TEXAS STADIUM’S LAST DAYS --- 8 PAGE pull out section IrvingIrving RamblerRambler www.irvingrambler.com“Irving’s weekly community newspaper” April 17, 2010 Calendar Page 4 Classifieds Page 5 Cheater faces Movies Page 21 Obituaries Page 17 Police Page 3 consequences Puzzles Page 20 Worship Page 13 Page 18 Scholarships help Irving stars to shine By Jess Paniszczyn “Mr. Singley served 44 years to the Shah of Singley Academy ad- honoring all the scholarship win- ships as I should have. But I am The Irving Schools Founda- district. It was his passion and his dressed the crowd. ners throughout the district. extremely glad that I did choose to tion hosted the 23rd annual Break- love. It really was his life. He loved “I’d like to thank the Irving “In the rush of college appli- apply to Irving Schools Founda- fast with the Stars at the Four Sea- everything about the school dis- Schools Foundation for this won- cations and school work, I didn’t tion,” Mr. Shah said. sons on April 12. During the event, trict. This was one of the first derful Breakfast with the Stars really apply for as many scholar- See SCHOLARSHIPS, Page 22 which was dedicated to the events he wasn’t able to attend. So memory of Jack Singley, 94 schol- we wanted to be able to remember arships were presented to high him in a special way. Lion’s Roar features local talent school seniors and two scholar- For the seventh consecutive ships were presented to teachers. year, John McCaa served as the “The Breakfast with the Stars breakfast’s master of ceremonies. is important to everyone,” said “This morning we are here to Mandy Hamilton, Executive Di- recognize young people who have rector of the Irving Schools Foun- done the right thing, young people dation. “This is our 23rd event. who have done the honorable People look forward to the event thing, young people who under- every year and hearing about the stand there really is no such thing success of our students. as a short cut. You must do the “The program was great. We work. You do the work, you get the had a lot of success this year. It reward. looks like we have a 43 percent “Those of you who are teen- increase in our unrestricted rev- agers close your eyes for a second. enue generated this year. There In a few years from now, you will was a lot of excitement not only be on your own. You are going to because it was our 25th silver anni- have your own apartment, your versary, but because we also dedi- own car. Nobody can tell you what cated the event to the memory of to do. If you want to walk around Mr. Jack Singley. all day in your underwear in your apartment, you can do that. No one will complain. The only trouble is at the end of the day you’ll have to figure out some way to earn a liv- ing. So as we adults like to say, PERIODICALS IRVING TEXAS IRVING POSTAGE PAID POSTAGE ‘Welcome to our world,’” Mr. PERMIT #024981 McCaa said. After receiving the Nissan Rock’n like it’s 1984, the Nimitz Vikas present a routine to Footloose during the Irving Noon North America Scholarship, Parth Day Lions Club’s Lions Roar. Opportunities await women in law enforcement By Jess Paniszczyn Women and the attributes they and I have absolutely loved it. I into the field know that we have The Irving Police Department bring with them are needed in law was looking for something other female officers to help them presented their Women in Law En- enforcement. than an office type environment. through the training process.” forcement Career Expo in the Irv- “Women are an asset to the When I was first hired, I was ex- During the expo, Officer Naya ing Mall on April 10. police department. Generally we cited that someone was giving me Pope explained the options and “This event is a good oppor- are very good with communication the chance to show I can do this requirements for women interested tunity for someone who is consid- skills. A lot of it is dealing with the job. in law enforcement. ering law enforcement as a career public after something adverse has “Everyone has been so posi- “Today we are telling people choice to find out more informa- happened, so it is good to be able tive and supportive of female of- they can work as a law enforce- The Irving Rambler Box 177731 P.O. Irving, TX 75017 tion,” said police recruiter Officer to communicate well with people,” ficers. I have always been treated ment officer, a certified police of- Kalena Barber. “For those who she said. like one of the guys. ficer or as a detention officer, if have never thought about a career “Women also have the ability “I’ve received a lot of great they are not interested in the front in law enforcement, this is an op- to mitigate any type of volatile situ- training. Irving has an excellent lines. The minimum requirements portunity to learn about a possible ation. Women are very good at training program for all of the of- to become a police officer you career choice. handling those types of situations ficers. Some of our female police must be 21 years of age and have “The Police Department is without escalating it to a violent officers work in our training divi- 60 hours of college. The maximum looking at six to eight new police situation,” Officer Kalena Barber sion. So we have training for age is 45. To become a detention ving Rambler $0.25 ving Rambler $0.25 ving Rambler $0.25 ving Rambler $0.25 ving Rambler $0.25 Ir Ir Ir Ir Ir officer openings. We are giving a said. women by women, which is a big officer, they must be 18 years of police test in June for an academy “I have been a part of the Irv- asset for someone new coming into that will start in August.” ing Police Department for 14 years the field. Female officers coming See WOMEN, Page 5 Page 2 April 17, 2010 www.irvingrambler.com The Irving Rambler TH Homeschool Fair hosted in Irving 6 ANNUAL IRVING HERITAGE SOCIETY Provided by Karen Harmon the day’s activities along with fect event. We loved everything Trash Pizza, Optical Illusions, Olympic style games. about the day.” Lego creations, quilts, desserts, When asked what could make “We had a blast,” Sandy Fish Fry judges, and a jump rope team, what the Fair better next year, Kumari Lowry said. “This was our first do all of these things have in com- Devagharan a homeschooler from year to participate and we will defi- mon? The 3rd Annual Homeschool Euless, said, “Nothing. It’s a per- nitely be back next year.” Fair in Irving. PAVILLION FRIDAY Held at Lee Park Rec- AT APRIL 23, reation Center on March CENTENNIAL 2010 27th, the fair brought to- PARK gether over 100 area 444 WEST 5:30 pm homeschoolers. Children SECOND TO 7:30 pm from preschool through STREET high school were able to showcase their many talents in areas such as: writing, Advance Tickets $12.50 At The Gate $15.00 sewing, history, crafts, fine Children Ages 3-8 $5.00 art, science, photography, Children 2 and under free baking, and recycled items. During the judging process, Buy Tickets at Clothes Quarters, 142 S. Main, participants enjoyed enter- or Mustang Museum at Williams Square, tainment from Creative Arts or from any Heritage Society Board Member Academy and The Falcon Flyers, a competitive jump For more information call 972-252-3838 rope team from Lake Dal- or go to our website www.irvingheritage.com las. Lunch was included in In case of rain, the event will be held at the same place and time one week later. Learning can is when friends and Legos are involved during the annual Homeschool Fair. Advertisement POLICE & FIRE Aggravated Robbery: 04-09-10 Suspect is described as being His- at 9:20 p.m. The victim parked his panic, approximately 5’6” tall, vehicle in the Tree Country Apart- medium build with short black hair ments. As he was walking away, and clean shaven. Further he is said he was approached by a male that to have a slight Spanish accent but pointed a handgun and demanded spoke fluent English. He was wear- money. The victim provided his ing a white T-shirt and black Dickie wallet and keys. The suspect then brand pants. fled the scene. The vehicle was described as a Traffic Stop / Burglary Arrest: white newer model SUV 4/door 04-10-10 at 1:30 a.m. Patrol possibly a Chevrolet Tahoe or stopped a Dodge pick-up at east similar style vehicle. bound 114 and Tucasa for a traffic violation. During the stop it was Police Investigators are asking discovered that the two occupants anyone with information about the were both felons and had shotguns. man or the vehicle to call the Irv- They were both arrested for the ing Police immediately 972-273- felony offense. 1010. Auto Theft / Arrests: 04-13-10 at 1:16 a.m. A witness saw two sus- picious males in the Santa Rosa Irving Fire Apartment’s parking lot holding some tools. The two males broke Department into a neighbor’s truck and drove Activity summary it away. The witness contacted Irv- ing Police Department and a re- Apr. 8 - 14, 2010 sponding officer spotted the stolen Irving Fire Department vehicle and another vehicle follow- responded to 401 incidents.
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