00000001 TechnicalMemorandum79710 Spatial Land-Use Inventory, Modeling, and ProJeotlonl Denver Metropolitan Area, with Inputs from Existing Maps, Alrphotos, and Landeat Imagery Craig Tom, Lee D. Miller and Jenold W. Chrleteneon (NASJt--TM-?9710) SPAT]:&;, I&lIC-OS_ IWVEII_0BTw _'/9-18_22 MODEII_G, AND PROJECTION/_tWV_B BETI_OPOLI'raN _REae WITH _rNP_Ts FROn EXISTING M_PSe alBP_IOTOSe aND _IIDSA'_ IRaGEBY (W,lSA) 215 p Onclas H(. AIO/BF A01 CSCL uSS G3/43 1_3q,3 AUGUST 1978 ....................... NationalAerOnauticsand SpaceAdministration GoddsrdSpat,aRightCenter Greenbelt, Maryland20771 _ " _....'° ° _" " ..... 00000001-""'""'_-o,_uo ..... _,,_,4.i_ _ - _ : _ _ .... :..... _,,, ,-,, r' : ..... "" .............. _..- .... _'_ ;. _ SPAI'IAL LANIbLISI': INVI;NI'O'RY. MOI)FI IN(;. AND I'Rt)JFI'I'ION/I)F'NVFR MFI'ROI'I:)LI'rAN ARFA. WH'II INPirI'S FROM I'XISTIN(; ltlAl,_i. AIR'PIIOFOS. AND LANI)SAT IMA(;FRY C. Ton! (A_hwado._lale [lnivCrsily Forl Collins, (\dorado _0.¢_.1 I. I). Milk'r Texas A & M [InivCrsity (_,lh:ge ,_lalioll, "_'¢'._aS77_40 alld I. W. Chrislenson Goddard Space Flight Center (;r¢¢rrb'elt.Mad'Rind 20:_71 August. to78. NATIONAL AFRONAUTICS AND SPACF AI)MINISFRATION 00000001-TSA04 rhis document makes u,_ of international metric units according to the Systenle hll:ernational d'Llnites (SI). In certain ca_'s, utility requires the rCtel)tion of other systems of units in addition to tht"Si units. The conven- tional units .stated in parenthL',_s following the computer SI equivalents are lhe basis of tl)e nlea_rements and cah:ulations reported. Throughout tlzis doculnent, conventional units of in_asur¢, wllich are cus- tonlary for land-u,_" l_lanuillg, ar¢ u_'d in the figures"and tables and tlleir _-,iptiOllS, 3 ........ 00000001-TSA05 SPATIAL I.AND-USF INVENTORY, MODELING, AND PROJECTION/DENVER METROPOLITANAREA, WITII INPUTS FROM EXISTING MAPS, AIRPIIOTOS, AND LANDSAT IMAGERY C. Tom_ L D. Miller° and J. W.O_ristenson ABSTRACT The research objectives were to overlay ancillary map data onto a Landsat multispectral data base, create and t_,sz_and-usechange prediction models, and map land uses in the Denver Metropolitan Area. Linear- discriminant analysis was used to model spatially projected land-use changes and to chssify the single-date Landsat-I image with ancillary data inputs. A landscape model was constructed with 34 bnd-use, physiographic, socioeconomic, and transportation ! maps. A simple Markovland-usetrend model was constructed from observed rates of change and non- t change from photointerpreted 1963 and 1970 airphotos. Seven multivariatebnd-use projection models predicting 1970 spatial land-usechanges achieved accuraciesfrom 42 to 57 percent. A final modeling strategy was designed, which combines both Markovtrend and multivariatespatial projection processes. Landsat-I image preprocessingincluded geometric rectification/resampling, spectral-band,and band/ insolation ratioing operations. Rectangulartraining-set selection gave biased and unreproducible results. A new, systematic grid-sampledpoint training-setapproach proved to be useful when tested on the four original MSSbands, ten image bands and ratios, and all 48 image and map variables(less land use). Ten- variable accuracy was raised over 15 percentage points f_om 38.4 to 53.9 percent, with the use of the 31 ancillary variables. Only three optimal ancillary variablesadded almost 12 of these 15 percentage points of improvement. The maximum-fikelihoodratio classifier was also established to be inferior to linear- discriminantanalysis for land-use mal_ping. A land-useclassification map was produced with an optimal ten-channel subset of four image bands and six ancillary map variables. Point-by-point verification of 331,776 points against a 1972/i973 U.S. Geolog/cal Survey (USGS) land-use n_apl_reparedwith airphotos and the same classification scheme showed average first-, second-, and third-orderaccuraciesof 76.3, 58.4, and 33.0 percent, respectively. The averagedirect development cost for this 24-class land-usemapping effort with the 48-variableover- layed Landsat spectral/spatial map data was $0.0468 per hectare {$0.0189 per acre), or $704.19 per ! :24,000-scale USGS quadrangle,with tile direct production cost using only the optimal ten-cltannel spectral/spatial data set estimated at an averageof $0.0317 per hectare ($0.0128 per acre), or $47?. 17 .... per 7.5 minute USGS quadrangle. _, Recommendations for further evaluation study include densification of socioeconomic data. improved digitization of topographic elevation, input of collateral soils data, multidate land-usechange detection, greater use of ancillary map data. and further information systems development. *Aportionof theworkwasperformedwhileservingas aSeniorPostdoctoralResearchAsmctate,GoddardSpaceFlightCenter. iii .... " " °" .... '..... 00000001-TSA06 ACKNOWLI_DGMENTS This research has benefited from the cooperation,interaction, and counsel of many people over its span of 6 years. Throughout the long days and equally long nights, many people contributed their dedication, en- couragement_ ideas_ expertise, labor, underfumding, and just plain enthusiasm and friendship to the multi- tude of tasks both mundane and monumental that led to the eventual fruition of this effort. Any attempt to name them all would,be incomplete and would do injustice to someone. Therefore, it is hoped thaf those who participated will recognize their contributions to the success of this project and that we are indebted to each and every one of them. All the work was completed at Colorado State University and was supported chronologically as follows: • U.S. Department of lnterioi', EROS Prosram, Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, Denver, Colorado • Colorado State University, University Computer Center, Ft. Collins, Colorado • Colorado State University, Department of Forest and Wood Science and Department of Civil I=ngineerin8, Ft. Collins, Colorado • NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Landsat Follow-On Support to the Federation of Rocky Mountain States, Denver, Colorado • NASA/Goddard Space l_lisht Center, Eagth Resources Application Branch, Census Project, Greenbelt, Maryland I_] PA_d_IgtTgMIOMM,L¥ BLANK. v 00000001-TSA07 (XJNTENTS Page ABSTRACT ................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................ v CHAPTER l - INTRODUCTION ...................................... 3 GENERAL ................................................ 3 Planning Process .......................................... 4 Needed Technology Transfer ................................... 4 STUDY OBJECTIVES .......................................... 5 SCOPE OF THE RESEARCH ..................................... 6 GENERAL APPROACH ......................................... 6 ANALYSIS PROCEDURES ....................................... 8 Data Resources ........................................... 8 Analysis Procedures ......................................... I I Utilization of Computer Program Modules ........................... 12 DETAILED REPORT ORGANIZATION .............................. ! 3 CHAPTER 2- LANDSCAPE MODEL CONSTRUCTION ........................ 17 INTRODUCTION ............................................. 17 CONSTRUCTION OF A SPATIAL DATA PLANE ........................ 19 Map Sampling Procedure ..................................... 19 Compilation of the Data Plane .................................. 22 CONSTRUCTION OF LAND-USE SUBMODEL .......................... 27 CONSTRUCHON OF PHYSIOGRAPHIC SUBMODEL ...................... 35 CONSTRUCTION OF TRANSPORTATION SUBMODEL ..................... 46 CONSTRUC'ICIONOF SOCIOECONOMIC SUBMODEL ...................... 54 SUMMARY ................................................. 56 CHAPTER 3 - SPATIAL LAND-USE PROJECTION ........................... 69 INTRODUCTION ............................................. 60 DETERMINATION OF RECENT LAND-USE DYNAMICS .................... 69 t MARKOV LAND-USE TREND MODEL ............................... 70 MULTIVARIATE LAND-USE SPATIAL PREDICTION MODEL ................ 77 Relationship of Land-Use Change to Landscape Variables .................. 79 Spatial Modeling Concepts .................................... 79 vii V{ 00000001-TSA08 CONTENTS (Continued) Page Initial Spatial Modeling Test .................................. 81 Tests of Other Generic Spatial Models ............................. 83 Pl'oposed Advanced Spatial Model ................................ 96 CHAPTER 4- LANDSAT LAND-USE CLASSIFICATION ....................... 101 INTRODUCTION ............................................. 101 OVERLAYING LANDSAT IMAGES ON THE LAN.DSCAJ_E.MODEL.............................. 104. ...... Review of Image Processing .................................... 104 Preproce_ing for Geometric Rectification ........................... 105 Preprocessing to Fozm MSS-Band Ratios ............................ 111 Mergin&of Landsat and Landscape Data Planes ........................ 11 ! Preprocessing to Remove Terrain Effects ............................ 111 MULTIVARIATE CLASSIFICATION WITH RECTANGULAR TRAINING SETS ...... 114 MULTIVARIATE CLASSIFICATION WITH GRID-SAMPLED TRAINING SETS ...... 120 Verification ............................................. 123 MAXIMUM-LIKELIHOOD CLASSIFICATION WITH GRID-SAMPLED TRAINING SETS ............................................ 125 PRODUCTION OF LAND-USE MAPS ................................ 128 Selection of Optimal Mapping Variables ............................. 132 First-Order Theme Map .....................................
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