Nova Southeastern University NSUWorks Nova News NSU Early Publications 10-1-1980 Nova News, October 1980 Nova University Follow this and additional works at: https://nsuworks.nova.edu/nsudigital_novanews NSUWorks Citation Nova University, "Nova News, October 1980" (1980). Nova News. 75. https://nsuworks.nova.edu/nsudigital_novanews/75 This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the NSU Early Publications at NSUWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Nova News by an authorized administrator of NSUWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Celebrating!) Years As A Lrader In Higher Education. om s Novo University Ottober, 19HO In Memoriam Nova Joins In Memoriam FRANCIS ABRAHAM McCAHILL Educational Consortium For the first time in South Florida's history, will address itself to," he said. "The Con­ the presidents of seven area colleges and uni­ sortium itself is a unique marriage of efforts. If versities met to discuss ways they could make we can find ways to operate with increased the operation of their respecti ve institutions economy and efficiency then we will have more cost-effective, and, through cooperative served our purpose." planning, to better serve the higher educa­ Dr. Richard Konkel , Executive Director of tional needs of the people of South Florida. SFEC, outlined five priorities which the Con­ The occasion was a luncheon meeting of sortium will explore in coming months. The first is to find ways to improve cost-effectivc­ ~. the South Florida Educational Consortium II whose members now include Nova Univer· ness through joint bidding. cooperative pur­ iii..."....·· w . -.- sity, Broward Community College, Florida At­ chasing, and/or coordination of public infor­ lantic University, Florida International Uni­ mation services; the second is to work on a re­ versity. Miami-Dade Community College, gional master plan Ihal complements lhe Florida International University, and the Uni­ state's efforts in that directi{)n; the third is to versity of Miami. work with community ~roups and agencies in l' an effort lO develop ac tion plans to help under­ Dr. Hugh Adams, president of BCC and privileged groups in the communlly; the this year's president of the Consortium, fourth is to work to enhance the quality of emphasized that each member institution will education in South Florida, possihly throu,gh retain its autonomy and has "agreed to joint academic programs, cross regist ration disagree" with other members whose views it and cooperative career planning and guidance: does not share. " But there are some areas and finally, the Consortium will explore ways in which cooperation will benefit all of us. and to increase student access to educational those are the kinds of things this Consortium opportunities of the widest possible variety. .!P<iJ:li u·£] ~ Nova University was nne of Abnihalll hancas McCahill was a Charter Mailman's principal charities. The visible Member of Gold Key, a university support evidence of his generosity can been seen in group made up of civic and community the two buildings named in his honor - leaders, and a generous benefactor of the the Mailman-Hollywood Building and the university. He served as a financial advisor soon-to-be·huilt Mailman Family C~nler­ to President Abraham S. Fischler, and was the biofeedback lahorawry and thc In­ one of Nova's leading sl!pporters in the stitutc hlr Child Centl'red Education. Fort Lauderdale community. Mr. Mailman was a Chartl'r Memlx'r 01 His wife, Mary R. McCahill, is the Gold Key. an Honor<lry Trllstl"e of the current chairperson of the Nova' University university Irom it!'. inception. and thc Board of Trustees. rl.. '(·in il."nt nf .tn hunot"""V dt·~rcl..' It's Ready 'Finest Law .• Are You Ready: A Survival Manual For Women Returning To School. hy Dr. Course' Begins Anna Burke, has just been puhlished and is A pride of Presidenls - Ilefllo righl) Henry King Sianford, Uni,ersily of Miami, Gregory Baker Wold, Florida now on $ale at D.,)ok stores throughuut th ... A new law course titled "Trial Tactics and International University; Kenneth A. Michels, Florida Atlantic University Vice· President; A. Hugh Adams, BrowaJd country. Stralegy" which begins January 19, 1980, is Communily College; Roberl H. McCabe, Miami·Dade Communily College; and Abraham S. Fischler, No .. Locally. the hook is availahk' at the being called by its originator "The finest law University. Corner Book Exchangc on Davie Ruad. course taught anywhere, any time, in the history of the world." The course, which covers every aspect of a Early Childhood Conference Set trial from initial client interviews to final argu­ , A full schedule of activities has ocen Q • ments and jury instructions, will be taught by "To be and to become are the gifts young ;: w : ~ Stanley E. Preiser, Esq., of Charleston, W. planned. Among the featured speakers are Dr. ~ w 0 10 g children bear. How children change, who they :; I- « .... Virginia, one of the nation's most dynamic­ (Continued on Page 3) ..:; 0( ... 0 0 .... will become, what they are, how they interact cr a: '" _ z ...J and successful- trial law yers. with others and the world in which they live ~ ~ R ' ~ t: ~ In order to give his students an even deeper provide aU of us with an insurance policy for Early Child Care ~ j vi l ~ ~ lDj ffi ~ understanding of the trial process, Mr. Preiser the future.' I ~ Il. t has invited some of the most prominent trial So wri tes Dr. Joan Gelormino and her col­ Plans Open House lawyers of our time to guest· lecture every league, Dr. Judith laVorgna, in their invitation to The Ed.D. Program in Early Childhood and Monday of the term. all teachers, parents and all others who are in­ the Mast(!r·~ Pro,gram 10 Child Care Admini~ Among the guest lecturers are: Melvin Belli, terested in the educating of young children. to tration arc sponsorin,g a joinl Optn Hous(' F. lH lUiley, H,,~ld Price Flhrin,,,, and Hlrr} M. attend the 25th annual FACUS (Florida Asso­ during the FACUS (Florida Association for Philo. ciation on Children Under Six) conference, Children Under Six) Cunf(:r<.'ncl· at the For further information, call Dean Ovid lewis which they are chairing. Diplomat Hotd in Hollywood. ProsfX'ctiv(' ~ al522-2300. The conference will be at the Diplomat Hotel. students, current participants and graduate!'. 01 "< Hollywood, Oct. 16-18. .... these Nova programs an: invitl'd to aHt.'nd . X til The Open House will he held Friday. October .,r CLE To Hold Medical, 17 . 1980, from 5-7 p.m., at the "Nova" ..:I..ol XO> Suite, Diplomat Hotel. HoUywooJ . Florida. u ..... Construction Seminars MS/CJ Classes For further information, call Dr. Polly Ebbs at Jl Z 475-7439. :...... = A •• Medical-Legal Seminar" which will ex­ <t plore such provocative topics as Personal In­ Starting Jl• Sl0> ....'" jury, Wrongful Death, and Medical Negli­ A new on-campus cluster for the Master of 'Nova' To Be Z .., gence, will take place Oct. 9 and 1 0 at Hotel Science in Criminal Justice begins Nov. 14. :L ..., Pier 66, Fort Lauderdale. The seminar is one • « ,.., Continuing on-campus students in the MSCJ At Boat Show x<-< of a continuing series on various professions as program, and on- and off·campus students in ~ «20..:1 they interface with the law, sponsored by rhe MBA/HRM/MPA programs, begin Ihei"r "The Nova". a 46 foot sport fi sherman ~ X :.aJ ~ Nova's Division of Continuing Legal Educa­ classes Oct. 3 and Oct. 10. which was donated to the University, will be 0:>0 9 <:: ..... ...J tion. Records for the continuing MBA/HRM/­ on display at the Fort Lauderdale International ~ til .... Among the featured speakers are: Dr. Harry MPA students have been moved to the Mail­ Boat Show at Bahia Mar, Nov. 6-10. Inter­ O W O> a::OC4 Rein, adjunct professor of Medicine at the Uni­ man-Hollywood Building, Room 211. Call ested parties may view the boat at dock E-235. j ~w versity of Florida Medical School; Henry B. 475-7495 for further information. Boats and yachts 'of every class are frequent­ o l",o..D Rothblatt, noted criminal lawyer and co-author, Records for continuing MAPS students are ly . donated to Nova by businesses and in­ ~ with F. Lee Bailey, of many important articles dividual owners. For further information ~ still in the Mailman-Hollywood Building, ~ and reports; Christian D. Searcy, member of the Room 211. Call 475-7495 for further in­ about Nova's yacht donation program. call 1) Continuing Legal Education Committee of the Bud Huch al 475-7420. _ ~w Florida Bar Association; and Sheldon Schles­ formation. ,.,' Records for continuing MS/C] students are Me. Huch is also the coordinator of Gold '(;j ~ inger I attorney. ~ w housed in the Registrar's office - Parker Key, a university suppon group, which meets The next seminar sponsored by Nova's ~ ~ Building. Call 475-7414 for further informa­ once a month at Le Club International. The ·c l'J CLE Division is titled "Government Con­ first meeting of the 1980·8 1 season will be ::J w tion. ~ struction Contract Law", and takes place Tuesday, Oct. 14. The guest speaker is Dr. Nov. 13 and 14 at the Sheraton Yankee For information on any of the masters level Charles Finkl, Jr., Director of Nova 's Institute of ~ 3 Trader Hotel. Fort Lauderdale. programs offered by the Center for the Study Coastal Studies. For funher information about ~ of Administration, call Pat jagiel at g For further information, call Roland Graff at Gold Key, contact Mr. Huch. "Z ~ 522-2300. 475-7305. PAGE 2 Goldberg Greets Press, .
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