HMIS Bulletin - Shamli Volume - 2, FY 2016-17 March 2017) - As on 12 April 2017 National Health Mission Government of Uttar Pradesh Prepared By : MIS Division State Program Management Unit, Uttar Pradesh. HMIS (National Health Mission Bulletin) Shamli - Uttar Pradesh April-March (2016-17) S. No Sections 1 District Profile 2 District At a Glance 3 MCTS status 4 HMIS Data Uploading and Forwarding status 5 Maternal Health 5.1 Antenatal Care 5.2 Delivery & Postnatal care 5.3 High risk preganancy and obstetric complications 5.4 C Section and Complications attended and treated 6 Child health 6.1 Live Births & New Born Care 6.2 Child Immunization 7 Reproductive Health 8 Indicators and Estimations 8.1 List of Indicators covered 8.2 Estimation sheet District Shamli - Profile at a Glance Unmet Unmet District AHS 2012- IMR NMR U5MR MMR TFR CBR need need for Total 13) spacing limiting Shamli (Muzaffar 51 37 71 204 3.2 23.5 16.4 10.9 27.3 Nagar) Demographic Profile Infrastructure Delivery Points Human resource Training Total No. of No. of N0. of Medical Medical S.no. Block Population Sex Literacy Gram SN in Trained Trained Trained Revenu VHSNC CHC PHC SC PVT AWCs L1 L2 L3 officers officers # ANMs # AWW # ASHAs (Census ratio rate Panchay block in SBA in NSSK in PPIUCD e Village formed (MBBS) (Ayush) 2011) at 1 Kairana 2 Kandhla 3 Shamli 4 Thana Bhawan 5 Unn 6 DHQ 7 Kudana Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Shamli - Percent of facilities reported in HMIS by Month, FY 2016-17 Total No. of Block Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Facilities Kairana 27 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Kandhla 38 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Shamli 14 71 71 71 100 29 100 100 100 100 43 79 79 Thana Bhawan 31 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 97 100 100 100 Unn 37 100 92 100 92 100 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 Kudana 28 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Grand Total 175 98 96 98 98 94 98 98 98 98 94 97 97 % Facilities Uploaded data as on 5th of the month % Facilities forwarded data as on 10th of the month 100 99 99 99 100 100 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 95 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 0 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Shamli - MCTS Status on crititical indicator as on 3rd Apr 2017 Registration and Updation 100 Trend of Registration 85 84 78 81 73 71 73 70 70 67 65 % of % of % of % children received % HRP 59 63 58 57 % of Children % PW received 3 % PW delivered 50 53 55 53 50 56 Mother Mother Children full immunization against PW 46 46 Block Registration- ANCs against Est. against Est. PW 28 32 Registratio Registratio Registration- against Est. Child 15- registered in MCTS PW 15-16 15-16 n- HMIS n- MCTS HMIS 16 2016-17 0 April June Aug Oct Dec February % Mother Registration % Child Registration 115.9 102.9 56.4 75.9 167.0 189.3 126.8 2.3 Kairana 99.2 87.6 48.2 69.3 70.9 64.6 55.9 3.8 % of Mother Services against PW estmated for 2015-16 Kandhla 95 100 110.7 31.4 340.3 22.5 47.6 43.3 2.3 2.6 72 Shamli 80 64 59 60 91.7 79.5 52.0 68.3 83.5 75.3 61.2 4.9 40 Thana Bhawan 20 110.6 102.2 33.4 77.0 74.3 76.4 62.9 12.2 0 Unn ANCs 1 ANCs 2 ANCs 3 Full ANCs 90.2 85.1 15.4 84.2 54.7 51.6 40.8 4.7 Kudana Immunizatioan Grand Total 103.5 80.7 96.2 64.9 64.0 62.5 46.0 5.5 49 49 48 48 47 HRP identificaton and updation on MCTS is poor Child registrationn is poor PW registration of MCTS is less then HMIS Shamli shows some duplication >100% 47 46 46 46 >80, <=100 45 >=50, <=80 44 <50 April-March (2016-17) Shamli At a Glance Ante Natal care (ANC) Delivery care Estimated PW 39660 Estimated delivery 36415 Total reported deliveries Total number of pregnant women Registered for ANC 41492 35044 Institutional delivery 29648 Total Pregnant Women registered in MCTS 33020 Number discharged under 48 hours of delivery 3261 Of which Number registered within first trimester 25312 Women receiving post partum checkup within 48 hours 10498 Number of pregnant women received 3 ANC check ups 28648 JSY incentive paid to Mothers for institutional delivery 8757 TT2 or Booster 34426 Home delivery 5396 Total number of pregnant women given 100 IFA tablets 37361 Delivery conducted by Non SBA 5391 Number having Hb level<11 (tested cases) Number of newborns visited within 24 hours of Home 17282 4903 Delivery Pregnant women with Hypertension (BP>140/90) : New 597 cases Number of mothers paid JSY incentive for Home deliveries 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 Child care and Immunization Fammily Planning Estimated live birth 36054 Total unmet need for family planning 119997 Total live birth reported 34701 Total Children registered in MCTS 23897 Total Users using any FP method (Limiting & spacing) 22288 Still birth 421 Newborns weighed at birth 34297 Potential Unmet need for Limiting Method 27080 Newborns having weight less than 2.5 kg 3344 Newborns breast fed within 1 hour 34294 Limiting Metod users (Male & Female sterilization) 803 Infants 0 to 11 months old who received BCG 38659 Infants 0 to 11 months old who received OPV 0 24300 Potential Unmet need for Spacing Method 40744 Infants 0 to 11 months old who received Hep B 0 15130 Infants 0 to 11 months old who received Measles 36110 Spacing Method Users (IUCD&Oral Pills) 16840 children 9 and 11 months fully immunized 36030 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 0 100002000030000400005000060000700008000090000100000110000120000130000 Shamli ANC Services Reported in HMIS during FY 2016-17 April-March April-March Trend of ANC registration (in numbers) ANC Services, Trends, Distribution and Performance 3998 3699 3705 4000 3591 3399 3468 3550 2673 3286 3200 3000 2473 2427 2395 2394 Total Number of 2323 2250 2185 2150 2091 2036 2021 % of ANC Of which Propotiona number of % of ANC pregnant % of ANC 1520 2000 1520 registered Number % of ANC te pregnant registered TT2 or women received Block to registered received 1000 estimated women within 1st Booster received 3 3ANC estimated within first TT2/Booster PW Registered trimester ANC check checkups 0 Pregnancy trimester for ANC ups ANC Registered Reg. within 1st trimester Kairana 6661 7718 115.9 5222 67.7 6486 97.4 6428 96.5 Monthly estimated ANC Kandhla 7305 7250 99.2 4848 66.9 7216 98.8 4746 65.0 Percent Distribution of Registered for ANC by Type of Facility Shamli 7098 7858 110.7 3229 41.1 4518 63.7 4679 65.9 CHC 19% Thana Bhawan 7274 6667 91.7 4542 68.1 5843 80.3 4720 64.9 Unn 6530 7225 110.6 4709 65.2 5905 90.4 4416 67.6 PHC SC 7% 74% Kudana 4791 4323 90.2 2674 61.9 4118 86.0 3352 70.0 Grand Total 39660 41041 103.5 25224 61.5 34086 85.9 28341 71.5 AHS (2012-13) 58.0 66.9 51.6 Gaps in ANC Registration : >100% Total ANC Reg. of Dist is 103% reported over the period whereas as per AHS it was 58%, early registration is 62% AHS it is 67%. Shamli has reported >80, <=100 only 41% of early registration. >=50, <=80 <50 3 ANC is showing 72% of Dist whereas in AHS it is 52%.Here is seems like under reporting. All registered PW do not receive 3 ANC as registration trend is 103% but 3 ANC is 72%. Shamli - Delivery Services Reported in HMIS during FY 2016-17 April-March Delivery Services, trends, distribution and progress Trend of reported delivery to estimated deliveries (in number) 9000 8256 % of % of Of which Total % of institution institution Number 7000 number % of delivered JSY % of JSY % al al discharge of delivery women incentive incentive 5000 3863 Block delivery deliveries deliveries d under 2885 Deliveries missed in discharge paid to paid to 2690 facility 2221 2437 2440 2441 2302 reported among among 48 hours deliveries 3000 Deliveries 1559 1973 1977 (Home+In reporting d within Mothers mothers reported estimated of stitution) 48 hours 1000 delivery delivery delivery Total number of HomeTotalofnumber Deliveriesconducted at PropotionateEstimated Kairana 6116 1286 2172 3458 56.5 43 62.8 35.5 237 10.9 1693 77.9 Delivery reported Monthly Estimated delivery Kandhla 6707 1371 1876 3247 48.4 52 57.8 28.0 93 5.0 1595 85.0 Percent Distribution of deliveries by type of Facility Missing Shamli 6517 0 22123 22123 339.4 -239 100.0 339.4 2207 10.0 3062 13.8 4% CHC 29% Thana Bhawan 6679 1178 2284 3462 51.8 48 66.0 34.2 577 25.3 1915 83.8 PHC Unn 5996 870 1124 1994 33.3 67 56.4 18.7 92 8.2 452 40.2 1% Kudana 4399 691 37 728 16.5 83 5.1 0.8 32 86.5 40 108.1 SC PVT.
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