Journal of Nuclear Medicine, published on November 20, 2014 as doi:10.2967/jnumed.114.146019 FOCUS ON MOLECULAR IMAGING Theranostic Nanoparticles Feng Chen1, Emily B. Ehlerding2, and Weibo Cai1–4 1Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, Wisconsin; 2Department of Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, Wisconsin; 3Materials Science Program, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, Wisconsin; and 4University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center, Madison, Wisconsin chemotherapeutics (4,5). Active targeting can also be particu- larly valuable in treating poorly vascularized small metastases Theranostic nanoparticles hold the potential to revolution- (,100 mm3), for which enhanced permeability and retention ize disease management. Over the last decade, there has been growing interest in the engineering of various kinds of alone may not be effective. So far, most previously reported theranostic nanoparticles for simultaneous cancer imaging and uses of theranostic nanoparticles have focused on passive tar- therapy in small animals. Efficient targeting of theranostic geting strategies. It is still a major challenge to engineer bio- nanoparticles to the tumor site is critical for both diagnosis compatible theranostic nanoparticles able to actively target and therapy. However, difficulties still exist in the engineering tumors with high specificity. Here, we discuss the status, chal- of biocompatible theranostic nanoparticles with highly specific lenges, and future outlook for theranostic nanoparticles. in vivo tumor-targeting capabilities. Here, we discuss the current and prospective status of theranostic nanoparticles that actively target tumors, as well as the challenges that still exist. GENERAL SYNTHETIC RULES AND Key Words: theranostic nanoparticle; cancer; active targeting; TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH theranostics; nanomedicine Generally, theranostic nanoparticles can be engineered in J Nucl Med 2014; 55:1–4 several ways. For example, therapeutic agents (e.g., anti- DOI: 10.2967/jnumed.114.146019 cancer drugs and photosensitizers) may be conjugated, or loaded, to existing imaging nanoparticles such as quantum dots, iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs), and gold nano- cages. Another option is tagging of imaging contrast agents, Theranostic nanoparticles are multifunctional nanosystems such as fluorescent dyes, optical or magnetic nanoparticles, well designed for specific and personalized disease man- and various radioisotopes, to existing therapeutic nanoparticles. agement by virtue of their combining diagnostic and In addition, encapsulating both imaging and therapeutic agents therapeutic capabilities into a single biocompatible, bio- together in biocompatible nanoplatforms such as polymeric degradable particle (1). Ideal theranostic nanoparticles nanoparticles, ferritin nanocages, and porous silica nanopar- must accumulate rapidly and selectively in targets of interest, ticles is also effective. Finally, engineering of unique nano- report biochemical and morphologic characteristics of disease, particles (e.g., porphysomes, 64Cu-CuS, and gold nanoshells or efficiently deliver sufficient drug on demand without damag- cages) with intrinsic imaging and therapeutic properties gives ing healthy organs, clear from the body within hours or be the desired results. For improving the blood circulation half-life biodegraded into nontoxic byproducts, and be safe for humans and providing active tumor-targeting capability, surface modi- (1). Although numerous types of theranostic nanoparticles, fication with polyethylene glycol and different targeting ligands both organic and inorganic, have been developed over the last will usually be performed. ½Fig: 1 decade for treating cancer (Fig. 1) (2,3), none has yet satisfied Although advancement of nanoparticle-based imaging and all these criteria. therapeutic agents into clinical trials is struggling because The value of active targeting of tumors has been demon- of toxicity concerns, progress has been made during the last strated by many preclinical studies and clinical trials with decade. So far, the Food and Drug Administration has ap- peptide- or antibody-conjugated imaging nanoparticles and proved more than 35 imaging or therapeutic nanoparticles for clinical trials (6). Theranostic nanoparticles are still in the Received Sep. 18, 2014; revision accepted Oct. 22, 2014. early translational stages, with nearly all efforts being de- For correspondence or reprints contact either of the following: voted to preclinical studies and no clinical trials to date. The Feng Chen, Departments of Radiology and Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Room 7137, 1111 Highland Ave., Madison, WI 53705-2275. engineering of theranostic nanoparticles using Food and E-mail: [email protected] Drug Administration–approved imaging or therapeutic Weibo Cai, Departments of Radiology and Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Room 7137, 1111 Highland Ave., Madison, WI 53705-2275. nanoplatforms may be a viable option. Platforms such as E-mail: [email protected] biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles, IONPs (currently Published online ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪. COPYRIGHT © 2014 by the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular used in clinical practice), gold nanoparticles or nanoshells Imaging, Inc. (NCT00356980, NCT00848042), silica nanoparticles THERANOSTIC NANOPARTICLES • Chen et al. 1 jnm146019-sn n 11/1/14 overexpressed in many kinds of cancer, including ovarian and breast cancers (10). The porphysome nanostructure is a biodegradable, liposome-mimicking, intrinsic theranostic nanoparticle. In- terestingly, the disassembly of this RGB porphysome can convert the thermal ablation mechanism (i.e., photother- mal therapy) back to the singlet oxy- 1 gen ( O2) generation mechanism (i.e., photodynamic therapy). Inspired by FIGURE 1. Organic and inorganic nanoplatforms for theranostic nanoparticle this, researchers were able to develop synthesis. CNTs 5 carbon nanotubes; GO 5 graphene oxide; NPs 5 nanoparticles. targeting-triggered activatable nanobea- (Image of quantum dots was reprinted with permission of Evident Technologies.) cons by synthesizing folate-conjugated porphysomes (11). The results showed (NCT02106598), and silica–gold nanoparticles (NCT01270139) an efficient disruption of the porphysome nanostructure may hold a greater chance of speeding up the translational pro- and the switching of photodynamic activity after the spe- cess. cific internalization of folate-conjugated porphysomes into tumor cells (Fig. 2). Other folate-conjugated theranostic ½Fig: 2 ACTIVE TUMOR TARGETING AND RELATED LIGANDS nanoparticles include the heparin–folic acid–IR-780 nano- particle (12) and folate-conjugated drug or dye-loaded Efficient targeting of theranostic nanoparticles to the IONPs (13). tumor site is critical for both diagnosis and therapy. Some nanoparticles accumulate in tumor tissue on the basis of TARGETING OF INTEGRIN αvβ3 enhanced permeability and retention, whereby the leakiness of the tumor vasculature combined with poor lymphatic Peptide-modified ferritin nanocage (a protein-based drainage enables accumulation within the tumor matrix (7). nanoparticle made of 24 subunits, which can be self- However, because of the tremendous heterogeneity in tumor- assembled into a cagelike nanostructure) is another attrac- vessel leakiness over space, time, and different types of tive biocompatible nanoplatform. It may be used for the tumors, as well as the unpredictable tumor extravasation targeted delivery of imaging agents (e.g., radiometal isotopes of nanoparticles with varied sizes, shapes, and surface and fluorescent dyes) and therapeutic agents (e.g., photo- charges (8), the passive targeting strategy has its own lim- sensitizers and doxorubicin) to tumors that overexpress a b itations and may work only in certain fast-growing mouse integrin v 3. and human xenograft tumors for nanoparticles with a rela- For example, nanocages loaded with ZnF16Pc, which is 1 tively long blood circulation half-life. a potent photosensitizer with a high O2 quantum yield, and In contrast, theranostic nanoparticles that actively target modified with RGD4C were recently developed for in vivo a b tumors are developed by further conjugating different integrin v 3-targeted imaging and photodynamic therapy targeting ligands to recognize and selectively bind to receptors (14). Through replacement of ZnF16Pc with copper- that are overexpressed on certain tumor cell or tumor precomplexed doxorubicin and near-infrared dye (ZW800), endothelial cell surfaces. Recently, tumor angiogenesis (or vasculature) targeting has been considered a generally applicable approach for most functionalized organic and inorganic nanomaterials (9). Depending on the physical and chemical properties of a specific theranostic nanopar- ticle, as well as the tumor model of interest, the targeting ligands may be antibodies, small peptides or molecules, lectins, aptamers, engineered proteins, or protein frag- ments. To date, only a few examples of theranostic nano- RGB particles that actively target tumor in vivo have been reported. Representative examples will be discussed in the following sections. TARGETING OF FOLATE RECEPTOR FIGURE 2. In vivo fluorescence activation imaging and Folic acid is known to display high affinity (dissociation photodynamic therapy response of nontargeted porphysome 210 constant, ;10 M) to the folate receptor, which is a gly- and folate-porphysome in KB tumor–bearing mice. Tumors cosylphosphatidylinositol-linked membrane protein
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