24 - THE HERALD, Fri,, Oct. 2, 1981 Apartments (or Rent 53 Otttces-Stores (or Rent Au(os For Sa/e 61 EAST HARTFORD - 1974 GRAND TORINO Women view designs Luxury two bedroom excellent condition. Air apartments, adjacent to conditioner, power Istan ... page J3 BASEMENT STORAGE full service park, includes AREA with dirt floors. steering, power brakes, heat, hot water, First room 18Vj ft.xl5 ft.; asking $1800 or best offer. appliances, carpeting & second room 23 ft.xl514 ft. Call 643-1996 after 6:00. for workplace health parking. No pets. Aduits $30 monthly. 649-0717. Ask for- Marc. preferred. From $395. 289- Our Clossified 0000 9.30-5:30 or 289-3106 MANCHESTER - Several 1972 CHEVY IMPALA - By Patricia McCormack after 6 p.m. Industrial Locations for four door, power steering, Ad-Visors UPl Health Editor Mostly cloudy lease. ^1.10 per square ft. power brakes, steel Manchester, Conn. SIX ROOM DUPLEX for to $2.40 per square ft. 600' radials, one owner. $750. Are As Near Good fits in hardhats, windy and cool rent, no appliances. Securi­ to 9,000'. Hayes Corpora­ Telephone 643-5873’. spacesuits, safety shoes Saturday, Oct. 3, 1981 ty deposit. No pets. Call tion. 646-0131. As Your Phone ' and even offfice chairs — See page 2 after 5:00 649-6379. 1972 OLDS VISTA , m a d e a a N e w Y o rk 25, Cents CRUISER Station Wagon, MANCHESTER - Five fashion parade for working MANSFIELD CENTER - 3-seat, Ac/PS/PB, good room office suite, 1200 sq. DIAL women the other day. Mt. Hope apartments. ft., first floor, central air, running condition, ^ m e Newly renovated, country parking. 643-2121. body rust. Asking $500. 649- The latest look in protec- setting. Two bedrooms. 5715. I tive clothing and work en­ From $285 to $325, includes OFFICE SPACE FOR 643-2711 vironments (proper air, appliances and parking. RENT -heat and air- 1971 IMPALA CUSTOM - chairs and lights) free of 429-2082 or 233-9660. conditioning. Ap­ needs body work, but runs health hazards was was put proximately 16x12 ft. Call well. Excellent for parts. together by Dr. Jeanne M. MANCHESTER - One 646-6714. ask for Ed. $175. Telephone 649-8388. Stellman, head of the bedroom apartm ent in Walesa three family. All utilities ESTATE OF I. MARCELLA Women's Occupational Wanted to Pent 57 GALLASSO, Reagan has and appliances included. 1980 MERCURY BOBCAT Health Resources Center - 12,000 m iles. A M -FM deceased Available immediately. The Hon. William E. FitzGerald, at Columbia University's MANCHESTER Area - Cassette, Stereo, 4 speed. $315 per month plus securi­ Working brother and sister Judge, of the Court of Probate, School of Public Health. ty. Telephone 875-4474. Excellent condition. $4500 District of Manchester at a The show opened a looking for two bedroom or best offer. Telephone apartment. Reasonable hearing held on September 28.1981 national conference — vows to Sue, 289-9588 or 289-8336. c.dered that all claims must be rent, heat, hot water, presented to the fiduciary on or “ Working Women : appliances. Telephone 1974 DATSUN B-210. Fast- before December 28, 1981 or be Designs for Workplace 'strategy for MANCHESTER - One after 6 p.m. 228-3987. back. Michelin X tires barred as by law provided. Health." bedroom apartment, wall excellent mileage. Only Sherrie L. Anderson, The conference focused Asst. Clerk to wall, appliances, deck, PROFESSIONAL WITH 850. Telephone 649-9949. on hazards connected with pool, recreation facilities. MATURE Dog seeks «••••••••••••••••••••••• The fiduciary is; fight on use of video display ter- small, quiet apartment. $425 furnished or $390 un­ Trucks (or Sale 62 Peter M. Gallasso niinals and photocopying Parking, appliances, cable 36 Henry Street furnished. plus utilities. machines, among others, Telephone 649-4003. 649- desired. 742-6684 after 4 JEEPS, CARS, PICKUPS, Manchester, CT 06040 GDANSK, Poland (UPI) - Lech p.m. in the white collar field. deterrence' Walesa was resoundingly re-elected 1819 or 649-9345. from $35. available at local 003-10 Gov't. Auctions. For Then there were the chairman of the Solidarity union, TWO ADULTS WITH two TWO BEDROOM FLAT Directory call Surplus hazards for women toiling beating back three radical AVAILABLE - with children desperately need Data Center. 415-330-7800. in mines, training to be bined explosive force of 3.5 million three bedroom apartment By Helen Thomas challengers and vowing to "continue 2 appliances. No pets. $350 •••••••••••••••••••••••• l*KO KATK ISOT1U-: astronauts, or working in tons of TNT. Reagan said a decision peaceful warfare " with Poland's 3 monthly, plus utilities and immediately. Telephone UPl White House Reporter Motorcycles-Blcycles 64 heavy industry. Obvious will be made by 1984. Communist authorities. security. Telephone 649- 643-9606. ESTATE OF EARL G FERRIN, hazards. WASHINGTON — Announcing the Options include guarding them "W e are able to outmaneuve'r the 9455. 1979 CM-400 T, Excellent deceased Stellman said, however, with anti-ballistic missiles, burying Mlsc. lor Rent SB The Hon\ William E. FitzGerald, most comprehensive upgrading of strongest arm y,” said a jubilant condition, asking $1100. in traditional women’s them in deep underground shelters NEW DELUXE DUPLEX Judge, of the Court of Probate, U.S; defenses since the Cold War, Walesa, who had threatened to 8900 miles. Call 528-6849. f i e l d s — c l e r i c a l , or keeping them in continuous flight in Manchester. Three 118 MAIN STREET - District of Manchester at a President Reagan proposed Friday resign if he were defeated in the Garage for Rent. $15.00. hearing held on September 22, 1981 household, nursing — often aboard patrolling aircraft. bedrooms, 1‘2 baths, full KZ400 Deluxe 1978 a $180 billion plan putting 100 M X vote to continue leading the union he 646-2426 weekdays 9-5. ordered that all claims must be face hidden hazards from, The first MX missiles will be basement, gas heat, wall to KAWASAKI, fairing, pre.sented to the fiduciary on or missiles in existing silos and has headed since its founding August wall carpeting, all kitchen among other things, building 100 B-1 bombers as a deployed in 1986 in hardened Titan II Homes-Apts. to share 59 baggage-rack, saddle bags, before December 22, 1981 or be 1980 iiv the Gdansk shipyard strike. appliances, including dis­ low mileage. $1350. 688- barred as by law provided. chemical exposure. deterrent to Soviet attack. missle silos at Davis-Monthan Air “ We shall learn democracy. We hwasher. Washer amd 6201 Ask for Andrea. Sherrie L. Anderson, From the secretary who The five-point program would Force Base in Arizona and then in shall continue peaceful warfare,” he dryer hookups. Wired for ROOMMATE WANTED - Asst. Clerk UPl photo breathes fumes from modernize the nuclear missile, other Titan silos in Arkansas, and said, in reference to still-unresolved cable. T.V., air con­ Non-smoking female, share Bolton duplex. 1974 YAM AH A TX 500 - The fiduciary is; photocopying machines to bomber and submarine force and Kansas, defense officials said. conflicts with authorities. ditioning. Located in Good condition. New rear Lois S. Ferrin Volunteer models show off some of the latest in protective clothing at Carpeted room, kitchen, the heavy equipment rebuild the command, control and Later they will replace Min- residential area on dead 93 Leland Drive Walesa, who won 462 votes out of laundry facilities, garage, tire. $595. Call 295-9123 operator who cannot find the "Working Women —Designs for Workplace Health" national con­ tueman II and III missiles at six end street. $550 per month. Manchester. CT 06040 communications system and the 844 cast for a two-year term and had yard. $260. Includes all. after 5:00 p.m. ference In New York. Left to right: firefighter, welder, miner and Lease and security. Mr. work gloves to fit her, North American air defense bases in Montana, North and South appeared nervous with his hands Telephone 647-8654. 002-10 Blanchard. 646-2482. working women face a asbestos disposal worker. network over the next six years. Dakota, Missouri and Wyoming. shaking as he dropped his vote in the variety of health and safety Announcing his $180.3 billion Other provisions of the “ Reagan ballot box, was lifted high into the BOLTON - TOWN OF MALE PROFESSIONAL problems on the job, she strategic program” included: PERSON wanted to share “ strategy for deterrence” in a brief air and the entire (Congress then GLASTONBURY 1979 YA M A H A 1100 said. device designed to prevent Journplists and others lead to disease.” —Building 100 B-IB bombers by two bedroom Townhouse in PROBATE N0TK:E televised address from the White rose to give the 38-year-old labor HEBRON working with 1,2 SPECIAL - custom seat, back injuries to hospital who use the VDT or CRT in Stellman admitted office Manchester. References Model work en­ House, the president said the 1988 while deploying more than " I'UO leader a standing ovation for several & 3 BR Houses and custom paint, asking $2,- personnel lifting patients. their work occasionally but copying machines are required. Call Scot, 643- ESTATE OF PAUL ROLAND vironments at the con­ program will “keep the peace well cruise missiles aboard modif minutes. apartments from $250. 695. Call 228-4077. Ask for In the model artist’s not continuously cannot be 2711 Ext. 15 days (617 ) 869- HOLIDAY, aka Paul K Holiday, ference came complete marvels of technology but into the next century.” S2s and developing a “ stealth-i In another development, the first Capitol Homes 236-5646. Don after 6 p.m. deceased studio, an artist put in the same class with 2687 nights and weekends.
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