Eleventh Series, Vol. \ II. No. 13 M ond a y, December 9, 1996 A g rah aya n a 18, 1918 (Siikjt LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) T hird Session (Eleventh I.ok Sabha) (Vol. VII contains Nos. I I to 20) LOK SABHA SECRETARlAl NEW D ELH I Price Rs 50.00 EDITORIAL BOARD Shri S. Gopalan Secretary-General Lok Sabha Shri Surendra Mishra Additional Secretary Lok Sabha Secretariat Shrimati Reva Nayyar Joint Secretary Lok Sabha Secretariat Shri PC. Bhatt Chief Editor Lok Sabha Secretariat Shri A.P. Chakravarti Senior Editor Shrimati Kamla Sharma Shri P.K. Sharma Editor Editor Shri P.L. Bamrara Shri J.B.S. Rawat Shrimati Lalita Arora Assistant Editor Assistant Editor Assistant Editor [O riginal English proceedings included in English Version and O riginal Hindi proceedings included in H in d V >N W ILL BE TREATED A# AU mO H IT A f IVI AND NOT T iff IK ANSI AVION THEREOF] CORRIGENDA TO LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Monday ,Deoent>er 9,1996/Agrahana 1 8/1 9 1(Saka) 8 **** C o l.L in e For Read 76/25 62.00 62.98 76/27 130.00 190.00 83/10 2321 SHRI VIRENDRA SHRI VIRENDRA KUMAR (from below) KUMAR SINGH SINGH 113/21 SHRI BACHI SINGH SHRI BACHI SINGH RAWAT 1BACNDA’ RAWAT 'BACHDA1 155/16 Prof.R.J.KURIEN Prof.P.J.KURIEN (from below) 219/1(from below) 10.32 10.22 255/11 Promotions in TRCC Promotions in ISCC 301/25 (Krimganj) (Karimganj) CONTENTS [Eleventh Series, Vol. VII, Third Session 1996/1918 (Saka)] No. 13, Monday, December 9, 1996/Agrahayana 16, 1916 (Saka) JBJECT COLUfv'N' <AL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS •Starred Questions Nos. 241 - 244 1— 25 WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS : Starred Question Nos. 245 - 260 25—53 Unstarred Question Nos. 2289 - 2519 53—263 PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE 264—270 LEAVE OF ABSENCE FROM THE SITTINGS OF THE HOUSE 270 JOINT COMMITTEE ON THE CONSTITUTION (EIGHTY-FIRST AMENDMENT) BILL Report — Presented 271 JOINT COMMITTEE ON THE CONSTITUTION (EIGHTY-FIRST AMENDMENT) BILL Evidence — Laid 271—272 RE : LODGEMENT OF KUMARI J. JAYALALITHA, FORMER CHIEF MINISTER OF TAMIL NADU IN CENTRAL JAIL, CHENNAI 273—278 MATTERS UNDER RULE 377 304—308 (i) Need for construction of an overbridge at railway crossing near Jaunpur, U.P. on National Highway No. 56 Shri Rajkeshar Singh 304 (ii) Need for taking urgent steps for protecting the interests of sugarcane growers Shri Amar Pal Singh 304—305 (iii) Need to allocate adequate funds for repair and maintenance of railway tracks in Kerala especially in Shornur and Mangalore Sector Shri Mullappally Ramachandran 305 (iv) Need to set up Cashew Board to protect the interests of farmers and Cashew nut Workers Shri Kodikunnil Suresh 305—306 (v) Need to expedite completion of the bye-pass bridge near Varanasi in U.P. Kunwar Sarvaraj Singh 306 (vi) Need to provide financial assistance to shrimp farmers affectsd by hurricane in East Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh Dr. M. Jagannath 306—307 (vii) Need to provide financial assistance for early completion of the Teesta Barrage Project of North Bengal Shri Amar Roy Pradhan 307 (viii) Need to initiate action on setting up separate Uttaranchal State Shri Bachi Singh Rawat Bachda’ 307—308 Ths Sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. S u b jec t C o lu m n s >ELHI DEVELOPMENT (AMENDMENT) BILL 308—324 Motion to Consider Shri Jag Mohan 308— 313 Shri Naval Kishore Rai 313— 316 Shri Jai Prakash Agarwal 316— 321 Dr Asim Bala 321— 324 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA undertaken at village level during 1995-96 to create a sense of awareness among (rural masses; Monday, December 9, 1996/Agrahayana 18, 1918 (Saka) (b) the expenditure incurred oft the family planning programmes in each Stat# during 1995-96; (The Lok Sabha met at Fourteen of the Clock) and [M r . S p e a k e r in the Chair] (c) the progress made i p bringing down the birth rate during the said period? [English] [English] SHRI JASWANT SINGH (Chittorgarh) : Mr. Speaker, Sir. will there be a Question Hour today? THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF MR. SPEAKER : Yes. PLANNING AND PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION AND [Translation] MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY QF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (SHRI YOGINDER K. ALAGH) (a) KUMARI UMA BHARTI (Khajuraho) : What is your decision in regard to my proposal?.. .(Interruptions) Immunisation of infants, provision oNmother and child health care, postpartum services, training of medical MR SPEAKER : We shall see it in zero hour. and para medical staff, services for family planning ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS methods and information, education and communication are the main schemes of Department of Family Family Planning Programmes Welfare. (b) A statement indicating State-wise release of ‘241. SHRI RAJENDRA AGNIHOTRI : Will the funds is laid on the table of the Sabha Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state : (c) Birth Rate has declined from 41.7 (1951-61) to (a) the details of family planning programmes 28.3 according to S.R.S. 1995 (provisional). STATEMENT No. States/UTs Funds made Funds made Total available available to (Rs.,in lakhs) to States State Govts, through State under Central Govt. Budget provision 1 2 3 4 5. 1. Andhra Pradesh 13117.18 532.33 13649.51 2 Assam 4007.94 112.85 4120.79 3. Bihar 11898.21 430.43 12328.64 4. Gujarat 5535.01 847.99 6383.00 5. Haryana 3084.78, 285.43 3370.21 6. Himachal Pradeslj 1963.62 101.19 2064.81 7. J & K 1499.26 75.58 1574.84. 8. Karnataka 7556.71 328.75 7885.46 9. Kerala 3465.11 223.12 3688.23 10. Madhya Pradesh 10118.63 1669.11 11787.74 11. Maharashtra 12710.23 959.36 13669.59 12. Manipur 723.83 46.36 770.19 13. Meghalaya 385.58 2B 73 412.31 14. Nagaland 336.79 33.54 370.33 15. Orissa 4364.97 4^1.87 4786 84 * 16. Punjab 2989.22 531.15 3520.37 1 2 3 4 5 17. Rajasthan 9412.13 531.98 9944.11 18. Sikkim 451.90 17.12 469.02 19. Tamil Nadu 11533.23 545.40 12078.63 20. Tripura 721.16 31.36 752.52 21. Uttar Pradesh 21116.27 3761.77* 24878.04 22. West Bengal 8188.18 339.52 8527.70 23. Arunachal Pradesh 250.46 59.07 309.53 24. Goa 169.12 15.94 185.06 25. Mizoram 241.81 16.08 257.89 26 Pondicherry 172.32 10.61 182.93 27. Delhi 1862.15 198.17 2060.32 28. A & N Island 77.84 8.73 86.57 29. Chandigarh 117.35 17.14 134.49 30. D & N Haveli 25.77 5.44 31.21 31. Lakshadweep 11.50 3.62 15.12 32. Daman & Diu 28.66 9.80 38.46 138136.92 12197.54 150334.46 * This includes funds provided to SIFPSA [Translation] However, since the hon. Member is referring to a SHRI RAJENDRA AGNIHOTRI : Mr Speaker, Sir, it scheme which is being implemented by a State is an important programme of the Government to create Government and is referring to a special question, I can awareness among the rural people about the family always try and check up from the State Government planning, but It is clear from the answer given by the whether such a provision is there. hon'ble Minister to my question that the Government is not worried about this. In my constituency the landless [Transiation] farmers and poor labourers were promised of land as The figures given by me show that our birth rate an incentive to adopt family planning measures and to has declined significantly. make this programme a success, but I am sure that they have not been given lease of land and they are keeping SHRI RAJENDRA AGNIHOTRI : Mr. Speaker, Sir, I at the doors of the concerned officers. They are coming have not got answer to my question. to us also but the promise has not yet been fulfilled. SHRI YOGINDER K. ALAGH : I am replying to your Whether the hon'ble Minister would like to state as to first question and your second question was that our what extent this programme is being implemented at target...(interruptions) the grassroot level or is this only on papers? Therefore, I would like to know whether the Qovernment has made SHRI RAJENDRA AGNIHOTRI : Mr. Speaker. Sir, I an inquiry about the implementation of this programme; have clearly asked the hon’ble Minister that the incentive if so what is the report In this regard and if not, whether of giving lease of 4 acre land to the poor in my a time bound programme about conducting an inquiry constituency who adopt family planning has not been wiH be declared? implemented. I would like to know whether you will SHRI YOdlNDER K. ALAQH : Mr. Speaker, Sir, who inquire into the fact and if so, what are the other has made a promise of giving land under the Family programmes to be implemented? Please give details of Planning Programmes? ft la only a scheme in U.P. which your time-bound programme in this regard. is being implemented by the State Qovernment with SHRI YOGINDER K. ALAGH : I am repeating my international aasistance. answer. This scheme is being implemented in U P. at (EngHah] regional level and normally there is no scheme to give land on lease under Family Planning Programme.
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