27/08/2019 18.00-21.00 Welcoming Dinner at AVANI Khon Kaen Hotel & Convention Centre 07.30-08.30 Registration WELCOME REMARKS Dr. Somsak Jangtrakul Governor of Khon Kaen Province OPENING REMARKS Assoc. Prof. Chanchai Phanthongviriyakul, M.D. The Advisor to President of Khon Kaen University Photo Session & Souvenir Handover 08.30- 09.00 WELCOME REMARKS Associate Professor Dr. Kulthida Tuamsuk The Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor Dr. Amporn Tamronglak President of APSPA 28/08/2019 Associate Professor Dr. Sukanya Aimimtham Head of Public Administration Programs KEYNOTE SPEAKER Dr. Rachel Nolan, MP (Director of McKell Institute and Chair of Queensland Advisory 09.00-10.00 Board) “Towards Public Policy and Governance for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” 10.00-10.15 Souvenir handover 10.15-11.40 PARALLEL SESSION 1 (Room 1-6) 11.40-13.00 *Lunch break* 13.00-13.50 PARALLEL SESSION 2 (Room 1-6) 14.00-14.40 PARALLEL SESSION 3 (Room 1-6) 14.40-15.30 Campus and City Tour 09.00-10.10 PARALLEL SESSION 4 (Room 1-6) CLOSING CEREMONY AND WAY FORWARD Speech and Presenting the Best Paper Award by Professor Dr. Amporn Tamronglak President of APSPA 10.30-11.15 29/08/2019 Speech and Closing Remarks by Associate Professor Dr. Sataporn Roengtam The Chair of Organizing Committee of ICONPO IX Handover to the Host of ICONPO X Photo Session 11.15-12.30 Lunch and Prayers Campus and City Tour 30/08/2019 09.00-15.00 Visits Cultural and Tourism Areas (10.15-11.40) PARALLEL SESSION 1 THEME ROOM 1 LE 1. Dyah Mutiarin, Nur Khaerah, Mohammad Khozin Making Gender Responsive Budgeting Works in Makassar City: A Study on Makassar Health Department 2. Pratumtip Thongcharoen The Dialectics of Disasters and the Theory of Public Finance in the Digital Age 3. Anchana Saengkaew Assoc. Prof. Sataporn Co-Production and Local Governance Development Roengtam 4. Akbar Mukmin, Haedar Akib, Sulaiman Samad, Yuhadi Samad, Amiruddin GLOBAL ISSUES Mastery of Principal Entrepreneurship Competencies in Senior High Schools in Sinjai Regency Indonesia 5. Maria Pia M Sison, Ramelyn L. Bracero; Resa Mae C. Laygan; Gerrylou Sweet M. Pia; Shiela G. Sinconiegue Establishing A Sustainable Community-Based Enterprise: The Case of Lugait Mamingkahay Association in Lugait, Misamis Oriental ROOM 2 LE 1. Ahmad Martadha Mohamed, Halimah Abdul Manaf, Sataporn Roengtam Designing a Sustainable Framework for Inclusive Smart City: Harnessing Findings and Lessons from a Study of Selected Local Governments in Kedah Malaysia 2. Sudiarti Dewi, Iin Dwi Aristy Putri, Haedar Akib, Said Saggaf, Andi Caezar to Tadampali Strategy of Planning of the State Civilians (ASN) Pension Program in Professor Dr. Achmad The Office of Balai Latihan Kerja (BLK) Kota Makassar Nurmandi, M. Sc 3. Nurul Aliah, Gufran Darma Dirawan, Akbar Mukmin, Haedar Akib, Yuhadi Samad GLOBAL ISSUES Potential Development of Tourism Destinations Tongke-Tongke Mangrove Forest in Sinjai Regency, Indonesia 4. Resa Mae C. Laygan and Dr. Maria Pia M. Sison An Economic Valuation of Freshwater Ecosystem Services in Lawis River Spring: Towards A Sustainable Community-Based Ecotourism 5. Djaka Marwasta, Farid Suprianto Urban Poverty Alleviation Endeavor through e-warong Program: Smart City (Smart People) Concept Initiative in Yogyakarta ROOM 3 ST 1. Mr. Marvin Renelle Rollo & Ms. Karen Areta Collaborative Governance in Batangas, Philippines: A Manifestation of the Implementation of SALINTUBIG (Sagana at Ligtas na Tubig Para Sa Lahat) Program 2. Pitri Yandri, Dominicus Savio Priyarsono, Akhmad Fauzi, Arya Hadi Dharmawan, Meimansyah Kusmayadi Zebua Formulating and Validating Sustainable Residential Area Indicators in Suburban Indonesia Case Study: South Tangerang City 3. Intan Adhi Perdana Putri, Atika Zahra, Imam Syafii, Dedi Adhuri, Dr. Rohana Ahmad Mochammad Nadjib Saving Mangrove, Saving People: Fish-Collab, A Collaborative GLOBAL ISSUES Governance Approach for Protecting Mangrove in Langkat, North 4. Maria Francesca Mangahas and Hannah Mae Medes An Assessment on the Coordination of the Metro Manila Development Authority with the Local Government Units of Mandaluyong, Makati, Taguig, and Quezon 5. Natthakrit Bamrungwong, Varin Vongmanee, And Wanchai Rattanawong Effect of Carbon Emission from Road Transportation When EEC Project Started in 2020 ROOM 4 LE 1. Armin Rauf, Haedar Akib, Firman Umar, Andi Thamrin, Mustari Collaborative Partnership in Management of Community Health Centers (Puskesmas) In Wajo Regency, Indonesia 2. Kara H. Dupay and Reynante B. Casiro Apex Mining Company Incorporated (Amci): Its History and Socio- Economic Impact to The Municipality of Maco, Compostela Valley 3. Henni Zainal, Hamsu Abdul Gani, Maya Kasmita, Muhammad Rizal, Muhammad Basri Professor Dr. Ahmad Prospective Regional Financial Performance of Makassar Towards a Martadha Mohamed World City 4. Fakhri Kahar, Herlina Sakawati, Muhammad Lutfi Siraj, Normawati REGIONAL ISSUES Haerul Analysis of Mastery of Village Secretary Competencies in Kahu District, Bone Regency, Indonesia 5. Myrma Jean A. Mendoza, Sulpecia L. Ponce, Irene Estrada, Marph Daryl O. Porras Gender and Development in Southern Philippines: Comliance of Gad Budget Policy in Selected Communities in Iligan City ROOM 5 ST 1. Aulia Nur Kasiwi & Shaikh Muzamil Ahmed How Halal Industry Does Affected Awareness in Muslim Country? Case Study Indonesia and Pakistan 2. Eve Quennarrah Rochelle C. Cortezan, Grace O. Galache The Effect of the Kitanglad Guard Volunteer (KGV) In The Enforcement of Policies and Programs in The Protection of the Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park 3. Moris Adidi Yogia, Made Devi Wedayanti Assoc. Prof. Sida Evaluation of Licensing Services in The Integrated Licensing Service Sornsri Office Pelalawan District REGIONAL ISSUES 4. Akhmad Rifky Setya Anugrah, Michiel Köhne, Rosanne De Vos The Impact of Oil Palm Expansion Towards Local Farmers Sense of Belonging in Sajingan Kecil, Sambas Indonesia 5. Justang Fariel Maulana Analysis of The Kampung KB Program Implementation in Improving Family Welfare in Air Dingin Village, Bukit Raya District, Pekanbaru City ROOM 6 LE 1. Bill C. Odchigue, Marjorie T. Sobradil Perceptions of The Registered Voters On the Re-Imposition of Death Penalty in The Philippines 2. Miptahul Janah, Amy Yayuk Sri Rahayu Study of Fraud Prevention in Indonesia National Health Insurance Program: A Collaborative Governance Approach Professor Dr. Amporn 3. Pattamapong Rattanakosai, Tutchaporn Srimuang, Suttichai Tamronglak Rakjan Political Advocacy Coalition: Urbanization and Policy of Food THEORETICAL DEBATES Security in Thailand 4. Yeni Widowaty, Laras Astuti Restorative Justice as Ideal Concept in Law Enforcement on Environment Pollution Caused by Waste in Indonesia 5. Muchsin Syaharuddin, Jamaluddin Ahmad, Hardianti Fertilizer Subsidy Policy Implementation Evaluation Government Onion Farmers Increase Productivity in Enrekang 11.40-13.00 *Lunch break* (13.00-13.50) PARALLEL SESSION 2 THEME ROOM 1 LE 1. Andi Cudai Nur, Risma Niswati Partnership Strategy in The Area Development and Tourism Infrastructure in The East Coast of South Sulawesi Indonesia 2. Happy Susanto Community Development at Banyu Urip Oil Field in Bojonegoro Regency 3. Fachri Radjab, Haedar Akib, Jasruddin Rifdan, Firman Umar Assoc. Prof. Sukhanya Three Parties Partnership Between Bmkg, Government Institution Aim-imtham and General Public On Management of Rainfall Observations Networks in South Sulawesi GLOBAL ISSUES 4. Wei Yang, Sukanya Aimimtham, Chuanchen Bi Pro-poor tourism: a new tourism policy in China for precision poverty alleviation 5. Rohana Ahmad, Moe Shweo Sin, Md Aris Safree Md Yassin, Rosyidah Mohamad Employing transformational leadership characteristic to enhance succession planning, program implementation of a Public University in Terengganu ROOM 2 LE 1. Sisomphou Singdala, Phoutthalath Xayalath, Uodomphone Sicongsa, Congphakone Vongsouphanh, Vanhmany Amphonephong, Khamia Chandala The Banking Sector to Promote Agriculture Sectore and Poverty Reduction in Lao PDR 2. Grace O. Galache, Niño Tulang Assoc. Prof. Somsak Curbing Agricultural Child Labor: Challenges and Initiatives of the Srisantisuk Local Government in the Province of Bukidnon 3. Maryam Qonita, Djaka Marwasta To Strive a Sustainable Smart City: Lesson Learnt from Salatiga City GLOBAL ISSUES Governance, Indonesia 4. Krittika Inta, Lamai Passadee, Anavin Suwanna and Sittisak Yeeyoun Social Engagement and Social Innovation Promotion through Design Thinking Framework and AIC Technique 5. Jazzel O. Lauderis Leah Eve B. Petalino Netcellyn A. Ramay Revisiting Public Mall Vicinity as Basis for Traffic Comprehensive Program ROOM 3 ST 1. Wardatul Yunita Tikasari, Nisrina Nurika Agustin Collaborative Governance in Administering Health for People with Disabilities (Case Study in Surabaya City) 2. Rifki Elindawati; Noviyanti Soleman Iceland’s Tourism: Moving Towards Sustainable Tourism Assist. Prof. Viyuth 3. Sanyen Pasaribu, Dwi Yani Qurrota A'yun, Meki Wastiti, Nisrina Chamrasphan Nurika Agustin, Nurul Izza Salsabilla, Ulil Albab Nur Collaborative Governance: Optimization Strategy of Tourism GLOBAL ISSUES Destination in Sumenep, Madura 4. Nizar Fauzan; Fakhri Naufal Azhar The Role of Twitter as A Social Media Platforms of Central Java Government for Sustainable Tourism Development ROOM 4 LE 1. Andi Muslihin, Husain Syam, Haedar Akib, Dahyar Daraba, Muhammad Syukur Application of The Principles of Public Entrepreneurship in Asset Management in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia 2. Nur Faidati Bridging Social
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