THE YOUNG JEWISH PROFESSIONALS REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT SUMMIT 2011 WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 1 Real People Real Passion Real Commitment Real Estate Arts Celebrating 10 years of building brands and marketing properties for the biggest and best names in Real Estate. Michael Goodgold + Branding +1 212 226 3300 [email protected] + Design realestatearts.com + Interactive 2 THE YOUNG JEWISH PROFESSIONALS REAL ESTATE Real People Real Passion INVESTMENT Real Commitment SUMMIT 2011 Real Estate Arts THE CHELSEA PEARL WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 14 , 2011 MODERATOR Bruce S. Cybul Partner, Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP PANELISTS Gary Barnett CEO, Extell Development Matt Bronfman President, Jamestown Properties Neil Rubler President & CEO, Vantage Properties Michael Goodgold + Branding Adam Schwartz +1 212 226 3300 Managing Partner, Angelo, Gordon & Co. [email protected] + Design realestatearts.com + Interactive 3 YOUNG JEWISH PROFESSIONALS STELLAR STANDARDS The Young Jewish Professionals (YJP) is a grassroots organization dedicated to the creation and advancement of social and business opportunities for New York City’s young DQG-HZLVKSURIHVVLRQDOV5HJXODUO\RUFKHVWUDWLQJKLJKSUR¿OHVRFLDOHYHQWVDQGHYHQLQJV attended by hundreds of New York’s Jewish socialites, the YJP’s stellar standards have come to be recognized as trend setters and forerunners of the entire New York Jewish social scene. The YJP has also acQuired a space and art gallery in the heart of Chelsea, where young Jews in their 20’s and 30’s can meet in a welcoming, congenial, stylish and relaxed setting. We serve as a hub for social, professional networking and cultural events for Jews of all backgrounds to foster personal growth, social change, and communal connection. Our platform provides the ability and opportunity for young professionals to participate in strengthening the Jewish community through involvement, hands-on volunteering and SKLODQWKURS\LQ1HZ<RUN&LW\7KH<RXQJ-HZLVK3URIHVVLRQDOVLVD F QRQSUR¿W charity organization. 4 YOUNG JEWISH PROFESSIONALS REAL ESTATE The YJP Real Estate Division was launched in July 2009 to a sold out crowd of 400 real estate professionals and has since gained constant popularity for its stellar, informative HYHQWV2XUHYHQWVDUHDK\EULGRIDQHQMR\DEOHVRFLDOVFHQHDVZHOODVKLJKSUR¿OHUHDO estate panels. From the likes of Lloyd Goldman and Stephen Siegel to Stanley Chera and Steve Witkoff, we always present an A-list group of Panelists. We’re here to provide a platform for young professionals to advance their careers in Real Estate and connect with new friends and business associates in their related industries. After all, we never know where the next piece of business may come from. 5 MODERATOR BRUCE S. CYBUL PARTNER SCHULTE ROTH & ZABEL LLP %UXFH 6 &\EXO LV D SDUWQHU LQ WKH 1HZ <RUN RI¿FH RI Schulte Roth & Zabel, where he focuses his practice in WKH DUHDV RI UHDO HVWDWH RZQHUVKLS GHYHORSPHQW ¿QDQFH DQG UHVWUXFWXULQJV +LV FOLHQWV LQFOXGH PDMRU ¿QDQFLDO institutions and private eQuity, hedge and opportunity funds in their real estate, capital markets and securitization activities, bond purchases and controlling holder activities, including workouts and restructurings, purchases and sales of mortgage and mezzanine loans and co-lender and participation interests therein, and construction and other loan originations. Bruce also represents servicers and special servicers in their workouts, restructurings, foreclosures, guarantor litigations, UCC sales and other realizations on collateral; and developers and owners RI FRPPHUFLDO LQGXVWULDO UHWDLO RI¿FH KRWHO UHVRUW UHVLGHQWLDO DQG PL[HGXVH SURSHUWLHV LQ WKHLU ¿QDQFLQJ workout and purchase and sale activities. Bruce has been cited as a leading real estate lawyer in numerous professional listings and industry surveys, including Chambers USA and The Legal 500 United States; Madison Who’s Who, New York Super Lawyers and The Best Lawyers in America. He is a sought-after speaker who recently presented “Distressed and Troubled Real Estate Loans” at the New York State Bar Association’s Advanced Real Estate Practice conference, participated in the SRZ webinar “Real Estate Mezz Loans: What You Need to Know” and participated in “Commercial Real Estate in a Post- Recession Era,” a GlobeSt.com and SRZ webinar. 6 Bruce is a long-time member of the Section on Real Property, Probate and Trust Law of the American Bar Association, the New York State Bar Association and the New York City Bar Association. He received his B.A. from Hobart College and his J.D. from Washington University School of Law. 7 HONOREE KENNETH ASCHENDORF C0-FOUNDER APF PROPERTIES He is the co-founder of APF Properites, and established this real estate investment company. Current portfolio includes six major 0DQKDWWDQ RI¿FH EXLOGLQJV WZR 3KLODGHOSKLD RI¿FH EXLOGLQJV DQGDSRUWIROLRRIQLQHRI¿FHEXLOGLQJVLQ*HUPDQ\ZLWKFXUUHQW evaluation in excess of US $600 million. Primary responsibility for management and leasing of all holdings of APF Properties. Handling investment sales for whole portfolio. He received Bachelor of Science degree, in Management Science from New York University in October 1985. 8 HONOREE ANDREW BARROCAS CEO MNS Andrew currently oversees more than a billion dollars in real estate. He has managed, trained, recruited and worked with New York’s top agents and brokers. A graduate of the WP Carey School of Business at ASU, he was one of the Top 30 Brokers Under 30 featured in the Real Deal. Andrew brings a stellar track record to MNS, which he has grown to over 125 people in 5 years. He also serves as a licensed teacher of real estate brokers and sales. 9 HONOREE PERRY M. FINKELMAN PARTNER AND MANAGING DIRECTOR AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT GROUP With over 30 years of experience as a leader in real estate PDQDJHPHQWPDUNHWLQJ¿QDQFHLQYHVWPHQWDQGGHYHORSPHQW Perry M. Finkelman is a Partner and Managing Director of the American Development Group. Mr. Finkelman has successfully EXLOWDQGPDQDJHGRI¿FHLQGXVWULDODQGUHWDLOSURMHFWVWKURXJKRXW the New York Metropolitan region; additionally, he has created over 3,000 apartments. Furthermore, Mr. Finkelman is a Partner and Managing Director of Automotion Parking Systems -- a high-technology company ZKLFKGHYHORSVDXWRPDWHGKLJKHI¿FLHQF\SDUNLQJZDUHKRXVHV Perry M. Finkelman graduated from the Bernard M. Baruch College of the City of New York and is on the Board of Directors of numerous organizations, including the Long Island Division of the Jewish National Fund, State of Israel Bonds, Yeshiva Har Torah, and The Jewish Children’s Museum. He also created a private mentoring relationship for Autistic children with local artists who have found their “voice” through artistic outlets. 0U )LQNHOPDQ LV DQ ([HFXWLYH &HUWL¿HG 3URSHUW\ 0DQDJHU &30 DI¿OLDWHGZLWK/DQJVDP3URSHUW\6HUYLFHVDQ$02 organization, and a Registered Apartment Manager (RAM). 2WKHU SURIHVVLRQDO DI¿OLDWLRQV LQFOXGH WKH 5HQW 6WDELOL]DWLRQ Association, Community Housing Improvement Program (CHIP), Associated Builders and Owners, Bronx and Manhattan North Board of Realtors, Long Island Board of Realtors, and 1<6 (QHUJ\ (I¿FLHQW %XLOGLQJ $VVRFLDWLRQ $GGLWLRQDOO\ 0U Finkelman was the Chapter President of the Institute of Real Estate Management for Long Island from 1992 to 1996. 10 HONOREE BERNDT PERL CO-FOUNDER APF PROPERTIES LLC Cofounder of APF Properties in New York, New York. Established this real estate investment company. Current portfolio includes VL[PDMRU0DQKDWWDQRI¿FHEXLOGLQJVWZR3KLODGHOSKLDRI¿FH EXLOGLQJVDQGDSRUWIROLRRIQLQHRI¿FHEXLOGLQJVLQ*HUPDQ\ with current evaluation in excess of US $600 million. Primary UHVSRQVLELOLW\IRUGHEW¿QDQFLQJDQGUHODWLRQVKLSVZLWKEDQNV and investors, acQuisition of new properties, and management of properties located in Pennsylvania. Degree of Master in Business Administration from Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration. General Management Curriculum with emphasis on Finance and International Business. Second-year honors student. Received Bachelor of Science degree from Duke University, magna cum laude, in Management Science and Accounting in two and a half years. Academic honors included Dean’s List, Class Honors, and election to the Honorary Society Phi Eta Sigma. 11 PANELISTS GARY BARNETT CEO EXTELL DEVELOPMENT Gary Barnett is President and founder of Extell Development Company, a full-service real estate developer of residential, commercial and hospitality properties. Extell is one of Manhattan’s most active developers, and has owned and developed a portfolio in excess of 20 million square feet. Among Extell’s current projects are: the development of Riverside South, a vibrant new neighborhood on the Upper West Side, which when complete will include more than 7,000 new homes, retail plazas, restaurants, parking and 21 acres of parkland; the International Gem Tower, a 700,000 sQuare- IRRW RI¿FH EXLOGLQJ LQ 1HZ <RUN¶V 'LDPRQG 'LVWULFW WKH redevelopment of The Carlton House Hotel at Madison Avenue and 61st Street into luxury condominiums and prime retail properties; One57 which will be the tallest residential building in the city and will include 95 ultra-luxury condominiums DERYHD¿YHVWDU3DUN+\DWWKRWHORSSRVLWH&DUQHJLH+DOO Other notable Extell projects include: 535 West End Avenue; The Lucida, on The Upper East side; The Belnord, a landmark, residential building on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, the W Hotel in Times SQuare; the master renovation of The Stanhope KRWHO DW WK $YHQXH LQWR KDOI DQG IXOO ÀRRU OX[XU\ residences and the InterContinental Hotel overlooking the Boston Harbor. 12 Prior to a career in real estate,
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