www.visionmonday.com OCTOBER 20, 2008 VOL. 22 NO. 12 $15M ECCA Names Essilor finalizes Introducing Eisen COO, acquisition of Gebhardt, CMO Satisloh page 8 page 8 www.NouveauEyewear.com 800.292.4342 www.visionmonday.com OCTOBER 20, 2008 VOL. 22 NO. 12 $15 MondayThe Newsmagazine for the Eye Care Industry EXPO WRAPUP Expo West Attendees Eyecare’s Role In Get Down to Business ‘WELLNESS’ Managed Vision’s Big Opportunity Despite unsettling economic news, Current economy challenges managed optical retailers and ECPs seized the day at Expo and got back to the basics: vision assumptions, execs tell VM buying and selling. Hear what attend- ees thought and get a feel for the mood on the show floor, in the rede- signed Galleria and up in The Suites. page 24 EXAM LANES OAA Leaders Stress Optician’s Role in Eyecare Opticians gathered for the Opticians Association of America (OAA) National Opticians convention, held in conjunc- tion with the inaugural ABO-NCLE National Education Conference. page 32 NEWS With the fl ailing U.S. economy top of mind for both ECPs and consumers, execs at man- • Labapalooza to debut at the OLA’s annual meeting page 10 aged vision care plans are keeping their fi ngers on the pulse of the economy’s impact on • The Vision Council releases acceptance and usage of vision plans for the coming year. VM’s survey of managed vision lead guidelines page 12 fi rms’ execs reveals that despite the downturn, opportunities are on the horizon for their • Lagging economy takes toll business and for the ECPs and optical retailers on their provider panels. Page 45 on laser procedures page 14 CAZAL 4143 Eastern States Eyewear 800.645.3710, Ultra/Palm Optical 800.327.5185 CAZAL 8001 CAZAL 4145 Show your true colors. available in seven personality changing hues! © 2008 Marchon Eyewear, Inc. Style: Airlock 800 Series EYEPOINTDesigned with Shamir TECHNOLOGY® EyePoint Technology® - Every point counts. Shamir progressive lenses are designed with patented EyePoint Technology®, simulating the human eye at every angle of vision. Unwanted distortion disappears like so many campaign promises. When every point counts, trust the folks who ReCreate Perfect Vision®. Vote early and often for Shamir. Shamir Progressive Lenses - ReCreating Perfect Vision® shamirlens.com Introducing GT2TM Short The 13mm Fashion Statement GT2 Short I]ZcZl<I'H]dgiWnO:>HH[ZVijgZhVgZbVg`VWanadl&(bb Djgjc^fjZegd\gZhh^kZ\ZdbZignYZa^kZghXdci^cjVaanl^YZc^c\ b^c^bjbÒii^c\]Z^\]iidVXXdbbdYViZVWgdVYgVc\Zd[ [^ZaYhd[XaZVg!cZVg"odcZk^h^dcVhi]ZaZchh^oZ^cXgZVhZh# [Vh]^dcVWaZhbVaa[gVbZdei^dch#7VhZYdcVlVgY"l^cc^c\ 6cYl^i]cZVganoZgdVhi^\bVi^hbVWdkZi]Z&-%a^cZ!<I'H]dgi O:>HHiZX]cdad\n!<I'H]dgiaZchZhegdk^YZVcZmXZei^dcVaan YZa^kZghk^gijVaanY^hidgi^dc"[gZZY^hiVcXZk^h^dcVcY\gZViZg aVg\ZgZVY^c\VgZVVcYk^gijVaanY^hidgi^dc"[gZZY^hiVcXZk^h^dc# eZg^e]ZgVak^h^dc# 7ZiiZgCZVgK^h^dc#7ZiiZg9^hiVcXZK^h^dc#Jca^`Zi]Z BdgZWVhZXjgkZh#<I'H]dgi^hWZ^c\^cigdYjXZY^cVcZmiZch^kZ Æ[jccZa^c\ÇYZh^\chd[hdbZXdbeZi^i^kZh]dgiXdgg^YdgaZchZh! hZaZXi^dcd[WVhZXjgkZh#I]^hl^YZgWVhZXjgkZhZaZXi^dcegdYjXZh <I'H]dgi[ZVijgZhXdci^cjdjhanl^YZc^c\gZVY^c\k^h^dc# WZiiZgdei^XhVcYbdgZXdhbZi^XVaan"VeeZVa^c\aZchZh#>iVahdgZhjaih ^cVcdei^bVaanY^k^YZYegZhXg^ei^dcgVc\Z!\jVgVciZZ^c\i]ZWZhi dei^XVaeZg[dgbVcXZ[dgZVX]eVi^ZciÉhegZhXg^ei^dc# <I'H]dgi^hVkV^aVWaZl^i]O:>HHVci^"gZÓZXi^kZXdVi^c\hi]ViZmXZa ^cYjgVW^a^in!XaVg^inVcYZVhZd[XaZVc^c\#IdaZVgcbdgZ!XVaandjg 8VgaOZ^hhK^h^dchVaZhgZegZhZciVi^kZdgVji]dg^oZYY^hig^WjidgidYVn# 8VgaOZ^hhK^h^dcÅAZVYZg^cAZchZh!8dVi^c\h!AVWh:fj^ebZci 8VgaOZ^hhK^h^dc JH6&"-%%"(*-"-'*- lll#k^h^dc#oZ^hh#Xdb '%%-8VgaOZ^hhK^h^dc>ciZgcVi^dcVa<bW=#<I'^hVigVYZbVg`d[8VgaOZ^hhK^h^dc>ciZgcVi^dcVa<bW=# 13mm People’s Choice. FreedomID progressive Transitions® 7x28 Trifocal Transitions® Aris D-28 Transitions® Aris RD24 Transitions® Aris SFSV Transitions® Aris™ Trivex® lenses offer the most extensive line of Trivex® in the industry. All of the common lens options as well as some uncommon ones. That’s what makes Aris the most extensive Trivex line in the industry. Add to this the healthy site performance of Transitions, and you’ll see for yourself why Aris stands out in the crowd. 1-800-747-9235 www.x-celoptical.com Freedom ID and Aris are trademarks of X-Cel Optical company. Trivex is a trademark of PPG Industries Transitions and the swirl are registered trademarks and Healthy sight in every light is a trademark of Transitions Optical, Inc. ©2008 Transitions Optical, Inc. Photochromic performance is inuenced by temperature, UV exposure, and lens material. www.visionmonday.com THIS MONTH IN VM VISION MONDAY/OCTOBER 20, 2008 5 EDITOR’S NOTE IN THIS ISSUE Health, Wealth and a Dose of ‘Stealth’ News Alex Incera appointed president of The financial, credit the very top of the trees and at the micro-level Gerber Coburn . 10 and stock market gyra- at your dispensary, store or professional office. VisionWeb, First Insight to expand tions of early October The conventional wisdom says that more connectivity to more labs . 12 were unprecedented, affluent consumers are less affected by economic Intercast opens U.S. sales office . 14 so it was encouraging troubles than the middle-class. But a recent A&A Optical extends Pez license . 18 to see and hear about a Unity market survey of ‘luxury’ consumers, Services held for sales rep Lohmann 10 of Hydrogel Vision . 19 healthy degree of buy- among the top 20 percent of U.S. households in VSP practice solutions division hosts ing going on between annual income, was conducted since the bailout ECP discussion group . .20 Marge Axelrad retailers, ECPs and and the historic stock market decline of Oct. 3. It Expo Wrap Up . 24 Editorial Director suppliers at Expo West. showed the majority of affluents are shopping Exam Lanes It has also been daunting since that time to more strategically by making lists, comparison Chain ODs hear predictions on watch and read as the leaders of the Western and shopping and doing their research before ventur- economy . 34 non-Western world grapple with legislators and ing into the stores. The survey showed total Scene and Heard 24 business leaders about the implications of the spending remained flat in the third quarter com- Transitions Craig and Knicks Frazier situation on our economy for a time to come, pared to the second, but luxury consumers spent honored by Helen Keller Services for the Blind . 36 even as we await the results of the election. more selectively and more carefully. EyeRock benefit concert makes its In an atmosphere like this – and, let’s face it, A friend of mine in the market calls a related Vegas debut . 38 there has never really been one just-like-this – cau- trend, “Stealth Wealth,” where screaming logos Retail Dispensary tion does prevail. That caution comes with a caveat and lots of bling might move to more subtle Launches – to not be too conservative, or to back so far away styling and investment in finer things.The Oliver Goldsmith intros Hoffmann 38 from moving forward that you lose ground with point is, all your customers and patients are Buffalo Horn . 52 clients, consumers or your associates. likely to be more discriminating; so be ready to PixelOptics launches ‘enhanced’ QQ multifocal . 58 It’s also wise to view the consumer both from help them make the best choices. Second Looks OSI presents Blinde styles . 52 What’s Online — Only @ VisionMonday.com Jalapenos unveils new eyewear for him and her . 54 Departments 52 > In Their Own Words > Bold Face > Money Matters P.O.P Stars . 54 Contact Lenses . 58 Following TV stars Inside the Lab his re- helped kick Expansion plans underway for Optic turn from off the new Blue . 64 China, Eyes by VSP Business Essentials Mike campaign Tips to avoid FLSA lawsuits . 66 Hundert, at last Opinion 52 presi- month’s During challenging econom- Battling a recession, customer by customer . .68 dent and Emmy’s. TV ic times, your practice must In Their Own Words CEO, REM Eyewear, shares ‘Hero’ Hayden Panetierre, pic- stay attuned to the market- Doing business in a changing country 68 some unique insights tured above, is among those place and devise a growth Balance Sheet about the challenges of celebrities supporting the strategy. Discover how to Signature Eyewear reports sales doing business in a rapidly eyewear donation program’s stay competitive, while still increase . 70 58 changing country. cause. providing top-notch care. ® Perfect Recycle AR Coated Lenses Into SM Vision Sunglasses In 10 Minutes Or Less! STRIP& ™ 1 2 3 4 5 6 Load lenses into Immerse lenses into Rinse well with cold water. Immerse lenses into Immerse lenses into Rinse lenses in the plastic lens holder the solution for Repeat the previous step BPI® Lens Prep II™ BPI® tints BPI® Lens Prep II™ provided with the kit. only thirty seconds. if any AR coating remains. for one minute. for seven minutes. for one minute. BPI® SIX-STEP, EASY TO USE RECYCLING SYSTEM REMOVES ANTI-REFLECTION COATINGS AND ALLOWS LENSES TO BE TINTED IN ONLY A FEW MINUTES! ® The BPI® AR Dry™ kit contains: Safety gloves BPI and goggles. Plastic tank with integral lens AR Dry Kit™ holder. Operational and safety instructions. One pack of BPI® AR Dry™. One pack of AR Dry™ will $89 remove AR and hard coating from 50 pairs of SPECIAL lenses. The solution will stay active for 6 months BPI® or more. This is a quick and easy way to remove AR Dry Kit™ damaged and scratched coatings from plastic and safety lenses. The safety and usage instructions must instructions be read and understood before the AR Dry™ is BPI® AR Dry Kit™ is to be used by trained and qualified mixed or used.
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