tf South's High School Leaders Meet In Georgetown If you see a lot of new and for a busy schedule that ends Sat­ M. today with a general session eral session on the theme "The session at 9 A. M., when Gerald political rally for the candidates EDITORIAL fine-looking teenage faces in urday with the southern associa­ that finds Mayor O. M. Higgins, American Way—Liberty's Pride." Van Pool, director of the National for office in the south-wide as­ Georgetown this weekend, do not tion's election of officers for the Georgetown County Senator C. C Later today discussion groups Association of Student Councils sociation. be surprised. coming year. Grimes and Winyah High Princi­ will be conducted to delve into from Washington and Herman Al­ New officers will be chosen at Winyah High School is host to Georgetonians have responded pal Harvey I. Rice, Jr., welcoming such topics as school spirit and dridge, International Paper Com­ the third general session Saturday Glad To See You the Southern Association of Stu­ to the convention with a heart, visiting students and adults to honor systems. A banquet is pany's general counsel in Mobile, when the Rev. Jerry Hammet, dent Councils for the first annual opening their homes to house the Georgetown County. planned at 6 P. M. tonight to be deliver the principal addresses. from the University of South Car­ convention to be held in South many delegates visiting here. The President/ I the Southern followed by a dance from 8 to During the day, panel dicussions olina's Westminister Fellowship To the scores of teeriage student council leaders Carolina in over 11 years. Following registration procedures Association of Student Councils, 11:30 P. M. will be held; a tour is planned to will speak. from throughout the South, their adult advisors and Some 300 high school student at Winyah High School yesterday, Jay Barbera, of Thibidaux (La.) A long day of activities starts Fort Sumter, The Citadel and And then for Georgetown's council leaders from 14 southern the Student Council leaders begin High School, will deliver the pres­ Friday with an advisors' breakfast Charleston; followed by meeting.; young visitors, a long trip home chaperones, The Times wishes to extend a word of states and 120 adult advisors and a cram-packed scheduled at 9 A. ident's address at the first gen­ at 7 A. M. and the second general of delegates from the various will begin to small and large cities welcome on behalf of Georgetown County and the chaperones arrived here yesterday states to plan for an 8 to 10 P. M. through the sprawling southland. ^City of Georgetown. "We're glad to see you." You are visiting in an area where early Ameri­ can history was written; where agricultural societies were built and crumbled about such crops as indigo awgrfoton Situ** and rice; where the impact of the industrial revolu­ SUBSCRIPTIONS: IN STATE $3.00 Georgetown, S. C. 29440 Thursday, October 27, 1966 Prk« 10c 1>er c°py Vol. No. 170 -- No. 49 tion was first felt and prospered with one raw ma­ OUT OF STATE $3.50 '4 terial (timber), and then reawakened and at times Slept nestled in the security of a new technology (paper). Secret Service Seizes $30,000 And today the challenge of new industry, growth and economic diversity flies high in a community that boasts the heritage of the first settlement of Spaniards on the shores of North America in 1526; In Counferfeit Currency Here the landing of such Revolutionary War stalwarts as An alert waitress and a persist­ validity of a $20 handed her and chief of detectives saw the money. wagon owned by Michael Edward Lafayette and dsKalb; the campaigns of Francis ent young detective in Cincinnati, went to a young Cincinnati de­ he replied it looked all right to McDaniels, 29, of Charleston. Mc­ Ohio, Friday teamed together for tective, who, as chance would him, but the young officer persist­ Daniels, formerly an employee of Marion; one of oldest Jewish cemeteries in the United the break in a counterfeit case have it, was in the restaurant at ed in checking with the Secret a Charleston television station, is States; some remarkable men of the Civil War era that led to the seizure of about the same time. Service. an employee of Factor Printing $30,000 in bogus $10 and $20 bills The bill looked phony to the of­ In their investigation, Secret Company of Georgetown. such as Plowden C. J. Weston; a Negro community in Georgetown Saturday. ficer. He then held a South Caro­ Service officers found $15,000 in About $30,000 in counterfeit $10 that started building churches when the War Be­ The waitress questioned the lina man for suspicion. When the counterfeit currency in a station and $20 bills were seized in Georgetown Saturday by Secret tween The States ended: the visiting grounds of such Service agents in a raid at Factor figures of history as President Washington, Monroe, Printing, an offset printing com­ Grover Cleveland and the two Roosevelts; the resi­ Candidates Step-Up Visits pany on Front Street. Michael Lewis Rice, 23, owner dence for many years of such a figure of American fi­ and operator of Factor Printing, has been charged by the Secret nance as Bernard Baruch and the winter home of Service with manufacturing and Tom Yawkey, owner of the Boston Red Sox. As General Election Nears possession of counterfeit U. S. currency. Rice was arrested Saturday by nominee for lieutenant governor, His opponent, Archie Odum, In visiting Georgetown, you will find a commu­ With less than two weeks left Secret Service agents with the campaigned informally in George­ will be in Georgetown at 10 A. M. before the November 8 General assistance of Georgetown Chief of nity awake but still yawning; a county which early town County Tuesday on a hand­ Friday for the opening of the GOP Election, candidates of both the Police Fred Nobles and Officer W. shaking tour. A similar visit was headquarters in the 700 block ot realized the meaning of the Industrial Revolution in Democratic and Republican Par­ L. Sarvis. He was taken before a made recently by Congr_ssman Front Street. ties have been appearing in U. S. Commissioner in Conway the latter days of an economic depression in the John L. McMillan. Georgetown County with greater where he waived a hearing, waiv­ 1930's that saw the great nations of the world stumble and greater frequency. ed an attorney at that time and and fall in the face of economic challenge. U. S. Senatorial candidate Ern­ was released under a $2,000 bond est F. Hollings capped off a busy for appearance at the next term day last Thursday that began with SCN's Andrews Bank Plans of Federal Court in Charleston. Georgetown County is a peculiar kaleidoscope of meeting mill shifts in the Pied­ Rice, a native of Ann Arbor. mont hy ipeaking at the Harvest American history. We reflect its many changes and Michigan, came to Georgetown AWARD PRESENTED—Mayo:- O. M. HUgins presents Mrs. <j£ 4-festival ps. Folly Grove. its numerous challenges. Greg Duffy with the B&PW Club's ^ift for the Care«r Open House Tomorrow several years ago to work for a (aid South Carolina's radio station. He later operated a Woman of the Year. * arc lied to no-one's Georgetonians trust that your visit here will be South Carolina National's new additional hours (4 to 6 p. m.) on recording business before opening coattailt and have turned in a a printing firm here over a year distinguished job of representing bank in Andrews will hold Open Friday. The first banking day will both enjoyable and meaningful. House for the public Friday, Oc­ be Monday, October 31. ago and was a substitute teacher the state in Washington and for awhile. "We're so glad you came, and 'do now', y'all have Mrs. Duffy Named governing the state in Columbia. tober 28. The new manager, Mr. Blewer, Saturday saw the full state­ The event will be held from 4 has been with SCN since 1957 and A complaint filed by Robert E a good time." wide slate of Republican candi­ to 6 p. m. with an invitation to has lived in Andrews since July. Camp, Special Agent in Charge of 1966 Career Woman dates at a chicken-«_og supper at citizens of the entire area. A graduate of The Citadel, he U. S. Secret Service in Columbia, the National Guard Armory, with The Mayor of Andrews, Woody has completed several courses charges that Rice and McDaniels Republican congressional candi­ Brooks will be present at the rib­ with the American Banking In­ falsely made, counterfeited and Mrs. Greg Duffy has been nam­ clothes for needy school children date Archie Odum attacking his bon cutting which will take place stitute, is past master of the forged the counterfeit money at ed Georgetown Career Woman of Tindal Home and preparing Christmas boxes off opponent for "ineffective use of at 4 p. m. SCN Executive Vice Orange Lodge No. 14 A. F. M., and Factor Printing Company during the Year by the Business and Pro­ clothes and toys for indigent his seniority." President Wallace L. Reed will is past president of the Masters the first part of October. fessional Women's Club. youngsters in thc county. The Republicans campaigned on also be present. and Wardens Club, 1st and 2nd The $30,000 in bogus money The busy housewife, who is em­ Mrs.
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