The Gates of Hell Will Not Prevail Against Her By Don Esposito 1 The most amazing story of faith and courage that a true believer can only hope to find! Read about the true Congregation of Yahshua and how it survived through antiquity under such duress persecution against it by its enemies. The truth is stranger than fiction. It’s shocking and eye opening. If you are a believer, you will be cheerfully enlightened to find out that the original Congregation that Yahshua started in 30 A.D. has survived into this present time and that “the gates of hell have not been able to prevail against it.” The Truth shall make you free. (Jn 8:32) THIS BOOK IS NOT TO BE SOLD! It is written and produced in the public interest to awaken and make Christianity aware of the lies and the distortion of facts in history and doctrine of the body of believers of Yahshua the Messiah. If you would like to help produce more books for distribution, send your contribution to: Don Esposito PO BOX 832 Carteret, NJ 07008 USA Permission is granted to copy and distribute this book in part or in whole on condition that context or meaning is not altered or changed. Copyright Word of Truth Publications 2014 Printed in the United States by: Morris Publishing • 3212 East Highway 30 • Kearney, NE 68847, 1-800-650-7888 2 Author’s Note: Scriptures quoted in this book are from the Hebraic Roots Bible- A Literal Translation. It is composed of the original Hebrew and Aramaic manuscripts with a literal word- for- word translation. It is essential for getting to the truth. The original names of our Creator, Yahweh, and His Son, our Savior Yahshua, are also used throughout. The name Yahweh or YHWH is in the original Hebrew manuscripts 6,823 times. Almost every translation on earth, including the King James, takes out the Creator’s personal name and replaces it with the name Lord, a generic title that means Baal or Master. Also, our Savior’s true given Hebrew name, Yahshua, which means “Yah is salvation” is changed to a Greek hybrid of Jesus, which is a poor transliteration from the Greek IE-Zeus. The English transliteration of Yahshua would be the equivalent to Joshua. There was no letter J in any language until the 16 th century. So the Greek name “Jesus” would not be the name of our Savior. The third commandment strictly forbids taking Yahweh’s name in vain . In vain literally means to change, falsify, or make common. Taking the name Yahweh or Yahshua and changing it to Lord or Jesus is definitely going against the clear instruction of the third commandment. So we will use the original, true Hebrew names of the Father Yahweh and the Son Yahshua in this book. Since many quotes were translated from documents from ancient languages we also took the liberty to transliterate The Hebrew name for our Savior Yahshua and the Hebrew generic word for deity Elohim, instead of the corrupted fashion of God. 3 Chapter Titles: Introduction 1) The Beginning of the Early Congregation 2) Gentiles Being Grafted In 3) Disappointment That Yahshua Doesn’t Return 4) The 7 Congregations of Revelation and Their Historical Setting 5) The Ephesus Congregation 6) The Smyrna Congregation 7) The Pergamos Congregation 8) The Thyatira Congregation 9) The Waldenses Congregation 10) The Sardis Congregation 11) The Philadelphia Congregation 12) The Laodicean Congregation 13) My Personal Testimony and Summing up the History 4 Introduction: Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. We are living in a world where things are changing so quickly it is hard to keep up with all the technological advancements that are coming out on a yearly basis. However, the more frightening scenario in the world today is how mass media and the Internet are trying to change the moral perception of what the Bible tells us is Yahweh’s (the Creator) eternal code of conduct. It is also equally frightening how in the days we are living in that the media is no longer objective, non-biased journalists, but mostly are a conglomerate for their progressive, liberal New World Order backers. History is being rewritten as it was with the early Congregation, and evil murderers, such as Yasser Arafat, suddenly earn the Nobel Peace Prize. It is the same with the Roman Catholic Church. Most of our history comes from their historians, as the conquerors, however the truth is that through antiquity the Roman Catholic Church has persecuted and murdered many of the true remnant flock of Yahshua; yet today the Pope is looked at by many as the holiest man on earth. I will clearly expose the true history of this in this book. Revelation 12:9 states that ‘Satan has deceived the whole world.’ It is hard to believe that at first until you start to actually study the Bible and see that the laws and moral absolutes that Father Yahweh set down at Creation and reaffirmed to the nation of Israel, and then, confirmed again by our Savior Yahshua H’Mashiach have been altered, manipulated and even outright abrogated in some cases and 5 a new religion has surfaced that is hard to even find a comparison with the early Congregation that Yahshua started at Shavuot in 30 A.D. The reason for that is because the church that is masquerading today as Christianity in its many forms is not the true Congregation that our Savior Yahshua started in 30 A.D., but is a forgery that was actually started with Simon Magus and then, codified with the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great in 313 A.D. I clearly outline how this great falling away has taken place in my book entitled “ The Great Falling Away”, and it can be acquired by writing to the address in the back of this book and requesting a copy. If someone truly wants to come into covenant relationship with Yahweh our Heavenly Father and Yahshua His begotten Son, then, he must ask himself whether he wants to join the Congregation that Yahshua started almost 2,000 years ago, or does he want to join the counterfeit Christianity started by Constantine, which is the Christianity mostly around today. What I plan on doing in this book is giving a comprehensive outline and history of the early true Congregation of Yahweh that Yahshua started in 30 A.D. Actually, I even want to begin about 200 years before the Common Era and examine the circumstances that were created for the need of a Messiah to appear and also the circumstances surrounding the start of that first, early Congregation in Jerusalem in 30 A.D. I also, then, want to show the cultural and historical progression through history of this true body of believers and give clear, concise evidence as to their belief system, faith, and location throughout antiquity. I will also show and 6 parallel the Universal Roman Church that Constantine started so that the true, truth seeker out there today can separate the true Congregation started by Yahshua which still exists today, compared to the false, corporate, controlling church of Constantine and also her Protestant sisters. If you are someone who loves the truth you will be absolutely, joyfully amazed to see that the true Congregation that our Savior Yahshua started in 30 A.D. did indeed keep the 7 th day Sabbath, as well as the other commandments, and statutes of the Torah, as well as the Holy Days of Leviticus 23 along with the biblical Passover on the 14 th day of the first biblical month of Aviv. You will also be happily amazed to see that this tiny congregation that was so persecuted for so many years never gave up, never quit nor acquiesced with the Universal (Catholic) Church, but fought tooth and nail to stay separate from the world and to keep themselves holy and sanctified. The true history of Yahshua’s true Congregation is an amazing journey throughout the last 2,000 years and an amazing story of faith and courage that continues into our time today. They were never the gigantic, corporate entity that the Universal Church was, but their faith and courage helped them survive and there are still thousands of their remnant congregations around until this present day. So let us start in the beginning of their journey and go step by step in history and follow the most amazing, courageous group of individuals of the true Congregation that Yahshua our Savior started, and also prophesied that “the gates of hell would not prevail against her ” (Math 16:18). 7 Chapter 1 – The Beginning of the Early Congregation When we are looking at the history of the early, true set of believers of the early Congregation established by Yahshua Messiah our Savior Himself, our greatest source of reference and research is none other than the Brit Chadashah (New Testament) itself. As we will see in later chapters, following the true Congregation of Yahweh through the ages will take a journey through time searching through the archives of history to follow the Congregation established and sanctioned by Yahshua through antiquity. By first establishing the proper parameters and markers on how to distinguish this group, it will make our journey through history later much easier to see who is the true congregation, and who is the reprobate pagan counterfeit. The New Testament is extremely clear on how the early congregation started, what was their belief system, how they conducted their services and what was the cultural setting around the very establishment of it in 30 A.D.
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