; -w 'E c4 =n !iE -.,.' a -^ h! ra ri1 ri{ i{ o\ <J X F cna a E< o Ew Fi rYl -a 4A F{ d $t a- .2 i,b Fq t. .f ^3 Bn( qI:-\ ;q The Magazineof the WellingboroughGrammar School. No.26. SUMMER TERM 1945. Editors .' Dn. A. JecrsoN, V. M. Bayr-rss. Sub-Editors; G. N. Wnlr-s. K. G. Toiupr<rNs. EDITORIAL. It was with regret that we heard this term of the impending departure of our Headmaster, Mr. A. R. Woolley ; we are including in this issue an appreciation of the serviceshe has rendered to the School. The two terms which have elapsed since the last issue of this magazite have seen many important events, Not the least iniportant of these was the long-awaited end of the war in Europe ; its effect has been noticecl already in the numbers of our wartime visitors returning to London and to the coast. We are also eagerly awaiting the return of those masters who left us temporarily to serve in the Forces. This term has also seen the introduction of the New Education Act ; whether it will raise or lower the hieh standard of the School is yet to be seen. A somewhat lesser event has been the erection, on . a portion of the school vegetablegarden, of a building incorp- orating two new classrooms; although it has been over a term since it was started, we are still waiting for it to be put into use. We end by wishing all boys (and the Stafi) as happy a holiday as is possible remembering its curtailment by the new Act. A. R. WOOLLEY. M.A. 1937 _ 1945. ..AN APPRECIATION.'' At the end of this term we are saying goodbye to Mr. Woolley in his official position as Headmaitei. HL came to us in 1937, eight years ago at a time when the School numbers yey l3!. They are now 376. In these eight -sanguineyears the School has made progress exceeding our riost expectations.bothin the standardof the work and in the gelneral activities which go to make school life a pleasure and hap"piness. We have seenin all of this the guidinq hind of the Headmaster. In work he left his Final_Tiiumph to his last year, when the School won five Open S,cholarshipsat our Senior Univer_ sities-a wonderful record for so young a School. No work in the interestsof the boys has been to6 much for him. Their confidence.in him has been a gratifying return for all he has done on their behalf. His populaiity with the Governors, who- have had complete confidince in his organisation, the Staff, the Boys and their Parents has been the"keynote of his success. In addition to his School work, he has taken a keen and active interest in the afiairs of tie Town and his departure will be sorely felt by everybody. In all his work he has had the unfaltering support of nfts. Woolley, whom we shall miss at all SchoolFunitions. They leaveus'officiallv but we hope no^tpersonally and while thanking them for ail they have done for the School,we wish them a l6nE and haoov life at Oxford, where our late Headmasterhas beei uopoiritli Education Secretary to the Appointments Board'bf th" Universitv. P. A. Fivnn, C h air man of Goz; er nor s. SCHOOL NOTES. The Headmaster has been appointed Educational Secre- tary to--the Oxford University Cbmmittee for Appointments and will take up his new dutiei in Arsust. Another loss will be that of Mr. Firrdl"v who has taken a post at Oxted Grammar School, Surrey. H6 will be esoeciallv missedon the Rugger and Cricket fields where he has r6rrd.r"h conspicuous service, being in charge of the Cricket since he joined us in 1949t _Duiing this la-styear he has performed the duties of chief G_eggraihy maste'r. It is h6ped, but hardly expected, that Mr. Dunninq mav retuin td nfi tne vac.ancy by September. Mr. Findley is the first Old Boy to have served on the permanent staff of the School. It is useful, from all points of view, to have at least one Old Bov as a member.of the Common Room and we hope it will noi be long beforeanother joins us. ^ We congratulate J. S. Maddams on continuing our run of successesat the older Universities by his elect'ion to an Open Exhibition for Natural Sciences at eueens' Collese. Cambridge ; and D. W. Robinson on his election to a Rdris Studentship at University College, Nottingham. R. H. Bailey wasprolr. acc;in the A.T.C. Nitional Ess{r Cornpetition, writing on " Experiencesin the A.T.C." F./Lt. l. G. Dunning's outstanding servicesin the R..A.F. have been recognisedby u " Mention in Despatches" and C..H. Garrod,'Gnr., R.A., has beenawarded the Commander- in-Chief's Certiflcate for Gall:intry. To the list of those Old Boys who have given their lives for their Country. there have to be added W:O. G. R. Coe, R.A.F., B. T. Peck, the Royal Scots,and W. J. Berrill, North- amptonshireRegt. partridge, ^ P._J._Neal, A. Warner, J. R. Upton, F. H. formerly Prisoners of War, have all been repatriated. F. t: Causebrookremains in Japanesehands. The Commemoration Address this year was delivered on St. Barnabas' Puy, the^ anniversary of the opening of the School, by the Rev. E. C. Q. rucn, M.A., Carron Res"identiarv of PeterboroughCathedrai and DiocesanDirector of Education. The Athletic Sports Finals were held on lOth May. Tfre weatherwas good until rain ended the -proceedings juit before the Obstacle Race should have been held. Mrs. \Moolley distributed the Cups in the Hall. The House Music Competition was distinguishedby a seriesof excellentperformances, hoth choraland"instrumental. The general standard of achievement was hisher than ever before and a high level of interest was maintainledthrouehout. The Judge was Mr. D. Pritchard, Assistant Music N{as"terat Oundle. Children never know, perhapsrightly, what they owe to their parents, but the School should b.-ea*are of whai it owes to its Parents' Committee. This body has again been vigorous and b_y,.dint_of much hard work and enthJsiasm raisei d10 at a Whist Drive held in the School Hall on Sth Mav ind just over_dS0 by a Fcte held in conjunction with the pa-rents, Cricket Match on 14th June. fhe totul of the School Amgnitt". Fund, thanks to their unsparing efforts, now stands at {106-ls.-2d. __ __.-Th"Old Boys are holding another Dance in the School Hall'on the evening of the O1d Boys' Match, Saturday,2lst July. The Visitors' Book shows that the following Old Boys have called on us this term: Ff Lt. K. J. HolmZs, R.A.F".: Lt. H. H. Maddams, R.l. (from Burma) ; Lt. p. Gibson- Bobi,nson, Green How-ards (from Burma) ; J. B. Bookey, !. Qollegeof Sci,,. D. Spencer, R.-Ay'.; D. A. Smith ; D. P"$uT R.l'/. ,' F. Taylor (Rolls-Royce),. R. Cross, R.l/. ,. A. E. Hustwait, Para. Regt.'; e. N{'.Uait, Enpin. Cit. : Ssi. I., F.-Partri{_Se,1R.-{Azals, formerly P.o.W."; R. H. IiailEy, Of Coder, R.l/. ; J; H. Davis, R"A.F: ; LlCpt. B. W. Gtover. R,. ligyals ; 2lU.J. R. Reid, GreenHowards ; K. Millard, AIA., R.A.F., Halton; D. G. Munns, R.N.,. Szb.-ft. S. R. Elks, R.N-2.R.-; P_.J.-Neal, R.A.S.C. (formerly P.o.W.) ; l. D. q. Jr-oath, R.A.F.,. R. c. W. Weed ; Cit. D. E.'1. Pope, R.A.C. (from Jugo-Slavia); P. J. Hawkins, R.A.it. It should be recorded that Lent Term eventsincluded a brilliant Piano Recital by Mme. Fuchsova; the usual series of . Lenten Addresses; a lecture on China by the Rev. C. Fairclough, and an Old Boys' Dance. SALVETE. None, . VALETE. J. A. Abbott, 1940(3) School Cert., Tulv. 1944. Premier Eng. Co., Wellingborough. _ _ R. H. Bailey,1937 (3) SchoolCert., July, 1g42. H.S.C., July, 1944,Prefect. R.N. D. Braybrook, 1938 (3) School Csrt., Dec., 1948, prefect. Army. ^ R_E Bridgefor4 1939 (3) School Cert., July, 1944. Scott, Bader & Co., Wollaston.' Turner & Bolders, Northampton . _C. H. Clarke, 1939(3) SchoolCert., Dec., 1944. L.M.S. clerk. _ .D,_4...Tranklin,1940 (3) School Cert., July, 1944. Lloyds Bank, Wellingborough. !. {. G-fovgr,1937 (3) School Cert., Dec.,1942. Army. , F...R._C. Jamls, t'940 (S)' Schooi Ceri., 1uly, 1944. Journalist, Evening Telegraph.' D. Knight, 1939 (3) School Cert., July, 1944. Express Boot Co. * J: A. Layfield, 1939 (3) School Cert., July, 1948. Brit. Boot & Shoe AssociationResearch Lab., Ketiering. _ - M, H. _Martin, 1940(3) School Cert., July, 1d44. County Education Offices,Northampton _ ,W_._lr-latenall,1940 (3t School Cert., July, 1944. Midland Bank, Wellingborough. * J. C. Rodhouse, 1940 (3) School Cer.r., July, 1944. Returned to Lowestoft _ B. Sturgess,1940 (3) School Cert., Dec., Ig44. Inland Revenue. _ W. A. Warner, 1940 (3) School Cert., July, 1944. Rolls- Royce Ltd., Derby. _ - M, M. Woolfson,l94l, SchoolCert., July, 1942. H.S.C. July, 1944. Open Exhibition for Physicsjesus College, Oxford. J. Adams J. I. Baker L. E. Best V. Blackman J. R. Brooks R. F. Carr A. W. Drage J. H. Frost F. R. Gibson J. H. Glenister G. F. Hunt R. W. Hunt J. R. Hudson J. W. Hughes E. C. Kettridge w. Lill J. F. Mepham Munnings K. A. G. Page W. E. Pain R. C. Reeves K. C. Rogers Ross Sheffield Steward G.
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