Voluntary Homeowner Occupied Buy Back Project Responsible Entity (RE): FloridaDepartment ofEconomic Opportunity State/Local Identifier: Florida RE Preparer: Denise Lindsay Certifying Officer: Marcy A. Esbjerg Grant Recipient (ifdifferent than Responsible Entity): Point of Contact: Marcy A. Esbjerg Consultant (if applicable): Point of Contact: Project Location: Elfers, Floridacoordinates 28' 12'58"N 82 43'22"W (total landis 3.5 squaremiles) Additional Location Information: Homes in theAnclote River Estates, Unit 2, Unit 3, Anclote RiverAcres Addition, Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3 anAnclote RiverHighlands. Direct Comments to: Marcy A. Esbjerg Description ofthe Proposed Project [24 CFR 50. 12 & 58.32; 40 CFR 1508. 25]: The Elfers Parkway areaofPasco County contains homes that range from $50, 000 to $100, 000 and are ownedby individuals oflow to moderate income andin a definedblighted area. PascoCounty proposesto helpthose residents bordering the Anclote river by purchasing and demolishing their properties. Eachhomeowner that applies will have a site-specific environmental for their property. Page 1 of 6 Approximate size ofthe project area: 3. 5 square miles Length of time covered by this review: 2 years Maximumnumber of dwelling units or lots addressedby this tiered review: 212addresses. Level of Environmental Review Determination: CategoricallyExcluded per 24 CFR 58. 35(a),and subject to laws and authorities at §58. 5:58. 15 Tiering ~ -----. ,^^. ^. ^^.. Fundin Information Grant Number HUD Pro am Pro ram Name Fundin Amount HM0006 CDBG-DR Voluntary Buy $2,308,064.00 Back Estimated Total HUB Funded Amount: $2, 308, 064. 00 Estimated Total Project Cost (HUD and non-HUD funds) f24 CFR 5S.32(d^: 2,308,064.00 " L- ~~ " --v^-'- Corn Uance with 24 CFR 50.4 58.5 and 58.6 Laws and Authorities and Written Strate 'es Compliance Factors: Was Statutes, Executive Orders, If Yes: Describe compliance determinations compliance andRegulations listed at 24 made at the broad level. achieved at CFR 50. 4, 58. 5, and 58.6 the broad If No: Describe the policy, standard, or level of process to be followed in the site-specific review. review? Yes. Letters to SHPOand THPO Florida were sent. STATUTES, EXECUTIVE ORDERS, ANDREGULATIONS LISTEDAT 24CFR 50.4 & 58.6 Airport Hazards Yes No No civilian airport within 2, 500 feet of area 24 CFRPart 51 Subpart D D ^ andno military airport within the county. r See attachment 1. Page2 of 6 Coastal Barrier Resources Yes No See attachment 2. D Coastal Barrier Resources Act, as amendedby the Coastal Barrier Improvement Act of 1990 [16 USC 3501 Flood Insurance Yes No This will be part of the site-specific checklist. See attachment 3 for overall Flood Disaster Protection Act of D 1973 and National Flood FEMAmap and map ofElfers area. Insurance Reform Act of 1994 [42 USC 4001-4128 and 42 USC 5154a STATUTES, EXECUTWE ORDERS, AND REGULATIONS LISTED AT 24 CFR §58.5 Yes No Note that consultation is only required for Clean Air Act, as amended, large new construction project and particularly section 176(c) & (d); substantial rehabilitation projects and this is 40 CFR Parts 6, 51, 93 not the case with this project. Attachment 4. Coastal Zone Management Yes No The project is not taking place on the coast. D Coastal Zone ManagementAct, See CDBG-DR Voluntary Homeowner sections 307(c) & (d) Occupied Buyout Program Boundary Map. See attachment 5. Contamination and Toxic Yes No Substances Compliance for this authority will be reviewed in the site-specific checklist. ^/ 24 CFRPart 50.3 i & 58.5 i 2 Attachment 6. EndangeredSpecies Yes No This is site specific. Each site will be EndangeredSpecies Act of 1973, D reviewed at the site-specific checklist. See attachment 7. particularly section 7; 50 CFR Part 402 Explosive and Flammable Yes No Hazards This will be reviewed in the site-specific ^ D checklist. Does not include development, 24 CFRPart 51 SubpartC construction, rehabilitation that will increase residential densities, or conversion. Does not include a hazardous facility. This is a residential area. Farmlands Protection Yes No Will be at the site-specific checklist for each property. The sites are residential and zoned Farmland Protection Policy Act of 1981, particularly sections residential. 1504(b)andl541;7CFRPart 658 Page 3 of 6 Floodplain Management Yes No Will be at the site-speciflc checklist for each Executive Order 11988, property. See attachment 4 for boundary particularly section 2(a); 24 CFR map and attachment 3 for FEMA maps. Part 55 Historic Preservation Yes No This will be at the site-specific level at the D National Historic Preservation ^ time of applicant applying for assistance. A Act of 1966, particularly sections letter to SHPO is attached - attachment 8. 106 and 110; 36 CFRPart 800 Noise Abatement and Control Yes No Will be reviewed at the site-specific Noise Control Act of 1972, as D checklist. The project is to make the land amendedby the Quiet green space, so noise abatement and control Communities Act of 1978; 24 does not apply. No new construction, no CFRPart 51 SubpartB rehabilitation of existing buildings. Sole Source Aquifers Yes No Pasco County does not have sole source aquifers. See Attachment 9. SafeDrinking Water Act of 1974, as amended, particularly section 1424e;40CFRPartl49 Wetlands Protection Yes No The attached map shows the wetland areas in D the Elfers area. Will be reviewed at the site- Executive Order 11990, articularl sections 2 and 5 specific checklist. See attachment 10. Wild and Scenic Rivers There are no wild and scenic rivers in Pasco Yes No Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of County. See attachment 11. 1968, particularly section 7(b) and c ENVIRONMENTALJUSTICE Environmental Justice Yes No The program will not adversely affect the D low-income populations in the area as this is Executive Order 12898 a voluntary buyout program. This is not a constmction or rehabilitation ro'ect. Attach supporting documentation as necessary, including a site-specific checklist. Determination: Extraordinary circumstances exist and this project may result in significant environmental impact. This project requires preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA); OR There are no extraordinary circumstances which would require completion of an EA, and this project may remain CEST Page 4 of 6 Preparer Signature: Date:^ ^ ^^ Name/Title/Organization: or^<-^ '\\ '~S>^<\ ^ rom.\ <^ ec^<-^'<r Responsible En ity Agency Official Signature: Date: 3 ^Lt ^<9 Name/Title: YY\c^^ ^ S^^O ^ r l<2^(l^t<£)/^_-/ This original, signed document and related supporting material must be retained on file by the Responsible Entity in an Environmental Review Record (ERR) for the activity/project (ref: 24 CFR Part 58. 38) and in accordance with recordkeeping requirements for the HUD program(s). This document represents the Tier 1 or Broad-Level review only. As individual sites are selected, this review must be supplemented by individual Tier 2 or Site-Specific reviews for each site. All laws and authorities requirmg site-specific analysis will be addressed in these individual reviews. Page5 of 6 APPENDDC: Site-S ecific or Tier 2 Reviews Update this document as site-specific reviews are completed. Complete each site-specific review according to the written strategies outlined in the broad-level review and attach it in the environmental review record. Site-s ecific ro'ectname Address or location Page6 of 6 ATTACHMENT 1 *^r^\/ Tairip3 /P,. i':co Tampa North Aero Park tennnoe, toe ktonaflN- XN ftwnni UUtuto 28-18^77 N 4241BW»or<Boulmud hid* 82^2/473 W Luh. R. aSSBB BamBon BSft PwmWy 17MIIBBNE Phow 813WM703 Fu 813-a»1-W16 awtfanal JBckaomidia &»rn . HI Chart U1D, 24F lit! Runwir » ch 14B2 Awh VUW son WL N/N SeaAkponFadlltyUnolotynmiBriu ouinnlNOTMKS,Right InfflcRwy 14. Acthmtodlport bewn udngCTAF .na-2aoOL CTAF OND T-^ CUIC CON TONE CON 123A50 123j»GO WEWHBl 1-800-WfrBREF YES TftBphonn YES NO YES YES Dtah YES ItaVNorth Right Ctntw 8134reW03 YES toil YES 100U, WAiroMO-1700 (MOBBtB Rorida D^utnwnt of 2019 Airport Umctaiy Ill Avhdtonml SpnoBpnrtiOffioe \-\.^ n^ -< Brooksvilfa/Pasco Pilot Country Airport O. V. BKtoavom. lno. WmtMw XOB RtLMyar 2MM17N IISOOPBotCotrtyDriir LonBinidi Baaa.TBBW Spltofl HB, FL34C10 Bwrften 80ft From C»y ISMIeeS 81M4(X001 vMttwwl Jmikiomfflia imMnQnvmjeam HIChut LaChrt Lam.W vow 1BB8 Man 7m LK. WN 8wAkpartFMillyDlrafllniymnataandcunN itNOimM8. BW>hvldrityerRWY. R»lwahbl» 24hn with cmdK card. CWF UNBOM CINC I CON 122.800 122AOO WBATHBB AtOB/AlWOS ..IVlB- l-WWWfrBRIEF NO T». horn YES NO LOtMnn NO Paw NO Wnlne NO rtLLC PlotCBunkyAkpB 61344M001 NO TBd YES 100U. ALL/ALUD800.1730 Rnrich -riMHtvSrr 2019 Airport Umctoiy 13 Awlrionand Spwpoito onk» C^\^^>r^^ Zephyrhilts/Pasco Zephyrhills Municipal Airpoi-t CKyof 2PH NrtiuiRCoto M-ISjBMN 394SOSouth AwniN aawaesw ZBphvrtlUtiR.33642 80ft Phoiw 813.7W0030 B1».78«M)032 .I '!) nootoman jE^>hyrWllfcfl.u» HI Chut winuaepliyihllls-altpwtaom L» rt L^ID, 24F va WH9 Awh 4,aMfi loon HIRL REl/REIL P4L/P4L 06B3 Awh 4,8BBft icon MIW. P4L/P4L SNAIiport FadBy Dtmotory immriu and eumnt NOTOMS. Ptnchuttjumplnn. BBalwtfarrty dhtagalrcmft dwBending born 13^00n andantNtio opporta pNwn tor Ri^ 01/1BE d dipnrt. GWwapmtlnraomSR<8. GCO waltobtowlth on 136W6.Exhtod pdortD 18S8. cmr BND CLNC CON CON on. 123W5 123.076 110.800 135W5 119^00 WEATHER Asoa/OTioo l-UXWMXflWEF 11R.97B 813.78MW31 YES Tatopheni YES BwAtBB YES tmMn _ YES PUWfNairt YES Un YEB a»WrtdbMuiddp-Wipcrt BIS-nMOM Rmrr ; YE8 Ttal VE8 100U- MM* ALUALU0800-1800 FtofU* pniteflan 2019Airport DhiBctory 129 AvtaUonand Spw^orti Ofllcn 4, NarthPart nm Rueu*ttalton 14Hallpcrt PmlUB UyRn* Wrtfln HNIport »»Hh North HullHMfleltUh Rw«ucu»£MS Rt»R»ia»EM8 LmrEntaiBNnant «U 2r0.
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