1938 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 6987 CONFIRMATIONS Harold E. Roger.s, Chowchilla. Executive nominations confirmed by the Senate May 17 Alice D. Scanlon, Colfax. <legislative day of April 20), 1938 Alfred F. Seale, Cottonwood. Alice E. Schieck, Eldridge. UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE Frank T. Ashby, Etna. Thomas A Murphree to be United States district judge Bert R. ::tlild, Fair Oaks. for the northern district of·Alabama. William D. Mathews, Fort Jones. UNITED STATES ATTORNEY Ralph W. Dunham, Greenfield. Summerfield S. Alexander to be United States attorney Josephine M. Costar, Greenville. for the district of Kansas. Lena M. Preston, Harbor City. UNITED STATES MARSHAL Anthony J. Fost~r, HaYWard. George J. Nevin, Huntington Park. Lon Warner to be United States marshal for the district of Kansas. Wood I. Glasgow, LeGrand. Charles M. Jones, Lodi. WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION Bert A. Wilson, Los Banos. W. G. Henderson to be State' administrator in the Works Paul W. McGrorty, McCloud. Progress Administration for Alabama. Joseph T. Mcinerny, Merced. PROMOTIONS IN THE NAVY John Carlos Rose, Milpitas. Royal E. Ingersoll to be rear admiral. Phillip J. Dougherty, Monterey. Alger H. Dresel to be captain. Julia M. Ruschin, Newark. Jacob H. Jacobson to be commander. ·John T. Ireland, Pica. James D. L. Grant to be lieutenant. Josephine Purcell, E.epresa. James E. Kyes to be lieutenant. Merle H. Wiswell, Roseville. Warren H. McClain to be lieutenant. · James R; Wilson, Sacramento. John G. Gragg to be lieutenant. Grace E. Patterson, Samoa. Robert H. Taylor to be lieutenant. George H. Treat, San Andreas. Edgar J. MacGregor, 3d, to be lieutenant. Richard T. Ambrose, Santa Barbara. Parke H. Brady to be lieutenant. Edith E. Mason, Santa Fe Springs. Everett 0. Rigsbee, Jr., to be lieutenant. Charles S. Catlin, Saticoy. John A. Moreno to be lieutenant. Wesley L. Benepe, Sebastopol. John F. Tatom to be lieutenant. Robert B. Montgomery, Sequoia National Park. John H. Armstrong, Jr., to be lieutenant. Arne M. Madsen, Solvang. Louis D. McGregor, Jr., to be lieutenant. Harold B. Lull, South Gate. R-owland c. Law'ver to be lieutenant. William Clyde Brite, Tehachapi. Ray E. Malpass to be lieutenant. Elsie · B. Lausten, Walnut Grove. George G. Palmer to be lieutenant. Harry Bridgewater, Watsonville. Joseph B. H. Young to be lieutenant. Fannie R. Wiley, Winton. Kirke G. Schnoor to be chief radio electrician to rank INDIANA with but after ensign. James R. Kelley, Lebanon. Ormond L. Cox to be rear admiral. Gordon B. Olvey, Noblesville. George ~. _Dowling to be medical inspector with the rank Patrick D. Sullivan, Whiting. of commander. · . Raymond M. Bright to be pay inspector with the rank of commander. · HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES John Flynn to be pay inspector with the rank of com­ mander. TUESDAY, MAY 17,_ 1938 Douglas W. Coe to be naval constructor with the rank of The House met at 12 o'clock noon. commander. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D .• William J. Malone to be naval constructor with the rank offered the following prayer: of commander. • Our blessed Heavenly Father, look down upon us from Thy Ralph S. McDowell to be naval constructor with the rank throne of grace and hear our prayer. Forg~ve our sins, be of commander. gracious unto us, and help us to be true to ourselves in all John D. Crecca to be naval constructor with the rank of that ·pertains to our private and public demeanor. In all commander. situations may we prove ourselves worthy of the honor and William C. Wade to be naval constructor with the rank of the dignity our country has bestowed upon us. Blessed Lord commander. God, enable us to approach duties and responsibilities calmly William R. Nichols to be naval constructor with the rank and undisturbed, remembering that he who is slow to anger is of commander. better than the mighty, and he that ruleth his spirit is better Paul w. Haines to be naval constructor with the rank of than he that· taketh 81 city. Make us zealous in all good works commander. that we may come unto the measure of the stature of the full­ Thomas P. Wynkoop to be naval constructor with the rank ness of Christ. Unto Him be eternal praises, world without of commander. end. Amen. ·PoSTMASTERS The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and CALIFORNIA approved. Gilbert G. Vann, Arbuckle. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Olive G. Nance, Arvin. A message in writing from the President of the United · James B. Ogden, Avalon. States was communicated to the House by Mr. Latta, one of Charles E. Day, Avenal. his secretaries, who also informed the House that on the fol­ Roy W. Scott, Baldwin Park. lowing dates the President approved and signed joint resolu-· Frederick A. Dickinson, Ben Lomond~ tions and bills of the House of the following titles: Harry A. Hall, Bigpine. - I . - On May 11, 1938: - Joseph V. Gaffey, Burlingame. H. J. Res.141. Joint resolution to authorize the issuance to Harry B. Hooper, Capitola. Sekizo Takahashi of a permit to reenter the United States: John M. Gondring, Jr., Ceres. and LXXXIII--440 6988 CONGRESSIONAL ~ RECORD-- HOUSE MAY 17 H. R. 9286. An act to extend the time for completing the H. R. 9760. An act to amend the act of March 2, 1899, as construction of a bridge across the Ohio River at or near · amended, to authorize the Secretary of War to pennit allot­ Cairo, Til. ments from the pay of military personnel and permanent On May 12, 1938: civilian employees under certain conditions;· H. R. 1904. An act for the relief of Florenz Gutierrez; H. R. 9764. An act to authorize an appropriation for rec{)n­ H. R. 4564. An act for the relief of the Floridian Press of struction at Fort Niagara, N. Y., to replace loss by fire; Jacksonville, Inc., Jacksonville, Fla.; . H. R. 9784. An act to authorize an appropriation to aid H. R. 6803. An act for the relief of Mrs. Newton Petersen; in defraying the expenses of the observance of the seventy­ and fifth anniversary of the -Battle of Gettysburg, to be held at H. R. 9415. An act to amend the act entitled "An act to Gettysburg, Pa., from June 29 to July 6, 1938, and for other establish a Civilian Conservation Corps, and for other pur­ purposes; and poses," approved June 2a: 1937. H. R. 10066. An act to amend the District of Columbia On May 13, 1938: . · · Revenue Act of 1937, and for other purposes. H. J. Res. 623. Joint resolution making available. additional . MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE funds for the United States Constitution Sesquicentenni~;tl Commission; . A message from the Senate, by Mr. Frazier, its legislative H. J. Res. 636. Joint resolution to authorize an appro_pria­ clerk; announced that the Senate had passed, with amend­ ments in which the concurrence of -the House is requested, tion for the expenses of participation by the Unit~ States in the Fourth International Conference on Private Air Law; . a bill and joint resolution of the House of the following titles: H. R. 4340. An act for the relief of J. F. Stinson;. H. R.10140. An act to amend the Federal Aid Road Act, approved July 11, 1916, as amended and supplemented, and H. R. 4819. An act for the relief of Joseph Zani; for other purposes; and · H. R. 5623. An act for the relief of Darwin Engstrand, Bt minor; H. J. Res.'678. Joint resolution making an additional appro­ priation for grants to States for .unemployment-compensa­ H. R. 6656. An act making the 11th day of . ~ovember in tion administration, Social Security Board, for the fiscal year each year a legal holiday; . ending June 30, 1938. H. R. 7601. An act for the relief of Eula Scruggs; . H. R. 7675. An act for the relief of Newark Concrete Pipe The message also announced that the Senate had passed bills of the following titles, in which the <;oncurrence of the Co.; · House is requested: . H. R. 8403. An act to ratify and confirm Act . 23 of t~e Session Laws of Hawaii, 1937, extending the time within S. 3699. An act authorizing the Library of Congress to ac­ which revenue bonds may· be issued and delivered under Act quire by purchase, or otherwise, the whole, or any part, of 174 of the Session Laws of Hawaii, 1935; the papers of Charles Cotesworth Pinckney and Thomas H. R. 9042. An act to amend section 2 of the act to incorpo- Pinckney, including therewith a group of documents relating rate The Howard University; · · to the Constitutional Convention of 1787, now in the pos­ H. R. 9198. An act for the relief of certain disbursing offi­ session of Harry Stone, of New York City; and cers of the Army of the United States ahd for the settlement ·S. 3845. An act to create a Civil Aeronautics Authority, of individual claims approved by. the War Department; and to promote the development and safety and to provide for the regulation. of civil aeronautics. H. R. 9526. An act to amend the act of May 27, 1908, 1 authorizing settlement of accounts of deceased officers and The-message also announced that the Senate insists upon enlisted men of the Navy and Marin-e Corps; its amendment to the bill <H. R. 7158) entitled "An act to H. R. 9725. An act to liberalize the provisions of existing except yachts, tugs, towboats, and unrigged vessels from laws governing death-compensation benefits for widows and certain provisions of the act of June 25, 1936, as amended," children of World War veterans, and for other purposes; disagreed t9 by the House; agrees to the conference asked H.
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