KARNATAKA STATE BEVERAGES CORPORATION LTD General – FA1 Sl. Subject File No. No. 1 MSIL – TAKING OVER OF ASSETS FA1 – 001 2 ACCOUNTING SYSTEM OF THE CORPORATION FA1 – 002 3 FUNDS REQUIREMENT FROM GOK FA1 – 003 4 FINANCIAL REPORTING TO THE BOARD FA1 – 004 5 CORPORATE TAX FA1 – 005 6 PREVILEGE FEE FA1 – 006 7 RELEASE OF AMOUNT TO EXCISE DEPT. FA1 – 007 8 LOAN FROM GOK FA1 – 008 9 AUTHORISED AND PAID UP CAPITAL FA1 – 009 10 FUNDS FLOW FA1 – 010 11 REWARD SYSTEM FOR ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES FA1 – 011 12 BANKING ARRANGEMENTS FA1 – 012 13 LOAN – UTI BANK FA1 – 013 14 LOAN – VIJAYA BANK FA1 – 014 15 LOAN – ING VYSYA BANK FA1 – 015 16 LOAN – CORPORATION BANK FA1 – 016 17 LOAN – SBI FA1 – 017 18 OPERATIONS – UTI BANK FA1 – 018 19 OPERATIONS – ING VYSYA BANK FA1 – 019 20 OPERATIONS – CORPORATION BANK FA1 – 020 21 OPERATIONS - CANARA BANK FA1 – 021 22 CMS – SBI MUTUAL FUND FA1 – 022 23 APPOINTMENT OF STATUTORY ADUITORS FA1 – 023 24 CORRSPONDENCE WITH DEPOTES FA1 – 024 25 CORRSPONDENCE - GENERAL FA1 – 025 26 APPOINTMENT OF TAX AUDITOR FA1 – 026 27 BANK - RECONCILATION - IML FA1 – 027 28 TALY SOFTWARE – A/CG PACKAG, MODIFICATIONS FA1 – 028 29 PAYMENT APPROVAL – DISTILLERIES & BREWARIES ( IML / Beer ) FA1 – 029 30 PAYMENT APPROVAL –( RS / ENA ) FA1 – 030 31 DEMURRAGE FA1 – 031 32 COMMERCIAL TAXES FA1 – 032 33 TAX COLLECTION AT SOURCE (TCS) FA1 – 033 34 TCS REMITTANCE FA1 – 034 35 T A BILLS claims ( Approval for payment bills ) FA1 – 035 36 TDS – RETURNS FA1 – 036 37 Specimen signature of officers of designated banks. FA1 – 037 38 Petty cash to depots – IML FA1 – 038 39 Correspondence with Bank FA1 – 039 40 Banking Arrangements FA1 – 040 41 Closure of Wholesalers A/c FA1 – 041 42 Out sourcing of depot operation-Spirit FA1 – 042 43 Operation- UTI –Spirit FA1 – 043 44 Operations- ING Vysya Bank-Spirit FA1 – 044 45 Operations- Corporation Bank - Spirit FA1 – 045 46 Review of expenses FA1 – 046 47 Funds Flow – Spirit FA1 – 047 48 Operations- Canara Bank - Spirit FA1 – 048 49 Out Sourcing – IML Payment Audit FA1 – 049 50 Factoring of Receivables – Sicom Ltd, FA1 – 050 51 Reconciliation of Payments – Spirit FA1 – 051 52 General Correspondence - Sprit FA1 - 052 53 Operations ICICI-IML (MA) FA1 - 053 54 Pricing of Sprit – General FA1 – 054 55 Authorization to Banking operations FA1 - 055 56 Service Tax FA1 - 056 57 Banking Operation – IDBI (Sprit) FA1-057 58 Bank Reconciliation - Sprit FA1-058 59 Publication of Annual Report – 2003-2004 FA1-059 60 Payment to Security Escorts - RS FA1-060 61 Auction of confiscated liquor FA1-061 62 Out sourcing - IML Price Audit FA1-062 63 ‘C’ Form Follow up – Sprit FA1-063 64 MSIL Dues of Whole Sale dealers FA1-064 65 Propriety Audit (2003-04 & 2004-05) FA1-065 66 Fringe Benefit Tax FA1-066 67 Refund of Credit Balance to Wholesalers FA1-067 68 C & AG Report FA1-068 69 Tax Audit (2003-2004 & 2004-05) FA1-069 70 Out Sourcing of Finance & Accounting Services - M/s GRSM FA1-070 Associates 71 Expenditure Budget FA1-071 72 T D S Remittances FA1-072 73 Petty Cash to R S Depots FA1-073 74 Migration of Date FA1-074 75 Payment Verification I M L FA1-075 76 Payment Verification R S FA1-076 77 Operations syndicate Bank FA1-077 78 Operations – SBM FA1-078 79 Rectification of Acg. Entries- RS FA1-079 80 Corporate Credit Card FA1-080 81 Depot Accounts Inspection FA1-081 82 Remittance of differential duty / Statutory dues to Govt. FA1-082 83 ICICI Short term loan of Rs.20 cr. FA1-083 84 Dividend paid to Government of Karnataka FA1-084 85 Funding ED/AED Trade Advance FA1-085 86 Contribution to Chief Minister’s relief fund & donations to FA1-086 Govt. Organizations exemptions under 82[G] 87 Excise Duty / Additional Excise Duty Advance [credit FA1-087 insurance scheme] 88 Information to Finance commission FA1-088 89 CESS on construction work FA1-089 90 EFT Incentive to Depot Managers FA1-090 91 Proceedings of Investment Committee FA1-091 KARNATAKA STATE BEVERAGES CORPORATION LIMITED Policies – FA 2 Sl. Subject File No. No. 1 Business Planning & Initial Order Quantity FA2-001 2 Sourcing Policy – IML FA2-002 3 Sales policy - IML FA2-003 4 Tax and other Policies FA2-004 5 Implementation of Karnataka Excise (35ºUP IML Sales) Rules 2003 FA2-005 6 Introduction of Low Alcoholic Beverages FA2-006 7 3rd part audit of Distilleries & Breweries FA2-007 8 Sourcing policy - spirit FA2-008 9 Sales policy - spirit FA2-009 10 Model Excise policy- Act/Rules for a Alcohol Beverages FA2-010 11 Investment in wind farm FA2-011 12 Direct remittance Refunds, short credits & noncredits FA2-012 KARNATAKA STATE BEVERAGES CORPORATION LTD Price List - FA 3 Sl. Name of the Distilleries File No. No. 0001 - 0100 WITH IN THE STATE - IML/WINE/FENNY FA 3 - 001 1 Khoday RCA Industries FA 3 - 002 2 Khoday Breweries Ltd.,(Distillery Division) FA 3 - 003 3 Khoday India Ltd FA 3 - 004 4 Karnataka Breweries & Distilleries Pvt Ltd, FA 3 - 005 5 Amrut Distilleries Limited FA 3 - 006 6 Vorion distilleries Inc FA 3 - 007 7 Bangalore Grape Winery Pvt Ltd FA 3 - 008 8 Tracstar Investments Pvt. Ltd., FA 3 - 009 9 United Spirits Ltd (Formerly-Mc Dowell & Co., Ltd.) FA 3 - 010 10 Sarvada Distilleries FA 3 - 011 11 Appollo Alchobev (P) Ltd FA 3 - 012 12 Yezdi Distilleries FA 3 - 013 13 United Spirits Ltd( Formerly-Pampasar Distillery) FA 3 - 014 14 Kalburgi Distilleries Pvt Ltd FA 3 - 015 15 S P R Group Holdings Pvt Ltd FA 3 - 016 16 The Ugar Sugar Works Ltd FA 3 - 005 17 Amrut Distilleries Limited F A 3 -211 18 The Mysore Sugar Company Limited (0044) F A 3 -209 19 Adarsha Winery (0046) F A 3 -198 20 Hampi Heritage Wine Yards (P) Ltd (0047) F A 3 -190 21 Wilson Distilleries Private Limited (0048) F A 3 -187 22 South India Spirits Company Pvt Ltd (0050) FA 3-184 23 Siddapur Distilleries Limited FA 3 - 017 24 Sree Balaji Enterprises FA 3-182 Tilaknagar Industries Limited(Sub-Lessee of M/s.Malt Spirits India Pvt 25 Ltd) FA 3 - 018 26 Shashi Distilleries FA 3-179 27 Vishwanath Sugars Ltd FA 3 - 019 28 Bacardi Martini India Ltd., FA 3 - 021 29 Sri Venkateswara Distilleries FA 3 - 022 30 BT & FC Pvt. Ltd., FA 3 - 023 31 JP Distilleries Pvt Ltd., FA 3 - 024 32 AJ Distilleries FA 3 - 025 33 Anugraha Distilleries Ltd FA 3 - 026 34 Chamundi Winery & Distillery FA 3 - 027 35 John Distilleries ltd., FA 3 - 028 36 Green field Distilleries FA 3 - 030 37 Somarasa Distilleries FA 3 - 031 38 Samsons Distilleries Pvt Ltd FA 3 - 033 39 Sainath Distilleries Pvt Ltd(Fenny) FA 3 - 034 40 Shakti Agro Industrial Corpn FA 3 - 035 41 Grover Vineyards Ltd., FA 3 - 004 42 KBD Sugars & Dist Ltd-(Formerly KB & D Ltd) FA 3 - 027 43 John Distilleries Ltd.,(Lesee of IB & D Ltd) FA 3 - 036 44 Sri venkateshwara Distilleries, FA 3 - 037 45 Ravindra & Company Ltd FA 3-176 46 Satish Sugars Limited FA 3-175 47 Sovereign Distilleries Limited FA 3-170 48 J.P.Distilleries Pvt Ltd(Lessee of India Brewery & Distillery Ltd) FA 3-165 49 S.L.N.Distilleries Pvt Ltd FA 3-162 50 Malt Spirits India Private Limited FA 3 -161 51 Single Malt Spirits India Pvt Ltd FA 3 - 033 52 Sainath Distilleries Pvt Ltd(IML) FA 3 -160 53 Pernod Ricard India (P) Limited(Lesees of Universal Bottler Pvt Ltd) FA 3 - 038 54 Gemini Distilleries Pvt Ltd FA 3 - 103 55 Wilson Distilleries Pvt Ltd FA 3 -153 56 Naka Spurt Pvt Ltd(Lessee of Hampi Heritage V Pvt Ltd) FA 3 - 032 57 Netravti Distilleries Pvt Ltd., FA 3 - 114 58 Heritage Grape Winery Pvt Ltd., FA 3 -122 59 Shashi Distilleries Pvt.Ltd. 0101 - 0200 WITH IN THE INDIA - IML/WINE/FENNY 1 Naveen Distillery FA 3 - 039 2 United Spirits Ltd (Formerly-Mc Dowell & Co. Ltd.), FA 3 - 040 3 Blue Water Alco Bev Pvt. Ltd. (0105) F A 3 -212 4 Vinbros & Co., FA 3 - 044 5 Tilaknagar Industries Ltd FA 3 - 045 6 Baramathi Grape Industries Ltd., FA 3 - 046 7 Radico Khaitan Ltd. (0121) F A 3 -215 8 Four Seasons Wines Limited (0122) F A 3 -199 9 Jubilant Organosys Ltd (0123) F A 3 -202 10 Pernod Ricard India (P) Ltd (0124)(Lessee of Rajasthan Pvt Ltd) F A 3 -189 11 Allied Blenders and Distillers Pvt Ltd (0125) F A 3 -191 12 Seagram Manufacturing Pvt. Ltd., FA 3 - 048 13 Impala Distillery & Brewery Ltd(0128) F A 3 -143 14 United Spirits Ltd (Formerly-United Distillers India Ltd) FA 3 - 049 15 Prathamesh Wines Pvt Ltd (0130) FA 3 -178 16 Vintage Bottlers Private Limited (0131) FA 3 -181 17 Nakshatra Distillery FA 3-155 Beam Global Spirits & Wines (Formerly-Allied Domecq Spirits & 18 Wines) FA 3 - 051 19 Seagram Distilleries Pvt Ltd., FA 3 - 053 20 Samant Soma Wines Ltd., FA 3 - 054 21 John Distilleries Ltd., FA 3 - 055 22 Champagne Indage Limited FA 3 - 056 23 Associated Alcohals & Breweries Ltd., FA 3 - 057 24 Gwalior Distilleries Ltd FA 3 - 058 25 Konkana Agro Marine Industries Pvt Ltd FA 3 - 059 26 Whythall India FA 3 - 060 27 Shaiv Distilleries Pvt Ltd FA 3 - 061 28 Shaw Wallace Distilleries Ltd., FA 3 - 062 29 N.D Wines Pvt. Ltd., FA 3 - 063 30 Sankalp Winery pvt Ltd FA 3 - 064 31 Krimpi Distillery FA 3 - 104 32 V.M Agro Soft Wines FA 3 - 105 33 Seagram India Pvt limited FA 3 - 048 34 Nashik Vintners Ltd., FA 3 - 054 35 Nita Industries FA 3 - 106 36 Springfields (India) Distilleries FA 3 - 107 37 Indogrape wineries Pvt., Ltd., FA 3 - 112 38 National Industrial Corporation Ltd., FA 3 - 110 39 Kesarval Springs Distilleries Pvt.
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